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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Therapy was fantastic!!!! Damn, You people are good!!!! Brian, excellent also!!!

I can't write anything like ya'll, my Vampire fic a few pages back flopped:laugh3: I will just read everyones and be content with all the great reads!!!!

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Here comes the next part!



A Song For You







Chapter 1



“I uh…. I don’t… I can’t…” Will tried to speak, but words were utterly failing him at the moment. The song he had just heard was etched in his memory and it seemed to him like this was something that would stay with him for a long time. Silently, he moved to his place in the drums and started playing.


“What are you doing?” Jonny asked him, still perplexed by what he had listened a few minutes ago.


“I'm playing. We have to finish the song.”


“Oh, okay!”


Chris and Guy watched the other two play their instruments in order to complete the song Guy had started on his own. Not knowing how to react, Chris sat on the piano bench next to Guy, wordlessly, for a few moments.


“That was the most amazing thing I’ve heard in a long, long time, man.” He said, with a sparkle in his eyes. He felt like crying. No he wasn’t sad. He was jubilant, he would say if his voice would allow him to do so. He was proud. At that moment, he felt like Guy’s father for some reason. Even though Will was the youngest, all of them looked at Guy as the child of the band. It might have something to do with his careless, adventurous attitude towards everything. He was the little kid that never grew up in their eyes. Of course, they acknowledged him as a responsible father and back in the day a loving husband but he was still the same silly, funny Guy they met in college.


“Are you gonna cry, Chris? Cause I….”


“No, no.” Chris interrupted him, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. “I mean, maybe.” He admitted, grinning at his friend.


“Do you really think it’s good. I know it’s got a few things that might need some arrangements and I’m not happy with the…” He tried to explain but Chris cut him off again.


“Are you kidding? It’s brilliant and I’m really glad you showed us.” He declared, letting the bass player know just how happy he was with the song by planting a kiss on his forehead and putting an arm around his shoulder. It was a spontaneous kiss much like when he did it to his own son.


Guy knew Chris was affectionate and he understood that was his way of showing people what he really meant so he just smiled, glad to know that his friends seemed to like the song.




“We finished our parts.” Jonny announced, obviously pleased with the result.


It was early in the morning and Guy had just entered the studio. His band mates were all in there already and it seemed like they spent the whole night working. Instantly, this wave of emotion overwhelmed him. They were definitely the most devoted, supportive people he knew, with so much talent that he felt swollen with pride to be a part of their group. He was never good at anything else other than music and it worried him to think he could lose everything he had. If they ever broke up, he wouldn’t know what to do and that thought made him feel even more blessed to have this amazing job, this amazing opportunity to play with his best friends.


“Well, let’s hear it.”


It was the most together they felt since they formed their band. There were no insecurities or shyness anymore; there was the sense of freedom that only a group of old friends could provide and that made Guy finally feel whole as a musician. And now he felt like he could call himself a musician.


He wasn’t afraid anymore, that’s for sure.




The recording of the next album was going in the right direction and everybody involved knew that. The band, the producers, everyone was excited with the development of their new work.


“You know what we haven’t done in a while, guys?”Chris asked one regular cloudy morning.


“We haven’t googled our names for at least… 3 weeks… That’s not right… I have to fix that right now.” He said, running outside the room they were in and searching for a computer, leaving the other three relaxing for a little while.


“Hey, Guy, do you want to come to dinner with me and Chloe tonight? We’re going to this great restaurant that a friend of hers recommended.” Jonny said while scribbling something on a paper, glancing at his friend.


“Huh? Sure.” He answered absent-mindedly. He was trying to write some more songs these days and now he completely understood what Chris said about seizing the moment when it came to music ideas. They came when he least expected them and it was up to him to grab the opportunity. He felt great with this new creative liberty he finally decided to embrace. He was so distracted he didn’t notice the glance between the guitarist and drummer.


“So you arranged a blind date for Guy and you’re not gonna tell him that? And you’re not gonna even be there?” Will asked, unsure of the success of Jonny’s plan.


“Well, yeah, basically.”


