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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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la de da da da!


How Infinite is Space?


Part 12




"Chris Martin? Are you OK?" Retaw was yelling to Chris through the door of the bathroom. It had been several days since Jonny left that bathroom, but Chris had stayed in there the entire time. "Please let me in."


"You can let yourself in, I can't get up."


"You can't get up?"


"I'm too tired. And depressed." Retaw opened the door and saw Chris laying on the floor up against the wall. He walked over to Chris and sat down beside him. Chris turned to Retaw. He looked horrible. His face looked thin and pale, and there were bags under his eyes, which were bloodshot and filled with tears, the stunning blue of his pupils now a dull grey. He looked as though he hadn't slept or eaten in days, mostly because he hadn't.


"Have you been here this whole time?"




"Jonathan came to talk to me, you know."


"He did?" There was a glimmer of hope in Chris' eyes. Unfortunately, in order to execute his plan, Retaw would have to rip that hope from him completely.


"He asked to be taken home."


"Oh." There it went. Chris returned to his depressed-looking state almost immediately. "Did you take him home?"


"We sent someone to take him, yes. I'm so sorry."


"I can't go on anymore."


"Yes, you can."


"No, I can't. I wish I could, really, but I don't have the strength anymore."


"You can go on, Chris Martin, believe me. I know something that will help you."


"Oh, yeah? And what's that?"


"Speak to him." Chris gave Retaw a funny look. "Speak to him, and he'll hear you."


"He'll hear me? Retaw, are you going mad or something? You just told me you took him home!"


"Believe me, Chris Martin. If you speak to him, he will hear you and you will feel better."


"Yeah, well, what am I supposed to say? That he was the only best friend I've ever had? That he was the only person I felt I could really talk to, and the only person I ever wanted to talk to when I was feeling really depressed? That he's an amazing man for putting up with all of my horrible mood swings? That sometimes I don't hear everything he's saying to me because I'm too busy staring at his brilliantly green eyes? That when he talks to me I always feel a million times better, no matter what other shit I'm going through? That when he laughs at something I've said my heart speeds up and shivers run down my back? That when... when he left... when he left..."


"Say it, Chris Martin."


"... Nothing matters anymore." Chris broke down completely, tears streaming down his face. He rested his head on his knees and continued crying as Retaw put his arm around his shoulders.


"There, there. Don't you feel better now?"


"No! ... well, maybe a little." Chris picked his head up and tried to calm down. "I guess... I guess I'll try to help you."


"Thank you, Chris Martin." Retaw stood up, but kept his hand on Chris' shoulder.


"It won't be easy for me."


"I understand completely. Now, stand up." Retaw grabbed Chris' arm and helped him get off of the ground. "It's time for your training." They walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway, where Chris saw something that caught his eye. A suitcase. He had seen it before... somewhere...


"Retaw... is that Jonny's suitcase?" Chris asked, pointing at the mysterious baggage.


"Oh my, I think it is. I told him to make sure that he had everything with him before he left. Tsk, tsk." Retaw shook his head. "I suppose we shall just have to send it to him later."


"Uh, right... do you mind if I hold on to it?"


"Now, Chris Martin, that's a little creepy, don't you think?"


"Hmm... yeah. Never mind. Let's get on with this training, yeah?" They continued walking down the hallway to the room where Chris would be trained.


"I must warn you, it is very vigorous training that you must be put through. You may have to take it easy for now, until you are better prepared."


"Oh, please, Retaw. I may look weak, but I am super strong physically. Trust me, I took a karate class once."



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Chapter 4, Part 2


Guys PoV


We were all in the car, driving to a restaurant I cannot remember. I was too distracted by Chris. The Vicodin kicked in and he was being even more funny than usual. Jonny was driving and Will was in the passenger seat. So that left me in back with Chris. Of course


“Maybe the Vicodin wasn’t the best idea” said Will looking at Chris who was dancing to a song nobody else could hear.


“Nah, its fine” I said. “At least he isn’t in pain.” As soon as I said that, Chris looked at me, grinned, grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me right on the mouth. Both Jonny and Will chuckled.


