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No Cake for Adolf Hitler


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The bakery should have just made the cake, but still, those parents are so cruel. What next are they gonna move into some highly Jewish community just to see how much he gets hated on? Cruel and pointless.


"Because no one else would have that name" says the father.



There's a reason for that, jackass

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Oh boy, and so just imagine being in that young lads shoes!! Well, the bakery could have just used the first name - Adolf. And the parents - well, what can be said. Obviously, nuts, and doing a mind-warp to their kids..

I knew a family with the last name of Hitler, and they changed it - for good reason! But that wasn't their fault, it was just a last name, and with all the unfortunate history tied to it..

Anyhow, I hope those kids have some other influences in their lives!!

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What kills me is that the parents claim that they only picked that name because it is unique. But they have another kid named "Honszlynn Hinler" and "Aryan Nation", for crying out loud! Ummm...is it just me, or is there some kind of common theme going on between these names?


What stuns me more is that gay people are having such problems obtaining the right to marriage - yet numbskulls like this are free to marry and reproduce to their heart's content...

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Thats stupid....I dont get whats the big deal?


I mean ya that name isnt the best thing to name a kid but hes already named that so why make a big deal about it!


I can see how, on some deep, super-objective philosophical level, relatively speaking, and so on, that it might seem like there should theoretically be no issue...but there's just a little complication with that perspective:


The parents are publicly and proudly endorsing Nazism, a doctrine which calls for the eradication of all Jewish people, by committing mass murder.

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What kills me is that the parents claim that they only picked that name because it is unique. But they have another kid named "Honszlynn Hinler" and "Aryan Nation", for crying out loud! Ummm...is it just me, or is there some kind of common theme going on between these names?


Wow I complete missed that part of the article about the nazi names. That's just morbidly obese.

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Thats stupid....I dont get whats the big deal?


I mean ya that name isnt the best thing to name a kid but hes already named that so why make a big deal about it!


The big deal is that the family clearly endorses nazism and the kid's whole life will be a living hell because of the cruelty of having a name like that.

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I first thought it was stupid that the bakerman did refuse to make the cake to the kid.


I mean, Hitler isn't a common surname in Austria or Germany? what about if people think Adolf is a pretty name? (I actually think it is)


But they have another kid named "Honszlynn Hinler" and "Aryan Nation", for crying out loud! Ummm...is it just me, or is there some kind of common theme going on between these names?


What stuns me more is that gay people are having such problems obtaining the right to marriage - yet numbskulls like this are free to marry and reproduce to their heart's content...


Hahah, okey, they're very stupid then. Aryan nation, what a name :D

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I know history... and I don't care about a stupid name... if someone is called Adolf Hitler it doesn't mean he is Adolf Hitler... understand?


The kid is named Adolf Hitler to honor Adolf Hitler, the mass murderer. The name endorses mass murder. The baker refused to put the name on a product of his bakery to show respect for those who Adolf Hitler murdered.

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I know i get that but i dont understand why the baker made a big deal about it....he should have just put the name and thats it.


Oh okay...yeah, the baker probably should've still made the cake. It's not that taboo. A curse word, I could understand...although the baker may have just been so disgusted by his customer that he turned them away from sheer principle.

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I know history... and I don't care about a stupid name... if someone is called Adolf Hitler it doesn't mean he is Adolf Hitler... understand?



Wtf,that comment was not aimed at you.....:dozey:



Did i even say that????



Calm down charles!!!!

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