“It’s not going to work. And he’ll be pissed off for days. Not only that, he’s going to be angry and mean and you know he’s worse than I am.” He tried to reason with Jonny. “Be prepared. Because now he’s stronger than that time when you accidently broke his camera. I swear to God, it was like he had nude pictures in there. Anyway," Will continued "it's not a good idea. It’s all I’m saying. Oh, and if he asks me, I didn’t know a single thing.”


“Way to be supportive, man.”


“Just saying, he’s really proud when it comes to women. He’s a hunter, you know he likes to brag about that.” Will could remember vividly the stories his friend always told them after a particular lucky night.


“Yeah, and that’s exactly why I’m doing this. He needs stability, a girlfriend. I’m sick of him calling me at 4 in the morning just to talk to me about some woman he… met. That bastard only calls me because he knows I won’t punch him, I swear to God….”


“Well, then, good luck with your meddling!” Will said, knowing that his friend wouldn’t forget the whole idea of getting Guy a new girlfriend. “I just think it’ll backfire.”







:cheesy: i really like this story!

i can't wait to read Guy's blind date. :lol:


Here's a li'l fanfic I cooked up in a play-format for y'all, entitled 'The Sorry Death of Will Champion'.




Brian Parmesan






The Sorry Death of Will Champion.


Chris Martin stepped into the building of the London studio. He stopped to busy himself in the commode and spent a good sixteen minutes sitting down, then lathering his face at the sink with a large tube of moisturiser. He rubbed it in well, then he rubbed more. He didn’t stop until a radiant gleam emanated from his forehead. Thus, it was done. Entering the calm and sound-proofed atmosphere of the studio, he saw Will, Jonny and Guy, sitting with their instruments, tuning up. Chris Martin still had his tube of moisturiser out. Taking a seat near the guys, he squeezed the tube vigourously and rubbed the lotion deeply into his hands. Upon finishing, he put away the tube, extracted a nail file from his pocket and began to delicately pare.


JONNY: Stop preening, will ya, Chris? It’s so unmanly.


Chris looked at him, proud and disdainful.


CHRIS: I’m a star, Jonny. I have to look perma-good. You wouldn’t understand. Just sit there and practise your D.


JONNY: D minor.


CHRIS: What?


JONNY: It’s a D minor, Chris.


CHRIS: Uh, whatev.


Chris flopped a hand at Jonny, who continued to noodle, picking lightly with his plectrum. He looked thoughtfully at the singer, who was now rummaging through the contents of his takeaway, arranging the organic rice, tomatoes and falafel on a little plate, and drinking a free-range cup of tea.


JONNY: But seriously, Chris, I’m starting to think you’ve turned a little decadent. The wealth and the praise and the love of millions has gone to your head. Believe me, you’re out of touch with the street. Look at your breakfast. Look at your bag of lotions. You’ve become awfully effeminate and I sense within you a growing contempt for the common man.


CHRIS: Well, I was never a street urchin, Jonathan. I have no contact with the ‘street’ to lose. Just so you know, I am a product of the highest educational and societal standards. I enjoyed the delicious scrum of the rugby boys at my boarding school, and then while at uni, I thrusted and parried the witty barbs of my foes in the ancient language of Latin. Oh, how I loved to thrust among the lads. Those were happy days for me, Jonny. But then, one wild florid afternoon, the undeniable happened, and the substance of Coldplay emanated from my brain in the most pure abstraction of my living self. I felt the call. It was a holy time for me. I had to make it real for other people. So, you see, Jonny, Coldplay is a product for the middle classes, by the middle classes. And those a little bit upper.


GUY: Can you get it back, Chris, all that stuff you saw?


CHRIS: Let me

His words met with a cold and imperious glance from Chris Martin.


GUY: I’ve been listening to U2, Chris.


Chris rose and walked around him.


CHRIS: I should think so, Guy.


They sat in silence, despondent, watching in silence as Chris paced the room in self-absorption. Their eyes met now and again, as they watched their leader anxiously. Chris looked at them all in turn, muttered in disdain, and then flounced to the mirror that lay across the length of one wall. Examining his lank frame, he sighed repeatedly.


CHRIS: (sigh) I need something in my life. (sigh) Something’s missing. (sigh) I’m not complete.


He moved his hands about in front of the mirror, as if conjuring the image he had envisioned in his mind.