“ Chris leave poor Guy alone, he has been through enough tonight.” Said Jonny. Still snickering. Of course everyone laughed it off, that was something Chris always did. Mostly to Jon and a couple times to Will, but never me. Not once! My face was flushed, my heart thumped painfully in my chest, I couldn’t breathe. Nobody seem to noticed, thank God. We arrived at whatever place we were going. Everything else that happened seemed like it was happening in a daze. I was no longer hungry but I ordered anyway. We were all crowded in a booth, Chris sat next to me, our thighs, arms, shoulders were touching. It took all my restraint to not break down right there.


“Guy, GUY!” I awoke from my daze, All three of my friends were staring at me. “Are you okay?” Chris asked me, staring at me with his beautiful eyes.


“No, I feel sick. I need to leave. Chris maybe you should stay with Jon tonight.” I turned and almost ran out the door, I couldn’t look back. I got outside and waved down a taxi, I could feel the tears streaming down my face.



Sorry its short and sucky, i was distracted.

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L I B E R A T I O N[/color][/size][/font]



I think this is my favorite chapter.




Three weeks later, we did get together. Will and Marianne brought a ton of old movies, and Chris brought the sweets. I just brought myself, but I figured it was good enough. Apart from us, Jonny’s brother (whom I didn’t know too well) was there. Chloe put Violet to bed early and offered to get some beer for the rest of us, but Jonny half-jokingly told her not to bother. If he couldn’t drink, neither could we.


Normally, I liked to have fun at get-togethers, but tonight was different. I sat on the couch towards the window, refusing to engage anyone. Will tried sitting with me for a while, but I wasn’t in good enough humor to take up his offers at conversation. I just felt horrible. I felt horrible for being there, I felt horrible for being invited, and I felt horrible for the fact that Jonny was still limping. They said it might go away completely, but on the other hand, they said it might stick with him forever. His bruises hadn’t gone away either. Mine were mostly faded reminders of the night of the accident, but his were more blatant.


Every time I saw them, I was reminded of when I thought I’d never talk to him again. When I thought I’d killed him. I felt as if I might lose him again, and the thought terrified me. For the first time, I’d experienced just how fleeting and delicate life was...how easy it was to lose a friend. Sure, I’d been to funerals before, but they’d always been relatives whom I hadn’t known so well. But Jonny...he was one of my closest friends; the one I shared my personal problems with. He was the one who was always there to hold my head above the violent waters.


“What’s wrong, sad sack?” asked Jonny, hobbling over to sit on the edge of the couch. My chest tightened, and I focused on the sound of Marianne and Chloe laughing with each other in the adjoining room.




“You’ve been sitting here the whole night, Guy.” I looked up at him slowly.


“I’m just tired.”


“Are your ribs bothering you still? You’re so fucking pale...”


“No. No, I’m okay.” I insisted, waving a hand dismissively. “What about you?”


“Ah...I’m alright.” he said, shrugging. “Then again, some stuff still hurts. But hey, at least I can still play.” He strummed a few notes on an invisible guitar. “We’ll be touring again in no time.”


“Don’t rush it.” I reminded, picking up a can of Pepsi from the table. I looked at it and shook my head. “What’s with this, man? Pepsi? You know I only drink Coke.”


“What,” said Jonny, waggling his eyebrows. “Has snorting it gone out of fashion?” he finished, cracking himself up. I laughed despite myself.


“Oh, Jon!” called Chris suddenly from the kitchen. “Come ’ere, man, I need help.”


“If it has to do with the stove, you’d better call Will. He’s the cook.” Jonny looked at the drummer, who shook his head. “Never mind, I’ll be right there.”


I offered my arm to help him, but Jonny shook his head and made his way to the kitchen himself. Chloe and Marianne had drifted out from the other room, and were now sorting through the movies Marianne had brought. I waited a few minutes, watching the ladies discussing their favorite ‘chick flicks’ and the most handsome actors in them. Will and Jon’s brother shared a look of mild disgust, but I couldn’t really be bothered.


