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23-Mar-09: Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists, Phot

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is your's a normal P&S digicam too? i took so many pix & vids that by the end (even before the encore) my cam was out of batt already. most of my vids were crap (i discovered only then that it's crap at zooming in for vids) & i relied a lot on the digital zoom, but the -ve of using it is pix turn out really grainy & you can't really see the band's faces in a lot of the photos. :(

exactly!!!!!!!! bingo!! couldn't be any truer! i digi zoom in too! BAAAADDD IDEA!! ooh yes! i digi zoom in in vids too. even WOOOORSSE! lesson learn, just cam it from where it is w/o zooming in when recording.

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For the first 5 songs, I took pics non-stop.Then, when they were about to take a break, I looked back at the photos and found out that the photos are completely terrible.. :shifty: So, I decided to put my 100% concentration on the show instead of taking horrible pics :D

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Rudy, you're on the right side of the stage. Cool! Me sitting in the middle can only see the centre of everything. Next time I will chose side view. Better, cos they always go there. In the middle sucks tho you can see everything in the face

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Peyton! Your pics are all good enough! Mine are much more blurry and horrible|! :bigcry:

Those were the only good ones. Do NOT be fooled. I tweaked them. The before-photos cannot be seen in public w/o being modified. :D


For the first 5 songs, I took pics non-stop.Then, when they were about to take a break, I looked back at the photos and found out that the photos are completely terrible.. :shifty: So, I decided to put my 100% concentration on the show instead of taking horrible pics :D

My thoughts as well! That's why I took very little pictures! As I mentioned in my post few pages previously, we should enjoy the entire gig seeing thru OUR OWN EYES, not cam's lens. Get what I mean? I only taped a few sections. 'Cos I depend if I don't tape it, there's always YouTube. All I need to do it look them up there and wala! People's effort taping, I watch! Wahahahaha :lol:

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My thoughts as well! That's why I took very little pictures! As I mentioned in my post few pages previously, we should enjoy the entire gig seeing thru OUR OWN EYES, not cam's lens. Get what I mean? I only taped a few sections. 'Cos I depend if I don't tape it, there's always YouTube. All I need to do it look them up there and wala! People's effort taping, I watch! Wahahahaha :lol:


Very much agreed ;)


I enjoyed the gig very much even though I seated so far away behind :D

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Okay, most of the screen caps I forgot what song they were singing. I was just way too hyper by the fact I'm actually all the way from KCH to SG to catch COLDPLAY. But this is exception. This is Fix You.



Sorry for bad vid. This is basically what happened. I had to rely on the big screen. The lights too glaring and reflective. But overall, I think the whole concert's lighting was AWESOME!!! Big salute to lighting engineers!



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I love it when Chris starts playing the piano intro of LiJ. I knew he would play the song soon after I saw that lil tv screen few songs before they sang it. It was sooo awesome! What I saw on TV of this song is exactly what it is LIVE!!! Man, this is the BEST concert I've ever been!! MUSE 2006 ranked second.

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Min[/size]:D:D, You aren't undeserving, you are just the perfect fan for this to happen to.

You are polite when there is a chance to meet them, and from what it sounds like never pushy or rude. You are patient and determineed- that's why you met them,


ColdplyCarma doesn't land on you by accident, you make it! happen!! I'm super super happy for you ! I'll bet you're on cloud 9 for days and days!!

Thanks :hug: I'm still in a daze today :nice:

I was sure you'd meet Jonny this time, just too shy I suppose:\ You'll meet him one day, be sure and give him a an extra tight squeeze of a hug for not meeting you sooner and never let him go:D

I won't let Jonny go, I know :D Now only if Kelly let me cling on to him forever :P

but a dream, seriously, your posts are 1 helluva story to tell to your grandkids in years to come! ;)


& it was nice meeting you last nite. :) really hope i didn't freak you out suddenly approaching you like that. honestly didn't think i'd meet/see anyone from this forum at the gig. & sorry i didn't really say "bye"...i think we pretty much went our own ways anyway after Chris zoomed past (i was trying to figure out where's the best spot to get a cab from cos i forgot to actually plan how/where to get back home...silly me).


see how it goes, maybe i'll see you & your Jonny banner again in Wembley! haha

last night's gig was simply mind blowing...especially when they went into the upper tiers to play amongst the crowd! so definitely will wanna catch them in action again! :D

Nice meeting you too :nice: Hope you get to go to Wembley!!! :dance:

ace pictures min! ;)

Thanks Ian! :D

I just reached home. Thank god I came back in one piece! Min, you've no idea how hard I had a time travelling in SG. Basically, I got lost every freaking where i go! Given first time I'm travelling backpackers, I guess I did alright. Anyway, it was awful the whole time I tried navigating in SG. Terrible, terrible, terrible! My virgin trip to SG from Changi Airport to my hostel and getting back from Stadium are nothing but dramas!


On the other hand, Min.. I can totally get why you'd wanna go to so many COLDPLAY concerts! They're sooooo good! I won't get bored of them anytime! And the phone wave!! Yesssss! We're only the second place after NZ to do the magnificent phone wave!!!!!! Woohoooooo! I'll start saving for my next COLDPLAY trip/adventure/concert in a year's time! I HEART COLDPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I SAW YOU MIN!!!!!!!! Your banner, I mean! You did hold it up the beginning when they showed up right? Also, those lucky people on the left side of the stage!!!!!! I envy them!!!!!!! But they have sucky view of them performing back, only their arses they can see. LOL


I'm just sooooooooo excited to finally went to a COLDPLAY's concert after three years wait. So well worth it! And I'm still alive and kicking!

Hahaha someone actually saw my banner, I thought it was too small for anyone to see :P

NO FAIR the butterfly confetti only spread in the pit area. What about the rest of us? Did you caught any, Min? Share with us! :P

I've got a bit extra ;)

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haha. definitely not a journalist. i was using a slr though. a relatively inexpensive one. I was actually contemplating writing to live nation to allow me to take photos right in front of stage between the barriers and the stage. BUT i found out that even if straits time were to ask for press passes they will probably only be allowed to take for the first few songs. haha.

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