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Coldplay Still Looking to do 2009 Album


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I'm going to agree with you there. I really didn't care for Eno's influence on the latest album and was hoping for a change up on the new material.


On another note I think 2009 is rather ambitious for a man/band to release a new LP when on average they've taken at least 2 years between albums in the past. There not even giving themselves a full year to work on it as they have tour dates well into this spring. And didn't Chris always say in the past there needed to be space between the albums so they could go home and remember what its like to be normal before writing again. He needs to get over this fear of aging, he's only 31 for crap sake.


Umm, what was bad about Eno's influence on the new album? Because I'm trying to think of something that's not "fresh," and for the life of me I can't point to anything that bad. What is it about "Eno's influence" that you didn't like?

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Let's hope! I don't think they'll rush it just to make sure it's out before the end of the decade, they'll only release it when they think it's good, so I'm not worried.

Would be great if we won't have to wait another 3 years for a new album :)

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I really just want them to put together a good album, and I think they can do that with Eno and Dravs.


I'm sure you guys know that U2 worked with Eno on 4 and 5, and I'm sure thats in Chris' thinking. I understand what he says about getting past 33...except that tends to come from not having new material to offer and repeating yourself like bands are sort of forced to do.


I wouldn't worry if I was him. I'd love an album in 2009, but I doubt it's possible...we're almost there for shit's sake.


Coldplay's Roadie blog talked about him writing political material around Obama and everything, so if they were to make an album of this they would want to do it while the iron where still hot.


Maybe it will be a short album, but if they were as productive with Eno and Dravs first go around, just imagine what they could do the second. They wouldn't necessarily need years to make an album if they were productive.

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over my dead body and oriental carpets you're not :angry:




i always get a kick out of the forum being referred to as lavishly carpeted. it's just one of those things that will never cease to make me smile.




i know they keep talking about a 2009 release, and they might have some grand master plan to get it done, but unless they have a good portion of it already in the can and unless they bust their buns all summer (providing they don't do any tours between the one in oz and the one in the UK in september 09), i don't see anything happening until early 2010 at the earliest. of course, what do i know, but 2009 just seems so SOON in a year that's already jam-packed for them.


of course, i'll take any new coldplay material i can get, but viva took like two full years of work to make into a masterpiece. i don't really want LP5 to be rushed or patched together, and i don't want them to "try too hard" like they did with X&Y. another "delayed sophomore slump" album like X&Y would be harder to recover from with the critics this time around.

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over my dead body and oriental carpets you're not :angry:


First and last time I'll ever see the words "dead body" and "oriental carpets" in the same sentence... I hope, anyway! :stunned:



And I agree with what other people are saying- It'd be great to have another album in 09, but it doesn't sound realistic knowing them, nor does it sound practical in terms of quality. But who knows? *shrug*

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