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23-Mar-09: Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists, Phot

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She's also heard White Shadows and Chris recognised her and went to say hello :D

Apparently it was Warning Sign :thinking: but I really thought I heard the beginning of White Shadows... Jonny's spacey guitar sound :thinking:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeps! i got a setlist! one bagful of confetti, some merch, vids and bloody awesome time! the crowd was cool yeah?


i didnt see any jonny banner just now though.

:lol: Told you it was small :P


It was :bomb:

Tiny hug :bomb:


Chris is so effing sweet!

I know, I was so touched, I don't know how I could ever thank him enough :sad:

Then we met Will didnt we Jiamin? Hahaha he was so awesome. Got the whole band to sign my yellow balloon which i caught from their last gig here!

We did :D I've gotta send you the pic soon, give me a moment.

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Min you are basically friends with all the Coldplay crew now :laugh4: :D :D :dance:.

:lol: I think Bash just thinks I'm a scary stalker girl though :P

Weee for Guy and Will. :D Damn that Jonny :angry: :P


Min you are never to leave my side in Manchester/Wembers! You hear? :lol: :kiss:


Awesome review Min, sorry about Jonny, but am so happy for you otherwise. :nice:

:lol: I won't leave you Mich I promise :nice:




Jonny :sad:

min i think EVERYONE is jealous of you right now! i know i am!

Sorry :embarassed:

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Min you are never to leave my side in Manchester/Wembers! You hear? :lol: :kiss:


Mich, I had dibs on her first :P. Back off :whip: :P.

I hereby commence the 'Min wars' for the next several months :P.


Min - I won't even reply to you coz I can't coz I am too amazed, and like :stunned: :bomb:, seriously, you got so much luck and fate and amazement and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person :hug:.

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are you kidding me?! i'm so happy for you haha.

Thanks :nice: I actually got you some confetti but you said you have some already? How did you manage to get them, did they fly to your section?

Mich, I had dibs on her first :P. Back off :whip: :P.

I hereby commence the 'Min wars' for the next several months :P.


Min - I won't even reply to you coz I can't coz I am too amazed, and like :stunned: :bomb:, seriously, you got so much luck and fate and amazement and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person :hug:.


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If thats us imagine what its like inside her head right now. I'd be freaking throwing stuff I think!!! Min, don't run around in circles screaming for too long, you might get dizzy :D :D :D!!!

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Thanks :nice: I actually got you some confetti but you said you have some already? How did you manage to get them, did they fly to your section?


hehe thanks for remembering! but i think you could keep those. i was very near the left walkway stage, after the show my friends and i pester the security people for it. and they helped us picked up! :D

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You're a really lucky girl. Based on roadie 42's latest blog their probably staying in Sentosa.


Oh and Strawberry Swing sounds so good live.

Sentosa :idea2:


I'll go there for a day trip :D













Min that is so fucking awesome:dance::dance::dance:


Joe :hug::hug::hug::dance::dance::dance:

If thats us imagine what its like inside her head right now. I'd be freaking throwing stuff I think!!! Min, don't run around in circles screaming for too long, you might get dizzy :D :D :D!!!

Actually I'm not, I'm just too shocked and dazed.

hehe thanks for remembering! but i think you could keep those. i was very near the left walkway stage, after the show my friends and i pester the security people for it. and they helped us picked up! :D

:D Awesome :dance:

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And indeed they did come in a van. Saw Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will. I was holding on to my insane Jonny banner so Jonny smiled at me before he ducked under the door. Chris, however, recognised me from the Sydney shows and approached me :stunned: He said 'Nice to see you again! and gave me a tiny hug :bomb: He asked whether I had flown from Australia to Singapore, but I told him that I'm actually from here, and I had flown TO Australia instead. He then asked if I'm watching the show tonight. I said I had a ticket for myself, but my friends didn't have because they couldn't afford the money. He then said, 'OK I'll see what I can do, stay right here.' as he turned to leave.


So my name was listed as under 'Chris' :dead:


I was so touched by Chris' gesture. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't since he never did come out after that.




... more to come... just hold up a little :nice:



OMG MIN!!!!!!!!! :hug: That Jonny is being so so sneaky with you!!! :confused: But Chris! WOW!


So I was still feeling incredulous, my hands were shaking so badly.


Then I started chatting to an Indonesian journalist who was about to interview Guy. Speaking of the devil, Guy came out of the stage door for a smoke. We didn't scream his name or anything, but we waited for him to turn around and we gave him a smile and a wave. He walked up to us (with Kelly always one step behind :lol:) and shook our hands and said hi and wished us a good concert :D Not wanting to sound fangirly, but he's gorgeous really :nice:


Squeee! He is nice, isn't he. And beautiful. Did he have sunglasses on?



So I waited a little bit more. The journalist left to do his interview with Guy, and another 2 fans joined me (I believe 1 of them is on this forum :D). Will came out this time :D With his hat and his shades, he looked the epitome of cool :D Once again, we waved and he came up to us, signed a few autographs and took pictures :wacky: (I've run out of smileys to describe my mood!)


OMG Will too???


A couple of roadies passed by, looked at my sign and said they've seen it before :lol:


Hahaha! Roadies love the banners!




... part 3 coming up :P





Chris saw me in the crowd (I was about 3rd row), pointed at me and smiled :nice:



Freaking awesome! He knows you!



