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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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You guys were talking about fics with Will as the main character? :P



I wrote a fanfic (a long time ago) where Will is the main character! It's called Healing. Here it is, long version...


Part 1




I could hear the nervousness and anger in his voice.


It was clear as day to me, sounding just as tight and poorly controlled as ever. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, pushing his discomfort to the back of my mind. “Relax, mate.” I said firmly. This just made Chris more upset.


“Will, you promised!”


“I know, but this thing came out of nowhere; I have to go.”


“What am I supposed to do?”


“Just walk.”


“You know I can’t!” Chris actually sounded a bit scared. “It’s far and it’s...not so good out there.”


“Then call a taxi.”


“I can’t call a fucking taxi!”


“Relax.” I said again. I knew Chris had a point, but what could I do about it? I had to pick up my baby niece, and she took priority over my (fully grown) friend in this particular situation. “You’ll be fine. What do you want me to do, leave my sister’s daughter alone and come get you because you can’t walk home by yourself?”


Chris was silent, and I was annoyed that I couldn’t see his bitter expression. “Okay.” His voice was slightly strained. “Fine, Will.” Those were the last words he said, and in a moment, the call was ended before I could say anything else. I rolled my eyes once more, and grabbed the car keys from the tabletop.


As I stepped out into the unusual warmth of the air, I took a deep breath of it. This day had been so long and tense; and I just wanted it to be over. The coming darkness was a reminder that it would all be over soon, which calmed me down considerably. As I slid into the car, I began to regret being so abrupt and uncaring with Chris. I had promised I’d pick him up, and it was a very long walk back to his place through a not-so-great neighborhood. Of course he wouldn’t call a cab; he was too nervous about them too.


In about an hour, I had reached my sister’s house, picked up my niece, and was heading back home. When I finally reached my flat ten minutes later, I shifted the girl in my arms and unlocked the door with a silent sigh. As I walked in, I was shocked to find the lights on. I was sure I had turned them off. I set my niece down slowly and looked cautiously around the hall. I gasped in surprise as I spotted a tall, darkly dressed figure sitting at the kitchen table, then sagged in relief as I recognized him. Chris.


“Oh...hey, man.” said Chris nervously. His voice was devoid of any anger from earlier. “Sorry for, um, invading your house. I had a spare key of yours on my ring, so...”


“Uh, it’s no problem, I guess.” I muttered, my heart still pounding mercilessly. I glared at Chris, angry at him for making me think I was being robbed or stalked or something. He seemed to pick up on my train of thought.


“I’m sorry.” He sounded genuine, so I shrugged, ready to forgive him.


“So you got here all right? Didn’t get murdered or anything?”


The corner of his mouth twitched, and he smiled. “I’m here, aren’t I?”


“Yeah, so why are you here?”


Chris turned his entire body around, looking stiff. “Turns out it was actually farther than I thought. So I walked for, um, a while...and then grabbed a cab and came here, since it’s closer than my place. I figured you might be able to drive me the rest of the way.”


“That’s ridiculous! Why not just keep going on to your house?”


Chris looked a bit uncomfortable as he shrugged. “Saves a bit of money. And Gwyn’s away, so I don’t mind a bit of company.” I was surprised that my niece had stayed this quiet so far, but it wasn’t going to last. As expected, she began to whine, pulling on my leg.


“I’m tired...” she moaned. Chris tilted his head to get a better look at her.


“What a pretty girl.”


I gave him a withering look. He had no idea how annoying this child was. “Thanks. I’ll just set her up on my bed until Janine can get her. Yes, yes, Julie, I know...” I added as she began to whine again. Chris gave a quiet huff of laughter and leaned back in his chair. Well, my chair.


After I got my littlest niece situated in the comforter on my bed, I dragged myself back into the kitchen. I looked around blankly for a moment, and then I realized Chris had moved; he was now lying on the couch, leaning against the arm of it. His eyes were closed, and he didn’t move as I slid into the room. I knew that he didn’t know I was there, and I was about to tap him on the shoulder (I could give him a good scare), when I noticed something troubling.


Chris’s brows were knit tightly, as if he were in pain. His face, in the low light of the lamp, looked a bit pale. He was also biting his lip, and I frowned, unsure of what I should do. “Stop that.” I muttered, tapping his cheek with my forefinger. Chris’s eyes flew open and he jerked up, startled.


That much was normal, but when he fell back to the couch, a soft cry of pain was ripped from his throat. I instinctively took a step back, watching him lie there, trembling and breathing shallowly. I was frozen for a moment, trying to process what had just happened.


I suddenly found myself next to him, and I didn’t even remember moving. “Chris? Chris!”


No answer.


I leaned over him and touched his shoulder, my mind flooding with the sound of a million warning bells. My stomach tightened in concern as Chris continued to not acknowledge me. “Hey. Hey...what’s wrong?” I asked quickly.


“God...Will?” he moaned, his voice shaking. “You scared me.”


“Yeah, and then you fucking screamed!”


“I didn’t... sc-scream.”


“Fine, but you were close.” How could he still be so stubborn? “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked once more.


“I must have pulled something, I guess.” It was still hard for Chris to speak steadily, but he didn’t seem to be in much pain anymore. “It just hurts a bit when I m-move too fast...I’m fine.”


“A bit? It sounded like more than a bit. Are you hurt or something?”


“No, I just...it’s nothing.”


“I want to make sure. Just let me look, and then I won’t bother you again.” I gestured towards his chest, the area of his body he was unconsciously cradling.


“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I knew immediately I had picked the right spot.


“Then let me look.”


“No!” he was more adamant this time, and he even pulled himself up a bit so he wasn’t in such a prone position. I didn’t want to upset him or cause him any more pain, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t hiding something bad. I knew I could hold him down forcefully, but I also knew how much damage that could do to his trust in me. No, I couldn’t force him. I wouldn’t.


“Please, Chris.” I said, holding out my hands non-threateningly. I knew I could be rough with him, and sometimes insensitive, but the truth was that I cared about him...loved him like a brother. Of course I’d never say it, but I would never deny it. Perhaps Chris could hear it in my voice that I wasn’t going to let him get out of this, because he slowly (yet surely) removed his arms from around his chest. “What happened?” I asked for the third time.


Chris glanced up at me, a resigned look in his eyes. He seemed almost ashamed. “I walked.”


Once those words had sunk into my head, I slid down on the couch next to him. “But...what...?”


“Just ran into some guys; it’s nothing...”


