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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Omg you guys, I haven't been on coldplaying in over a week. and it looks like there have been 1 million new pages in here! What happened??? It's too overwhelming! haha :lol: there's no way I'll be able to go back through all of these pages. can someone update me on the new fics?

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An Unsteady Trapeze Act

Part 4





For the second time that week I walked into my apartment with Jonny. This time I let him carry his own bags. I opened the door, walked in, and led Jonny to the spare room he'd be staying in.


"I really can't thank you enough for this, Chris. It really means a lot to me," Jonny said as he put his bags on the bed. "And... I'll try to find a new place as soon as I can. I hate having to bother you like this."


"Don't worry about it." I hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not I should tell him that I was grateful to have him as a friend. "You're always doing nice things for everyone else, including me, and now it's my turn to repay you." I guess that's close enough. Jonny smiled and blushed a little.


"Well, thanks again."


"So, how about that Spongebob?" I asked, clapping my hands together.


"Chris, it's four in the afternoon. I don't think it's on now."


"Jonny, I own the DVDs. Don't try to get out of this," I added when I saw him roll his eyes. "You stay at my house, you watch Spongebob, that's all there is to it." Jonny laughed. His laugh always makes me feel better. It's so giggly, which I find hilarious, and it reminds me that I'm not as loser-ish as I always think I am.


As promised, I got out my handy Spongebob DVDs. We watched four or five episodes, then realised that we were both starving. Of course, I didn't have any food whatsoever, so we had to find someplace to go.


"Well," Jonny said, staring at the ceiling while trying to think. "What about that new Mexican place down the road? I heard they're pretty good."


"Nah, I'm not really in a Mexican mood."


"Um... Chinese?"


"We had Chinese for lunch, Jon."


"Yeah, but it was so delicious."


"Uh, I don't think so."


"No, no, it really was delicious!"


"No, I meant I don't think we should get Chinese food."


"Oh. Well, then what are we gonna get?"


"Erm..." I looked around the room to find something. I don't know why I did that, though, because it's not like I found anything that helped. "Pizza?"


"Ooh, pizza sounds great!" We walked to this nice, small pizza parlor a few blocks away from my apartment. I had been there a few times before, and I was pretty familiar with the employees. Oh, yeah, the pizza was pretty good, too.


"Hey, Chris! What can I get for you? The usual?" OK, so maybe I'd been there for more than just a few times. Anyway, I told him that yes, I wanted the usual, then Jonny and I chose a table to sit at while we were waiting. There were only a few other people in there, so we didn't have to worry about being hounded by nosy paps or fans. Or, I thought we didn't have to worry, anyway.





i'm sorry that this story is so boring. :shame:

buuuut, i think it's going to be a little less boring next chapter... maybe. :shrug:

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Chapter 5


The Hurricane or Nothing Much Happened




Chris woke up to a pounding headache, which was a surprise since he never did get around to drinking any alcohol. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at Jonny, sleeping soundly, and smiled. It wasn't the first time that he had slept in the same bed as Jonny. But it was the first time that he had woken up as Jonny's lover. Chris stretched his arms and legs, yawned and moved over to snuggle up against Jonny. Chris was a notorious early riser so he found it impossible to go back to sleep. He just lie there and re-ran all the events of last night in his head. His blue eyes sparkled and he got a mischievious grin on his face as he remembered how surprised and thrilled he was that Jonny joined him in the shower. Jonny, the chronically shy and reserved one, that he would make a move like that.....And after the shower, when they were getting dressed in the living room...........neither one of them got very far before the clothes started flying all over the place. And the rest of the night in this bed, drinking in each other's essence, reveling in each other's touch, trails of hot kisses up and down their entire bodies. And tangled sheets, melded bodies and enmeshed souls. Cries of passion and soft gentle whispers, long loving gazes into each other's eyes and the sheer unadulterated joy of being together. Chris had never felt such a feeling of completeness and peacefulness. He was the paranoid worrier always full of self-doubt, always criticizing himself; that he could actually feel so much at peace was quite a shock to him.

Jonny stirred beside him. Chris gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and said, "Good morning, luv." Jonny smiled slightly and opened sleepy eyes.

"So," he said, "You are here. The hurricane and .......all that other stuff, "He blushed slightly, "All that other stuff really happened?"

