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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 2||CUZ WE IZ COOL


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by Dianna AND Brooke.

that's right! it's a collab!









Chapter 1


"Emergency Meeting!!!" the loudspeakers squawked.

"What now?" one asked.

"The usual, I'm sure." the other one answered.

The first one rolled its eyes.

"Just what do they expect us to do at this point?"

The second one shrugged.

"I don't know...but we better go," the second one said.


The conference room was full of the usual participants.

The Boss was standing at the head of the table.

"We have to do something," he said, with his hands on his hips.

"What? We have tried it all," Romance said.

"Yep...." Soul agreed.

"Try harder," Trust said.

"Hey.....you are the one that is holding all the rest of us up," Lust said, pointing a finger at Trust.

"What?" Trust squeaked, "It's not my fault. I tried. I really did."

"Well, I know I'm not the problem," Romance said, "I used every trick I can think of...rain...moonlight..etc."

"They are both just so afraid," Soul said.

"Well, Fear doesn't work in this department so I have no control over him," The Boss said, "He's in the other section.

We need to concentrate on what we, here in this department, can do to get these two together."

"The tall skinny one is no problem," Lust said, "He's definitely lusting after the other one. The one that wears the cap is a little more

difficult. I haven't gotten him to acknowledge me yet."

"The one that wears the cap has a name," Romance said, "It's Jonny. He and I are well bonded."

"He and I are well bonded," Lust imitated, sarcastically, "Big deal....what use are you in a relationship?"

“Cut it out you two,” Soul told them, “We are all necessary for this to have a happy ending.”

“I have already completed my assignment,” Fate said, crossing his arms and looking smug, “I got the two of them together a long time ago. That was why I was voted Employee of the Decade.”

Lust just rolled his eyes at that comment.

Just then someone’s beeper buzzed.

“It’s not me,” Trust said.

“Oh shit, it’s me, “Romance said, gathering up his papers and hurrying out of the room.

“Fear must be on the move again,” Soul observed.





Chapter 2


Fear was indeed on the move again.

The insidious little man was constantly appearing out of nowhere everytime Chris was about to tell Jonny how he felt.

They were sitting in Chris' apartment watching Pulp Fiction for the 89th time.

Chris loved the movie.

He thought it was sheer genius and he howled with laughter everytime he watched it.

Jonny wasn't as crazy about it as Chris, but he could appreciate the movies' finer points.

Chris had just looked at Jonny and been mesmerized, yet again by the brilliant color of his eyes.

He put his hand on Jonny's shoulder and opened his mouth.


Just then Fear came flying past the roadblock that Romance had set up before leaving to attend the meeting.

Fear crashed through the roadblock and made Chris yank his hand away from Jonny.

Romance arrived shortly after that.

"Look what you did," he said to Fear, gritting his teeth.

"I did my job," Fear said.

“Yes…..you sure did you bastard,” Romance answered.

“Ha ha ha,” Fear said, laughing maniacally and doing a little victory dance.


Meanwhile, Jonny looked at Chris.

“What?” he asked, “What were you going to say?”

Chris looked back at the television.

“I love this movie,” he said, quietly.

Romance scratched his head and pondered what to do.

Just then a thought came to him.

He snapped his fingers and the lights went out in Chris’ apartment.

“What the hell?” Chris asked, getting up to look out the window.

“Are the lights out all over?” Jonny asked, standing beside him.

“No,” Chris said, in surprise, “Apparently, it is just here.”

“That’s weird,”Jonny said.

“I think I have some candles, somewhere, “Chris said, starting to feel his way toward the kitchen.

“I’ll help you look,” Jonny said.

Jonny was kneeling down looking under the sink.

Just as he stood up, Chris opened another cabinet door.

Jonny got a good whack on the head.

“Oh no,Jonny..” Chris said.

Jonny started laughing.

Then Chris started laughing.

Jonny looked at Chris in the non-existent light.

“I really should just kiss him,”Jonny thought, “He’s so gorgeous.”

Romance crossed his arms and smiled a satisfied smile.







Chapter 3


"How do you think it's going?" Trust asked.

"I don't know... Fear is a real ho-faced bitch, so probably not going too well," Soul replied.

"Nonsense, Romance is one of the best on the force!" The Boss exclaimed, shaking his head. "I'm sure he's doing a good job."

He didn't really believe his own words, though.

Fear was an absolute ho-faced bitch, and was no doubt giving all he could to counteract their hard work.


"Well, candles aren't much use without matches, huh?" Chris asked.

He and Jonny were sitting on the floor of Chris' kitchen.

They'd decided that it was too dangerous to try to make it back to the living room with such a lack of light.

"It's OK," Jonny said.

"It's so dark in here," Chris said, scooting closer to Jonny. "Thank God you're here with me, otherwise..."

"Otherwise you'd be crying out of fear?" Jonny finished, laughing.

"Yeah," Chris laughed back.

Romance, who was sitting on the opposite side of the floor, was looking rather peeved. His brilliant plan had been thwarted by the fact that there were no matches to be found anywhere in Chris' apartment.

Then he saw how close they were, and an idea popped into his head.

"Hey... Yeah, it's Romance," he said into his phone. "It's going all right... but I'm gonna need some backup."




Chapter 4


Fear was resting just outside of the kitchen. He had overheard Romance's phone conversation and knew exactly what was going to happen.

Right on time, a tall figure walked by, carrying what appeared to be a small pack of matches. Fear didn't hesitate to leap at the figure, instantly knocking him down.

"Oh, bastard!!" Lust yelled as he fell to the floor. "What the hell is your problem?"

Romance heard the yelling from inside the kitchen, and went to see what was going on. He had a feeling that Fear had been behind it, and it was no shock to see him standing above Lust.

"You again? Haven't you had enough of this?" Romance asked, helping Lust get off the floor.

"Nope," Fear replied.

"Why are you doing all of this, anyway?" Romance asked.

"You really wanna know?"

"Yes," Romance answered.


"No, we want you to lie to us," Lust sarcastically replied.

"Well, it's 'cause... you know," Fear lowered his head and voice in shame, " 'Cause I was bored."

"You... were BORED?" Romance screamed.

"It's hard, this life!" Fear exclaimed. "People like Depression and Anger are always needed. Me? Not so much. So I get bored," he shrugged.

"Oh, sod off," Lust said, punching Fear square in the jaw.

