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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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How Infinite is Space?

Part 19



"I'm here, Chris Martin!" Retaw popped up next to Chris, who had just fought off about a dozen invaders. His face and arms were covered in scratches and cuts, but he appeared to be quite upbeat and energetic.


"Retaw, you made it!"


"Barely. But yes, I'm here now. And with good news! There are only a few more of them left, and the revolutionaries are fighting them as we speak!"


"...Jonny's been hit."


"Oh my... where is he?"


"He's over there." Chris gestured in the direction that Jonny was in, and Retaw immediately ran to find him. An expression of immense concern and fear writhed its way onto Chris' face, and an alien of immense mass and frightfulness writhed its way into Chris' view. His outfit was clean and professional-looking, and it told Chris that this was definitely someone of importance. He was the leader of the invaders, and he was holding a massive laser gun in his right hand.


"Aw, what's wrong? Upset about your little friend?" Behind the alien, Chris could see Retaw tending to the wounded Jonny. Jonny was now completely lying on the ground, and looking paler than ever. Chris, deeply worried about Jonny's being, stood frozen long enough for the monster to attack him in the leg. He fell to the ground, agonizing in pain, but immediately stood back up despite a huge gash in his right thigh. As he stood up, the monster picked up his gun, pointing it at Chris' chest.


"You think... that you can just take happiness away from everyone else, just because you don't have it? Huh? Is that what you think?" Chris shouted at the alien leader.


"Are you speaking to me now? Filthy scum! I know your human type." The alien lowered the gun and pointed a large finger at Chris. "You think that everything should be just and fair. It shouldn't. The strong should prevail over the weak. Always."


"How do you judge strength? Physically, or mentally? By the looks of you, probably physically."


"What is that supposed to mean?" The monster raised the gun again.


"It's supposed to mean that you're a big, scary alien monster with a gun pointed at me, but if you didn't have that gun and I called you a girl you'd run off and cry. Or try to beat me up. But the point is, you couldn't handle it."


"I think I could."


"Wanna bet? Here, give me the gun."


"What do you think I am, stupid?"


"I was hoping."


"That's enough from you!" The monster put his finger on the trigger of the gun, but something struck him from behind, knocking the gun out of his hands. Retaw. Chris picked up the gun and aimed it at the alien's neck.


"Listen, this is your last chance. You can surrender now, and live, or you can lay here and die. It's your choice."


"I'd rather die than listen to you... filthy scum!"


"Have it your way, then." Chris pulled the trigger, shooting the alien with a ray of bright yellow light. His body fell to the ground, and though he was still alive the revolutionaries in the surrounding area began to cheer.


"Well done, Chris Martin!"


"Yeah, thanks." He looked over at the alien leader, who was now motionless. With the last enemy finally defeated, Chris threw the gun off to the side and ran to Jonny, who was still lying on the ground. "Jonny!"


"Chris... Chris, I have something I want to say to you..." Jonny tried to sit up, but he didn't have the strength to.


"Stay down, it's OK."


"I just want to let you know... that I really do love you..." Jonny was now gasping for air, and growing increasingly tired. "You're the best... friend I've ever had... Thank you... for everything..." Still struggling to breathe, Jonny used the last of his remaining strength to reach out and grab Chris' hand before slowly closing his eyes.







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My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 6



Chris PoV


As I flipped the last pancake in the pan I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I turned around and smiled. “Hey you,” I greeted her smiling. I’m pretty sure I’d been smiling like an idiot for the last half hour. But hey, who could blame me? “Did I wake you up? I did didn’t I?” I frowned. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” She laughed as I walked over to kiss her.


“You didn’t wake me. Its just the time I wake up.” She assured me.


“Well, you’re time is impeccable. Are you hungry?”


“You didn’t have to do that, Chris” she said, but I saw her smiling.


“I wanted to. What do you want to drink? Apple juice or orange juice?” I started walking over to the fridge.