"Yep," Chris answered, with a big smile on his face, "I am sure that we committed at least several felonies last night....at least they are felonies here in America." They both laughed.

"Shit, I wonder what happened with Will and Guy?" Jonny said, "I hope they are okay."

"With Will and Guy out there you should have been worried about the hurricane," Chris said.

"Unfortunately, we better get dressed," Chris said, "If they are okay, they will be here in a few minutes." Jonny didn't answer. He turned toward Chris and slid his arms around his waist, "You know," he said, "I have decided that I really am not that fond of clothes." Chris laughed and they fell into a deep kiss.

Suddenly, there was a knocking on the door. Chris and Jonny ignored it until the knocking turned into a pounding and they heard Guy yelling, "Open this damn door."

Chris got out of bed and slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants, "I'll let them in," he told Jonny, "While you get dressed."

"What do we tell them?" Jonny asked, "I mean, about last night."

"Well, we could tell them that we screwed each others brains out all night but that really doesn't work for me, personally," Chris answered, "I don't think we tell them anything. It was just a boring night. Nothing much happened."



Chapter 6


The Hurricane or Nothing Much Happened


When Guy and Will walked into the hotel suite shared by Chris and Jonny, they got the surprise of their lives. There were little empty liquor bottles scattered all over the floor, along with several beer cans. All manners and sorts of clothing were strung across chairs and a shirt was thrown across a table lamp.

Guy and Will looked at each other and Guy asked, "What the hell do you think happened here?" In all the years that the band had toured together they had never seen anything remotely close to this. Once Chris left a candy wrapper on the side table. He remembered it half way to the airport. He obsessed about it for hours, eventually calling the hotel to apologize and sending a large tip to the maid who cleaned his room. So this was quite different.

Will shrugged, "I have no idea. I thought the hurricane was outside."

Chris and Jonny came in from the bedroom, carrying their luggage.

"Are we all ready to go now?" Will asked, with a big smile.

They rode down in the elevator together. But when they got to the lobby, Chris said, "Shit, I forgot something. I'll be back in a minute. Jonny, come with me will you."

Once back in the elevator, Jonny asked. "What did you forget?"

Chris turned to him, pushed him against the wall and said, "This." Then he kissed him deeply.

While they were checking out of the hotel, Will asked Guy, "So what happened to you last night? Did you ever get a ride out in the storm?"

Guy thought back to his night. He thought about how he and the news reporter had sat talking for several hours after they returned to the hotel. He thought back to how she had seduced him in the back of the news van. And how she had confessed that she knew who he was all along. But he didn't feel like sharing that bit of information at the moment, so he just shook his head and answered, "No, nothing much happened. What about you?"


Will thought back to the beautiful woman who had argued with him and then taken him to her hotel suite. He always seemed to get turned on by women who were secure enough to argue and had some brains. He almost snickered to himself as he remembered the woman calling out, "Guy," in the throes of passion. He always wondered what it would be like to be the handsome bass player of the band and now he felt he had a glimpse of it. But he certainly could not tell Guy that. So he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "No, nothing much happened ." Turning to Chris and Jonny, Will asked, "What did you guys do last night?"


Jonny looked down at his shoes and Chris just slipped on his sunglasses. "We just hung out in the hotel room."

"That's it?" Guy asked, "Your room was a disaster."

"Well," Chris replied, "We did drink a bit of alcohol. But then we just took a shower and went to bed." Jonny had to walk away as he was about to burst out laughing. True to form, Chris hold told them the truth and they didn't even know it."

"Oh, okay," Guy said.

"Yep, nothing much happened." Chris said.


Just as they were getting into the van that was serving as transportation to the airport, the hotel clerk came running toward them. She handed a note to Guy and said, "I am so sorry I forgot to give this to you."

"Thanks," he mumbled. He opened the note and read it with a confused look on his face.

"What is it?" Will asked.

"I don't know. It is from someone named Caroline, thanking me for the fantastic time she had last night and for the great conversation about football. What the hell does that mean?" he asked. Will laughed a secret little laugh and Guy looked at him suspiciously.

"Do you know something about this?" he asked.

"Who me?" Will acted innocently, "I already told you....."

"I know," Guy said, "Nothing much happened."




The End


:lol: your stories are great!! how can you write so many of them??

