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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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I was bored and thought I'd whip something together. Warning though, I'm not much of a writer and was sort of making it up as I went along.




We were nearly on show 100 of the Viva tour. Life was frantic, the days and nights pass by in a hurry. Sleep, soundcheck, show. That, combined with the drinking made everything a blur. It's tough for me to remember what day of the week it is, let alone anything else significant that occurred. Everything was wild. We were rockstars, living the dream right? Sometimes it was just hard remembering how fortunate I am.


I love the shows, there's no question about that. It's easy to lose yourself on stage, feeling the rhythm. For those two hours, every worry or concern just disappears and with the rest of the boys there, you feel like you're part of a group, part of something that really matters. Watching those thousands of fans admiring you, it makes you feel significant.


Off the stage, it's another story for me. Jon often has Chloe and his daughter touring with him and Will has Marianne and his own kids. Even Gwyneth manages to take time out of her schedule to be with Chris. When she's not around, Chris is personable enough to make friends with a reporter or knows a celebrity and often times it seems like he doesn't need anyone at all. He's quirky and is always off doing yoga or whatever else alone.


It's like the other guys have two aspects to their lives on tour: the music and then their friends or family. I've only got the music, and my daughter miles away at home. I guess that's why I turn to the bottle. After a show, when everyone goes their seperate ways after the bar, it's not like I have some place to be. So I stick around, down a few too many, and often make a fool of myself. It's not the right thing to be doing, I know that, but it tames the lonliness.


The rest of the guys have become pretty immune to it now. They're used to my drinking from when we started the band. They were the smarter ones, the future teachers, I was the dropout bartender. They joked around about my drinking, took me home if I had overdone it. They were really good about it. But when I felt down, I knew I drank too much. When I was in that state, I know the disappointed glances they'd shoot me followed with a roll of the eyes as if to say "Come on man, grow up." I was over thirty and they had all gotten over their big drinking stages with family, but I hadn't. And I'm pretty sure they think it was about time I did.


Tonight, I was feeling particularly shitty. It was my daughter's birthday, and besides a quick phone call, there was nothing I could do to be close to her. As much as I tried to tame the green monster inside me, I envied the other guys with their kids on tour celebrating. I felt either a lot of self pity or just felt pathetic for not being able to maintain a relationship while everything seemingly could.


So there I sat, in my hotel room, inspecting the contents of the minibar. I had already gone through a few bottles, and reached for another. Jagermeister... like it even mattered what it was, as long as it helped, as long as it helped me get away. As I went to open it, I heard a knock on the door.


"Hey Guy?" I recognized the voice immediately, it was Chris. "Yeah, it's open," I replied. Chris opened the door and let himself in. It wasn't until then that I realized how pathetic I must've looked. Sitting there half drunk next to the minibar with another bottle in hand. Chris shot me a look of disapproval, but I was grateful he didn't comment about it. Instead, he just asked, "You wanna come to dinner? Everyone's going, it's like a family... err or friends or whatever thing." I knew he didn't mean anything by that comment, but it bothered me that he thought he had to act so considerate to my "situation". It's not like I hadn't noticed that I was the only one without family here. "No Chris, I'm tired... I think I'll stick around here," there was no way I wad going to that dinner, feeling out of place, and watching Chris trying to akwardly keep me within the conversation as everyone else became engaged with their own families.


"What the hell's up with you Guy?" he spoke with almost a sense of anger in his voice which left me surprised and caught me off guard. "What do you mean?" I managed to say back. "You're miserable, you never come out to anything anymore. You're drinking more and more lately, don't think anyone hasn't noticed. And I know you're not partying or just having fun Guy, don't even try to claim that. I understand shit is tough for you right now. but I mean look at you, you're sitting alone in your hotel room emptying out your freaking minibar man. Why can't you just come out to dinner?" he was practically screaming by the end of it.


I sat there stunned at his sudden outburst, but now it was my turn to be angry. How the hell did he think he understood? "Why can't I just come out to dinner? Maybe cause I don't wanna see everyone enjoying their time with their families. Does that sound fucked up? I don't care, it's true. It kills me to see you guys with your kids and girls, cause I've got no one here. Absolutely no one. Why do I act miserable? Cause half the time I am Chris. Don't say you understand, cause you don't. I know you don't. That's why I'm not coming out to your fucking dinner party." I was fuming as I spoke, I had never told any of the guys how I felt about this before, but talking about it certainly didn't make me feel better about it.


