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Christa and Simon's Thread


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That sounds like the summary of an anamnesis!

Like in "Grey's Anatomy" during rounds?


Or like a child care worker summarizing current conflicts between the children during handing over between shifts!


Have a nice night / day everybody!


has anyone seen "lost in 8:15". it's pretty awesome. It summarizes all seasons in 8:15 mins haha.


my favourite part: Sun gets preggers but Jin is sterile, what's up with that? *Hurley thumbs up* :wacko:


me three :cheesy:



me four :glasses2:

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has anyone seen "lost in 8:15". it's pretty awesome. It summarizes all seasons in 8:15 mins haha.


my favourite part: Sun gets preggers but Jin is sterile, what's up with that? *Hurley thumbs up* :wacko:

Haha, funny you mention LOST.

I was visiting my best friend and she's a big LOST fan.

We watched two episodes of the new season and I had only seen the first when it was on TV.

I was CONSTANTLY asking who is now where, I heard something about smoke and helicopters and suddenly there's completely different people travelling through time. Or whatever...


I don't have time to watch this summary now... but do you know the video with all the "What?"




That was pretty much my question as well on the weekend!

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OMG!!!! i have a thread??? what a loverly surprise!!!!! thank you simon. I dont know if anyone will come to visit. i am not that interesting, I have not read any of the posts but please since i am the mom around here could everyone please be nice? i do not mind rauchyness and cussing but no meanies around here!!! You know i love you all and would love a stress free enviorment cause the non coldplay life is stressful enough!! I hope we all have a ton of laughs and hope everyone comes by to say hi!! Simon, you are very nice to do this and i am greatly appreciative and please post photos in this thread. I love photos!!!!. i will post some later!!! Welcome to the thread!!!! let the games begin!!

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-Simon created a thread for Christa and Him

-Mark wanted to be included in the thread title

-James said that Mark asked him to have a joint thread before

-everyone laughed a lot because that was funny, considering that now James hates Mark

-Mark says that James was infected by the dark side

- Nathan posted many times but Mark ignored him



just that



LORE - hahahahahahhahah i am on the floor!!! pissin in my pants

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