“Hmm, let’s go with apple. Oh my God! Chris? Chocolate chip pancakes?! These look amazing.” She had a huge smile on her face as she was smelling the food that was in front of her. I chuckled and walked over to her, glass of apple juice in my hand. “You’re amazing,” I said kissing her again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It was in the middle of the afternoon, around three. We were in the studio, Steph had joined us and was watching with great amusement. I was so glad she came, I didn’t want to be anywhere without her. Pushing aside the fact that I wouldn’t be with her tonight, I focused on the song we were playing for today’s studio session. We stared at each other the entire time, during every song. I was putting my guitar down after we finished and Jonny walked over to me smiling.


“I’m so happy for you man!” he said giving me a hug.


“Uh, thanks.”


“She’s great, and you look so happy. Both of you.” he really meant it.


“She’s wonderful. And thanks, J. I am, I really am.” I almost sprinted to where Steph was sitting. She got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss.


“You sounded wonderful!” she said enthusiastically.


“Not really. It was better than before, not total shit, but not good either.”


“Would you stop that?” she playfully hit my shoulder. I went to kiss her again but I was interrupted by Jonny, who seemed oblivious to the fact that Steph and I were having a moment. So instead I just put my arm around her and listening to whatever it was that Jonny was about to say.


“So I think the new riff at the end of the last one works really well!” ah, so he wanted to talk about the session. I really wish we could do this later, so I could be with Stephanie, I guess we’ll just have to make it quick.


“Yeah man, it sounded great! You’re a genius.” He really was when it came to writing music, especially his killer riffs. Thankfully Guy and Will came over and they all started talking about the songs. I began to play with Steph’s hair which made her giggle.


“So what do you think, Chris?” Guy pulled me out of a trance.


“About what?” What the hell were they talking about? Were they even talking to me? It didn’t seem like it.


“Chris were you even listening?” Will seemed amused by his own question.


“Yeah yeah, Jonny’s new guitar riff, its great.”


“No, now we’re talking about another song.” Will and Jonny laughed and Guy gave me a suspicious look. Whatever. They finished their talk and started getting ready to go.


“So Stephanie are you coming tonight?” Jonny asked putting on his coat. “To the u2 release party?” oh shit. Did he just ask her-? I was cutoff by her answer.


“No……I didn’t think you guys were allowed to bring anyone.” She looked really confused and stared directly at me. Fuck.


“Well, why would you think that? We’re always allowed to bring whoever we want. Did you tell her that Chris? Why would you think that? You’ve brought people before.” Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen! I shot Jonny a death stare and they all left. She saw the look I gave him, and understood what it meant. Goddamn why did he have to say that?!


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?”




oh snap! :stunned::P

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:sad:your going to bed?its only like 10:30:lol:

night Laura:hug:


:P i can't help it if i'm a whimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




@Marisa-Great story! Can't wait for more!!!!


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My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 6



Chris PoV


As I flipped the last pancake in the pan I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I turned around and smiled. “Hey you,” I greeted her smiling. I’m pretty sure I’d been smiling like an idiot for the last half hour. But hey, who could blame me? “Did I wake you up? I did didn’t I?” I frowned. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” She laughed as I walked over to kiss her.


“You didn’t wake me. Its just the time I wake up.” She assured me.


“Well, you’re time is impeccable. Are you hungry?”


“You didn’t have to do that, Chris” she said, but I saw her smiling.


“I wanted to. What do you want to drink? Apple juice or orange juice?” I started walking over to the fridge.


“Hmm, let’s go with apple. Oh my God! Chris? Chocolate chip pancakes?! These look amazing.” She had a huge smile on her face as she was smelling the food that was in front of her. I chuckled and walked over to her, glass of apple juice in my hand. “You’re amazing,” I said kissing her again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It was in the middle of the afternoon, around three. We were in the studio, Steph had joined us and was watching with great amusement. I was so glad she came, I didn’t want to be anywhere without her. Pushing aside the fact that I wouldn’t be with her tonight, I focused on the song we were playing for today’s studio session. We stared at each other the entire time, during every song. I was putting my guitar down after we finished and Jonny walked over to me smiling.