I did, though, immediately feel that I shouldn't have been so harsh to Chris. I watched his face as it turned from his previous anger to pure guilt. He looked almost ashamed for yelling at me the way he did. I know he didn't deserve to because his intentions were good, he was only concerned. I felt almost grateful to him anyways that he even noticed how down I'd been lately and how he was the only one who cared or who was willing to question me about it. As he spoke up, his voice nearly cracked, "I'm sorry Guy, I didn't know it bothered you so much... I don't know, I shouldn't have said anything. I understand-- I mean, I can't truly understand, but I'm just sorry for yelling Guy." He looked down at the carpet and sighed, "I don't want you to feel like that Guy. I know there's nothing I can really do, but I want you to know that you're not alone Guy. I'm always here if you need someone."


I felt horrible watching him in this state. He was rueful and looked as if he were on the verge of tears. I knew they would could too, so I attempted to quickly reassure him. "No, Chris... it's okay. I know you were only worried man. It's alright. Don't feel bad and thank you. I know you're there. You're a good friend Chris." Still, he didn't looked all that convinced, but he got up still, knowing I probably wanted to be alone right now, "Umm.. okay, I'll see you tomorrow then for breakfast?" he asked. I nodded my head, confirming. Still, I could see from the distraught look on his face that he still felt regretful, so I outstretched my arms and offered him a hug. I saw the corners of his mouth turn up as he accepted and wrapped his arms around me.


I felt his strong torso against mine. I didn't usually enjoy hugs and certainly didn't initiate them. But at this moment, I realized why people were so fond of them. As I pressed my head into his neck and felt his arms tighten around me, I felt a sense of security that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was kind of like the feeling of being on stage, having my stresses and worries gone for that moment. But it was better, it was better than playing, it was better than drinking, better than anything. I don't recall ever feeling such a comfort. Being a bit taken by this unnatural feeling, I tensed up and released myself from Chris' grip. I knew it was too soon, and Chris looked at me questioningly, probably wondering if he did something wrong.


To put off this idea, I shot him a quick smile and said, "Yeah so, I'll see you tomorrow." He returned a tight lipped smile and kept his eye fixated on me as he walked a few steps backwards before he turned around and walked out of the room. It was a weird emotion, I had never felt so close to Chris as I did during that hug. It made me feel secure, content, sheltered. I looked down at my Jagermeister, I sighed and put in back into the fridge. I didn't quite feel like drinking anymore. For some reason, I no longer had that desire to get away. Instead, I decided to catch up on some sleep and headed into the comfort of my sheets knowing still that they could never compete with Chris' embrace.



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Narration by Guy is a very interesting idea! I think a lot of us make everything up as we're writing, actually!

Nice job!

YAY! I was really getting nervous for a second...but I think it turned out okay! :D


What could possibly happen next, I wonder? :uhoh2:

Not much, actually. There's just a brief resolution remaining, but I think it's a cute and happy one! :D

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gonna write a new fanfic! hopefully this one'll be longer. and better. :P


first i need a plot. :uhoh:


Part 2 of Lovers in Japan






I feel something nudging my elbow, and I slowly wake up. I lift up my sleeping mask and look to my left to find the source of the movement. There is no sign of Guy, instead I see Chris leaning over me, wide eyed and smiling. “Are we there already?” I ask sleepily.


“Nope not for another 6 hours. I was just coming to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me.” he patiently waits for my response.


“Um sure, what are you watching?” I ask.


“Well that’s the problem, I only brought one. Back to the Future, and I’ve already watched it two and half times. Did you bring any movies with you?” he asks, eyeing my carry-on bag.


“Yeah I brought a whole bunch.” I lift my bag from between my feet and balance it on my knees.

“Hmm lets see, I brought ‘The Shining’, ‘Closer’, ‘The Departed’ … ‘Match Point’.”


“Oh a Woody Allen Movie!” he almost screams it. “Yes, lets watch Match Point.”