“You mean that you...” I was slowly processing the information. “What did they do to you?” I was furious at whoever had gotten to him, and terrified at the same time. What if he’d really been hurt badly? Even now, was he in more pain than I could see?


“They...they just...” He was starting the choke on his words again, in obvious discomfort. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head by the dozen, and I needed to get the first one off my chest. After all, he was showing most of the symptoms...


“You weren’t...raped, were you?” It sounded blunt and uncaring, but I needed to know.


“WHAT? No, of course not! Shit, man...!” He was glaring at me incredulously, and I knew instantly he was telling the truth. At least I could stop worrying about that particular thing. “No, they just...got me in the chest a few times.” Chris rubbed his wrists absently, his little self-comforting gesture.


“Okay then, lift up your shirt.”


“Will, it’s not that bad.”


“You just told me you were beaten, mate.”


“No! Well, yeah, but...sort of...”




Chris swallowed uneasily, but he did as I asked. As I leaned over him, I was horrified and shocked by what I saw. A large portion of Chris’s chest and abdomen (that I could see) was colored dark with bruising. I nearly gagged, feeling suddenly nauseous. His skin, once as pale as a child’s, was now a mix of light and dark. I couldn’t bring myself to keep looking at it all, so I dragged my gaze upwards. Chris was staring at me apprehensively. “Is it that bad?”


“Can’t you feel it?” Words could not describe the guilt I was feeling.


“Of c-course, but I haven’t...looked yet.” Although he tried to smile reassuringly, Chris looked frightened underneath everything else. Finally, searching his face, I began to figure out the real reason he’d come here, and it wasn’t because he’d been a bit lonely. Subconsciously, he had come to me because he wanted to feel safe; wanted someone to look after him. Apparently, without Jonny around, that someone was me.


“Um...you can put your shirt back. I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“What?” he yelped. “No, Will, please...I don’t need...”


“I’m sorry, Chris, I have to. You need to get those ribs wrapped or something. Fuck knows how bad that bruising could be!”


“I know! It hurts, yeah, but nothing’s broken!”


I wasn’t going to take no for an answer to this one. It was my fault he was like this, and I was going to make sure he was all right. “What the hell did they use on you?” My voice was quiet again.


“No, it wasn’t like that. They sort of just...” He trailed off, looking distressed.


I buried my head in my hands for a moment. “Chris, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t...”


I felt a weak tug at my sleeve, and I was surprised to look up and see Chris leaning towards me, his arm outstretched as far as it would go. “Please, don’t.” He looked troubled. “It’s not your fault.”


“It is.”


“Did you rough me up?”


“But I...”


“Did you?”




“Then it’s...not your fault.” Chris leaned back, inhaling sharply.


I stared at my hands for a moment before talking again. “Come on. I’m getting Julie ready and we’re going to the ER.”




“I’m not arguing on this one, Chris. We’re going.”


Thankfully, Chris didn’t try to limp off while I gathered my sleeping niece in my arms and carried her to the living room. I placed her on the couch next to Chris, who looked almost normal again. He tickled her belly with his fingertips as I pulled on a light sweatshirt, keeping an eye on both of them.


Chris seemed completely charmed by Julie, but I didn’t want to take my concentration off him for a moment, just in case he decided to make a run for it. Sure, he wouldn’t get too far, but I really didn’t want to have to chase him down.


“I’m not going to run away, man.” said Chris quietly, offering me a small smile. “How far do you think I’d get?”


I didn’t smile back, but I looked at the floor instead of at him. “Not too far.”


“Can you help me get up here?” asked Chris, reaching out to me. “It’s a little hard to move.” The vulnerability and trust pouring out of him rooted me to the floor. Why did this have to happen to him? Why Chris?




I was shocked as we managed to reach the hospital with no one realizing who we were. Chris had pulled the hood of his jacket down to shadow his face, and no one really knew me at all. Along with staying inconspicuous, walking had actually been the easiest part of our trip to the hospital. Driving, on the other hand...it had been painful for both of us.


In the car, Chris had whimpered and gasped in pain at every bump in the road, or anything else that jarred his injuries. Julie, completely oblivious, sat in the car seat I had just acquired earlier that evening, and had promptly fallen asleep the moment I started the car. I had been thankful for it, because it meant that Chris wouldn’t have to hide his pain as much. He still tried to, however, and every time I looked over at him, he was gripping the seat a little harder. His knuckles were completely white by the time we reached the hospital, and he looked as if he were about to be sick.


Now that we were actually in the parking lot, I didn’t move to get out of the car. Chris didn’t either, so I decided to take a breather and open both our windows. The surprisingly warm air that flooded into the car was a huge comfort. With it came the sounds of the city, somewhat loud, but calming at the same time. At least it was calming to Chris...most of his pain seemed to have melted away. I looked over at him. “Ready?”






Unfortunately, the sense of calm from outside didn’t make it into the building.


Sitting in the ER, Chris was in a constant state of unease. He gripped the leg of his trousers and kneaded it, rocked himself back and forth, took his hand off his leg, then started biting his nails. I’d never even seen him bite his nails before.


When his knee began to bounce, I stopped ignoring it all. I shifted Julie to one arm and placed my free hand firmly on Chris’s leg, cutting off the movement. He looked up at me, a bit confused.


“Calm down.” I whispered.


“Sorry.” Chris muttered. “I’d get up and move around some, but it hurts.” It was the first time he really sounded bitter, and I was partially relieved. He was finally showing a normal human reaction. He then gave a low groan, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’m sorry, Will.”


“It doesn’t matter.” I paused, and then placed my hand on his shoulder. “Hey, look at me.” Chris continued to stare at his hands. “Chris.” I said firmly. He finally looked up. “It’s going to be okay, you know.”


His bright blue eyes fixated on my darker ones. “Okay.” he whispered.



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Part 2




By the time Chris was being seen, Janine made it to the hospital and picked up Julie. I was relieved to be rid of that particular burden; it was one less thing to worry about. A few minutes later, I leaned back in my chair, listening intently to the sounds of the hospital. Someone tapped my shoulder, and my eyes opened to find Chris standing over me, his arms draped loosely over his stomach. He appeared all right at first glance, but as I looked him over carefully, I could see he was still on edge. He was trembling, and it was written all over his face that he wanted out.


“What’d they do?” I asked, sitting up.


“Wrapped my ribs, um...gave me some pain killers...and just sort of poked and prodded to make sure I didn’t have any internal bleeding or whatever.”


“Did you?”


“No, no...just a cracked rib. Plus the bruising. What did they tell you?” He was biting his lip again, something he didn’t usually do unless he was very uncomfortable.


“Not to leave you alone for the night.”