Fear fell backwards and collapsed on the ground.

"Wow," Romance said, stunned. "Looks like he's out."

Lust nodded his head and turned toward the kitchen. "Let's do this before he wakes up and gets bored again."







Chapter 5


"Chris," Jonny said, "Charades doesn't work so well in the dark."

Chris was standing in front of him, miming the name of some television program.

"Well, it was just a suggestion," Chris said, sitting back down.

At that moment, Lust and Romance walked into the room. Lust was still carrying the matches, which he handed to Romance, then sat down by Chris.

"I'll take this one, seeing as you seem to work so well with the other one," he said.

"Okay," Romance said, striking the match. "Here goes nothing."

He lit the candles that were on the counter, which frightened both Jonny and Chris.

"Holy shit!" Chris yelled, jumping up.

"... How did that...?" Jonny gaped. He looked at Chris, who was daringly touching the fire with his index finger.

He had never seen someone so beautiful before.

The way the light hit his face was purely brilliant.

Romance smiled, and said to Lust, "Well, go on, then. Do your thing."

Lust leaned over Chris' shoulder. He whispered, "Kiss him," in Chris' ear.

Chris looked over at Jonny.

With Fear still laying on the floor of the other room, there was nothing stopping him.

He reached out and placed his hand on Jonny's shoulder for the second time that night.

Then he softly pressed his lips against Jonny's.

"Wow... I can't believe I just did that," Chris said.

"I'm glad you did," Jonny smiled.







Chapter 6


Chris leaned his head on Jonny's shoulder.

"Aren't they so fucking cute?" Romance asked, beaming.

"Yes," Lust replied, with a deep sigh, "Cute..but not fucking."

Romance gave him a look of reproach.

"Then do your job for once," Romance told him.

"Okay, okay," Lust said.

Jonny looked at Chris and his stomach flipped over.

"Nice one," Romance said, giving Lust a high-five.

"I've been working out, "Lust said, flexing his arm muscles.

Jonny ran his hand along Chris' jaw.

"This is it!" Romance said, jumping up and down, "This is it!!!"

Chris looked at Jonny in surprise.

"Wait a minute," a booming voice said, "Hold everything."

"Son-of-a-bitch!" Lust said.

"I thought you were on vacation this week," Romance said.

"Well, I am back and apparently just in time, "Friendship said.

"They have had enough of you, "Romance said.

"Yeah, why can't you let them have some hot sex?" Lust asked.

"Because I am a very valuable asset," Friendship said, "If you don't believe me, check my paycheck. I make more than anyone else here."

"You are not so damn valuable. You are just over-rated," Lust told him.

"Sounds like you are jealous," Friendship said.

"No, I am not Jealous....he works in another department....I just look like him, "Lust said.

Romance nudged Lust.

"Do something," he said, in a whisper.

Chris felt a little light-headed.

"Jonny," he said, "I feel kind of strange."

"Strange, how?" Jonny asked.

"I don't know," he said, "Hold my hand."

Lust stuck his tongue out at Friendship.

"Sure," Jonny said, wrapping his hand around Chris' slender fingers.

"That feels good," Chris said, "You always make me feel better Jonny."

"You make me feel......feel..."

"Feel what?" Chris asked.

"It's my turn," Romance said, "I've got a good end run."

"You make me feel like it is Christmas with every day that I spend with you," Jonny told him.

"Shit," Friendship said, "I don't feel so good. I am getting very, very weak."

"Fuck off," Lust said, "I am taking over."


Jonny grabbed Chris and pushed him back.

"I'm sick of hiding how I feel about you," he said.

"How do you feel?' Chris asked.

Jonny replied by sliding one hand up Chris' shirt.

Chris moaned.

Romance hid his eyes.

" I think I am finished here," he said, smiling.

"I want to take you to bed," Jonny told Chris.

"Screw the bed," Chris said, reaching for the buttons on Jonny's jeans, "Let's do it right here."

Lust raised both hands in the air.

"And he scores!," he yelled.







... i wonder if people will be able to tell who wrote what. :thinking::lol:

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Well, here's Chapter 6!



Tell Me Your Secrets

Chapter 6

"Will, I swear I wasn't fucking her! I just walked in, she was wearing her panties, and-"

"Wait," Will interrupted. "So Kira fucked you?"

"NO! I came in, and we started talking about photography," Guy explained, motioning to the camera.

"Oh," Will mumbled. "Well, get the fuck out of her room then." Guy rolled his eyes, stood up, and walked out of the room.

Sorry, Will mouthed to me, closing the door. So I continue changing 'till I'm in my PJs. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. Someone knocks on the door.

"Almost done!" I say with a mouth full of toothpaste. Finishing my clean up, I step out of the room.

"The bathroom's open to anyone who wants to get ready," I announce. They guys were sitting at the table. Guy got up and went in the room. When Chris noticed me, he grinned.

"Kira! Over here-a! Haha! It rhymed!" he motioned to the seat next to him. I sit down, crossing my legs. I had worn an old pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Not exactly something you'd see in Victoria's Secret. Or WalMart, even.

"Okay, let me show you what I got for the sleepover!" He brought out a six pack of beer.

"Beer? I'm not much of a drinker," I say. Well, not anymore, I add in my mind. Having beer around would drive me insane.

"Oh, this is for Guy," Chris informed me. "With luck, it just might last him the whole night." Then, he brought out a bag of marshmallows, and a bar of chocolate.

"We're making smores without the crackers!" he announced.

"Er... sounds fun," I manage to say. Guy better finish that beer before I go insane, I think.

Chris's face fell. "What;s wrong with unhealthy doses of sugar?"

"Nothing! It's just that... they'll make me fat."

"Fat?" Chris burst into laughter. "You're as skinny as Gwynnie! Oh my God! IT FUCKING RHYMED!!" Chris laughed again. "The only difference is that you have boobs. I wish Jonny had boobs. They're great."

Awkward silence. Will and Jonny ignored us, they seemed rather nervous. So, yeah, more awkward silence.

"So, um, let's talk about sleeping arrangement," Chris began, changing the subject. I was pretty grateful for that.

"Well, since you're my guest, I think that one of you should sleep on the bed. I have a few extra balnkets, so some of us will sleep on the ground." Chris cringed at the last sentence, but he brightened a bit. "Can't we share a bed?"

"You haven't seen my bed, have you?"