I take out my laptop and we decide to use headphones out of consideration for the people sleeping in the rows around us.


Half way through the movie, I start to nod off again and my head keeps drifting further and further to the left until finally I’m resting on Chris’ shoulder. He doesn’t seem to mind and I find it comforting to feel his strong arm underneath me. Slowly I fall back to sleep.



“Hmm okay go get me a little Jack Daniels one!” I tell Guy. This new game that we have invented is fun. It doesn’t really have a name but it basically involves going to the back of the plane and stealing the tiny bottles of alcohol that are back there. He obeys and brings it back to me with a sneaky expression on his face. We share it and then it’s my turn to do the stealing. “Hmm,” Guy says thinking hard “Bring me a tiny bottle of Jameson!!”


I tiptoe to the back of the plane and rummage through the flight attendants cart. The great thing about traveling with a big band like this is that they rent out their own private planes, so they come with all of the good stuff like alcohol but you don’t get any of the annoying stuff like flight attendants.

Soon both Guy and I are pretty tipsy, but it’s just as well because Franksy their tour manager announces that we will be landing in 20 minutes.


After the plane lands, Guy and I grab our carry on bags and stumble to the front of the plane. 4 black vans are waiting on the runway and we climb into the vans and soon we are traveling through the busy streets of Tokyo. After 10 minutes we arrive at our hotel. The hotel is gorgeous, modern and clean and I’m so grateful that Chris has organized for me to come along. I get up to my room, throw my luggage in the corner and climb into the huge inviting bed. It’s 9 am and the band are performing in 12 hours. I decided to catch up on some sleep and I’m sure that Coldplay & Co. are all doing the same thing.



It’s 8:00 pm and I’ve just finished talking to Jonny backstage at the arena that they are about to perform at. Jonny leaves me in the “Coldplay Family & Friends Room” and goes back to the dressing room to get ready for the show. I turn off my recorder and take my notebook out of my bag. Jonny just gave me some great stuff and I decide to jot down a couple of notes. As I’m writing, Chris walks in. He sees that I’m working and quickly says “Oh sorry, am I bothering you?”


“No, not at all,” I say while closing my notebook “What’s up?”


“Nothing much, was just looking over tonight’s setlist.” He takes a seat on the couch next to me.

“Oh cool!” I nod “Anything special planned for tonight?”


“Nope” he shakes his head “Just the regular setlist. “Why, what were you expecting?”


“Hmm I don’t know. Shiver is my favorite song.. Do you guys ever play that?” I ask hopefully.


“No, we don’t…But-”

Half way through his sentence he is interrupted by a knock at the door. Phil appears in the doorway.


“Showtime Chris, let’s go.” He waves him out.


“I’ll see you after the show Charlotte” Chris says as he walks out.



It’s 9:30, the show is about 15 minutes in, and they are playing their big hit from this album “Viva La Vida.” It’s honestly electric. I watch each of the band members and it looks so natural to all of them. To just be on stage and perform, it’s where they belong. The rest of the show is amazing, although the Japanese audience is a bit quiet, it doesn’t seem to phase the guys one bit. It’s nearing the end and they have just finished their encore. I gather my stuff and get ready to go back stage, when suddenly I stop. Chris has motioned Guy and Jonny to follow him over to Will, and they are all huddled around the drums. Then Chris walks back to the front of the stage and speaks. “Alright, we haven’t played this one in a while but we’re going to give it a go… Sorry if it’s shit.”


The band starts up the song and I realize that it’s Shiver! My jaw drops and I’m rooted to my spot. The song ends too quickly and I’m left there smiling like an idiot.




I slide the tape recorder closer to Will so that it can pick up everything that he’s saying.

“So you don’t think too much about the future of the band then?” I ask him.


“No, you can’t really do that. If you think too much about it then you get caught up in worrying about it all, and planning everything out. Like ‘Oh we have to have an album out by this date, and we have to be touring by this date.’ Getting our own studio this time round really gave us a lot of freedom. Of course we’d like to be able to do this for as long as possible, but right now we’re just enjoying it all day by day.”

He finishes answering and starts rubbing his eyes. He looks exhausted.