“Oh...can we go now?”


“I don’t know, can we?”


“Yeah. Yeah, I’m just waiting for you.”


“Well, then.” I said, picking myself up stiffly. “After you.”


Chris paused, looking around the waiting room. He frowned as he looked up at me. “Where’s Julie?”


“Janine picked her up,” I said, smiling. I was surprised that Chris had noticed her absence.


“Okay then. Time to, ah, drive.” I could tell he was dreading getting back in my car, and to be honest, so was I. As I walked out in front of him, I prayed the painkillers they gave Chris would kick in by then.



“You never told me what happened, really.” I said as I took Chris’s mug to the sink. He was leaning over the kitchen table, looking much more comfortable now that he was under the effects of some medication. I placed the mug of cold, half-finished tea on the counter and turned around to face him. Chris rubbed his eyes tiredly, not answering at first. “Chris?”


“Good tea, thanks...Look, Will, can you help me take this stuff off my chest? They said I probably won’t need it.”


“Sure.” I said. Chris paused for a moment, thinking of the best way to move without inducing much pain. He finally lifted the hem of his shirt, and I waited patiently before reaching around his chest and removing the tape. I unraveled the rest of the wrap slowly, keeping some pressure on it. But no matter what I did, he still tensed under my touch. “Okay, done.” I informed him, re-rolling the wrap and tape.


“Thanks.” Chris said weakly.


We stayed up for another hour, discussing a number of random topics. When I finally checked my watch and saw it was three in the morning, I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I decided to talk to him about his confrontation when he was a little more lucid. That one hour had made Chris more exhausted than I would be if I’d stayed up another five. “Wanna sleep?” I asked him.


“No, I want to go home.”


“You know you can’t. They told me specifically not to leave you alone for the time being. You’re staying, Chris. Get over it.”


He tilted his head and frowned at me, looking like a cross (and half-asleep) seven year-old. “Fine! I’ll stay.” He picked at some loose fibers on the shirt I had lent him and looked down at the sweatpants he was wearing, which were also mine.


“Sorry about the clothes, I know they don’t fit you so well.”


“S’okay.” he slurred, wrinkling his nose a bit. It was amazing how childlike Chris was when under the influence of just a little medication.


“All right, come on.” I said gently, moving up behind him. I kept my hands near his back as he stood, just as a precaution. He shuffled along with no problem, until he started to turn into the living room, heading for the couch. I grabbed his arms and stopped walking. Chris swiveled his head around to face me. His eyes were glassy, unfocused, and very confused.




“Easy, mate, that’s not where you’re going.” I turned him around and shoved him lightly in the direction of my room. He took a few steps through my door, then stopped.


“No, no, no. I’m not taking your bed! I can’t!”


“Why not?”


“Where...where will you sleep?”


“On the couch.”


“No, I’m not...m-making you sleep on the couch!”


“Jesus, mate, just get in the bed.” I made a face. “Okay, that didn’t really come out right. But I mean it. There’s no way you’re sleeping on the couch in your state.” Chris didn’t look convinced, so I took a hold of him again and moved him slowly towards the bed. Of course, he still tried to worm away from my hands as I sat him down on the mattress.


As I looked down at Chris, ready to tell him to sit still, I was shocked to see him close to tears. He pulled in a shaky breath, and pressed the back of his pale hand to his mouth.


“What’s wrong?” I kneeled in front of him, worried.


“It’s...just some hours ago I thought I was gonna die. God, I was...so scared they were going to kill me. And now...you’ve been with me the whole night, and just...you...” Chris was pretty far gone by now, and I wasn’t sure what to do.


“Hey...it’s okay. You’re all right.” I said quietly. I took a hold of his wrist and rubbed it with my thumb (a trick I’d picked up from my mother). Finally, he stopped shaking and no tears had fallen. I let out a long breath and straightened myself out as Chris sniffed and looked down at the bedspread, practically swaying with exhaustion. To my surprise, he brought his legs up and tugged the sheets over himself. I watched him, bemused, as he struggled to situate himself in my bed. Finally, he laid his head carefully on the pillow I’d supplied him with, and stared up at me timidly.


“You okay?” I was still a bit puzzled by his sudden willingness to listen to me. What if he believed this whole thing was his fault?




“Um...okay, then. I’ll get the light.” It’s not your fault, Chris! I wanted so badly to say or do something reassuring, but I couldn’t think of anything.


By the time I flicked the light switch off and looked back at Chris, his eyes were closed, although I knew his was still awake. I sighed, dragged myself back to the couch, and threw myself down on it. Within minutes, I was asleep.


When I woke up, I still felt tired. Light was spilling in from the windows, and I blinked against it as my eyes stung. I was about to roll over and go back to sleep when everything came crashing down on me. Chris, attack, hospital, guilt, pain...and Chris was still in my room. I propped myself up on my elbows and checked the clock on the wall. It was two in the afternoon. “Shit.” I muttered, swinging my legs over the side of the couch.


I made my way silently to my room, not sure what to expect. The door was open, as I had left it, so I took a tentative step in. It was even lighter in here than it was in the living room. I stopped by the bed, and noticed a Chris-shaped lump in the center. He was stretched out on his back, the comforter pulled up to the bridge of his nose. He looked quite tranquil, and he didn’t seem to have too much trouble breathing, despite his injuries. I wasn’t about to wake him up, so I decided to drift around the kitchen for a while. I heard Chris sigh softly in his sleep before I left.


As I wandered aimlessly across the floor of the kitchen, I toyed with the idea of calling Jonny and Guy to let them know what had happened. Jonny would definitely want to know, but I didn’t know if Chris would want him to. I decided in the end not to interfere. If Chris wanted to tell Jonny what had happened, he would. As I had been debating about whom to call, I had also been preparing something to eat for myself. I would ask Chris what he wanted when he got up.


I ended up making some toast, with raspberry jam on one and butter on the other. I was so fucking hungry, but I had barely any food in the flat that was actually filling.


“Ooh, toast.” said a small voice in my ear. I jumped and realized that Chris had startled me again. “Do I get some?”


“Do you want some?”


“That raspberry stuff looks good, man. So do those pills. I think I’ll take one of those too.” He grinned, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I passed the piece of toast to Chris, along with the bottle of painkillers. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filled it with tap water, and gave that to him as well.


“Did I wake you? I tried to be quiet.”


Chris’s brow furrowed as he pulled his sleeves up. “No one was in the room when I woke up...”


“Oh. Right.” I turned my back to him for a moment, looking out the window into the sunlight.


