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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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jknc, I loved this story so much! :)


I really liked Guy and Will together. Somehow it was natural and I could actually see that happening.


The whole concept was fantastic and you are an awesome writer;)


Oh, and Bono and The Edge were also highlights for me:smug:

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I just read your latest chapter of A Song for You.

It was incredible! :thumbsup:

I loved seeing Guy as somewhat unsure of himself.

I anxiously await your next installment.

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Chapter 4. I think.




Well, I'm afraid to say that this is all I have written so far, so now the real work begins. :laugh3:



When we finally made it into the house, Guy was bent over the nearest toilet, puking his guts out. Jonny nodded knowingly and led me into the kitchen. “So, Chris. What’s up?”


“Well, Jon...” Where am I supposed to begin? “We were getting into my car, and an old lady was sitting in the backseat.”


“Oh god! Was she a thief?”


“Well, no.”


“Who was she, then?”


“She introduced herself as Lily Buckland.”


Jonny was silent. He looked over at me with his big emerald eyes and frowned. “That’s impossible. She passed away.” he pointed out, chewing on a fingernail.


“I know. But that’s what she said. Oh...she also told us to call her Mama.” That made Jonny fall silent once more, his eyes widening. “Look, Jon, I’m not lying. It was her.”


“She always told us to call her Mama.” he said slowly.


“See?” I hissed, leaning across the table. “It was her!” At that moment, Guy stumbled into the room, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.


“D’you have any ginger ale?” he asked, inviting himself into the fridge.


“Guy, tell Jonny about Mama!” I snapped.


“Well. She’s rather tall, white hair, wrinkly skin...”


“No shit.” I murmured. “I meant about what she told us!”


“Oh. She said you were in danger, man.” said Guy, pulling up a chair. “She didn’t tell us what from, but she definitely said you were in danger.”


“Danger? There’s only one person we can call.” squeaked Jonny, running to grab his telephone.


“Hello, Will? Yeah, it’s Jonny. No, I don’t know what time it is! One in the morning? Oh. Do you...what? No! Why do you have to be such a dick about it?”


“Tell him about Mama!” reminded Guy.


“Oh. Well, Chris and Guy said they saw the ghost of my grandmother. Are they what? Well, Guy is, but not Chris...he’s sober. Can you come over? What time is it? Oh...right. It’s one. Is that a no...?” Jonny paused then put down the receiver. “He hung up.”


“Oh god, what now?”


“I don’t know!”


Guy stood up and cleared his throat importantly. “I say we take a shower.”



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If you love me...

Part 1



We had been together for six years. We shared everything- stories, secrets, an apartment. We even used the same hair brush. Granted, he didn't really have that much hair to brush, but when he did he'd use mine. We were so comfortable with each other. It was nice.


I remember the first day we met. I was waiting in line for coffee at this convenience store, and I think he was waiting in line for cigarettes. I was still about four people away from the register, and he was right behind me. The cashier was some new kid that had just started that day, and with my luck he had no clue what he was doing. Every few seconds he would mumble something to the effect of, "Sorry.. new here.. first day... sorry."


I was getting really annoyed, and while I understood that he was new, I also hadn't had coffee in over 12 hours. It's a terrible addiction that I still have today. Anyway, I think I started cursing at him, not loud enough for him to hear, but loud enough for the guy behind me to hear.


"Getting a little antsy, eh?" a voice asked.


"I haven't had coffee in a while," I replied, turning around as I did. When I first saw him, there was something inside me that lit up. He was beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, hott, and... beautiful.


"Ah, I get you. It's cigarettes for me. I ran out yesterday and didn't get a chance to get more, and... like you care." He laughed nervously.


"Addictions are tough, huh?"


"Yeah. And we've probably got two of the worst ones." He paused, and thoughtfully stared at the wall. He looked like he was trying to make a decision. "I'm Guy." He held out his hand. It was a sexy hand, that's for sure.


"... Sarah. It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. It felt sexy, too, if that makes any sense.


"The pleasure is all mine." He smiled at me. Absolutely gorgeous.




It was our six-year anniversary. He told me that he had this spectacular night planned, but he wouldn't reveal anything. He only said one thing while I was making his lunch that same morning.


"So, you've got a fancy dress to wear, right?"


"For tonight?" I walked over to him with his lunch bag in my hand. He was standing next to our dining room table, making sure that he had put his shirt on the right way.


"Well, yeah."


"So... we're going to... dinner?"


"Maybe." He wasn't going to tell me any more. To be honest, I didn't really care.


"Yes, I have a dress."


"Fantastic! We'll go out when I get home, OK? I love you." He smiled at me.


"I love you!" I repeated, kissing his cheek and handing him his lunch.


But I didn't anymore.





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