“I’m sorry, am I keeping you up? You look tired.” I ask him.


“What’s the time?” He asks.


I take out my cell phone. “Holy shit, it’s 2:50.”


“Yeah,” he says “I should probably get to bed.” He puts his beer down and stands up from the bar.


“Okay, thanks Will. Good night”


“No problem, yeah I’ll see you tomorrow Charlotte.” He walks over to the elevators, and I look around the hotel bar. It’s deserted and I decide that I should probably head to my room as well. It’s been a very long day. I got up and start walking towards the elevator. I’m on my way out of the hotel bar when I look to my left and see an amazing balcony overlooking the city.

The bar is on the top floor of the hotel, and along with it there is an observation deck. I decide to go out quickly and take a look at the beautiful city. I step out through the large glass doors onto a long patio that stretches the length of the whole 25th floor. The warm air hits me and I breath it in. There are small lights everywhere and glass patio tables and chairs. Instead of taking a seat, I go over to the edge of the balcony and lean against the railing. I stand there for a few minutes just looking at the lights, and cars and amazingly tall buildings. Then suddenly I hear a voice behind me and I jump.


“Mind if I join you?”


I turn around. It’s Chris.





ooh, nicely done! :clap:


can't wait for part 3!!

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Hah thanks. And yeah... I hope he's not actually that miserable.


At first I wanted to do something like... racy. But then it never really lead to that.


Lol, at first, when I was reading your fic, I was a little bit :uhoh2:.

"Chris and Guy in the same room...this could lead to something..."

But then it turned into an adorable, heart-melting hug-fic that will make me love you for ever and ever and ever. :heart:


I have VM'd Prospekt with another "DO EET" message.


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I was bored and thought I'd whip something together. Warning though, I'm not much of a writer and was sort of making it up as I went along.




We were nearly on show 100 of the Viva tour. Life was frantic, the days and nights pass by in a hurry. Sleep, soundcheck, show. That, combined with the drinking made everything a blur. It's tough for me to remember what day of the week it is, let alone anything else significant that occurred. Everything was wild. We were rockstars, living the dream right? Sometimes it was just hard remembering how fortunate I am.


I love the shows, there's no question about that. It's easy to lose yourself on stage, feeling the rhythm. For those two hours, every worry or concern just disappears and with the rest of the boys there, you feel like you're part of a group, part of something that really matters. Watching those thousands of fans admiring you, it makes you feel significant.


Off the stage, it's another story for me. Jon often has Chloe and his daughter touring with him and Will has Marianne and his own kids. Even Gwyneth manages to take time out of her schedule to be with Chris. When she's not around, Chris is personable enough to make friends with a reporter or knows a celebrity and often times it seems like he doesn't need anyone at all. He's quirky and is always off doing yoga or whatever else alone.


It's like the other guys have two aspects to their lives on tour: the music and then their friends or family. I've only got the music, and my daughter miles away at home. I guess that's why I turn to the bottle. After a show, when everyone goes their seperate ways after the bar, it's not like I have some place to be. So I stick around, down a few too many, and often make a fool of myself. It's not the right thing to be doing, I know that, but it tames the lonliness.


The rest of the guys have become pretty immune to it now. They're used to my drinking from when we started the band. They were the smarter ones, the future teachers, I was the dropout bartender. They joked around about my drinking, took me home if I had overdone it. They were really good about it. But when I felt down, I knew I drank too much. When I was in that state, I know the disappointed glances they'd shoot me followed with a roll of the eyes as if to say "Come on man, grow up." I was over thirty and they had all gotten over their big drinking stages with family, but I hadn't. And I'm pretty sure they think it was about time I did.


Tonight, I was feeling particularly shitty. It was my daughter's birthday, and besides a quick phone call, there was nothing I could do to be close to her. As much as I tried to tame the green monster inside me, I envied the other guys with their kids on tour celebrating. I felt either a lot of self pity or just felt pathetic for not being able to maintain a relationship while everything seemingly could.


So there I sat, in my hotel room, inspecting the contents of the minibar. I had already gone through a few bottles, and reached for another. Jagermeister... like it even mattered what it was, as long as it helped, as long as it helped me get away. As I went to open it, I heard a knock on the door.