Finally, I decided to check out what was going on in the kitchen. I strolled across the floor and down the short hall to its doorway. But as I got a glance through the door, I panicked and pressed myself against the wall. Chris and Jonny were talking, but not in the way they normally would. Chris looked shaky and upset, and Jonny’s arms were crossed in what looked like frustration. Their mouths moved quickly, but their voices were muted so I hadn’t understood what they were saying. I did notice, however, that Jonny had been leaning against the counter to keep himself steady.


I, of course, headed straight back into the living room. I didn’t want to know what they’d been doing, and I told myself I didn’t care. Somehow, though, I knew it had to do with the crash. What else could make them look so downcast and anxious? I sat back in my spot, and jumped slightly as I realized Marianne was trying to ask me something.


“Guy!” she laughed. “Which do you prefer; Bridget Jones’ Diary or Sweet Home Alabama?”


“Uh...I dunno.” I muttered. “I’ve never seen the first.”


The rest of the evening passed slowly. Once more I was distracted by my longtime friend; suffocating guilt. Jonny and Chris eventually rejoined us, and they seemed to be back to normal. Whatever normal was. We ate on and off for two hours or so, watching football on the television because the women couldn’t agree on a movie. Eventually, the atmosphere began to dwindle and Jonny’s brother left. Will and Marianne headed out an hour later. Chloe fell asleep on the couch, so I moved myself to sit in the kitchen. Chris insisted on sleeping over, so he was invading the shower upstairs. Jonny sat on the couch next to his wife, watching a late night special on World War I.


I picked at a bowl of ice cream, listening to the muted sounds of airplanes and machine guns. Eventually, the noise of the TV stopped altogether and I heard Jonny shuffling down the hallway in my direction. I kept my eyes locked on the quickly melting ice cream as he entered the room. “Are you planning on leaving, or do you want to stay?” he asked.


I grinned a little, still not looking up. “You wanna get rid of me?”


“No! No, of course not. I’m just wondering. You’ve been so...detached. What’s wrong?” he pressed, leaning across the table to look at me. I shook my head, licking some of my dessert off the spoon.


“I’m fine. And if you want, I’ll leave soon.”


“No.” He sounded tired, and not willing to put up with my foul mood. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked again, frowning. “Tell me your problems.”


“My problems? I nearly killed you.” I snapped, chuckling bitterly. “I could’ve...I...” My smile faltered painfully. I felt my throat tightening dangerously, and I finally looked up to see Jonny’s horrified expression. I pushed the bowl away and crossed my arms protectively around my chest. “Jon, I’m sorry.”


“Please, don’t...”


“I should’ve paid better attention to the road, but...” I was beginning to ramble.


“It wasn’t...”


“It’s my fault you’re like this, whatever pain you’re in is my fault!”


“No it’s not.” he corrected firmly. “They told me that you saved that girl. Would you rather she had died instead?” I shook my head wordlessly. “Answer me, Guy.”




“Look at me.” he commanded, his voice thick. I shook my head and glanced away, trembling. “Come on...” He took my head firmly in his hands, forced me to face him, and his features twisted in pain. “Oh, god...Look at you.” he mused aloud, probably noticing the dark circles under my eyes. “When was the last time you’ve slept?”


“What about you?” I asked, my vision starting to blur. “When was the last time you’ve slept?”


He swallowed. “It’s hard.”




“The pain.”


I nodded. “My fault.”


Jonny shook his head again. “We were in there together.” he whispered, his hold tightening. “I could have seen her sooner, but I didn’t. She could’ve looked before she crossed the street, but she didn’t. That doesn’t make it your fault.”


For the first time, I began to believe him. “I don’t know what I would’ve done...if you’d...” My voice cracked and I had to stop speaking. To my distress, Jonny’s shoulders shook slightly as he breathed, and a tear spilled over from his eye.


“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I thought you were getting through this...I thought you were okay.” I shook my head and pulled away from him, running a hand forcefully through my hair. I hadn’t meant to upset my friend, and I wished I could’ve kept my mouth shut about the fucking crash. But then, slowly, Jonny pulled me forward and hugged me tightly. He was trembling, and I could hear the tears behind his uneven breathing. “I’m so sorry, Guy...”