I heard Chris shifting around a bit. “I’m sorry about...um, freaking out on you last night.”


“What?” I turned to face him again. Chris rubbed his forearm, looking down at his feet.


“If I hadn’t been so tired I might’ve started...crying on you, man.”


“Oh. Thank god you were tired, then.” I laughed shortly, although I knew he was serious. I watched him swallow the pill and take a bite of toast, chewing slowly. “Sorry, Chris.”


He swallowed (with some difficulty), staring at me in surprise. “For what?”




Something changed in his expression. “I told you it wasn’t your fault.”


“Doesn’t make it true.” I answered, gripping the countertop.


“It is. I don’t blame you!” Chris set his glass down on the table forcefully, making water slosh over the sides and spill onto the wood.


“I blame me!” I yelled. For a second, all I wanted was to take a hold of his thin shoulders and shake him. Why wouldn’t he admit it was my fault?


Chris mirrored my frustration. “Fuck you! Don’t believe me if you want.” He turned away stiffly, and I could tell that I was just making things worse. “Where are my clothes?” The shirt I’d lent him was slipping farther down his neck, and he tugged it back up.


I hung my head, ashamed. “What are you doing?”


“I’m leaving.”




“I’m gonna walk.”


“No, you’re not. I’m going to drive you. And your clothes are in the hall.” If Chris wanted to leave now, I wasn’t going to stop him. I was pretty sure he’d be all right on his own now anyway; he didn’t really need me.


With a jolt, I realized that didn’t matter. I could not let him leave like this. “Chris...wait, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I’m sorry.” I tried to push my guilt away, for his sake.


Chris’s façade of indifference and anger faded, and he looked lost and uncertain. “I don’t want you to blame yourself,” he said weakly, sinking into a chair. “It’s killing me; thinking that you’re blaming yourself for their actions.”


“Okay. Okay, I won’t.” I’ll try.


“But you’re still doing it now!” Tears were beginning to form in his eyes once more.


“No, I’m not going to, all right? I promise I won’t blame myself.”


Chris dipped his head, his shoulders trembling. He took a long breath, and then held out his arms to me. I eyed him uncertainly, knowing exactly what he wanted. “Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked, unmoving.


“I don’t care.” He continued to hold his arms out, and began gesturing me over. I sighed softly as I inched towards him. What if I hurt him?


Hardly daring to breathe, I pulled him to my chest in a tentative embrace. Chris immediately returned it, holding onto me tightly. We stayed like that for a minute or so, until Chris began to tense up in pain. “Okay, mate...easy.” I muttered. He dropped his arms slowly, giving me an apologetic look.




“What? No, it’s just...your chest, you know.”


“No, but...I was okay; it didn’t hurt.”


I shook my head; knowing he was lying. Chris scoffed and punched me jokingly in the arm. “I’m tough, Will; pain is good!”


I couldn’t help but laugh. “Those pills they gave you have gone to your head.”


He gave me a small, crooked smile. “Yes, indeed they have.”





Jonny was sitting on the couch with Chris, holding the bowl of popcorn. He was shoving handfuls into his mouth without even paying attention to what he was doing, and Chris would occasionally poke his hand in to grab a piece. Guy sat cross-legged on the floor, and I had taken the armchair behind him.


We had been watching the original Die Hard on TV, but now that it was over, Guy had flipped through the channels until he’d finally found his favorite cartoon, Spongebob. I had protested his choice, but he’d thrown the remote into the far corner of the room, and I was too lazy to retrieve it. So we watched Spongebob. Chris enjoyed it immensely, and kept up a steady commentary with Guy. Even I began to like it, appreciating its humor. Jonny was the same, and soon we were all laughing like kids.


I occasionally glanced over at Chris. He wouldn’t laugh as much as the rest of us, because it still pained him a bit to do so.


It turns out he had told Jonny about that night, and Guy as well. Although it had been a few weeks since then, we all preferred to have him close by, and Jonny especially would do everything he could to make Chris more comfortable. Chris pretended not to mind the careful handling, but I could see it was beginning to get on his nerves. He was constantly trying to convince us to go out with our girlfriends and leave him behind.


“Hey, Ali, pass the popcorn.” chirped Guy. The bassist had taken up the duty of thinking up clever nicknames for Chris that referenced boxing.


“That’s getting a bit old, don’t you think?” Chris threw the empty plastic bowl at Guy’s back.




“Ha! You didn’t even see that coming.” Jonny chuckled.


“Oi, Will! Think you can pop some more?” asked Chris.


I turned to face him, my eyebrows raised. “You’re closer to the kitchen.”


“Mm...yeah, true.” Chris made to get up, but Jonny shoved him lightly back down.


“I’ll get it,” he offered. Guy tossed him the bowl, and Jonny took off into the kitchen.


Chris looked back at me, a small spark of frustration in his eyes, and I shrugged apologetically.


I still don’t think he realized just how much we were willing to do for him. I was quickly reminded of a conversation we’d had a few days back.


‘He’s looking out for you; he wants to make sure you’re okay.’


‘But when will things get back to normal?’ he asked, sitting up against the wall. The sky was dark gray, and rain was streaming down the glass of the windows. Chris seemed to love staring at it.


‘I don’t know...soon.’ I said slowly, sticking my drumsticks in their respective pouches.


‘It’s just frustrating.’ Chris muttered, tracing the tracks of the raindrops with his finger.


‘I know. But give it time, mate. You’ve got the patience of a toddler!’ I ruffled his hair teasingly, and he practically squeaked in indignation.




‘You stop worrying! Just heal first.’ I said, throwing my tote bag over my shoulder. He just grumbled incoherently as he got his things together. ‘Here are the keys, you can lock up.’ I was already beginning to walk away.


‘No, wait. I’ll be ready in five seconds.’ Chris struggled into his jacket and bounded after me.


When Jonny came back with fresh popcorn, Chris wore a genuine smile. “Love ya, man.” Jonny grinned sheepishly and handed the bowl to Chris, who took a handful of popcorn before he passed it over to Guy.


I scowled at Chris as he flicked a few of the kernels at me, grinning happily. I flicked them back, the most at ease I’d been in days.


Maybe we weren’t completely healed yet, but we were definitely close.


“Hellooo...Earth to William...” Guy said, waving his fingers in my face. I blinked and snapped out of my reverie. “What were you thinking about?” Guy asked. His gaze was surprisingly perceptive.


I shrugged, focusing on the television. “Nothing.”


“He just likes to zone out.” I heard Chris say.


“I think you’re getting me confused with yourself.” I snapped.