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My Golden Opportunity[/color][/size][/b]

Chapter 6



Chris PoV


As I flipped the last pancake in the pan I heard footsteps in the kitchen. I turned around and smiled. “Hey you,” I greeted her smiling. I’m pretty sure I’d been smiling like an idiot for the last half hour. But hey, who could blame me? “Did I wake you up? I did didn’t I?” I frowned. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” She laughed as I walked over to kiss her.


“You didn’t wake me. Its just the time I wake up.” She assured me.


“Well, you’re time is impeccable. Are you hungry?”


“You didn’t have to do that, Chris” she said, but I saw her smiling.


“I wanted to. What do you want to drink? Apple juice or orange juice?” I started walking over to the fridge.


“Hmm, let’s go with apple. Oh my God! Chris? Chocolate chip pancakes?! These look amazing.” She had a huge smile on her face as she was smelling the food that was in front of her. I chuckled and walked over to her, glass of apple juice in my hand. “You’re amazing,” I said kissing her again.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It was in the middle of the afternoon, around three. We were in the studio, Steph had joined us and was watching with great amusement. I was so glad she came, I didn’t want to be anywhere without her. Pushing aside the fact that I wouldn’t be with her tonight, I focused on the song we were playing for today’s studio session. We stared at each other the entire time, during every song. I was putting my guitar down after we finished and Jonny walked over to me smiling.


“I’m so happy for you man!” he said giving me a hug.


“Uh, thanks.”


“She’s great, and you look so happy. Both of you.” he really meant it.


“She’s wonderful. And thanks, J. I am, I really am.” I almost sprinted to where Steph was sitting. She got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss.


“You sounded wonderful!” she said enthusiastically.


“Not really. It was better than before, not total shit, but not good either.”


“Would you stop that?” she playfully hit my shoulder. I went to kiss her again but I was interrupted by Jonny, who seemed oblivious to the fact that Steph and I were having a moment. So instead I just put my arm around her and listening to whatever it was that Jonny was about to say.


“So I think the new riff at the end of the last one works really well!” ah, so he wanted to talk about the session. I really wish we could do this later, so I could be with Stephanie, I guess we’ll just have to make it quick.


“Yeah man, it sounded great! You’re a genius.” He really was when it came to writing music, especially his killer riffs. Thankfully Guy and Will came over and they all started talking about the songs. I began to play with Steph’s hair which made her giggle.


“So what do you think, Chris?” Guy pulled me out of a trance.


“About what?” What the hell were they talking about? Were they even talking to me? It didn’t seem like it.


“Chris were you even listening?” Will seemed amused by his own question.


“Yeah yeah, Jonny’s new guitar riff, its great.”


“No, now we’re talking about another song.” Will and Jonny laughed and Guy gave me a suspicious look. Whatever. They finished their talk and started getting ready to go.


“So Stephanie are you coming tonight?” Jonny asked putting on his coat. “To the u2 release party?” oh shit. Did he just ask her-? I was cutoff by her answer.


“No……I didn’t think you guys were allowed to bring anyone.” She looked really confused and stared directly at me. Fuck.


“Well, why would you think that? We’re always allowed to bring whoever we want. Did you tell her that Chris? Why would you think that? You’ve brought people before.” Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen! I shot Jonny a death stare and they all left. She saw the look I gave him, and understood what it meant. Goddamn why did he have to say that?!


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?”




oh snap! :stunned::P

i've been really busy lately and have had a lot of time to write, so this is gonna be the final chapter of My Golden Opportunity.

First I wanna say thanks to Christina [Coldplay_is_louve] because without her feedback i never would have posted chapter 1 and thank you for all the encouragement! :hug::heart::D!!!

And a HUGE thanks to my friend amy [i'llwaitforyou] who helped me when i was stuck and who read/proofread/and helped me edit each chapter. i couldn't have done it without you!:D:hug::heart::D!!

oh and thanks to makayla who suggested it be a story about her walking in the park with chris :lol:


My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 7 [final chapter]



What the hell was going on?! I’ve never been so deeply confused before in my life. Jonny had said they could bring anyone anywhere. Chris had told me more than once that he couldn’t, and that’s why he never invited me anywhere. The truth of what Jonny had said stung like rubbing alcohol on a fresh cut.


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?” I repeated bitterly. I gave him an icy stare.