CHRIS: I know. Perhaps I should get a little black boy!




CHRIS: You know, like Auntie Madge has. It’s all the rage these days! She’s got two of them now. She picks them up from Malawi. I could get one! You know? Just one little boy for little, old me. It’d look dead charitable in the press and all. Charity and adoptions and stuff. I like all that. Hey, did you know that Bono’s all chummy with the Pope? Well done to him, I say. Well done. But if he gets a sainthood, I bloody well want one as well.


Chris swayed around the room in a waltz-time dance, and watched himself in the mirror, carrying an invisible Malawiian child in his arms.


CHRIS: Ah, yes, I think I’ll give my Aunt Mads a call. She’s not the only material girl in town. Ah, just think. I could carry him around to all the parties in a little handbag. Or on a little leash. I’ll be the belle of the ball. He could even dance with me on stage! Wouldn’t that just be the cutest?


WILL: Isn’t that a bit, you know, immoral, Chris?


CHRIS: Oh, you’re such a bloke, Will. Learn to accessorize!


Chris reached down to the coffee table, picked up a few B-grade fashion magazines and hurled them at Will. Will examined the pages, then placed them on a table.


WILL: Well, just cos’ Madonna does it…


CHRIS: Madonna’s fabulous. I’ll nothing about her from your mouth, Will Champion. So, shut it.


WILL: (sigh) Fine.


Will had assented, but he caught Jonny’s eye.


WILL: (whispering) I know what you mean, Jonny. He’s losing it.


Chris walked around Will behind the drumstand, pinching the top of his balding head and prodding him playfully on the shoulders.


CHRIS: Why are you looking so sour about, anyway?


WILL: Well, it’s because of my emotional crisis. You know, the one I mentioned earlier.


CHRIS: Well, I know what’s good for you, sweetheart. Come on, gang.


Chris picked up a microphone. He stood directly in front of Will, cleared his throat and began to sing.


CHRIS: When you try your best but you don’t succeed.

When you get what you want but not what you need.

When you feel so tired but you can’t sleep.

Stuck in reverse.


Jonny and Guy stood up and began to fill in the chords and bass. Chris came nearer and then began to circle Will, singing and stroking his arms and head with gentle caresses.


CHRIS: And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can’t replace.

When you love someone but it goes to waste,

Could it be worse?


WILL: Oh, fuck off, will ya?


The music ground to a halt. Will threw down his drumsticks, then his head in his hands. Guy and Jonny gasped in shock. Chris looked cross, but couldn’t hide his alarm.


CHRIS: Okay, Will. Okay. It’s okay. I understand your problem. Now, stop. Just stand over here, and listen. Look at me, sweetie. Come on. Stand up here and look at me.


Will stood up and came near Chris, who put his hand on Will’s shoulder and stood directly in front of him. He looked him in the eyes, calm and serene. With a movement of his hand, he forbid Guy and Jonny to accompany him. Their instruments relaxed in their hands. Chris held Will with a firm grip. He held him for a moment silently, then he began, slowly and quietly uttering his verse in a voice that was neither speaking nor singing.



Look up, I look up at night,

Planets are moving at the speed of light.

Climb up, up in the trees,

Every chance that you get

Is a chance you seize.


Will released himself. He began to pack his things. He looked away from Chris’s gaze. Picking up his drumsticks, he put them away, together with his lunchbox and flask, into his pink rucksack.


CHRIS: Such arrogance, Will.


WILL: I’m not arrogant. You’re just condescending to me with this nonsense. Just leave it out. I’ve followed you all this while, but no more. I put my faith in you once. But when you harp on like this, it makes me doubt your, and by extension, my own spiritual worth.


CHRIS: Well, don’t leave us. Without a strong backbeat, how can we stand? We need your firm foundation. How can we condescend to our listeners without you? Now, look at Jonny, he’s starting to cry. Look at him, Will. Just look at him. Look into his damp and sorrowful eyes.


WILL: Sorry, Jonny. I have to leave. I’m leaving for good. I need stability. I need certainty. I’ve joined a church.