Things were nearly back to normal.





There you are, a fic with Chris and Will as main characters. Some of you have already read it, so...here it is again! :P

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Healing[/color][/size]. Here it is, long version...


Part 1




I could hear the nervousness and anger in his voice.


It was clear as day to me, sounding just as tight and poorly controlled as ever. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, pushing his discomfort to the back of my mind. “Relax, mate.” I said firmly. This just made Chris more upset.


“Will, you promised!”


“I know, but this thing came out of nowhere; I have to go.”


“What am I supposed to do?”


“Just walk.”


“You know I can’t!” Chris actually sounded a bit scared. “It’s far and it’s...not so good out there.”


“Then call a taxi.”


“I can’t call a fucking taxi!”


“Relax.” I said again. I knew Chris had a point, but what could I do about it? I had to pick up my baby niece, and she took priority over my (fully grown) friend in this particular situation. “You’ll be fine. What do you want me to do, leave my sister’s daughter alone and come get you because you can’t walk home by yourself?”


Chris was silent, and I was annoyed that I couldn’t see his bitter expression. “Okay.” His voice was slightly strained. “Fine, Will.” Those were the last words he said, and in a moment, the call was ended before I could say anything else. I rolled my eyes once more, and grabbed the car keys from the tabletop.


As I stepped out into the unusual warmth of the air, I took a deep breath of it. This day had been so long and tense; and I just wanted it to be over. The coming darkness was a reminder that it would all be over soon, which calmed me down considerably. As I slid into the car, I began to regret being so abrupt and uncaring with Chris. I had promised I’d pick him up, and it was a very long walk back to his place through a not-so-great neighborhood. Of course he wouldn’t call a cab; he was too nervous about them too.


In about an hour, I had reached my sister’s house, picked up my niece, and was heading back home. When I finally reached my flat ten minutes later, I shifted the girl in my arms and unlocked the door with a silent sigh. As I walked in, I was shocked to find the lights on. I was sure I had turned them off. I set my niece down slowly and looked cautiously around the hall. I gasped in surprise as I spotted a tall, darkly dressed figure sitting at the kitchen table, then sagged in relief as I recognized him. Chris.


“Oh...hey, man.” said Chris nervously. His voice was devoid of any anger from earlier. “Sorry for, um, invading your house. I had a spare key of yours on my ring, so...”


“Uh, it’s no problem, I guess.” I muttered, my heart still pounding mercilessly. I glared at Chris, angry at him for making me think I was being robbed or stalked or something. He seemed to pick up on my train of thought.


“I’m sorry.” He sounded genuine, so I shrugged, ready to forgive him.


“So you got here all right? Didn’t get murdered or anything?”


The corner of his mouth twitched, and he smiled. “I’m here, aren’t I?”


“Yeah, so why are you here?”


Chris turned his entire body around, looking stiff. “Turns out it was actually farther than I thought. So I walked for, um, a while...and then grabbed a cab and came here, since it’s closer than my place. I figured you might be able to drive me the rest of the way.”


“That’s ridiculous! Why not just keep going on to your house?”


Chris looked a bit uncomfortable as he shrugged. “Saves a bit of money. And Gwyn’s away, so I don’t mind a bit of company.” I was surprised that my niece had stayed this quiet so far, but it wasn’t going to last. As expected, she began to whine, pulling on my leg.


“I’m tired...” she moaned. Chris tilted his head to get a better look at her.


“What a pretty girl.”


I gave him a withering look. He had no idea how annoying this child was. “Thanks. I’ll just set her up on my bed until Janine can get her. Yes, yes, Julie, I know...” I added as she began to whine again. Chris gave a quiet huff of laughter and leaned back in his chair. Well, my chair.


After I got my littlest niece situated in the comforter on my bed, I dragged myself back into the kitchen. I looked around blankly for a moment, and then I realized Chris had moved; he was now lying on the couch, leaning against the arm of it. His eyes were closed, and he didn’t move as I slid into the room. I knew that he didn’t know I was there, and I was about to tap him on the shoulder (I could give him a good scare), when I noticed something troubling.


Chris’s brows were knit tightly, as if he were in pain. His face, in the low light of the lamp, looked a bit pale. He was also biting his lip, and I frowned, unsure of what I should do. “Stop that.” I muttered, tapping his cheek with my forefinger. Chris’s eyes flew open and he jerked up, startled.


That much was normal, but when he fell back to the couch, a soft cry of pain was ripped from his throat. I instinctively took a step back, watching him lie there, trembling and breathing shallowly. I was frozen for a moment, trying to process what had just happened.


I suddenly found myself next to him, and I didn’t even remember moving. “Chris? Chris!”


No answer.


I leaned over him and touched his shoulder, my mind flooding with the sound of a million warning bells. My stomach tightened in concern as Chris continued to not acknowledge me. “Hey. Hey...what’s wrong?” I asked quickly.


“God...Will?” he moaned, his voice shaking. “You scared me.”


“Yeah, and then you fucking screamed!”


“I didn’t... sc-scream.”


“Fine, but you were close.” How could he still be so stubborn? “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked once more.


“I must have pulled something, I guess.” It was still hard for Chris to speak steadily, but he didn’t seem to be in much pain anymore. “It just hurts a bit when I m-move too fast...I’m fine.”


“A bit? It sounded like more than a bit. Are you hurt or something?”


“No, I just...it’s nothing.”


“I want to make sure. Just let me look, and then I won’t bother you again.” I gestured towards his chest, the area of his body he was unconsciously cradling.


“It’s okay, I’m fine.” I knew immediately I had picked the right spot.


“Then let me look.”


“No!” he was more adamant this time, and he even pulled himself up a bit so he wasn’t in such a prone position. I didn’t want to upset him or cause him any more pain, but I needed to make sure he wasn’t hiding something bad. I knew I could hold him down forcefully, but I also knew how much damage that could do to his trust in me. No, I couldn’t force him. I wouldn’t.


“Please, Chris.” I said, holding out my hands non-threateningly. I knew I could be rough with him, and sometimes insensitive, but the truth was that I cared about him...loved him like a brother. Of course I’d never say it, but I would never deny it. Perhaps Chris could hear it in my voice that I wasn’t going to let him get out of this, because he slowly (yet surely) removed his arms from around his chest. “What happened?” I asked for the third time.


Chris glanced up at me, a resigned look in his eyes. He seemed almost ashamed. “I walked.”


Once those words had sunk into my head, I slid down on the couch next to him. “But...what...?”


“Just ran into some guys; it’s nothing...”