“I didn’t think that,” he began and that one line hurt so much, I could feel my heart breaking, “I didn’t invite you on purpose. For a good reason-“


“Oh really a good reason? And what could that possibly be?!” I cut him off. He stared right at me. He almost looked hurt, but how could that be possible? He was the one hurting me.


“Look you have to let me explain.”


“Let you explain? I shouldn’t have to, you should have been honest with me from the start, Chris!” Was he serious right now?


“You’re right, you’re absolutely right.” Hell yeah I was right.


“But please listen to me Stephanie. Please try and understand, I did it for a good reason.”

He was begging.


“You keep talking about this ‘good reason’ but haven’t once said what it was. Or really said anything at all for that matter. What Chris? Spit it out. Tell the truth. I’m not glamorous enough for you? Don’t want anyone to see your uninteresting girlfriend? I embarrass you? Is that it?”


“Steph,” he tried to hug me and I immediately backed away.


“DON’T!” I shouted. And I ran out of there, tears welling in my eyes. I’d be damned if I let him see me cry. I got in my car and sped out of the driveway, tears rolling down my face. He could hitchhike his way home. I don’t fucking care.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I sat on the couch of my apartment, my duvet wrapped around my body, staring at the half empty carton of chocolate ice cream sitting on my coffee table. Claudia had brought it for me, it was a trick to get me to talk about what happened. She was sneaky and smart, her plan worked. I was surprised by her reaction to it all. She understood completely, but being the wise one that she is, brought up another point of view: why did he do it? She said he was wrong and that I had every right to be upset, but she also said that I needed to know the real reason, whatever stupid reason it was. I know I shouldn’t assume things in life, but what possible other explanation is there? I had to stop thinking about this, it made me more upset. And now that Claudia left I had no one to talk me through it.


My cell phone rung again. Chris. I hit ignore and watched a minute later telling me I had another new voicemail. What was that now? The fifth or sixth voicemail? And about the thousandth time he called. Did he really think I wanted to talk to him right now?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris PoV


“Easy mate, chill a little.” I had been pacing around Jonny’s apartment for God knows how long now.


“EASY?! You expect me to take it easy?! After what happened?! What if she never talks to me again? Oh God, I don’t know what I’d do!” I sat down on the couch next to Jonny. “Want to know the worst part? I don’t fucking blame her.” I was so upset. How could this have happened? Things were perfect.


He sighed. “Yeah honestly man, I’ve got to say, you kind of fucked that up.”


“J? I? How could you-?” I couldn’t find the right words to respond with. “You’re my best friend,” I let out a deep sigh, “and you’re fucking right too.” I was back to pacing now. “God, how could I have been such a bloody idiot?!” I took out my phone and called her again. Directed to voicemail. Fuck.


“Chris please calm down. Why did you do it anyway?” I stared directly into his green eyes. “You wouldn’t understand.” I said bitterly and turned away.


“Then make me understand Chris! If anyone knows you best its me! I’m trying to help you.” He looked hurt.


“Trying to help me? You mean after your blurted out about bringing guests to the party?!”


“Don’t even try and blame this one on me! That was your fault and you know it.” His words stung, but they were true. “Now, Chris if you don’t think I’ll understand and won’t explain to me what the reason was, then why did you do it?”


“I was trying to protect her. You have no idea how much I care about Stephanie.”


“Does she?”


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Stephanie PoV

“Listen or not listen?” I thought out loud to myself. Should I listen to his voicemails? At least one of them? Do I owe him that much? He could be saying something important, something I need to know, something good. Or the bastard could be doing more damage. I picked up my phone off the coffee table and threw across the room. It landed on the loveseat on the other side of my living room. “HAH!” I laughed at the irony. I dug my spoon into the carton of ice cream and swallowed a big mouthful.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris PoV


“Come on mate, you ready?” Jonny asked.


“What? Oh. Right. Yeah yeah, sure. Actually, can I meet you there?” I wasn’t ready to leave yet.


“Fine, whatever. Just don’t be late?” he left for the U2 party. After fifteen minutes of sitting on Jonny’s couch I grabbed my car keys and walked out headed for my car. I got in and sped to my destination.