CHRIS: Church? Since when do you go to church? I thought I was your spiritual guide, your mentor in all worldly and extra-worldly matters. I am a seer, Will. I help the world with my wisdom. My lyrics are profound. Hot, and smelly and profound. They give you all the emotional fulfillment and comfort you need. I have sold 50 million albums. That’s 50 million more than Jesus sold. What can he give you? Stay. Do not spurn my cure, for I alone am your church. Come to me, and I shall carry you. Climb my mount. Nuzzle your face in my burning bush. You have me. You have Coldplay. Since when did you need to run to the arms of another?


WILL: Since I started having an emotional crisis. You’re not helping. You can’t help me any more. In fact, I think you’re causing it. Look, Chris. I’m an ordinary bloke. I play the drums. I look like a builder. I can’t be doing with all this. I’m going. See ya.


CHRIS: Sit down, William.


Chris spoke sternly. It was an order.


WILL: Leave it out. This is hard for me.


CHRIS: Sit down. You cannot be trusted to roam free, where you might repeat these things. The outside world doesn’t know. The outside world doesn’t understand.


Jonny arose, waving his arms around between them.


JONNY: Chris, leave it out, will ya? Come on, leave it. Will’s alright. But, Chris, you’re not the same. Stuff has gone to your head, and now you’re taking it out on poor Will. Truly, you have lost your moral compass.


CHRIS: Sit down, Jonny. Wipe your tears.


JONNY: Yes, Chris.


Jonny sat. Chris faced Will.


CHRIS: This is your final warning. Put down your bag and join with us again. We are your true spiritual home. Learn your place.


WILL: My spiritual home? My place? (Will shook his head in disbelief) You’re delusional, Chris. I’m sorry. I’m going. See you, guys.


As Will walked towards the door, Chris tied Will’s bass drum to a piece of unused guitar cable. Two toms were still cumbersomely attached above it. He began to swing it madly round his head.


CHRIS: Feel my wrath, William.


WILL: Feel your - ? Oh.





:lol: "I have sold 50 million albums. That’s 50 million more than Jesus sold."

that was my favorite line. :P


Chapter 5






A few weeks later the four of them sat together in the doctor's office. The nurse had told them that the doctor was going to be a bit late but in reality the doctor just wanted to observe their interactions as a unit.

"I wonder what he will say," Chris said, nervously tapping his leg.

"I bet you are the one who is crazy," Guy hissed at Will.

"If I am it's because I have had to listen to your endless stories about girls and beer."

"You are just jealous because I get all the girls." Guy countered.

"Bullshit," Will answered, "We all get girls. The rest of us just don't feel the need to talk about it all the time."

"Not Chris," Guy said, "The dudes like Chris," he made a mocking sound.

"Shut up," Jonny told him.

"Make me," Guy said, sticking his tongue out at Jonny. Chris looked like he was about to cry.

"Bloody hell," Will said, "Now the crybaby is about to start whining."

"Shut up," Jonny told him.

"Screw you," Will said. Jonny stood up and walked over to Will.

"I said, 'Shut up'," he said. Will flipped him off. Jonny hit him. Guy hit Jonny. Chris started crying.

Just then the doctor entered the room.

Guy, Will and Jonny were rolling around on the floor, hitting, slapping and biting one another. Chris was sitting on the sofa with his legs drawn up under him, rocking back and forth and crying.


"My recommendation is that the four of you never even come within shouting distance of each other again," the doctor told them, "You are just no good for each other."

Guy looked at Will. Will looked at Jonny. Jonny looked at Chris.

"Not see each other again?" Chris repeated, "But...but...we are best friends."

"That may be but your personalities just clash. Guy is a narcissist. Will is an intimidator. Jonny is severely repressed and Chris is...." he didn't finish as Guy stood up and said, "You can't talk about my friends like that."

"Yeah," Will joined him, "These are the best people I know."

"And Chris is a paranoid, self-conscious, self-absorbed borderline schizophrenic," the doctor finished.

Then Jonny hit him.

"Come on," Guy said, to the others, "Let's get the hell out of here."

"Yeah, we still have songs to work on for the new album," Will said.

"And I have a date," Guy said.

"Oh shit, are we back to that again?" Will asked.






you are so freaking talented!! and yeah, i love the Jonny hitting people in Chris' defense thing. :D

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Thanks girls!!!:lol: Maybe after I get back from Vegas next week I will have a sequel, Will and Guy can't really be turned???? Or can they???? Where shall they go??? Transylvania?? Should they move into a Castle???? Shall Jonny stray from Chris???? Will Chris :lol:Cry????