"Hey Guy?" I recognized the voice immediately, it was Chris. "Yeah, it's open," I replied. Chris opened the door and let himself in. It wasn't until then that I realized how pathetic I must've looked. Sitting there half drunk next to the minibar with another bottle in hand. Chris shot me a look of disapproval, but I was grateful he didn't comment about it. Instead, he just asked, "You wanna come to dinner? Everyone's going, it's like a family... err or friends or whatever thing." I knew he didn't mean anything by that comment, but it bothered me that he thought he had to act so considerate to my "situation". It's not like I hadn't noticed that I was the only one without family here. "No Chris, I'm tired... I think I'll stick around here," there was no way I wad going to that dinner, feeling out of place, and watching Chris trying to akwardly keep me within the conversation as everyone else became engaged with their own families.


"What the hell's up with you Guy?" he spoke with almost a sense of anger in his voice which left me surprised and caught me off guard. "What do you mean?" I managed to say back. "You're miserable, you never come out to anything anymore. You're drinking more and more lately, don't think anyone hasn't noticed. And I know you're not partying or just having fun Guy, don't even try to claim that. I understand shit is tough for you right now. but I mean look at you, you're sitting alone in your hotel room emptying out your freaking minibar man. Why can't you just come out to dinner?" he was practically screaming by the end of it.


I sat there stunned at his sudden outburst, but now it was my turn to be angry. How the hell did he think he understood? "Why can't I just come out to dinner? Maybe cause I don't wanna see everyone enjoying their time with their families. Does that sound fucked up? I don't care, it's true. It kills me to see you guys with your kids and girls, cause I've got no one here. Absolutely no one. Why do I act miserable? Cause half the time I am Chris. Don't say you understand, cause you don't. I know you don't. That's why I'm not coming out to your fucking dinner party." I was fuming as I spoke, I had never told any of the guys how I felt about this before, but talking about it certainly didn't make me feel better about it.


I did, though, immediately feel that I shouldn't have been so harsh to Chris. I watched his face as it turned from his previous anger to pure guilt. He looked almost ashamed for yelling at me the way he did. I know he didn't deserve to because his intentions were good, he was only concerned. I felt almost grateful to him anyways that he even noticed how down I'd been lately and how he was the only one who cared or who was willing to question me about it. As he spoke up, his voice nearly cracked, "I'm sorry Guy, I didn't know it bothered you so much... I don't know, I shouldn't have said anything. I understand-- I mean, I can't truly understand, but I'm just sorry for yelling Guy." He looked down at the carpet and sighed, "I don't want you to feel like that Guy. I know there's nothing I can really do, but I want you to know that you're not alone Guy. I'm always here if you need someone."


I felt horrible watching him in this state. He was rueful and looked as if he were on the verge of tears. I knew they would could too, so I attempted to quickly reassure him. "No, Chris... it's okay. I know you were only worried man. It's alright. Don't feel bad and thank you. I know you're there. You're a good friend Chris." Still, he didn't looked all that convinced, but he got up still, knowing I probably wanted to be alone right now, "Umm.. okay, I'll see you tomorrow then for breakfast?" he asked. I nodded my head, confirming. Still, I could see from the distraught look on his face that he still felt regretful, so I outstretched my arms and offered him a hug. I saw the corners of his mouth turn up as he accepted and wrapped his arms around me.


I felt his strong torso against mine. I didn't usually enjoy hugs and certainly didn't initiate them. But at this moment, I realized why people were so fond of them. As I pressed my head into his neck and felt his arms tighten around me, I felt a sense of security that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was kind of like the feeling of being on stage, having my stresses and worries gone for that moment. But it was better, it was better than playing, it was better than drinking, better than anything. I don't recall ever feeling such a comfort. Being a bit taken by this unnatural feeling, I tensed up and released myself from Chris' grip. I knew it was too soon, and Chris looked at me questioningly, probably wondering if he did something wrong.