- - - - - - - - - - -


I sprinted up the three fights of stairs as if my life depended on it, in a way in kind of did. At least it bloody felt like it did. I was standing outside the door and I knocked hard three times. She’d talk to me now. She had to. Right?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephanie PoV


I was staring at my phone for fifteen minutes. Just as I was about to get up and get it and possibly check my voicemail I heard three hard knocks on my door. Who could that be? I hoped for Claudia with more ice cream, then I realized she’d probably just walk in. Still, I hoped. I opened the door. I couldn’t tell what the feeling was in my heart.


“Steph,” he began. Anger? Pain? Hurt? Love? Want? The longing to be in his arms? All of the above? I still didn’t know as I attempted to slam the door. Maybe it was anger. He kept the door open with his foot and walked in my apartment. Shit, couldn’t he tell it hurt too much to be around him right now?


“Stephanie. Please. You have to listen to me, let me explain. You didn’t give me a chance.” I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it, but his eyes were glistening, the way they do when someone is about to cry.


“I didn’t give you a chance? Well then what do you call the studio, Chris? And you don’t even deserve a chance. You never should have lied to me!” I was holding back tears.


“I had to! That’s what you won’t understand”


“You had to?! Bullshit Chris.” That was such fucking bullshit. I couldn’t believe that’s what he came here to say.


“I was protecting you!” he finally let it out.


“Protecting me? From what?” this should be good.


He sighed and ran a hand through his short golden hair. “From everything, Steph. From the paps. From humiliation. From not having any privacy. From anything I could protect you from.”


“What? What does that mean Chris?” a few tears escape and ran down my cheek.


“If you came to those awful parties with me, with every paparazzi known to mankind there, they wouldn’t leave you alone. They’d follow you around. Wait outside your work. Stalk you. Dig deep into your past life and know everything you’ve ever done. I wasn’t gonna let them do that to you Steph. And worst of all, they’d spread rumors around and try to break us up. Relationships aren’t meant for public eye. Everything goes wrong. I didn’t want that to happen. This is the one thing I wasn’t going to let me ruin in my life. I don’t want you having to deal with them. I already can’t stand it as it is.”


“And why would you do that? Don’t you realize by doing that you jeopardized our relationship?”


“I told you I was trying to protect you.” He said with such sincerity in his voice.


“Why Chris? Why?” I couldn’t stop the tears anymore.


“Because,” he started, “because I love you! I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you. Feeding ducks with your nephew in Central Park. At that moment, you had me. I was yours. Fate brought us together. Don’t you see Steph? We belong together. I was protecting that. I was protecting what I love.” He walked over to me and wiped the tears away. At the moment I saw a tear slide down his cheek. He took my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips. Tears kept falling and I really wish they’d stop.


“I love you too.” I said before he pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris PoV




“After you, Mrs. Martin,” I said while opening the door of the hotel and bowed like she was the queen of England.


“Why thank you, Mr. Martin” she laughed and walked out. I followed and put my arm around her while kissing her on the cheek. We walked down to the beach, it was a gorgeous day out. I was where I wanted to be, with Stephanie, forever. I was truly happy. We stepped onto the sand. And life was perfect. Nothing could be better, and nothing ever was.




hope you all enjoyed!!:D:heart:


edit: ok it was too long to post the whole story so i just did chapter 6 and 7 :P

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i've been really busy lately and have had a lot of time to write, so this is gonna be the final chapter of My Golden Opportunity.

First I wanna say thanks to Christina [Coldplay_is_louve] because without her feedback i never would have posted chapter 1 and thank you for all the encouragement! :hug::heart::D!!!

And a HUGE thanks to my friend amy [i'llwaitforyou] who helped me when i was stuck and who read/proofread/and helped me edit each chapter. i couldn't have done it without you!:D:hug::heart::D!!

oh and thanks to makayla who suggested it be a story about her walking in the park with chris :lol:


My Golden Opportunity

Chapter 7 [final chapter]



What the hell was going on?! I’ve never been so deeply confused before in my life. Jonny had said they could bring anyone anywhere. Chris had told me more than once that he couldn’t, and that’s why he never invited me anywhere. The truth of what Jonny had said stung like rubbing alcohol on a fresh cut.


“Yeah Chris, why would you think that?” I repeated bitterly. I gave him an icy stare.


“I didn’t think that,” he began and that one line hurt so much, I could feel my heart breaking, “I didn’t invite you on purpose. For a good reason-“


“Oh really a good reason? And what could that possibly be?!” I cut him off. He stared right at me. He almost looked hurt, but how could that be possible? He was the one hurting me.