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An Unsteady Trapeze Act

Part 5





Jonny's POV


Chris and I were sitting at a table in this pizza place, waiting for our dinner. We were just talking, like we normally do. He had just forced me to watch what seemed like eighty episodes of Spongebob, so I was a bit tired. He wasn't, though. Chris was never tired. Well, he never appeared to be tired. Even if he didn't sleep for days, he was usually bouncing around and ready to go.


We'd been chatting for what seemed like only a few minutes when some girl walked over to our table. It wasn't a big surprise, though. Poor Chris couldn't go anywhere without being recognized. While it's a relief to not be in the spotlight like that, sometimes I wish that I could draw attention to myself for once, and let Chris just be. It can't be easy having to live that life, I'm sure.


"Excuse me, Chris?" the girl asked as she walked up to the table. She was with one of her friends. They seemed nice enough. Chris looked up at them, but before he did I caught a glimpse of his face. He had this tired expression in his eyes, like all he wanted was to sit for one meal without being recognized. He's a real warrior, though. He smiled at the girls and talked to them for a few minutes, sounding not at all annoyed or anything. I think he actually was genuinely OK with them talking to him. Fans are usually pretty nice and polite.


"It was great talking to you, Chris! And sorry we interrupted you guys."


"It's OK. See you at the concert next week." The girls smiled, blushed, and walked back to their table.


"Sorry. I can't believe they didn't even recognize you." Chris looked at me with his big blue eyes. He looked very disappointed that they only talked to him, not because he didn't want to talk to them, but I think he feels that Guy, Will, and I deserve to be recognized more than he does. Chris is always so down on himself, even though we all know he's brilliant. "I mean, they sound like they're real fans, too."


"Um, it's OK." I'm kinda shy, so I wasn't too unhappy that they didn't start talking to me. Not that I don't like talking to fans.


"No, it's not OK. Why-," Chris began, but he was cut off by the guy behind the counter telling us our order was ready. We decided to stay at the restaurant seeing as we'd already been spotted. The pizza was pretty good. I won't say where we were, though, because I don't want to sound like I'm advertising or something. Plus, I can't remember what the place was called.


We paid, Chris said another goodbye to the giggling fangirls, and then we left. Everything was going good so far. We were on our way back to Chris' apartment, walking off all the pizza we'd just eaten, when something very troubling happened. We, or rather, Chris was spotted again. Except this time it was by a pap.


"Chris, Chris!" The pap ran up to us, his fingers readily wrapped around his clunky camera. "Did you just come from dinner? Where'd you eat?"


We kept on walking, trying to escape, but the guy just wouldn't leave us alone. He persisted to follow us and ask dumb, pap questions. Why is the lead singer of one of the biggest bands still single? Why is a man moving in with you? Are you two just friends, or more? How will this relationship affect your music? Admittedly, not a big surprise that people would suspect there was something between us. We have a very strong connection, Chris and I, and neither of us (especially Chris) are afraid to show it. But this guy was being a huge jerk about it. And how the hell did he already know that I was staying with Chris?


"Listen, man, just go away, please?" Chris turned and asked the guy politely. He was getting very uncomfortable, I could tell.


"What's the sex like?" That did it. Chris, whose expression turned instantly from painfully disgusted to explosively angry, jumped at the pap and tried to shove him into the wall of the nearest building. I almost hit him too, but I decided that it would probably be a better idea to stop Chris from murdering him. Chris doesn't seem like someone who would be hard to hold back, being that he's practically a twig, but when that man gets angry it's almost impossible to stop him. Luckily, I got a hold of his shirt before he started doing damage to the guy, and he realized that he needed to calm down.


"Come on, Chris, let's just go back. Leave this scumbag alone." Chris took one last look at the pap, who was still standing up against the side of the building, gave him a dirty look, then turned and started walking. I did the same, and the pap continued to shout at us as we walked away.


"Real nice, Martin! You and your boyfriend sure know how to be polite!" Like he wasn't hoping something like that would happen. Asshole.



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