At the end of the show, I went to the FOH but they had run out of setlists already. The soundman however was really nice and laughed at my hoarse voice and commented, 'So you were singing along, eh???' :lol:


Haha! Dan Green?


I went out, hopefully to catch a last look at the band. Unfortunately Jonny, Guy and Will did a runner again.



Gosh darn it!


When the crowds outside the stage door had thinned, one of the security guards suddenly and quietly slipped me a folded piece of paper. :stunned: A setlist :stunned: I was so shocked and surprised I just looked at it in amazement. When I finally got to my senses, I repeatedly thanked the guard quietly, over and over and over again. He just smiled :nice:



Awwwwww! That is so sweet!


Then after a while, he came back up to me and said 'Why aren't you going back yet?' I told him I was waiting for the band. He looked around :uhoh: and then whispered, 'Yeah, the lead singer's still inside. But don't tell anyone I told you that.' How awesome is he???!


So I waited around a little more. I saw Matt coming out for a smoke. I quietly called his name and he turned around, saw me and climbed up the flowerbed. I told him 'I just wanted to say that it was a good show.' He thanked me and then said 'Here, a gift for you' and he gave me a customised Viva La Vida guitar pick :nice:


Those are cool! Matt is so nice.


Chris came out after a short while, but he didn't stop for us, I think he's just really tired. He did wave to us though :nice:



So that wraps up the last of my adventures for the Viva la Vida tour.


I haven't met Jonny yet, despite trying at least 5 times. However, I should be content since he smiled at me a couple of times and gave me his guitar pick. Chris has been an absolute angel; I wish I had a way to thank him properly!!!!!!!



Oh that Jonny! :whip: You will meet him Min. I know it! Sigh.


Min you are never to leave my side in Manchester/Wembers! You hear? :lol: :kiss:


Awesome review Min, sorry about Jonny, but am so happy for you otherwise. :nice:



I got her other side! :D



Mich, I had dibs on her first :P. Back off :whip: :P.

I hereby commence the 'Min wars' for the next several months :P.


Min - I won't even reply to you coz I can't coz I am too amazed, and like :stunned: :bomb:, seriously, you got so much luck and fate and amazement and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person :hug:.



True words Chris. But I'm pretty sure I had dibs on Min before ANY of you guys so :P:P:P Let the Min wars continue! :whip:


Yes, she has AMAZING Coldplay Karma. And totally deserves it. You were meant for this band Min! I'm soooooo happy for all the cool stuff that has happened so far. And I KNOW you will meet Jonny. We will line up with all our Jonny banners: Reign of Jonny, Guitar Hero Jonny 1 (Mel's and mine) Guitar Hero Jonny 2 (Min's), and the HUGE JONNYFEST banner. He will have to meet us. And you will have him first! And the longest! :smug: :D I will stare and smile. :D




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OMG MIN!!!!!!!!! :hug: That Jonny is being so so sneaky with you!!! :confused: But Chris! WOW!

He's amazing, such an angel :bomb:

Haha! Dan Green?

Didn't look like Dan to me from the pictures I've seen of him :thinking:

Those are cool! Matt is so nice.

I was actually considering NOT calling him... He always looks so serious :thinking: He still was serious when he came to me but he was so sweet to give the guitar pick :heart:

True words Chris. But I'm pretty sure I had dibs on Min before ANY of you guys so :P:P:P Let the Min wars continue! :whip:

That is true :D



Yes, she has AMAZING Coldplay Karma. And totally deserves it. You were meant for this band Min! I'm soooooo happy for all the cool stuff that has happened so far. And I KNOW you will meet Jonny. We will line up with all our Jonny banners: Reign of Jonny, Guitar Hero Jonny 1 (Mel's and mine) Guitar Hero Jonny 2 (Min's), and the HUGE JONNYFEST banner. He will have to meet us. And you will have him first! And the longest! :smug: :D I will stare and smile. :D



Maybe it's in the stars that I'll meet him when all we Jonnygirls are together :D:dance::nice:

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One more thing I forgot to mention...


Wayne didn't do his dancing today :sad: I miss it! :bigcry:

Min!!! That is so so cool that all that happened, its so exciting:dance::dance:

Chris remembered you and gave you extra tickets, then Guy and Will:dead::dead:

Aww Joe :hug: I don't know I'm so dazed right now, it has been such an awesome day I can't believe it happened.

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That is true :D




Maybe it's in the stars that I'll meet him when all we Jonnygirls are together :D:dance::nice:


YES! And how awesome will it be (and how jealous will Chris be) when we hold up all those Jonny banners at the same time in Jonny's section at Wembley??? :lol:


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YES! And how awesome will it be (and how jealous will Chris be) when we hold up all those Jonny banners at the same time in Jonny's section at Wembley??? :lol:




I would actually feel bad for Chris!!! After all, he's been so askjghshaghkskjhags lovely this tour :bomb:


I'll have to make one for Chris too :thinking:

AH! I just realized it's 3am in Singapore Min! :kiss: Hope you can calm down enough to sleep eventually! :hug:

I'm still looking through my pics, hopefully I can post them tonight. Vids, however, I will post in the Buckland thread on my day off :lol:

First post, but I have to say this.

Bloody hell, you are so lucky!! Great!! :)

:nice: Thanks.


It's part luck, part hard work.

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