“Look you have to let me explain.”


“Let you explain? I shouldn’t have to, you should have been honest with me from the start, Chris!” Was he serious right now?


“You’re right, you’re absolutely right.” Hell yeah I was right.


“But please listen to me Stephanie. Please try and understand, I did it for a good reason.”

He was begging.


“You keep talking about this ‘good reason’ but haven’t once said what it was. Or really said anything at all for that matter. What Chris? Spit it out. Tell the truth. I’m not glamorous enough for you? Don’t want anyone to see your uninteresting girlfriend? I embarrass you? Is that it?”


“Steph,” he tried to hug me and I immediately backed away.


“DON’T!” I shouted. And I ran out of there, tears welling in my eyes. I’d be damned if I let him see me cry. I got in my car and sped out of the driveway, tears rolling down my face. He could hitchhike his way home. I don’t fucking care.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I sat on the couch of my apartment, my duvet wrapped around my body, staring at the half empty carton of chocolate ice cream sitting on my coffee table. Claudia had brought it for me, it was a trick to get me to talk about what happened. She was sneaky and smart, her plan worked. I was surprised by her reaction to it all. She understood completely, but being the wise one that she is, brought up another point of view: why did he do it? She said he was wrong and that I had every right to be upset, but she also said that I needed to know the real reason, whatever stupid reason it was. I know I shouldn’t assume things in life, but what possible other explanation is there? I had to stop thinking about this, it made me more upset. And now that Claudia left I had no one to talk me through it.


My cell phone rung again. Chris. I hit ignore and watched a minute later telling me I had another new voicemail. What was that now? The fifth or sixth voicemail? And about the thousandth time he called. Did he really think I wanted to talk to him right now?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris PoV


“Easy mate, chill a little.” I had been pacing around Jonny’s apartment for God knows how long now.


“EASY?! You expect me to take it easy?! After what happened?! What if she never talks to me again? Oh God, I don’t know what I’d do!” I sat down on the couch next to Jonny. “Want to know the worst part? I don’t fucking blame her.” I was so upset. How could this have happened? Things were perfect.


He sighed. “Yeah honestly man, I’ve got to say, you kind of fucked that up.”


“J? I? How could you-?” I couldn’t find the right words to respond with. “You’re my best friend,” I let out a deep sigh, “and you’re fucking right too.” I was back to pacing now. “God, how could I have been such a bloody idiot?!” I took out my phone and called her again. Directed to voicemail. Fuck.


“Chris please calm down. Why did you do it anyway?” I stared directly into his green eyes. “You wouldn’t understand.” I said bitterly and turned away.


“Then make me understand Chris! If anyone knows you best its me! I’m trying to help you.” He looked hurt.


“Trying to help me? You mean after your blurted out about bringing guests to the party?!”


“Don’t even try and blame this one on me! That was your fault and you know it.” His words stung, but they were true. “Now, Chris if you don’t think I’ll understand and won’t explain to me what the reason was, then why did you do it?”


“I was trying to protect her. You have no idea how much I care about Stephanie.”


“Does she?”


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephanie PoV

“Listen or not listen?” I thought out loud to myself. Should I listen to his voicemails? At least one of them? Do I owe him that much? He could be saying something important, something I need to know, something good. Or the bastard could be doing more damage. I picked up my phone off the coffee table and threw across the room. It landed on the loveseat on the other side of my living room. “HAH!” I laughed at the irony. I dug my spoon into the carton of ice cream and swallowed a big mouthful.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris PoV


“Come on mate, you ready?” Jonny asked.


“What? Oh. Right. Yeah yeah, sure. Actually, can I meet you there?” I wasn’t ready to leave yet.


“Fine, whatever. Just don’t be late?” he left for the U2 party. After fifteen minutes of sitting on Jonny’s couch I grabbed my car keys and walked out headed for my car. I got in and sped to my destination.


- - - - - - - - - - -


I sprinted up the three fights of stairs as if my life depended on it, in a way in kind of did. At least it bloody felt like it did. I was standing outside the door and I knocked hard three times. She’d talk to me now. She had to. Right?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephanie PoV


I was staring at my phone for fifteen minutes. Just as I was about to get up and get it and possibly check my voicemail I heard three hard knocks on my door. Who could that be? I hoped for Claudia with more ice cream, then I realized she’d probably just walk in. Still, I hoped. I opened the door. I couldn’t tell what the feeling was in my heart.