"Barely one of us could sleep on there. Don't push your luck," I joked.


The door opened, with Guy strolling out. Chris went into the bathroom, skipping all the way.

Noticing Will and Jonny sitting on the floor, Guy turned t ome.

"Um... what's wrong with them!?" he asks.

"No idea," I admit.

"Will? Jonny? You okay?"

Will looked up at Guy.

"No, Jonny, it's not okay! There's no technology here! NO PLAYSTATION!! Poor Jonny's speechless!"

"You mean...?" Guy asked, his eyes widened. "No Twitter!?"



"I'm sorry!" I say, putting myself in the conversation. "What do you expect from a jobless girl like me?"

Guy hung his head. "I'm sorry," he murmured. He looked up at me, brown eyes shining with pity. "You really do need help, don't you?"

I nod, tears forming in my eyes.

No! I think. You are NOT crying in front of them!

But I want to, I argued with myself. My life sucks!

It does not!

Shut up and bear it!


"Oh, it's okay," I say. "With luck, I'll be working on tour with you."

Chris walked out of the bathroom, noticing me first.

"You koay?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Oh.... okay," Chris says.


After Will and Jonny got ready, I set up everything.

"It's really kind of you to offer this job," I say as I lay blankets on the floor.

"Oh, it's no problem. I just felt... strangely compelled to help you out. Like I had to, y'know?" Chris told me.

Will rolled his eyes.

"Okay, whoever gets on the bed first wins," I say. I needed some entertainment.

"Oh look, Chris! Bono!" Will yelled.

Chris turned around. "WHERE!?"

Will snickered, climbing on the bed. Chris turned around.

"Will, I don't see- Will! You son of a bitch!" he snapped. Will just laughed.


That night, I lay down between Chris and Jonny. Taking a deep breath, and smiled to myself. What a day! I meet a famous band, they offer me a job, and they take me there! But how could I deserve this? Usually people were only this lucky when they wanted to meet true love, reunite with family, have loads of sex, etc. But I didn't deserve it. I was just a piece of scum. No, I was far worse.

I was a paparazzi.




Tell me what you think! :)

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For You (Part 7)




*Will's PoV*


I opened my eyes finding myself in my bed completely bare except Nicole's arms around me; she was still asleep. I'd been friends with her ever since Chris introduced me to her in coIlege. We were always just good friends, I was close with her and so was Jonny and Guy. Chris and her would be caught arguing sometimes but they are cousins, most cousins tend to argue once in a while.


I looked over at the clock on my nightstand and faced it towards me. It was 12:30 in the afternoon. 12:30, I thought, I'm going to be late for rehersal if I don't get my ass in gear.


I shook Nicole's arm gently, "Nicole, wake up love." I begged for her to wake up.


"Yeah?" she faced me with exhausted looking eyes and kissed me so softly, our lips barely touched.


"I'm going to be late for rehersal." I told her as I looked down at the clock again. "Let's get dressed and I'll drive you home on the way to the Bakery."




I drove quickly down the street knowing if I was late for rehersal Chris would most likely scold me for it. Nicole sat in the pasenger seat next to me looking out the window at the road, which was still filled with puddles from last nights shower. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but all I could see was her innocent brown eyes.


"Will," she started "You don't think what we did was wrong, do you?" Nicole asked without looking me in the eyes.


I didn't know what to think. We loved each other, isn't that all that matters? "Well what do you think?" I asked, looking into her eyes for the answer.


"I don't know..." She replied with confusion drawn on her face. Then she looked directly into my eyes, "Well, we've been friends since college; we never expected it to be this way. Maybe it's just a little too quick for me."


"Yeah," I said as I looked down at myself; she was 100% right, "Do you think we could... just stay friends, atleast for now?"


She smiled as I stopped in front of her house, "I would love nothing more," she said as she kissed me on the lips for one last time; I took in the moment knowing it would probably never happen again.


"Thank you, Will." She said as she stepped outside of my car and looked back at me; I couldn't help but smile again.




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Have you noticed that I always say a sentence before posting the chapter?



Tell Me Your Secrets

Chapter 7

It was the only way for me to live. I had to take pictures of celebrities for money. Boss was so cruel. He didn't let me quit. He needed someone to work for him. And I came along. I'd lost everything from... a thing that I can barely bear to think about now. It hurt too much. So I came along, on the way to my house, when Boss says, "Hey miss, come over here." Like some creepo pedophile. Well, I'm 29, so maybe pedophile isn't the right word. But you get the picture. So I come over, he offers me a job, and he looks at me like he knows what I've been through. I just had to accept. I'm that pathetic. It's been a few months, but already the same is killing me. It's just another thing that'll eventually kill me. Tears stung my eyes like acid, and one even rolled down my cheek. I stayed silent, laying awake. I guess I was noisier than I thought, because I felt someone's breath on my neck.

"You okay?" an angelic voice asked. Whoever it was, I had no idea.

"Yeah... I'm fine," I murmured.

"No you're not," the voice said. I was far too drowsy and miserable to bother recognizing it.

"Okay, I'm not."

"That's the spirit!"

"What the hell?"

"Sorry," the voice giggled like a little girl. I found myself laughing a bit too.

"SHUT UP!" another voice whispered harshly.

"Sorry," the angelic voice said. I could feel his breath on me again.

"Good night," he said.

"'Night," I murmur, closing my eyes.



The next morning, I felt a hand shaking me. Shit. Was I unconscious again?

"Kira!" A singsong voice announced. Chris. "It's time to gooo!" I open my eyes to see Chris's face, lit up by the early morning light.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"7 am! We woke up early and packed our stuff up. Get ready, pack up, and go!" Chris instructed.

"I just woke up!" I moaned.

"Don't you want that job?"

I sit up. "Fine," I mutter.

"Yays!" Chris stands up and runs to the kitchen.

All alone again, I stand up and walk to the bathroom. Taking a look in the mirror, I see a tired, pale face staring back at me. I begin brushing, tweezing, and changing clothes.


Walking out of the bathroom and into my room, I quickly grab everything I need and stuff it in my bags. I run into my art room, grab my supplies, and run back into the kitchen where the guys were.

"That was quite fast," Will commented.

"Thanks." I nod.

"Well, take your stuff and get in the cat!" Chris instructed, bouncing with excitement. Carrying my bags, I get out of the house, waiting for everyone else. Once they had all come out, the turned to them and smiled.

