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I dropped my phone in the toilet


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it was bigger than that what i dropped in the toliet.. i had took a picture of it on my phone.. but someone stole it... !


I have some new pics on my new phone, but it was not as big as the other

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i've always been paranoid about dropping my cell phone in the toilet because i've hard so many horror stories about it. so i always hold mine when i go into the bathroom.


however, when i was about three, i was going to the bathroom and happened to be holding my blankie. i finished and flushed without realizing the very end of my blankie was draped into the water...and all hell broke loose. imagine a three-year old having a tug of war with a toilet, trying to get her blankie back. it was traumatizing, to say the least.


at least i won in the end. :P

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ewww :sick:

was it necessary to post a poo picture?!



And speaking about the topic of the thread, I've always been a bit afraid of dropping my iPod in the toilet (because I bring it with me everywhere)... but thankgod this has never happened to me :)

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I feel it should be pointed out at this stage that it isn't actually possible to drop something to the toilet.:dozey:

On or in, but not to.

I noticed that a while ago, but I didnt want to be that guy. You know, that guy who has to say something.:dozey:

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True story.

Happened today between 16:00 and 17:00.

I went to the toilet to have things done, my phone & keyes were in my pocket.

Rolle gets up, pulls her trousers up and PLUMPS the phone lands in the toilet.


Ah, it's the first time this happened to me. I've always wondered what it's like to drop something important to the toilet. Now i know. Not that my phone was that important, it's 3,5 years old, tape keeps it together, the battery is shite etc.


Ironically i had a conversation with my mum about buying me a new phone yesterday so now it looks like i dropped it there on purpose just to get a new one haha.


It got totally wet (obviously) so i broke it into pieces to get the phone dry. It still worked but the screen looked somewhat weird and the sound wasn't quite right either so now i have to use my old phone (it's quite huge and the screen is tiny) but that's alright.


So, have any of you ever dropped their phones, keys, make-up, mp3-players, cd's, deodorant, a cat or a sock into a toilet?

:thinking: i think that it never happened something like that to me... but i am not sure, but what is sure is that i had never dropped a kitty there.


poor you rolle, i hope that you will get a better mobile ;)

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:thinking: i think that it never happened something like that to me... but i am not sure, but what is sure is that i had never dropped a kitty there.


poor you rolle, i hope that you will get a better mobile ;)


LOL! I had a kitten that slipped and fell in once, but there was no flushing involved. Just a wet, humiliated kitty!:laugh3:

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Thanks Mark for letting us know about the mistake!!! :)


No problem. Always glad to help!!;)

Of course, it's also fine to say down the toilet.:D


For example: "Now that Spurs are going to lose their two best players, their forthcoming season is likely to go down the toilet.":lol:

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