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Coldplay Are My Other Parents


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I'm 16 years old, and Coldplay came out when I was around 8, but I first found out about them because Clocks was in the Peter Pan trailer. So I was hooked on them from that point on, which was probably age 11. Whenever I feel sad, and don't want to talk to anyone, their music gives me advice and do my parents job when I shut them out. Coldplay and their music has been with me since I was 11 years old and they will continue to stay with me until I am out of high school, so in a way, I feel like they raised me during my childhood and they also made me who I am. I just thought I'd share that :)

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Awwwwwwww, this is sweet :nice:


until I am out of high school[/color][/size], so in a way, I feel like they raised me during my childhood and they also made me who I am. I just thought I'd share that :)


Does that mean you're gonna ditch them after high school?!!

Cuz that's not sweet :P

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I'm 16 years old, and Coldplay came out when I was around 8, but I first found out about them because Clocks was in the Peter Pan trailer. So I was hooked on them from that point on, which was probably age 11. Whenever I feel sad, and don't want to talk to anyone, their music gives me advice and do my parents job when I shut them out. Coldplay and their music has been with me since I was 11 years old and they will continue to stay with me until I am out of high school, so in a way, I feel like they raised me during my childhood and they also made me who I am. I just thought I'd share that :)


Aww, same here :laugh4:

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I first found out about them because Clocks was in the Peter Pan trailer. So I was hooked on them from that point on


HAHAHAHA Peter Pan, hooked... :P


Ahem. Sorry! Nice story, I feel the same way! I've said on the forum before that Coldplay helped me immensely when my grandfather died this summer. I blasted "Everything's Not Lost" from Live 2003 on repeat, and joined in the singalong part at the top of my lungs until I didn't feel like crying anymore :P I still do it, actually, when I get down about it...


Anyway, I'll be forever grateful to them for that, I even mentioned it on my postcard to them (kinda cryptically, but still... )

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I feel the same way, even though I am older than they are!!!! LOL But I feel as though they are my Life Savers!! A few months ago, I was at my lowest ebb emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and mentally due to the fact that we have terminal illness in my family, which actually is the main reason why I could not attend any of the VLV shows(our family life revolves around kidney dialysis sessions and other hospital and clinic appointments). Over the past year things havent been going too great with my husbands health and, to be honest I was going to commit suicide one day!! I even had a handfull of pills ready to take!!!!!! Then, suddenly, in my head God Put A Smile On My Face started "playing" and, I mean, how could I end it all, knowing that God was with me and there to help me??????


I also firmly beleive that in some way Coldplay have been given a Divine Calling by God to help people and save mankind by their music and by being who they are as human beings, giving people something to live for, something to make peoples lives a bit better in this horrible, cruel world that we live in!!!!:):):)

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I feel the same way, 'cause I'm 16 too and I grew up with them! I follow them since I was about 10-11 years old and they've helped me really a lot in the good and in the bad times. I feel that when nobofy understands me, expecially my parents, they're the only ones that can help me, wich the always do. Made me happy when I was sad and happier when I was happy. I LOVE THEM. THANKS COLDPLAY you've made my life!:D

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@ Loud Meditation: you have a beautiful collection of pictures. where ich can get these pictures?


sorry, that isnt really the topic :-D



The pic in my signature is from the "Viva La Vida Tour Programme"......you should buy it if you liked that pic, it's full of amazing pictures of the Coldplay guys :D

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I'm 16 years old, and Coldplay came out when I was around 8, but I first found out about them because Clocks was in the Peter Pan trailer. So I was hooked on them from that point on, which was probably age 11. Whenever I feel sad, and don't want to talk to anyone, their music gives me advice and do my parents job when I shut them out. Coldplay and their music has been with me since I was 11 years old and they will continue to stay with me until I am out of high school, so in a way, I feel like they raised me during my childhood and they also made me who I am. I just thought I'd share that :)

It's funny you say that cos that's exactly how it's been with me. I don't get along with my mom and my father passed away so I consider them like my parents too since I grew up listening to their music and their interviews.

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RoosAnne you are so lucky! I WISH my family loved Coldplay as much as I do, but they mostly just make fun of me for liking them...:( But yeah I'm in the same boat as the rest of the 16 year olds on here. I already have four older brothers and a sister but these guys seem just like extended family for me, the thing I go straight to when I get home and just blast through my speakers and they just fit in no matter what mood I'm in :)

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RoosAnne you are so lucky! I WISH my family loved Coldplay as much as I do, but they mostly just make fun of me for liking them...:(


Coldplay makes our family so much stronger! We all are totally absorbed in the band, which gives us a lot in common. Even my youngest sister, who is nine years old, goes with us to concerts and can sing along with every coldplay song! It's so sweet:P.

I'm sorry they just make fun of you, yeahhright^:(.

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I feel the same way, even though I am older than they are!!!! LOL But I feel as though they are my Life Savers!! A few months ago, I was at my lowest ebb emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and mentally due to the fact that we have terminal illness in my family, which actually is the main reason why I could not attend any of the VLV shows(our family life revolves around kidney dialysis sessions and other hospital and clinic appointments). Over the past year things havent been going too great with my husbands health and, to be honest I was going to commit suicide one day!! I even had a handfull of pills ready to take!!!!!! Then, suddenly, in my head God Put A Smile On My Face started "playing" and, I mean, how could I end it all, knowing that God was with me and there to help me??????


I also firmly beleive that in some way Coldplay have been given a Divine Calling by God to help people and save mankind by their music and by being who they are as human beings, giving people something to live for, something to make peoples lives a bit better in this horrible, cruel world that we live in!!!!:):):)





I agree, they are giving us something to live for and making our lives better. Definitely.!:)



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