To put off this idea, I shot him a quick smile and said, "Yeah so, I'll see you tomorrow." He returned a tight lipped smile and kept his eye fixated on me as he walked a few steps backwards before he turned around and walked out of the room. It was a weird emotion, I had never felt so close to Chris as I did during that hug. It made me feel secure, content, sheltered. I looked down at my Jagermeister, I sighed and put in back into the fridge. I didn't quite feel like drinking anymore. For some reason, I no longer had that desire to get away. Instead, I decided to catch up on some sleep and headed into the comfort of my sheets knowing still that they could never compete with Chris' embrace.



:surprised: this is really good. I love these dramatic kind of fanfics... and as much as I want to believe it's not true... I have always thought about how Guy must be kind of lonely without anyone. :( it's sad.


but this is really good, I hope you write more.

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Between Chris and Guy. :wink3:








OOOps! *wipes drool away*








I really like these kind of fanfics. I especially like the way you built up that atmosphere here. As Miss Lestrade said before, first I was like "mwahaha this is gettin' hot" but then... turned into a wonderful cute moment :wacky:


I would like you to continue your story :D:thumbsup:


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OOOps! *wipes drool away*








I really like these kind of fanfics. I especially like the way you built up that atmosphere here. As Miss Lestrade said before, first I was like "mwahaha this is gettin' hot" but then... turned into a wonderful cute moment :wacky:


I would like you to continue your story :D:thumbsup:



Hahaha, we were both thinking the same thing! :laugh3: Except I was thinking it with apprehensive dread! :P


Well, maybe not complete dread...:wink3:



No, wait...it was dread. :laugh3:




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HERE'S THE FINALE! Considering the dark atmosphere of Coldfellas as a whole, I decided to end it in a cheery and lighthearted way. Likewise, it's the shortest chapter, but possibly the most humorous. Hope the three people who read the story enjoyed it! :)





Rating: PG13




While in the limo on the way to the bakery, Phil (who is driving) ponders and reflects upon things.


Phil: “Well, the beans are now spilled about our respective mobs. We got off easy, but even though I don’t know about the rest of you, I’m ready to retire. You know, maybe use my money to help the world.”


Chris: “Are you insane, Phil? Look at us! We’re alive! We weren’t arrested! Doesn’t that, in essence, make us truly the greatest band of mobsters ever to walk the streets of London?”


Gwyneth: “Oh love, you always know the right things to say! No way in hell are we retiring from the business, and neither are you, Phil. The six of us shall join forces and create one unstoppable, SUPER mafia!”


Jonny: “We shall rise again and rule London with an iron fist! We shall call ourselves…Clocks, Inc.!”


Guy: “Closing walls and ticking clocks! Nobody will stop us! AHAHAHAHAHA!”


Will: “Great. Guy’s sleep deprivation is showing again. Someone give him a blanket.”


Chris: “So you’re still alive, Will? How excellent. Phil, since it’s now morning, would you mind dropping us off at the nearest woman’s department store?”


Will: “Chris, just fuck off already. The story’s nearly over and you still haven’t tired of that same gag!”


Chris: “It’s not a gag, Will. I’m dead serious. Just this once? Pleeeeeeeeease?”


Will: *disgusted look* “Fine. I’ll become the most flamboyant, homosexual drummer of all time who wears outrageous clothes and says outrageous things, but IF… only IF you and Jonny do the same thing!”


Chris: “That’s it? Pfft! Of course I’ll do it!”


Jonny: “Yeah! Sounds like fun!”


Will: “Wait, seriously? Damn it! I didn’t think you would actually agree! Fricking hell.”


Jonny: “Hee hee hee! What’s Guy gonna have to do, though?”


Chris: “Nothing. Guy is enough eye candy already.”


Guy: *drowsily* “Huh? Guy candy?”


Chris: “Go back to sleep, Guy. Sleep satisfies. Sleep mystifies. Sleeeeeeep…”


Phil pulls the limo up to the bakery. Everyone steps out and walks inside, only to find each of the tables lined with colorful Postcards from Far Away.


Chris: "Wow! Postcards from Far Away!"


Phil: “They’re beautiful!”


Will: “Our fans truly have no lives!”


Chris: “Wherever the next one is from is where we’re touring next year!”


Jonny: *picks up a card* “South Pole! Some walrus is apparently a big fan!”


