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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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that was really good writing!!!:D


:bigcry:but I feel so bad for both of them!!Ive never read a story with Will drunk,almost shagging Guy!!!:heart:the story was beautiful!!


Yeah, especially when it's sort of, you know...against his will. :uhoh2:

Scary. :shame:

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prepare yourselves. that's all i'm gonna say.

How Infinite is Space?

Part 18



"I'm starting to think this is gonna be harder than we thought." Chris and Jonny were almost three-quarters of the way through the building. They'd fought off almost a hundred of the aliens by themselves alone, but there were still plenty left.


Walking down the final hallway, Chris and Jonny spotted a small group of the invaders. Luckily for the two, the aliens were all facing the opposite way. Being careful not to make too much noise, they both took out their guns and shot a bunch of rays at the unsuspecting group. They climbed over the lifeless bodies as they made their way out the back exit of the building and into a large field. All of the remaining aliens appeared to be in the field, all purposefully fighting each other.


"Wow, that's a lot," Jonny noted as he walked out, his eyes scanning the extraordinary battleground.


"Yeah. When are we ever gonna get rid of them?"


"Maybe never. Who knows?" Chris turned and saw a group of three invaders creeping up on Jonny. One of them was dangerously close to attacking. Chris ran, panicking out of his mind, to save Jonny.


"Get away from my Jonnyboy, you twat waffle!" He gathered his strength and struck the alien as hard as he could. It collapsed, its limp body hitting the ground within seconds. Unfortunately, one of the other aliens also had his eye on Jonny. A ray of yellow light traveled from the alien's gun to Jonny's stomach. Clutching his abdomen, he let out an agonizing scream.




"I'm fine, Chris, just keep going! I'll be fine!" Jonny shouted back, falling to the ground. Chris wanted to guard his wounded lover, but the distant screams of the dying alien revolutionaries reminded him that he needed to continue on.


"I'll come back!"


"I'll be here. Just go!" Chris ran forward into a nearby group of a dozen alien invaders. They began throwing punches, and Chris did a spin attack with his gun and shot about three of them. The rest advanced forward and continued to hit Chris. He was starting to get beaten badly now. Maybe the prophecy was wrong. He felt like he was dying. Maybe what Retaw said... what Retaw said... dying... Didn't Retaw say something about dying?... Dying... emergency? Emergency...


"The jar!" Chris pulled the jar of orange goo out of his backpack. He wasn't really sure what to do with it, but he figured he may as well start by opening it. He pulled the lid off, and a strong odor emitted from the bottle. "Oh, that's nasty!"


Chris plugged his nose and put the lid back on the jar. He threw it towards the invaders. It hit the ground, shattered into a million pieces and released the orange goo onto the ground. The aliens closest to the jar fell first, followed by the others. Chris nearly breathed a sigh of relief, then he saw that more of the invaders were on their way.


"Ugh, this is one of those times where I could really use some help."




it looks so small compared to the other chapters, but maybe that's because there's a lack of dialogue. :\ :shrug:

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a totally random stupid story :D



Once upon a time Chris was walking through a forest when he found a rock. He picked it up and gave it a hug. It then turned into a faery which granted him ten zillion wishes. His first wish was to be king of the world. The rest of the wishes he used to get muffins.


One day, squire Guy came into the castle and handed Chris a sheet of paper that said he there was an important meeting in a nearby village. So he, squire Guy, and his knight Will, went to the village.


They were greeted by an odd looking creature named Jonny, who sucked them into a UFO and took them to his home planet.





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