“Steph,” he began. Anger? Pain? Hurt? Love? Want? The longing to be in his arms? All of the above? I still didn’t know as I attempted to slam the door. Maybe it was anger. He kept the door open with his foot and walked in my apartment. Shit, couldn’t he tell it hurt too much to be around him right now?


“Stephanie. Please. You have to listen to me, let me explain. You didn’t give me a chance.” I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it, but his eyes were glistening, the way they do when someone is about to cry.


“I didn’t give you a chance? Well then what do you call the studio, Chris? And you don’t even deserve a chance. You never should have lied to me!” I was holding back tears.


“I had to! That’s what you won’t understand”


“You had to?! Bullshit Chris.” That was such fucking bullshit. I couldn’t believe that’s what he came here to say.


“I was protecting you!” he finally let it out.


“Protecting me? From what?” this should be good.


He sighed and ran a hand through his short golden hair. “From everything, Steph. From the paps. From humiliation. From not having any privacy. From anything I could protect you from.”


“What? What does that mean Chris?” a few tears escape and ran down my cheek.


“If you came to those awful parties with me, with every paparazzi known to mankind there, they wouldn’t leave you alone. They’d follow you around. Wait outside your work. Stalk you. Dig deep into your past life and know everything you’ve ever done. I wasn’t gonna let them do that to you Steph. And worst of all, they’d spread rumors around and try to break us up. Relationships aren’t meant for public eye. Everything goes wrong. I didn’t want that to happen. This is the one thing I wasn’t going to let me ruin in my life. I don’t want you having to deal with them. I already can’t stand it as it is.”


“And why would you do that? Don’t you realize by doing that you jeopardized our relationship?”


“I told you I was trying to protect you.” He said with such sincerity in his voice.


“Why Chris? Why?” I couldn’t stop the tears anymore.


“Because,” he started, “because I love you! I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you. Feeding ducks with your nephew in Central Park. At that moment, you had me. I was yours. Fate brought us together. Don’t you see Steph? We belong together. I was protecting that. I was protecting what I love.” He walked over to me and wiped the tears away. At the moment I saw a tear slide down his cheek. He took my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips. Tears kept falling and I really wish they’d stop.


“I love you too.” I said before he pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris PoV




“After you, Mrs. Martin,” I said while opening the door of the hotel and bowed like she was the queen of England.


“Why thank you, Mr. Martin” she laughed and walked out. I followed and put my arm around her while kissing her on the cheek. We walked down to the beach, it was a gorgeous day out. I was where I wanted to be, with Stephanie, forever. I was truly happy. We stepped onto the sand. And life was perfect. Nothing could be better, and nothing ever was.




hope you all enjoyed!!:D:heart:


edit: ok it was too long to post the whole story so i just did chapter 6 and 7 :P



awww marisa!! :cheesy:!!!


a) you're welcome, and i love you!! :heart::nice::P!!!!



b) that was SO good!! seriously, you're such a great writer!!!



now get started on that next one!! :whip::D!!!!!

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Thanks for reading the story but that one is finished.

All seven chapters are up.


I am all out of ideas currently so you guys are on your own for awhile.



edit: Sorry, I meant all five chapters are up.

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loved it marisa! :wacky: you're such a good writer! :D!!

thanks laura!!!:dance::D

awww marisa!! :cheesy:!!!


a) you're welcome, and i love you!! :heart::nice::P!!!!



b) that was SO good!! seriously, you're such a great writer!!!



now get started on that next one!! :whip::D!!!!!

a) i love you too!!:hug::heart:!!

b) thank you so much!!!!:D:D:D:D:heart:


erm next one? :uhoh:

awww, yay! :cheesy:

and i agree with christina, get started on the next one! :whip:





there is no next one?



I agree with the two above messages.

Your story was sweet and well-written.

We are waiting for more.

thank you!!!:dance:

awwww so sweet i love it :) xxx

hey guys !! :P

thanks emma!:dance::D



Good job!



thank you makayla!!!:D:heart::D

:D:Marisa:your story is great too

both of you guys^^^^^^^^^^

are great writers so...:whip:next chapter!!!!:D:D

thanks amy!!! :D:D

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