Chris: “Excellent! Phil, make a video, throw in the Technicolor puppets, and put it on the website so our fans can feel good about themselves.”


Phil: “I’m on it!”


Guy: “What? Walrus? Don’t eat me just ‘cause I’m more attractive! NOOOOOOOO!!”


Will: “Sounds like Guy is having a nightmare.”


Gwyneth: “Boys? I think you should have a look at this one card.”


Everyone walks over to the postcard that Gwyneth is holding up.


Chris: “Aww! It’s an adorable stick drawing of Will and Roadie 42 holding hands in puffy green blouses!”


Will: “Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be you and Jonny.”


Chris: “No way! Jonny and I would wear Yellow blouses!”


Gwyneth: “Uh, I meant for you all to read the back.”




Phil: “Gentlemen, I do believe the newly-formed Clocks, Inc. has its first whacking mission on its hands.”


Jonny: “Mwahahaha! We’re back in business, folks!”


Will: “We’ll continue to get rich off our music, then even richer off bribes and the black market!”


Guy: *sleep mumbling* “Guuh…money…guuh…ladies…guuh…Guy candy…”


Gwyneth: “Oh, how I love being married to the world’s most talented mobster!”


Chris: “I love it too, Gwyneth. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do feel a song coming! Gentlemen?”


Chris, Will, and Jonny pick up their respective instruments. Phil drags Guy over to his guitar and plops him down. Guy begins drooling on the guitar.


Chris: “This new song is dedicated to the many talented people who pointlessly died during this sequence of events. It’s called ‘Coldfellas’.”


Lovers, it’s a violent world

I just got lost through all this sound

You don’t have to be on your own

Now my feet won’t touch the ground


What if nobody said it was easy?

Crossed lines in a foreign field

Bittersweet I could taste the sleeping sun

Before I know how gravity feels


Was a long and dark rainy day

A thousand houses in a perfectly straight line

Turn into something beautiful

I don’t want a cycle of a warning sign


Open up your eyes on a tidal wave

Fix you a ladder up to the sun

Don’t you shiver ticking clocks

For you I’d wait ‘til kingdom come




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hehe. I've been watching this thread for a while now but haven't had the guts to post something. Now I've written a story about Chris & Jonny. It's in three short parts, hope there ain't anything too similar here;)


Btw, I couldn't think of a title. No, it's called :thinking:...CHRIS & JONNY IN THE CLOSET....


Jonny, Guy and Will are waiting in a room backstage before the show. Chris enters.

C: Jonny, we have to talk.

J: Oh, so we’re talking now?

Jonny raises his eyebrows at Chris, comically. Chris looks deadpan.

J: Okay, say what you have to say

C: Not here

W: [mildly amused] Why not?

C: Because it’s none of your business!

Chris grabs a reluctant Jonny by the arm and pulls him towards another room that turns out to be a small but long corridor between the band’s room and another.

G: Ooooo

C: Get lost Guy!

J: [sarcastically] yeah, get lost Guy.

Will chuckles to himself.



To be continued....

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hehe. I've been watching this thread for a while now but haven't had the guts to post something. Now I've written a story about Chris & Jonny. It's in three short parts, hope there ain't anything too similar here;)


Btw, I couldn't think of a title. No, it's called :thinking:...CHRIS & JONNY IN THE CLOSET....


Jonny, Guy and Will are waiting in a room backstage before the show. Chris enters.

C: Jonny, we have to talk.

J: Oh, so we’re talking now?

Jonny raises his eyebrows at Chris, comically. Chris looks deadpan.

J: Okay, say what you have to say

C: Not here

W: [mildly amused] Why not?

C: Because it’s none of your business!

Chris grabs a reluctant Jonny by the arm and pulls him towards another room that turns out to be a small but long corridor between the band’s room and another.

G: Ooooo

C: Get lost Guy!

J: [sarcastically] yeah, get lost Guy.

Will chuckles to himself.



To be continued....


good start! :D but I agree w/Cobalt.. make it longer.

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Gonna take a good break from fanfic writing for a while. Need to wait for some more interviews so that I have slapstick material to pull from. :D

(as proved, it was very possible to base Chris's entire dialogue in Coldfellas off his 60 Minutes interview)

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