“You mean that you...” I was slowly processing the information. “What did they do to you?” I was furious at whoever had gotten to him, and terrified at the same time. What if he’d really been hurt badly? Even now, was he in more pain than I could see?


“They...they just...” He was starting the choke on his words again, in obvious discomfort. Worst-case scenarios popped into my head by the dozen, and I needed to get the first one off my chest. After all, he was showing most of the symptoms...


“You weren’t...raped, were you?” It sounded blunt and uncaring, but I needed to know.


“WHAT? No, of course not! Shit, man...!” He was glaring at me incredulously, and I knew instantly he was telling the truth. At least I could stop worrying about that particular thing. “No, they just...got me in the chest a few times.” Chris rubbed his wrists absently, his little self-comforting gesture.


“Okay then, lift up your shirt.”


“Will, it’s not that bad.”


“You just told me you were beaten, mate.”


“No! Well, yeah, but...sort of...”




Chris swallowed uneasily, but he did as I asked. As I leaned over him, I was horrified and shocked by what I saw. A large portion of Chris’s chest and abdomen (that I could see) was colored dark with bruising. I nearly gagged, feeling suddenly nauseous. His skin, once as pale as a child’s, was now a mix of light and dark. I couldn’t bring myself to keep looking at it all, so I dragged my gaze upwards. Chris was staring at me apprehensively. “Is it that bad?”


“Can’t you feel it?” Words could not describe the guilt I was feeling.


“Of c-course, but I haven’t...looked yet.” Although he tried to smile reassuringly, Chris looked frightened underneath everything else. Finally, searching his face, I began to figure out the real reason he’d come here, and it wasn’t because he’d been a bit lonely. Subconsciously, he had come to me because he wanted to feel safe; wanted someone to look after him. Apparently, without Jonny around, that someone was me.


“Um...you can put your shirt back. I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“What?” he yelped. “No, Will, please...I don’t need...”


“I’m sorry, Chris, I have to. You need to get those ribs wrapped or something. Fuck knows how bad that bruising could be!”


“I know! It hurts, yeah, but nothing’s broken!”


I wasn’t going to take no for an answer to this one. It was my fault he was like this, and I was going to make sure he was all right. “What the hell did they use on you?” My voice was quiet again.


“No, it wasn’t like that. They sort of just...” He trailed off, looking distressed.


I buried my head in my hands for a moment. “Chris, I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t...”


I felt a weak tug at my sleeve, and I was surprised to look up and see Chris leaning towards me, his arm outstretched as far as it would go. “Please, don’t.” He looked troubled. “It’s not your fault.”


“It is.”


“Did you rough me up?”


“But I...”


“Did you?”




“Then it’s...not your fault.” Chris leaned back, inhaling sharply.


I stared at my hands for a moment before talking again. “Come on. I’m getting Julie ready and we’re going to the ER.”




“I’m not arguing on this one, Chris. We’re going.”


Thankfully, Chris didn’t try to limp off while I gathered my sleeping niece in my arms and carried her to the living room. I placed her on the couch next to Chris, who looked almost normal again. He tickled her belly with his fingertips as I pulled on a light sweatshirt, keeping an eye on both of them.


Chris seemed completely charmed by Julie, but I didn’t want to take my concentration off him for a moment, just in case he decided to make a run for it. Sure, he wouldn’t get too far, but I really didn’t want to have to chase him down.


“I’m not going to run away, man.” said Chris quietly, offering me a small smile. “How far do you think I’d get?”


I didn’t smile back, but I looked at the floor instead of at him. “Not too far.”


“Can you help me get up here?” asked Chris, reaching out to me. “It’s a little hard to move.” The vulnerability and trust pouring out of him rooted me to the floor. Why did this have to happen to him? Why Chris?




I was shocked as we managed to reach the hospital with no one realizing who we were. Chris had pulled the hood of his jacket down to shadow his face, and no one really knew me at all. Along with staying inconspicuous, walking had actually been the easiest part of our trip to the hospital. Driving, on the other hand...it had been painful for both of us.


In the car, Chris had whimpered and gasped in pain at every bump in the road, or anything else that jarred his injuries. Julie, completely oblivious, sat in the car seat I had just acquired earlier that evening, and had promptly fallen asleep the moment I started the car. I had been thankful for it, because it meant that Chris wouldn’t have to hide his pain as much. He still tried to, however, and every time I looked over at him, he was gripping the seat a little harder. His knuckles were completely white by the time we reached the hospital, and he looked as if he were about to be sick.


Now that we were actually in the parking lot, I didn’t move to get out of the car. Chris didn’t either, so I decided to take a breather and open both our windows. The surprisingly warm air that flooded into the car was a huge comfort. With it came the sounds of the city, somewhat loud, but calming at the same time. At least it was calming to Chris...most of his pain seemed to have melted away. I looked over at him. “Ready?”






Unfortunately, the sense of calm from outside didn’t make it into the building.


Sitting in the ER, Chris was in a constant state of unease. He gripped the leg of his trousers and kneaded it, rocked himself back and forth, took his hand off his leg, then started biting his nails. I’d never even seen him bite his nails before.


When his knee began to bounce, I stopped ignoring it all. I shifted Julie to one arm and placed my free hand firmly on Chris’s leg, cutting off the movement. He looked up at me, a bit confused.


“Calm down.” I whispered.


“Sorry.” Chris muttered. “I’d get up and move around some, but it hurts.” It was the first time he really sounded bitter, and I was partially relieved. He was finally showing a normal human reaction. He then gave a low groan, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’m sorry, Will.”


“It doesn’t matter.” I paused, and then placed my hand on his shoulder. “Hey, look at me.” Chris continued to stare at his hands. “Chris.” I said firmly. He finally looked up. “It’s going to be okay, you know.”


His bright blue eyes fixated on my darker ones. “Okay.” he whispered.



Oh YEAH! I read that before! its good! :D I love Will, i am glad he is the main character.

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Yes, I love Will too. :wacky: I just love all the boys so much! :bigcry:


Oh, and...hurry up on your story, woman! :whip: :P



Suggestions for Christina:


Guy: :blank: I think I need to throw up.

Chris: :surprised: Ooh!

Jonny: :sick: Ohsweetjesus!

Will: *he's not there because he already jumped off the roof*

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When I got to the Geisha house she was already there, dressed in another suit. This one black. I smiled softly as I walked towards her table. "Hi." My voice was practically a whisper.

Diane smiled. "Hi. Sit, please."

I took a seat across from her and tried to get used to my surroundings. Diane looked pale, slightly sweaty. I thought of Charlie. "You look very pretty."