"Again, I'd like to say thanks. I really appreciate what you're doing," I told them.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Chris says. "Stop making such a fuss. So, how do we get to the car?"

"Follow me." I begin crawling through the juniper, carrying my bags on my back.

"Not the bloody juniper!!" Chris whined, but he followed anyway.


By the time we were all out, I was filthy. I brushed off the dirt on my clothing and grabbed my bags.

"I'm driving," Will announced.

"But I want to!" Chris whined.

"The last time you drove you nearly killed Kira!"

"...Fine," Chris pouted. "But can Jonny sit next to me?"

"No. He needs to read the map so we can get back to the hotel."

"But why can't Guy!?"

"He'd be too busy twittering to read a map."

Chris pouted again. "Will, you're so mean!"

"I'm only doing this so we can be safe. Now, Chris, you're going to sit on the left, Kira in the middle, and Guy on the right."

"Sounds good," I say.

Chris wordlessly opened the car door.

"Ladies first," he said, motioned me to come over.

"Um, thanks," I say. I'm not that into chivalry thought. Makes me feel... weird. And useless. I sat down on the soft leather seat, excitedly twiddling my thumbs.

Chris sat down next to me, smiling at me.

"You nervous?"

"Well, yeah."

"It's okay. Phil's a cool guy. He'll like you."

"That's sweet of you."

Chris giggled. "She call me sweet!"

Guy got in, rolling his eyes. "You're so feminine, Chris!"

"Shut up, Guy!"

Will cast a frightening glare at the two men. They silenced.

Will started up the car, and we were off.



Sorry, it's kind of boring.

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Sorry I've been away on vacation but here's the next part of my story

In My Place

Part 7



Remember, 3 asterisks (***) mean its a flashback




I picked up my phone again and just stared at the cover. Why was I feeling bad for hanging up? He was the one who should feel bad. Don’t give in Rachel; he needs to come to you, not the other way around. I threw my phone onto the concrete with gruesome force. *CRACK*. Shit I hope I didn’t break it. No, shut up, who cares?



Dinner went so well. There was not one awkward moment. Not that I was pro at this dating thing or anything, but the conversation flowed, we were both laughing and enjoying ourselves, and I did not fall, tear, spill on my dress, or embarrass myself in any way. I don’t care if I was wrong; I was having the time of my life.


As we were walking out of the restaurant, I was fumbling a little bit. A few drinks, a full stomach, and me in one inch heels did not mix very well. Justin grabbed on my waist for support. He was being very gentlemen like and cute. It was just so perfect.


A cute smile arose on his face, like he had an idea. “So, what-cha want to do Rachel?” The moon was really beautiful tonight, shinning down in all of the dark parts of the street.


I giggled and pressed my hand to my mouth. What was up with me tonight? “I don’t know,” I raised my eyebrows. “What do you want to do?” I giggled some more.


“Well I was going to say lets go for a walk and ill walk you home afterwards so you are not alone.” He smiled and kissed my cheek.


We walked around for what seemed like hours, chatting the night away. Eventually I felt my phone vibrate in my wristlet. I opened my phone and it was a text from Christine: “So it is two in the morning and you have not called yet. Hope all is well and you two didn’t get TOO carried away. Going to bed. <3 You better have details tomorrow!” I smiled to myself. Boy was she in for a story.


“Justin do you have any clue as to what time it is? I’m sorry but it’s two in the morning and I should be getting home.” I started to walk in the direction of my house.


Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my hand. “Whoa there, slow down. I promised you some company on your walk home. You cannot get rid of me that easily.” There was that adorable grin again.


“Oh alright,” I couldn’t help myself, I wouldn’t stop blushing. Why hide it now? “If you really don’t mind…”


We walked back towards my apartment holding hands, for real this time. There wasn’t much talking going on, but it wasn’t awkward at all. It was almost peaceful, with the moon illuminating the way. We stopped outside my place and just stared into each others eyes for a few minutes. No words being spoken.


He leaned in slowly, pausing for a second almost as if he was checking to see if it were alright. I leaned in a little too. Did I do it right? I mean, I never had a real kiss before. Before I knew it we were kissing. You would think little fireworks would go off in the background, or I would feel this spark; but nothing. It wasn’t like in the movies where everything is in slow motion. I don’t know if this just didn’t feel right or what. It wasn’t that special. Oh well it was probably just me. I just didn’t know what I was doing. That night was just amazing to be ruined with some silly kiss. It was just my imagination


Before he left he kissed me on my forehead and whispered in my ear, “Goodnight Rachel.” Then turned and left to walk home. I sighed and walked up to my apartment. Seven flights seemed very tough tonight, so I decided to take my shoes off before taking on the challenge.


When I got into my pajamas, texted Christine with a promise to tell her every single detail later, and situated myself in bed, I couldn’t get one face out of my mind.


I just had this unforgettable night with one guy, but these beautiful blue eyes were all I saw in my head.


I needed some sleep, really bad.




There is just something about extremely hot showers that will make you feel relaxed. After I dried off I went over to this enormously large bowl of those little chocolates, and I dove in. Slowly, my mind started to drift off. I couldn’t stop thinking of her. Should I call her again? Go out and try to find her? … …


Deep in a thought trance, I stared out the window. I just happened to look down after a minute or so, in the middle of chewing, I saw a little note on a torn out piece of paper.


“Chris just came up here to see how you were. We went out for a bit, but we will be back later. – Jon”


“Jonny boy, you are my best friend no matter what.” Who cares if no one was around to hear?


Feeling upset and lost, I grabbed my guitar and headed out to the balcony for some fresh air. Writing songs always made me feel better.


Sometimes chocolate can’t fix all of your problems.



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In My Place

part 8





(*** means flashback!)






Most of the details about our relationship, from there on out were kind of blurred together. I wouldn’t have called us a full on couple until a number of weeks after our first date. We have been on plenty of dates since the first, and they were all those cute, amazing, clichéd kinds; the ones where I would spend the whole next eight hours on the phone with Christine telling her about it.


For almost a year we were inseparable. He was my everything. He was a first for a lot of circumstances: my first date, my first kiss. He was the first guy to notice me, the first guy to tell me he loves me, and the first guy to sleep with me. You could say we were very emotionally involved. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one thing; Justin was also the first guy to ever cheat on me.