My face twisted with emotion as he held me, but it wasn’t caused by his embrace. He had simply told me the things I’d been waiting to hear from him; the things he needed to reinforce in order for me to start releasing some of the burden I carried. Gradually, I buried myself into him, drinking in his familiar scent. He was alive, and he wasn’t going to leave. He wasn’t blaming me, and he didn’t hate me.


“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I whispered, a few tears dripping to my chin. He pressed his cheek against my hair, rubbing my back gently.


“Same here.”


A minute or two later, he made a small noise of discomfort, and I pulled quickly away. I could tell I was beginning to hurt him. He looked evenly back at me, deeply apologetic. “I’m sorry.”


“You’re in pain.”


“I’m sorry.” he repeated helplessly.


I shook my head and took his hand in mine, as if we were kids sealing a deal. “It’s not your fault.” I echoed, my voice a bit stronger. “Just tell me where the medication is.”


“The cabinet. No... the one to your left.” he admitted. I got up stiffly and rummaged through the things in the cupboard, feeling intrusive. Eventually, I managed to fish out the pills and I wiped my eyes on my sleeve before I turned around. I tossed them to him, and then got a bottle of water from the fridge. “Thank you.”


I paused, watching him carefully count out two pills. “You’re welcome.”



L I B E R A T I O N[/color][/font][/size]






Will was laughing hysterically, doubling over helplessly. I leaned into his side, my head thrown back as I tried to breathe through my laughter. Chris was leaning his forehead into his knees, his shoulders shaking. Jonny was chuckling, somehow not finding the video as funny as we did. We were all crowded together on one couch in the Bakery, watching one of those clip shows where people send in funny or embarrassing home videos.


Particularly, we were watching little kids and their cute little antics. It was pretty good stuff, since we were all fathers, I supposed. In all honesty though, it was very late at night, and the threshold of ‘funny’ was considerably lowered.


It was the first time in quite a while that we were all laughing, free of anything weighing us down. It really is true; that laughter cures the soul. I felt at ease, at least for the moment. Jonny was getting better, and we were beginning to play as a band a little bit. I was happy, but I couldn’t help seeing things in a bit of a different light.


I took nothing for granted, and I began to have fears that had never existed for me before. I didn’t drive, nor did I even sit in the front seat of cars. But I had been given the rare gift of seeing life without one of my closest friends, and it made me realize that in the end, if you don’t have people you love, you have nothing.


“Look!” Chris said breathlessly. “It’s Guy drunk!” He was pointing to a little kid on the screen who kept tripping over his own feet, falling face-first on the grass. I grimaced and whacked Chris on the arm.


“Shut up.”


“Yeah, Chris, shut it! When Guy’s drunk, he falls more to the side. Never flat on his face!” corrected Jonny matter-of-factly. I was obligated to punch him in the leg for saying that, but I did so gently. Jonny laughed and shoved me back.


Things were almost back to normal, and yet, I had the feeling that they never would be. People don’t really walk away from something like that completely unharmed. I had my little scars, both physical and emotional, as did we all.


But the severe, suffocating pain had finally died.


I had gained my liberation.




The video I like to pretend they were watching:


AMAZING KYRA!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:clap::clap:!!:heart::heart:!!!



it's really stupid. like, really stupid. i don't like it at all.




The drummer, the bassist, the guitarist, and the lead singer of a band called Coldplay were crowded around a laptop in their studio. The guitarist, Jonny, was controlling the computer. "What’s it called again?" he asked, his hands on the keyboard.

"Coldplaying dot com." the other three said in unison.

Jonny silently typed the URL, feeling embarrassed that he forgot.

"Click on forum!" The singer, Chris said. "I want to see my thread!"

Jonny did as he told, and they were welcomed onto the Coldplaying home page. It was full of sections, games, and so many fans. The four were mesmerized. Jonny clicked on the "Coldplay" section.

Threads, forums, subsections. Everything about them. The boys were silent. Jonny was about to click on the "Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris" thread when Will stopped him. "Wait!" He yelled, putting a hand tightly on his shoulder. "What’s that?"

All sixteen eyes fell on "The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread". Jonny laid the mouse over the link, and clicked.

The guys busted out into laughter, pointing at different stories revolving around each other. There were stories about love, stories about friendship, and some stories about very close friendship. All four got a little silent reading a few of the stories, talking about how their friendship got sexual.