"Thank you." she smiled blankly.

I think we were both having flash backs of our meeting in the diner. "Okay Guy, I’m going to get right down to the point."

My toes curled, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Something about this was making me really nervous.

Diane took a few breaths, and stared straight into my eyes. "I’m pregnant."

Shit. Double shit. She couldn’t have meant what she’d just said. This was a dream. This was all a bad dream. Oh my god. My stomach started to churn as the room started to spin. "W…what did you just say?"

She leaned in. "Listen, I know this is a lot for you to deal with. I just wanted you to know."

"How do you know it’s mine?" I panted.

"Charlie and I haven’t slept together in months." She leaned in and put her hand on mine. Either hers were extremely hot, or mine were freezing. "Guy, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You were at wrong place at the wrong time. I was terrible to you all those weeks ago. There was too much alcohol, and my perception was off. You were sweet, you were there. And I just fucked it all up." She paused for a minute, noticing the blood draining from my face. "Guy? Guy are you okay?"

And before I knew it, I couldn’t answer because I’d passed out.

"Good morning." I heard Chris’s voice say. "Come on, wake up. That’s it."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital room, dressed in a gown that reeked of cotton balls. The beeping sound I heard must’ve been my heart beat because it was speeding up. "Where’s Diane?" I groaned.

"She had to go back to work or something." Chris sat on the foot of the bed. "Very nice woman, by the way. She said she’d call you later tonight."

I looked straight into his eyes. "Did you hear?"

"I did. Congratulations, mate."

Did I hear that right? "Did I hear that right?"

He chuckled. "Guy, I know it’s not the best of situations but come on. You’re going to be a father! The best job in the world."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Chris. She’s married and we obviously didn’t plan this."

He tore into something. "Diane told me to tell you that she’s going to tell Charlie, whoever that is tonight, and that you can be apart of the baby’s life as much as possible." He paused. "Again, very nice woman."

I opened my eyes to see him eating my jello. "Do the other guys know?"

He played around with the red cube as it danced off his spoon, like it had a mind of it’s own. "They know you fainted, they don’t know about the baby yet."

Before I could answer a woman in hot pink scrubs walked into the room. "Hello Mr. Berryman." She said with a heavy New York accent. "I’m Sarah I’m going to be needin’ to take some blood from yah tahday."

I sat up and put my arm out as I saw Chris’s face get a little pale. "You okay?"

He looked up at me, back at the needle and nodded. "Yeah."

Sarah took out a long thin needle. She wiped an area of my bare arm with a wet, cold cloth and pushed the needle in. I felt a slight stinging. To my right, I heard a large thump. Sarah and I turned our heads simultaneously to see Chris sprawled out on the floor.

"Well, you’re just a bunch’o fainters, aren’t yah?"





i'll try to work on the coldplaying fanfic now!! going to take a quick food break, though.


hope you all like this chapter!! :heart:!!



can't wait for more!!:dance:

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If you only say yes

Chapter 1


It was a cold and windy day in London and the other guys were sleeping. We've just got back from our huge party at our college where we were celebrating to college's 100 year of opening. The guys slept over mine who were all clearly drunk. There was Chris and Will on my couch who had to use the same cover because I only had one spare. They were snoring almost at the same time it was so annoying thats what woke me up. On the other side of the room I could see Jonny with his duvet wrapped around him on my spare bed, he looked so peaceful there. He was a deep sleeper. I just felt like crawling in them covers and joining him just to feel the warmth of jonny's silhouette on me. His hot breath on my neck that feeling makes me tingle when I think about it. I dont know how I've become to have feelings like this towards Jonny I mean he was a very close friend to me. These feelings were weired but It did start about a couple of months ago when I see him always joke around with chris, putting his arm around him and joking about. Chris used to giggle back . I've never felt more jealous over anything before in my life. It's the way Jonny smiles and how his eyes glisten in the light. Once them eyes glanced over at me in one of our science lesson when he knew I was bored.They would send a shiver down my spine. If only.... If only he had any idea how much I want him, This would change our friendship towards each other forever.



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[ spoiler]

If you only say yes

Chapter 1


It was a cold and windy day in London and the other guys were sleeping. We've just got back from our huge party at our college where we were celebrating to college's 100 year of opening. The guys slept over mine who were all clearly drunk. There was Chris and Will on my couch who had to use the same cover because I only had one spare. They were snoring almost at the same time it was so annoying thats what woke me up. On the other side of the room I could see Jonny with his duvet wrapped around him on my spare bed, he looked so peaceful there. He was a deep sleeper. I just felt like crawling in them covers and joining him just to feel the warmth of jonny's silhouette on me. His hot breath on my neck that feeling makes me tingle when I think about it. I dont know how I've become to have feelings like this towards Jonny I mean he was a very close friend to me. These feelings were weired but It did start about a couple of months ago when I see him always joke around with chris, putting his arm around him and joking about. Chris used to giggle back . I've never felt more jealous over anything before in my life. It's the way Jonny smiles and how his eyes glisten in the light. Once them eyes glanced over at me in one of our science lesson when he knew I was bored.They would send a shiver down my spine. If only.... If only he had any idea how much I want him, This would change our friendship towards each other forever.

[ /spoiler]



ooohh. Guy and Jonny eh? :kiss: lol

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Yes, I love Will too. :wacky: I just love all the boys so much! :bigcry:


Oh, and...hurry up on your story, woman! :whip: :P



Suggestions for Christina:


Guy: :blank: I think I need to throw up.

Chris: :surprised: Ooh!

Jonny: :sick: Ohsweetjesus!

Will: *he's not there because he already jumped off the roof*


when i first read "Will: *he's not there because" i thought it was gonna say something about him being at home with his kids, like when he wasn't at the XFM residency. :P

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it's really stupid. like, really stupid. i don't like it at all.




The drummer, the bassist, the guitarist, and the lead singer of a band called Coldplay were crowded around a laptop in their studio. The guitarist, Jonny, was controlling the computer. "What’s it called again?" he asked, his hands on the keyboard.

"Coldplaying dot com." the other three said in unison.

Jonny silently typed the URL, feeling embarrassed that he forgot.

"Click on forum!" The singer, Chris said. "I want to see my thread!"

Jonny did as he told, and they were welcomed onto the Coldplaying home page. It was full of sections, games, and so many fans. The four were mesmerized. Jonny clicked on the "Coldplay" section.

Threads, forums, subsections. Everything about them. The boys were silent. Jonny was about to click on the "Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris" thread when Will stopped him. "Wait!" He yelled, putting a hand tightly on his shoulder. "What’s that?"

