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Hey Rosetta!


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I was so happy to see them again, though. I wish I didn't have to choose between getting Seeds and King of Limbs right now due to lack of funds. :tongue:


Get Seeds !!! It's bound to be better and Radiohead have got enough money already :P


My cd arrived on Saturday morning and I only realised today, there's an actual packet of seeds in there haha Brilliant :lol: It's this little square of handmade paper with flower seeds in it, it's so cute, I can't bring myself to plant it.

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I'm near the end of my first listen through this. "Seeds" is great. It's the band's best release yet. So far, I'm actually enjoying this more than "The King of Limbs." -hides from any extremist Radiohead fans that may be about-


Definitely a better album :P

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Finally got to see Hey Rosetta! live t'other week when they were in the UK. Blinder of a gig it was, even tho the venue was really tiny and they looked all cramped up together on the wee stage. Tim was knocking guitars and piano stools and stuff over whenever he started jigging about like he does, there just wasn't enough room. But, they seemed to be enjoying themselves & there was great feedback from the crowd (seemed to be mostly Canadian tho, judging by the accents I heard!) Brilliant night, I just wish they were a bit more well known over here, so they could justify a proper tour :(


Anyway, they mostly played stuff off Seeds but there was a few off Lungs of course, There's An Arc and Thousand Suns. Also Red Songs, which I love. And a new one, didn't catch the title of it, but the chorus went something like "Stand still, stand still" Maybe someone knows the name of it?

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