"Wow." Will said. "Our fans are…"

"Weird." Jonny said, his eyes widening.

Much more silence as they went from fanfic to fanfic. "So much...sexuality." Guy said, holding onto his stomach.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Jonny said while standing up. "to slit my wrists."

The three of them huddled around the computer for the rest of the night, completely entoxicated in the stories.


aww this is so cute christina!! :wacky:D:D

i loved it!


holy shit you guys talked a LOT today!!!!! :stunned:


Oh yeah, so. Chapter 5 of My Golden Opportunity, its coming. :P Over the last week I've been busy, had bad writer's block and then was in bad moods and i shouldn't write when i'm in that kind of mood. Now i'm back to killer writer's block. :(

I tried writing some of it a few days ago but it turned out like shit and i haven't figured out how to rewrite it. I think I'm gonna try tonight though.

But yeah, its coming. :P

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Well, I had a little debate in my head :gossip: and finally decided this is the ending. I don't want to strecht it so I thought this would be fitting. I may write other stories, I don't know, it depends on the inspiration, right? :)



I Will Try To Fix You





Chapter 6



Everything that happened afterwards was a blur.


The woman stopped to drink some water and rest on a bench near his. He contemplated going over to her but he just didn’t have the guts to do it. He didn’t want to face the prospect of rejection at this point. But at the same time, he felt enticed by her. She seemed quiet and at peace with herself and that amazed him. Confidence exuded from her in a natural way.

Somehow, after debating the pros and cons, he felt ready to try. Come on, it’s just a woman! He thought to himself.


Next thing he knew he was approaching her, talking to her and getting her number. Only after going away he didn’t realize he didn’t know her name.



The months passed by in a rush.


The tour was over, they were back in the studio, Nico was with him and therapy was finally having its effects. It was a constant learning process. He knew he almost hit rock bottom and he still carried some of the wounds that only time would heal. But he felt grateful. For his friends and family, for his work, but also for the arrival of someone he had come to love over the last few months. It was crazy, looking back on it. She came into his life at a time when he had nothing but problems to deal with. Depression was not something that could be seen as attractive so he was surprised when their first date was not a disaster. And he was even more surprised that ever since that day she was by his side.


She was more than anything the friend he could count on, someone that helped him through the difficulties, determined to get him through the sadness he was living in. It was her that brushed away his tears, that comforted him, that embraced his imperfections and that patiently led him to a better place.



One day, Guy was talking to Chris about a new song and all of a sudden he asked his mate.


“When did you realize you were in love?”


Chris knew he was referring to his wife.


“Well, the moment I became aware that her happiness was all I needed to be happy. She was going through a bad time when I met her and I tried to help her, I tried to put a smile on her face.” He paused. “And I remember the first time I did it. It was that moment.” He said, his voice soft and his gaze fixed on his wedding ring, a small smile gracing his face.


“Did you ever question it?”


“No, there’s nothing to question. Even if you feel unsure or doubtful, you know deep down when you love someone. It’s that butterfly feeling in your stomach and the strange conscience that your only ambition is to be with that person through thick and thin.”


Chris’s words were etched in his mind ever since that conversation. He knew his friend was a romantic and could be really cheesy at times but the certainty in his voice was what awed him the most. The way he talked was so truthful and heartfelt that rendered Guy speechless.


Later, he realized that was exactly what was happening to him at that very moment.






That was her name.


She was the turning point in his life. The mental chaos he lived in before slowly but surely faded away, allowing him to finally move on. And she was there every step of the way.


He couldn’t understand how someone could be so selfless, so loving, and for him, that was the ultimate proof that she was the one who truly fixed him.




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Emma! No! :stunned:

I don't know why you don't like it, but in the categories of fanfiction I used to read, it was a very good place.


*dodges your smack*


Lots of it is just random shipping crap which although can be fun can be VERY ANNOYING when it's something completely illogical. Like Harry/Hermione shippers in Harry Potter. Ugh.


And I too like fanfiction.net :smug:


*smacks on the head*


Also, I suppose I better update that archive soon, it's terribly outdated.

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