All sixteen eyes fell on "The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread". Jonny laid the mouse over the link, and clicked.

The guys busted out into laughter, pointing at different stories revolving around each other. There were stories about love, stories about friendship, and some stories about very close friendship. All four got a little silent reading a few of the stories, talking about how their friendship got sexual.

"Wow." Will said. "Our fans are…"

"Weird." Jonny said, his eyes widening.

Much more silence as they went from fanfic to fanfic. "So much...sexuality." Guy said, holding onto his stomach.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Jonny said while standing up. "to slit my wrists."

The three of them huddled around the computer for the rest of the night, completely entoxicated in the stories.



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it's really stupid. like, really stupid. i don't like it at all.




The drummer, the bassist, the guitarist, and the lead singer of a band called Coldplay were crowded around a laptop in their studio. The guitarist, Jonny, was controlling the computer. "What’s it called again?" he asked, his hands on the keyboard.

"Coldplaying dot com." the other three said in unison.

Jonny silently typed the URL, feeling embarrassed that he forgot.

"Click on forum!" The singer, Chris said. "I want to see my thread!"

Jonny did as he told, and they were welcomed onto the Coldplaying home page. It was full of sections, games, and so many fans. The four were mesmerized. Jonny clicked on the "Coldplay" section.

Threads, forums, subsections. Everything about them. The boys were silent. Jonny was about to click on the "Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris" thread when Will stopped him. "Wait!" He yelled, putting a hand tightly on his shoulder. "What’s that?"

All sixteen eyes fell on "The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread". Jonny laid the mouse over the link, and clicked.

The guys busted out into laughter, pointing at different stories revolving around each other. There were stories about love, stories about friendship, and some stories about very close friendship. All four got a little silent reading a few of the stories, talking about how their friendship got sexual.

"Wow." Will said. "Our fans are…"

"Weird." Jonny said, his eyes widening.

Much more silence as they went from fanfic to fanfic. "So much...sexuality." Guy said, holding onto his stomach.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Jonny said while standing up. "to slit my wrists."

The three of them huddled around the computer for the rest of the night, completely entoxicated in the stories.





Dont do it Jonny!

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it's really stupid. like, really stupid. i don't like it at all.




The drummer, the bassist, the guitarist, and the lead singer of a band called Coldplay were crowded around a laptop in their studio. The guitarist, Jonny, was controlling the computer. "What’s it called again?" he asked, his hands on the keyboard.

"Coldplaying dot com." the other three said in unison.

Jonny silently typed the URL, feeling embarrassed that he forgot.

"Click on forum!" The singer, Chris said. "I want to see my thread!"

Jonny did as he told, and they were welcomed onto the Coldplaying home page. It was full of sections, games, and so many fans. The four were mesmerized. Jonny clicked on the "Coldplay" section.

Threads, forums, subsections. Everything about them. The boys were silent. Jonny was about to click on the "Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris" thread when Will stopped him. "Wait!" He yelled, putting a hand tightly on his shoulder. "What’s that?"

All sixteen eyes fell on "The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread". Jonny laid the mouse over the link, and clicked.

The guys busted out into laughter, pointing at different stories revolving around each other. There were stories about love, stories about friendship, and some stories about very close friendship. All four got a little silent reading a few of the stories, talking about how their friendship got sexual.

"Wow." Will said. "Our fans are…"

"Weird." Jonny said, his eyes widening.

Much more silence as they went from fanfic to fanfic. "So much...sexuality." Guy said, holding onto his stomach.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Jonny said while standing up. "to slit my wrists."

The three of them huddled around the computer for the rest of the night, completely entoxicated in the stories.




:lol: nicely done!


now here's the next bit of mine, and i'm going to write more after i post this. :D


How Infinite is Space?


Part 11



"Take me home. Please?" Retaw had been filling out some paperwork that had been sitting in a large stack on his desk when Jonny burst in. He looked up at the unexpected visitor and was surprised to see that he appeared to be completely serious.


"Take you home? What is the problem, Jonathan?"


"Chris. He-"


"Ah, he told you."


"Told me? He kissed me!!" Jonny exclaimed. "Wait, you knew?"


"Have a seat, Jonathan." Retaw gestured to the unoccupied chair that sat across from him, and Jonny obediently sat down. "Even a blind man could see that the connection between Chris Martin and yourself is much stronger than most."


"I guess it kinda is..." Jonny mumbled.


"We can not take you home. I'm sorry, but you're in this for good now. You and Chris Martin are going to have to form a team and work together in order to help us, whether or not you like it. What is so wrong with all this anyway?"


"I don't know, Retaw. It's just a bit... overwhelming, I guess. I mean, one minute we're just having a laugh like we always do and the next thing I know he's making a move on me."


"Well, I believe that Chris Martin did the right thing. Keeping emotions bottled inside is not very healthy. And you should be happy that someone loves you. You may not agree with me, but I'd like you to do something for me now."


"Uh, sure. What is it?"


"Look at this situation from Chris Martin's point of view. How do you think he feels right now?"


"Um... probably not too good. I mean, I guess it can't be easy to tell someone how you feel and then have them run away and ask to go home." Retaw nodded and Jonny began to realize what Chris had probably just gone through, and was probably still going through. "Maybe... maybe I'm just overreacting... to this whole thing."




"Yeah. Like, so what? My best friend is in love with me..." Jonny stared off blankly at the wall behind Retaw. Now he felt really horrible. Chris was only human, like he was. Being in love with your best friend had to be one of the toughest things to ever experience, especially when you're both dudes and he doesn't appear to feel the same way. "No... big... deal..."


"Hmm, I think your words are not adequately representing your emotions at this present moment, Jonathan. You know it's a big deal."


"Especially for Chris, yeah." Jonny looked at the papers on Retaw's desk, hoping to somehow find something that would help him make this situation easier. He didn't think there would be anything, but as he continued searching he realised that there was something sitting right in front of him that could help him. "Retaw? I need your help."


"With what, exactly?"


"Everything." Retaw laughed and nodded.


"You're going to need to be a little more specific than that, Jonathan."


"With Chris.... what do you think I should do?"


"Well, I would say talk to him. Tell him how you feel. However, it appears to me that you are unsure of what that is. Am I correct?"


"I know I feel horrible for the way I reacted."


"But you don't think that's good enough."




"Hmm, I think I know what we can do to help you make a decision." Retaw stood up and walked over to Jonny, pulling his arm in an attempt to get him to stand. "Come, let's go find a place for you to rest and think."



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