After a year of going out, I moved in with him. Things were looking pretty good for the future. I was going to go back to school and become a photographer, while he was going to school for a marketing business job. Our relationship was looking to become more permanent.


But something was wrong. Justin was acting so weird. When I had told Christine and she thought it had something to do with him making our relationship plans more permanent. But it wasn’t that. I could just tell. No, this kind of weird was not commitment related.


When I don’t face my problems, (aka, all the time), they eventually mentally tear me apart. I stop acting like my happy self, my appetite is gone, and I seem to loose something inside of me that is there usually. I was a mess. Justin was out till the crack of dawn all of the time, always outside talking on the phone on some ‘business’ call, and always staying over night at a friends house. There would be some days at a time where I wouldn’t see him. Every time I asked him what was up he would tell me the same excuses. “Work has been so hard lately, babe, I’m sorry.” Or, “I am so stressed, I need to go out.” “It’s a business call, Rach, I will be back soon.”


I was such an emotional mess. I just had to do something to make me get out of this funk. Christine suggested a girl’s weekend out together. This was just what I needed. A weekend with my best friend going to movies and the salon, getting our nails done, shopping, and just talking. It was the perfect medicine for my mood. I wasn’t going to let Justin’s weird actions make this bad for me.


I packed my things, told Justin about my plans, and headed for my getaway. Christine greeted me at her door with a welcoming hug and kiss on my cheek. I started to cry. Everything slipped out. I didn’t know why I was spilling everything; I had told myself that his weird mood was not going to upset me. Christine decided we could delay our plans for a walk to talk everything out. We ended up at the park.


After she knew everything that was going on in my life, and I had stopped crying, we walked in silence. The good thing about Christine was that I could just sit there quietly and I would still feel like she was listening to me.


I noticed that during the whole walk around the lake my head was down. I decided to look up. It was almost sun set. The sky looked so beautiful with the clouds and the way the sun was going to go down. I needed a picture. I promised myself I would take these pictures. It was just something I had to do.


Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself running back to my apartment with Christine to go grab my camera. People were looking at us funny as we sprinted down the street. Again, I am not the best runner, so I was further behind Christine, but we were laughing and having fun; and that is all that mattered. This was it; it was just the right thing I needed to be doing in order to get out of my bad mood. My best friend was the answer.


We finally got to my apartment, gasping for air. We stopped outside the door before we went inside to conquer all those steps. Eventually we pulled ourselves together laughing all the way up. Christine kept making fun of me for always being behind.


Christine reached the door before me, and she turned around to look at me. She had a very confused look on her face. “Did Justin say he had any plans for this weekend?” I was still many steps behind.


“Uhm, no, actually he said he had no plans….” I looked down. Did he lie to me?


“Well, I am pretty sure I can hear someone laughing in there Rach.” She looked upset. I finally reached the door. We both got quiet and tried to listen.


“Oh Justin, you are so funny!” It was definitely a voice that belonged to a woman. Christine and I both turned to each other with the most shocked expression on our faces.


I dropped my keys and sat on the closest step to my apartment. I knew something was weird. Maybe she was a friend and they were just in there talking. Yeah, keep trying to convince yourself the obvious Rachel…


I heard Christine pick up my keys and try to unlock the door. I hurried to get up fast enough to stop her. I didn’t want to go in there and find out I was wrong. I just wanted to turn back around, go to the park, pretend like we never left, and just keep laughing like we were before. We were having such a great time…


Too late, Christine had opened the door already and she had her hand over her mouth. There they were, Justin and his new girl in his lap. They were kissing, and they both looked like they were enjoying it a little too much.


Justin pulled away when he noticed we were there. My mind was blank I was just standing there staring, speechless. Christine was the one to break the silence. “You should be ashamed of yourself, you lying bastard!”


“Rachel! It’s not what…. I mean to say…. We were just… I was going… “


I shook my head. I could not believe what I saw. I wanted to scream. I wanted to throw a fit and kick the crap out of that girl. I wanted to slap Justin for being such an ass. But mostly, I wanted to cry. I wasn’t going to though. He would not know how upset I was. I would not allow him to see it.


I still had nothing to say. It was like I became a mute.


Christine grabbed my hand. Turned to that girl and smiled. “You should get going little girl, unless you want me to punch you.” The girl just shook her head in agreement and made her way out the door as fast as she could. Justin stood up, ran over to me, and kneeled down.


I was soft; I’ll be the first to admit it. I just broke down and cried. I kept shaking my head and he kept whispering over and over, “I’m so sorry.” I looked up and saw that Christine was no where to be found. I wonder where she went.


I tried to look into Justin’s eyes and say something, but no words came out. He put his hand on my shoulder and I shook it off. I was so destroyed; I could not even begin to describe it. “Listen, let me try to explain things to y—“


“NO.” My voice was very stern and I sounded pissed.


“Rachel, but I lov-“


“Shut up. You can’t even be serious after what I just saw you doing… Love me? Hah! You are so funny! …What the hell Justin? What did I ever do wrong?” tears were still running down my face, but I was angry. Where were these words coming from?


“I, I, I don’t know..” He looked down. “I am so sorry Rachel. I don’t know how I could do such a horrible thing.”


“Yeah, okay,” I stood up. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away very quickly. “Just leave me alone, and don’t worry about it. I am out of here. No more worries, no more secrets.” I stormed out of the room and into the bedroom, where I found Christine with half my things packed and in a suitcase on the bed. She was the best.


She put down the shirts of mine that she held in her hands and gave me the biggest hug. “Who needs a boyfriend when you have a best friend to live with?” She squeezed tighter and I started to cry harder. She was right. I didn’t need him.


Christine had left to go get her car so we could get all of my stuff out of the house. Since we were living in his apartment, all the furniture was his. I didn’t have many things. Once she left, Justin tried to convince me not the leave. “Rachel, it was a mistake I am sorry!” He wasn’t being very convincing, but that didn’t matter. We were done, over. I could never forgive him for this. He was the first person that I had very strong feelings for. He claimed to love me. He lied and betrayed me. There was no room for forgiveness.


I packed my clothes, got all of my stuff into Christine’s car, and got Justin off my back in record time. I sat in the front seat of her car with my camera in my lap. So much for my happy beautiful pictures, right? So much for trusting a person, right? So much for my dream. Hah, my dream…


The next few weeks after that were terrible. I put on this big act in front of Christine so she would think I was okay. I would smile and laugh at everything. After a while, this whole pretending to be happy thing was easy. I just bottled it all away and put on a show.


