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Sleep...Sleep Satisfied!


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My dog, Henry, who I have known all my life had to be put down today!, I'm so sad, I can't express it enough, it is absolutely terrible, my whole family are upset, and my older brother doesn't know yet, and we are not telling him until he comes back from RAF Basic training in two weeks because we think if we tell him it will ruin his time at the RAF and he may not be able to pass!, It is terrible, I havn't cried so much today than i have ever in my life!, He was the best dog in the world, a Chocolate Labrador and he is even older than me! (One month older!), He would be 15 years old (in our years) in December, I am crying now!, It is sooo awful, so I need a bit of comforting guys! :D, My Dad give me my Christmas present today though (New iPod Touch), to cheer me up!, But nothing can replace Henry, and I am devestated,...


Thanks for reading guys!,


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All the best to you fella, all my thoughts are with you, your good family, and your faithful companion you have been so lucky to have.


It may not be much help right now, probably nothing is, but one fine day when the sun finally comes out again you will find it true I'm sure:


I hold it true, whate'er befall;

I feel it, when I sorrow most;

'Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.


(From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850)



Big hugs :)



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All the best to you fella, all my thoughts are with you, your good family, and your faithful friend.


Thanks alot! :D


:cry: I'm sorry about it, Si... and nothing will replace him, but just try to think about the good times with your dog


No worries!, Yeah, I try to think of the good times...;), He was brilliant!:cry:

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I know what you feel. I had 2 cats. One of them died at 13 1/2 years old (kidneys disease) and the other one at 15 (also kidneys). It often happen to cats when aging. The vet had to make them asleep as he couldn't help anymore dispite their diet (special cans bought at the vet). I got very sick as you are for a few days, completely devastated. I thought they had a great life up to their age and they were spoiled too. That's what I thought to feel relieved. Not all pets lead such a nice life, it's what you must remind. Besides, if he didn't suffer it's not too bad but if he did it must make you sick.:(

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I don't really have many comforting words.


But hope you get through this alright. After a few days of mourning you should be able to move on and just be thankful/reflect on the good times.


No worries!, thanks alot :D


I know what you feel. I had 2 cats. One of them died at 13 1/2 years old (kidneys disease) and the other one at 15 (also kidneys). It often happen to cats when aging. The vet had to make them asleep as he couldn't help anymore dispite their diet (special cans bought at the vet). I got very sick as you are for a few days, completely devastated. I thought they had a great life up to their age and they were spoiled too. That's what I thought to feel relieved. Not all pets lead such a nice life, it's what you must remind. Besides, if he didn't suffer it's not too bad but if he did it must make you sick.:(


Yeah, my dog hasn't been well for a while, we had special food for him, but even that wasn't working, so, he really had to be put down! :cry:

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sorry si :( i've never had a dog myself but when both my grandparents dog and my auntie's dog got put down i was unbelievably upset...because i used to look after them all the time so it was like they were my dogs...so yeah i do know how you feel...again sorry si :(


Thanks!, That means alot, It's absolutely awful, all his stuff is still here....his bed, his water/food bowl, his collar, his leads.........




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