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Does age matter in a relationship?


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how old are you, though? because you might feel that way right now but if you're teenage, you will likely grow up to work with people who aren't necessarily your age. maybe 2 or 3 years either side of your age, and you won't treat them differently than if they were born on the exact same day as you.



i personally don't think it matters at all. i was going out with a girl younger than me and there are differences in maturity levels but at the same time it's not a deciding factor. it wasn't big enough a difference to impact the relationship.


i didn't mean like 2 or 3 years, i meant like 15 years and up of an age difference. that's when i start to think it's a bit strange, but certainly not wrong or anything like that. what i should have said was that at this point in time, i don't really ever picture myself with someone like 15-20 years older or younger than me. 2 to 3 years is absolutely nothing once you hit 20. i think once you're out of high school a lot of people stop seeing age as such a big deal.

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i think it's quite important

my girlfriend is just one year younger than me (or half a year, if you want) and sometimes i notice some annoying differences...

but well, i always say it's not the same being 14-20 than being 44-50, it depends on the relationship

and the personality is a big influence too, you can be almost an adult with 15 years old, and you can be a child at 25 you know?

hard question... as deep as always jack! :laugh3:



A year? seriously......


A YEAR.. i can understand 5years, but a year..


And I dont think age really matters, I cannot see myself dating someone who is more than 10 years older/younger than me, but thats just myself.

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Guest LiquidSky

well I'm 23 and I have always felt slightly strange about having someone younger than me ask me out. It's almost a complement you know.. but at the same time I've had older mans ask me out as well which it just makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and it's a different scenerio also.


Young - Are never quite sure/ they want to experience/they are fun/wild.. They look up to you and they want to grow with you.


In Halloween of last year, I met this guy we were talking and laughing. We were having a good time we actually drew people in 'cause we were quite loud and just having a good time. I thought he was cute a bit childish but so am I. It wasn't until he asked me how old I was..normally I don't say but I ended up saying it and I asked him how old he was and he said 19.. and then he said well I'm going to be 19. It was such a turn off.. We are still friends


Older man: It either comes with a package or they don't.. meaning they are either divorced and have kids or they don't. They can afford you and give you anything you want financially yes (but that is just creepy). They take charge a lot more and it's more serious.


Older man say they prefer younger woman because they are more fun and free spirited where as older woman are more serious and bitter.

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I would have to say that it really doesn't matter so much as one gets older (if a 40-year old dates a 43-year old) because by then, the maturity level is relatively the same.. But yeah, I suppose someone who's 18 dating someone who's 23 is a bit of a leap.

But now if a 42 year-old man dates a 23 year-old gal, that sounds alright to me..:wink3::p

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i'd have to say in a moral sence.. no it doesn't matter, what matters isthe level of maturity, some girls act above their age, and it's usually guys that act below their age (not saying ALL of them) I'm also not saying guys per se are acting childish, but just might not be ready fo stages of a relation ship that a girl the same age would want.. goshh such seriousness. :P

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My very first boyfriend ever was ten years older than me.


We had plenty in common, but I was very behind him in experience and such. So that made things very awkward. Although had he been a more understanding sort, and less pushy I imagine that would have been less of a problem.


I have dated a guy 6 years younger than me. I liked the age difference. We had a lot of fun together.


Age though really is not why I went out with either, it just happened to be there.


So to me that is a bit how it is. It is something that is there, and a part of what works or doesn't work based on a persons wants and personality.

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