“I’m so happy for you man!” he said giving me a hug.


“Uh, thanks.”


“She’s great, and you look so happy. Both of you.” he really meant it.


“She’s wonderful. And thanks, J. I am, I really am.” I almost sprinted to where Steph was sitting. She got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss.


“You sounded wonderful!” she said enthusiastically.


“Not really. It was better than before, not total shit, but not good either.”


“Would you stop that?” she playfully hit my shoulder. I went to kiss her again but I was interrupted by Jonny, who seemed oblivious to the fact that Steph and I were having a moment. So instead I just put my arm around her and listening to whatever it was that Jonny was about to say.


“So I think the new riff at the end of the last one works really well!” ah, so he wanted to talk about the session. I really wish we could do this later, so I could be with Stephanie, I guess we’ll just have to make it quick.


“Yeah man, it sounded great! You’re a genius.” He really was when it came to writing music, especially his killer riffs. Thankfully Guy and Will came over and they all started talking about the songs. I began to play with Steph’s hair which made her giggle.


“So what do you think, Chris?” Guy pulled me out of a trance.


“About what?” What the hell were they talking about? Were they even talking to me? It didn’t seem like it.


“Chris were you even listening?” Will seemed amused by his own question.


“Yeah yeah, Jonny’s new guitar riff, its great.”


“No, now we’re talking about another song.” Will and Jonny laughed and Guy gave me a suspicious look. Whatever. They finished their talk and started getting ready to go.


“So Stephanie are you coming tonight?” Jonny asked putting on his coat. “To the u2 release party?” oh shit. Did he just ask her-? I was cutoff by her answer.


“No……I didn’t think you guys were allowed to bring anyone.” She looked really confused and stared directly at me. Fuck.


“Well, why would you think that? We’re always allowed to bring whoever we want. Did you tell her that Chris? Why would you think that? You’ve brought people before.” Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen! I shot Jonny a death stare and they all left. She saw the look I gave him, and understood what it meant. Goddamn why did he have to say that?!


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?”




oh snap! :stunned::P




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My Golden Opportunity[/color][/size][/b]

Chapter 6



Chris PoV


As I flipped the last pancake in the pan I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I turned around and smiled. “Hey you,” I greeted her smiling. I’m pretty sure I’d been smiling like an idiot for the last half hour. But hey, who could blame me? “Did I wake you up? I did didn’t I?” I frowned. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” She laughed as I walked over to kiss her.


“You didn’t wake me. Its just the time I wake up.” She assured me.


“Well, you’re time is impeccable. Are you hungry?”


“You didn’t have to do that, Chris” she said, but I saw her smiling.


“I wanted to. What do you want to drink? Apple juice or orange juice?” I started walking over to the fridge.


“Hmm, let’s go with apple. Oh my God! Chris? Chocolate chip pancakes?! These look amazing.” She had a huge smile on her face as she was smelling the food that was in front of her. I chuckled and walked over to her, glass of apple juice in my hand. “You’re amazing,” I said kissing her again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It was in the middle of the afternoon, around three. We were in the studio, Steph had joined us and was watching with great amusement. I was so glad she came, I didn’t want to be anywhere without her. Pushing aside the fact that I wouldn’t be with her tonight, I focused on the song we were playing for today’s studio session. We stared at each other the entire time, during every song. I was putting my guitar down after we finished and Jonny walked over to me smiling.


“I’m so happy for you man!” he said giving me a hug.


“Uh, thanks.”


“She’s great, and you look so happy. Both of you.” he really meant it.


“She’s wonderful. And thanks, J. I am, I really am.” I almost sprinted to where Steph was sitting. She got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss.


“You sounded wonderful!” she said enthusiastically.


“Not really. It was better than before, not total shit, but not good either.”