I felt really bad for staying in Christine’s apartment. I was invading and I knew it. She had her own life, a boyfriend, and a job. I just added some extra stress. As soon as I saved up enough money to get my own place, I was out of there. To get the extra money, I started to work over time at the diner. Things just became a routine again.


I always asked myself what kind of person I would be if my life were perfect. My guess? I would live in the comfiest little house that was prim and clean. My husband would be faithful and be absolutely in love with me. I would be gorgeous, the kind where you don’t have to try; you know you just wake up and you automatically are pretty. I would have two kids who listened and were nice to each other. My husband and I would be the best entertainers. We would throw parties and ‘get togethers’ that everyone would love and have the best of times.


Hah! What a dream that was.


In reality, nothing ever goes the way you expect it. Life takes a huge shit on you every day. Sure, there are some days that are good, but they are only there to keep you going and to give you these crazy dreams that some day, your life will take a big turn on you and be perfect.


So that was my theory on life. Pretty morbid huh? Oh well, it was the truth, and so far nothing was proving me wrong. I needed some change in my life, but I had no hope. Every night I would wish at 11:11 like a silly high school teenager, and nothing ever happened.


I started giving up on my routine slowly. At first I would call out of work, but then it got to the point where I would just not show up. I didn’t ever loose my job, but I was close. I became depressed, and didn’t tell anyone about it. Christine eventually noticed, but everything she ever said to me I never believed. I had no idea who this person was that I had become.


There was this one day that changed my life, forever.






When ever I am playing or writing songs, I go into this weird trance. It is almost as if I am in my own little world, exploring. Nothing ever can bother me; nothing can disturb me, EVER.


So when I say that I heard a voice talking to me, let’s just say that’s really strange.


“That was really beautiful.” It was a high pitched voice, definitely not belonging to Jonny Boy. I shook my head. What the heck was wrong with me tonight? Shit, what was she doing here?


I didn’t even look up from my guitar. “How did you even get in here Marley?” My words were like daggers, sharp and harsh.


“The door was uhm… open. Sorry did I come at a wrong time?” Oh boy did she just say the right words to piss me off. “Look I know something happened between us but you can’t just ignore it Chr-”


“Just leave.” Again I could feel the sting of my words.


“But Chr-”


“Leave, now.”


She turned around slowly. Before she was completely out the door, she turned around almost to say something. I guess the look on my face did it in, because she then hurried and turned around to leave. I quickly forced the memory of what had just happened out of my head and tuned back into my guitar.


Strumming, I started to hum the most beautiful tune ever.



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In My Place

Part 9





(*** = flashbacks! :D)





Yet another day had passed by and I had called out of work; big surprise there. For some reason I had told myself that I was not going to let that day pass me by without me doing something fun. So I decided to take extra care of myself in the morning. Why my sudden change in mood?


I took the best shower like ever. It had actually made me smile after I walked out. Maybe this day would be good? I found I had asked that question several times while getting ready. I then put on a pretty outfit and straightened my hair. Who cares if I wasn’t going anywhere special today, at least I would attempt to make myself feel good about it.


Before going out I packed a bag with a blanket, a water bottle, and my camera inside. If I saw some good shots I thought I could add them to my portfolio; maybe it would do some good if I ever went back to school.


Again, grabbing my cell phone, I headed out for the door. My first destination I had decided was going to be the park. It was almost ten in the morning, and it was a beautiful day. People would be happy and out for a walk. Spring was here; could that be the reason for my sudden happiness? Who cares, I took it while it lasted.


After taking a nice brisk walk to the park, I found a nice sunny spot to set up my blanket in. I figured if the nice weather was making my mood so good, why not endure it? I got my camera out and started to take some pictures.


Click. Click. Click. “Oh my god.” I whispered to myself. I then lowered my camera slowly. Was it him? …No, it couldn’t be.


I thought I had just seen that beautiful face again, but this time it was for real. I could not believe it. Look at me gaping at this man, I looked so silly. I turned around and continued to take my pictures. Should I go over there and say hi? Was it even him? If I did go over there would he know who I was? I was bombarding myself with questions, it was all so overwhelming.


I continued to look through my camera lens and I noticed something very strange. Everyone in the park was looking in the same direction, at Chris. Why was everyone looking at him? That was so strange, I kept thinking to myself. Oh well, it was probably just his beauty that everyone couldn’t stop looking at. Who could blame them? Chris was so incredibly good looking and so polite when we talked.


I decided to take one last peak before I decided I would not look over there again. Of course with my luck, he was no where to be seen. I always messed up. Why couldn’t I just grow the balls to walk over there to talk to him?


I’ll get over it eventually, I thought to myself. I quickly tuned back into my camera looking for a good shot. Found it! “This angle was so perfect.” I whispered to myself, “Just enough sunlight, and good angle, perfect.” I smiled this one would turn out great.


Just then a huge mass was tumbling over me, on top of me, and my camera was not in my hands. I didn’t even look to see who just fell on me and I did not care at the moment if they were okay. I needed to find my camera; that was my number one priority.


“I am so sorry, so sorry,” I kept hearing those words over and over again. Would this man with the nice, smooth voice just help me find my camera? “Really, I am so-” He had shut up all of a sudden. Just help me look for my camera. In my head I was screaming at the top of my lungs.


Wait, beautiful, smooth voice…was it? I looked up. Those eyes were starring right into mine. Chris! I think I stopped breathing because the next thing I noticed my chest was tight. I took a breath. He was just so, breathtaking, so beautiful. I could not even describe to you this moment we were having.


I have no idea how long we just sat there staring at each other, but the next thing I knew, Chris was shaking his head and he started to laugh. Of course this triggered my laughter, and pretty soon we were this ball of hysteric laughter, rolling around on the ground on top of each other. Everyone around us must have thought we were crazy. They still all could not take their eyes away from Chris.


Once the laughing died down, I decided I should look for my camera. It was like he read my mind, because before I could get up, he was walking back with my camera in his hands. He was perfect. I kept smiling like a dork, but I did not care. This day was going so great.


Nothing could ruin it, nothing.




A tear rolling down my cheek got me out of my memory. I sighed and looked at the sky. You could see the stars it was so dark, they were so beautiful. I shook my head. Look how great my day was going. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me, and I am here at this park in the dark crying and alone.


The tears started to fall faster and faster.




“Chris, that was magnificent, that song. Don’t stop playing please.” I hadn’t even realized that I had stopped singing. I smiled, and looked up; it was Jonny of course. I expected a smile of his face too, but all I saw was a puzzled look on his face. “Why are you crying mate that was beautiful.”


I took my hand and wiped my eyes, which were wet. I was so into the song I hadn’t realized that I was crying. Making sure all the tears were gone I looked back up at Jonny. “Where are Guy and Will? Shouldn’t you be with them?”


“Yeah at first we were just talking over a few beers, but then they decided to go down to the bar and meet up with more people and have a few more drinks. Since I wasn’t really in the mood for that I decided to come see how you were. So, how are ya?” He smiled. He almost looked nervous talking to me; like if he said the wrong thing it would make me upset.


I laughed. “Jonny I have no idea what I would do without you. Y’know?” He smiled. And we picked the conversation back up where we left off before.


“When we got to the city, I decided to take a walk. I didn’t think that I would find her because I don’t have the best of luck as you know, but it was a shot. And if I didn’t get to see her, at least I got to be at our spot and look at the beauty of it. It was sort of like a win, win situation. Personally, I think I was just so excited to be in the city where she lived. I was determined to find her.”


“Yeah, I remember that day, we all wanted to relax and play some video games, but nah, you had to go take your walk. Ha-ha, we were confused as to why you wanted to be out so much, you were talking about how tired you were on the plane, and we thought you would be the first one asleep. Guy was making bets.” We both laughed together. Boy, did it feel good to be sitting here with my best friend laughing.


“I guess I wasn’t thinking about our show that night and how many fans would be out and about in the city, because I wasn’t expecting that many people to notice me. It was like everyone there wanted to talk to me.”


“You’re Chris Martin, like Guy said, of course they would.” I punched Jonny on his arm. He didn’t have to rub it in. “Ow, okay, ha-ha I get it. Get on with the story!”


“I was trying to walk around nonchalantly, but everyone was staring, and a few brave souls actually walked up to talk to me. I mean, I wasn’t going to ignore them so I made quick conversation and eventually told them all I had to go.” Jonny smiled, he never understood how I tolerated everyone. “There were these two guys that were talking about their band, they were really cool. I was telling them about the early days of Coldplay. The conversation was great, I was really into it; really cool guys, you know?”


“Yeah, yeah you made friends with random people I get it hah-hah” He punched my arm. Jonny boy, you are the best.


“Hah-hah, well I was so into this conversation that I didn’t notice this beautiful girl sitting on the ground and I stumbled over her, completely falling on top of her, and knocking her camera out of her hands.” I stopped and smiled at the moment. As terrible as I felt for her and her camera, it was a great memory. “All I kept doing was saying sorry, I must have said it one million times over to her. I just stayed there laying on the ground saying sorry, I was so embarrassed.”


“Sounds like a Chris move to fall over some innocent girl in the park while into a great conversation.” He was laughing so hard. Why must my mistakes always give him pleasure?


“Shut up! Anyway, After I looked up, I just shut up in the middle of my apology. It was her, I could not believe it, it was her. She was still looking down for her camera, but she soon looked up. We just stared at each other for a long time. Well, at least it felt like a long time. You know when your in that moment and time just slows it self down?” Jonny nodded his head. “Well it was like that. The next thing I knew, I started to laugh at the irony of it being her. Then she started to laugh and pretty soon we both were rolling around on the ground laughing. It was great; I don’t remember ever being so happy.”


“So your telling me, that you tripped over her, apologized a million times, then started to laugh, and that was the best moment of your life?” he was smiling I think he knew the answer but I replied anyway.


“Yes, yes I am telling you that, because it was exactly that. It was the, well one of the best moments of my life.” I could feel the grin on my face get wider and wider by the second. Thinking of her always made me so happy. “Before she stopped laughing I spotted her camera laying about 5 feet from us. I popped up and grabbed it so she wouldn’t have to get up, or stop laughing for that matter.”


“I still don’t understand what was so funny, I mean, you tripped over her; big deal?” Jonny was really thinking way too much about this.


“Fuck, man I don’t know; but it was great.” I looked out of the window at the moon. It was so pretty tonight.


“I still don’t understand the funny part, but I guess I had to have been there to understand.” Jonny shook his head. He was right, no one but Rachel and I would understand. It was our moment.


No one could ever understand what was between us.



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In My Place

part 10




(*** = flashbacks - DON'T FORGET :) )




I finally got a hold of myself, and wiped the tears off my face. I stood up. I could not just sit here and cry all alone. I had to walk somewhere, but where? It was so dark out; my dim cell phone light was just enough to see. Plus, I had been here so many times now I think I could walk this in my sleep.


After stumbling around for a few minutes, I found myself walking towards the fishing dock located on the left side of the lake. I walked slowly towards the edge and sat down. My hand brushed the last piece of wood on the dock. It felt like someone had etched some graffiti on it. I took out my cell phone again to see the mystery message. “I love you always and forever” with some random date that looked worn down was scratched onto the wood. Great, love, perfect love, why did things always blow up in my face when they were going so well. I felt some random rage come on to me. I glanced down, there were a few pebbles lying next to where I was sitting; some random person probably kicked them over here. And here they are all alone and forgotten; just like I felt. I picked them up one by one and threw them into the lake with all the strength I had.


If only someone could do that to me right now. This time, when I felt the tears streaming down my face, I didn’t bother to wipe them. Sometimes we just get tired of hiding our emotions.


“Just let it all out Rachael, never be afraid to hide your emotions again… I am here for you, and I always will be.” damn it, why was he so perfect…



Chris handed me the camera and I quickly put it in its case and into my bag. Maybe if I put it back into its safe cushioned home, I could pretend the abuse never happened. I looked up, Chris’s hand was still held out from when he had handed me my camera. I was confused, and I guess my face really showed it because Chris started to laugh. Oh my, his laugh was so adorable; I couldn’t help but let the cheesy grin take over my face. I took his hand and he helped me up.


Once I was up, I quickly let go of his hand. When I touched his, I felt this jittery feeling in my stomach. Was this the feeling all the girls in high school giggled about in the hallways? He looked down at me and smiled. “I always thought you were much taller then you were.” He chuckled at his little remark. I gave him a playful evil glare and punched his arm.