“Would you stop that?” she playfully hit my shoulder. I went to kiss her again but I was interrupted by Jonny, who seemed oblivious to the fact that Steph and I were having a moment. So instead I just put my arm around her and listening to whatever it was that Jonny was about to say.


“So I think the new riff at the end of the last one works really well!” ah, so he wanted to talk about the session. I really wish we could do this later, so I could be with Stephanie, I guess we’ll just have to make it quick.


“Yeah man, it sounded great! You’re a genius.” He really was when it came to writing music, especially his killer riffs. Thankfully Guy and Will came over and they all started talking about the songs. I began to play with Steph’s hair which made her giggle.


“So what do you think, Chris?” Guy pulled me out of a trance.


“About what?” What the hell were they talking about? Were they even talking to me? It didn’t seem like it.


“Chris were you even listening?” Will seemed amused by his own question.


“Yeah yeah, Jonny’s new guitar riff, its great.”


“No, now we’re talking about another song.” Will and Jonny laughed and Guy gave me a suspicious look. Whatever. They finished their talk and started getting ready to go.


“So Stephanie are you coming tonight?” Jonny asked putting on his coat. “To the u2 release party?” oh shit. Did he just ask her-? I was cutoff by her answer.


“No……I didn’t think you guys were allowed to bring anyone.” She looked really confused and stared directly at me. Fuck.


“Well, why would you think that? We’re always allowed to bring whoever we want. Did you tell her that Chris? Why would you think that? You’ve brought people before.” Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen! I shot Jonny a death stare and they all left. She saw the look I gave him, and understood what it meant. Goddamn why did he have to say that?!


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?”




oh snap! :stunned::P



I need to know why Chris lied!!

great chapter!!!!!:D:D:D

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the whole random story thing is becoming another coldplay-themed obsession for me, and i seem to enjoy placing the guys in random situations. like a forest.:lol:






Jonny shoved the twig over the fire, watching his marshmallow slowly turn brown. "Why are we here again?"


"Chris said he read something online that camping builds trust and friendship or bloody something," Guy frowned, sitting by Jon on a log.


Will sat near the tent, using a flashlight to read. "Hey! Toss me a marshmallow!"


As Guy handed Will a marshmallow, Chris randomly appeared from the forest around them. "OOH! MARSHMALLOWS!!!"


"Where've you been?" Jonny handed him a branch and the bag of s'mores supplies.


Chris shoved a marshmallow onto the stick. "When a guy has to go, a guy has to go!"


Guy cautiously inched away from Chris, forcing Jon to move over as well. "Look at those stars!" he changed the subject.


Will glanced up, too. "Wow."


They spent a few minutes silently watching the stars.




"What-OH MY GOD!" Chris had been holding his marshmallow over the fire, and now, it was ON fire. "WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO?" he shouted, flinging the twig back and forth.


Before anyone could answer, the marshmallow flew off the stick, and landed on Guy's lap. He screamed, jumping up and shaking it to the ground. Jonny stomped on the marshmallow, as Guy smacked himself :lol:, trying to extinguish the flames.


Finally, the flames were gone, and Guy glared at Chris. Will burst out laughing, falling backwards in his chair. The rest of the boys began to laugh, too, and for the rest of the night, Chris was not allowed to cook his own marshmallows.





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"What-OH MY GOD!" Chris had been holding his marshmallow over the fire, and now, it was ON fire. "WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO?" he shouted, flinging the twig back and forth.


Before anyone could answer, the marshmallow flew off the stick, and landed on Guy's lap. He screamed, jumping up and shaking it to the ground. Jonny stomped on the marshmallow, as Guy smacked himself , trying to extinguish the flames.


Finally, the flames were gone, and Guy glared at Chris. Will burst out laughing, falling backwards in his chair. The rest of the boys began to laugh, too, and for the rest of the night, Chris was not allowed to cook his own marshmallows.



I have tears in my eyes from laughing so much!!!!!!!poor Guy!!


cant wait for the next random story:lol:

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