“It’s this park, it’s on a slight incline.” I stood on my tiptoes, trying to make myself look taller. “Maybe it is just your eyes…” I stumbled over. “Or, not.” I started to laugh. Why was I acting so silly?


“Hah-hah wow. Maybe you should just accept the truth.” He started to walk forward and I followed him. Our conversations just flowed together one after the other. They were so random, but I was enjoying myself so much. Nothing could ever ruin this moment, nothing.


I was trying not to laugh so hard at everything Chris said, but he was so funny; I just couldn’t help myself. I turned my head to the side every time I thought I was going to embarrass myself with a belt of laughter. I guess I wish I hadn’t done that, because the second I turned my head, I saw Justin walking towards us. Shit. I was wrong, something could ruin this moment and he was walking towards me right now. “What do I do?” I asked myself quietly.


“Is something wrong Rachael, you seem tense.” His eyes were so concerning. I had a very worried expression on my face, shit; this was what you would call bad timing. I just stared at Chris with the saddest look on my face. Why was I so scared to face Justin?


“Hey you!” Justin seemed to be in a good mood. I tried not to make eye contact. It was like that moment when you are little and you hide behind your hands, thinking no one could see you. Maybe if I just turned around he would disappear. I closed my eyes and thought, “POOF.” I opened my eyes and he was still there. Shit! I needed to answer.


“Hey…” I looked at the dirt path below my feet. I just wouldn’t let myself look at his face. I think it would have brought back to many memories. Justin smiled and then quickly turned his glance at the person standing next to me. Justin held out his hand.


“It is my pleasure to meet you Chris.” His smile was so big. How did he know him?


“You too man.” Okay, this was getting strange. Was there a hidden hello my name is sticker on Chris’s jacket, or was I going crazy? Chris seemed so chilled back. Why was this okay? Their conversation seemed to be awkward but continuing, and since I was no part of it I turned around and started to walk down the path. “Oh well,” I thought to myself. “I guess this wasn’t my special day after all.” I looked down at the ground. There was no use of soaking in the beautiful day anymore…


Just then I felt a gentle squeeze on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. “Oh my god, I am so sor- are you okay?” Again, he had that concerned look on his face. I looked down and felt my eyes were wet. Shit, pull your act together Rachael. I looked up and nodded. “Look, am I bothering you? Or was that guy bothering you?” I shook my head, why couldn’t I just forget about Justin.


“No, it’s just that, its just, that was my… ex boyfriend…” Wow, that was a really weird thing to say. I shook my head again. “But it is seriously nothing, all in the past now.”


“You sure that’s it? Are you sure it is not me?” He put is hand on my shoulder as a comforting gesture. I smiled. If I could pull off this act in front of Christine for a few months, then I could definitely do this now.


“Yeah, of course, It is not you don’t worry.” Why would it be him? He did nothing wrong. I was just confused as to why Justin knew who he was; but at the moment that wasn’t my biggest concern. My goal was to get this conversation out of the awkward zone and back to the greatness.


Chris smiled, and I smiled back reassuringly. Chris looked down suddenly. “Oh look you dropped something.” I glanced down; it was my camera lens cap. We both bent down at the same time to pick it up. Our heads bumped, and he grabbed it before me. We both looked at each other and smiled. Even though my head was in pain, it just felt like we had another moment; and with all it’s imperfectness, it made it that much more perfect.


We were both starring at each other as we rose slowly at the same time. No one spoke a word. We were in this moment where everything around us was moving but we didn’t notice. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled as he leaned in. You could feel the chemistry between us grow stronger as we were inched closer together. I didn’t know what was going on, I just let my body do the talking. His arm wrapped around my waste slowly; leaving a tingling feeling where his fingers touched my skin. I left one hand by my side and placed the other on his cheek. He was so beautiful. This moment was so beautiful. Right as his lips brushed my cheek, I realized what was going to happen.


My one hand that was on my side was suddenly placed on his chest, and pushed him away. I couldn’t let this happen. I dropped my hand from his cheek and pulled away from his grasp. I turned quickly around and ran as fast as I could away from the one moment that might of made me happy.


I don’t think I ever cried so much in my life.



I threw the last pebble I could find into the lake, with more force then the last. I looked down. I always screw up, always.




“So eventually we started to walk and talk; great random conversation by the way. There were no awkward moments. Oh yeah, we ran into that jerk of an ex boyfriend of hers. She got really upset, but an awkward laugh actually fixed it. Then I realized that she had dropped her camera’s lens. We both bent down at the same time to pick it up and of course with my luck we bumped heads.” Jonny really laughed at that one.


“Again, of course it is your fault to mess up a cute moment like that, hah-hah.” Jonny always seemed to have to make fun of me, it was like his job.


“I did try to kiss her, but she ran away from me…” I paused, even though I knew the reason now, this memory still made me sad. “I remember being a mess that night. We had a show remember J?” I looked up at him. He looked like he was deep in thought.


“Oh yeah, that show went so well though, one of our bests, a lot of energy. I never knew why you were upset, that was one of your best shows Chris.” He smiled; I knew he meant what he said because of the way he was talking to me.


“Well, it was because of Rachael. I don’t know why, but I was just really sad that she ran away from me. I thought I did something wrong.” My smiled quickly faded, and I looked down at the floor.


“You disappeared after the show. We were going to go out and celebrate for having such a great night and you just said no and left. It was kind of depressing, but we thought if it was that bad to put you into that kind of mood after that sort of show, it was bad.” Jonny looked at me with his gentle eyes. He always knew just how I was feeling.


“I decided to go down to the park to clear my mind. When I got there I went to that little fishing dock and stood on the edge. The park had these beautiful lights that illuminated the night. They were all reflecting off the water; picture perfect.” I took a deep breath. “I pulled the lens cap that I still had out of my pocket and I thought of if I was ever going to see her again. I started to toss the cap up and down in my hand and I felt a very little hand that was gently placed on my shoulder. She gave it a little squeeze, and I turned around. I looked in her eyes and her cheeks were tear stained. She had been crying. My arms then engulfed her in one of the best hugs in the world.” I finally let out a big sigh.


I just wanted to stay in that moment forever, with her in my arms; me protecting her from any danger.



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In My Place

part 11




(*** - i hope you all know what they mean by now :P)




I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapped my arms around them, and squeezed tightly. My eyes closed and I brought my forehead to my knee. Why do I keep reminding myself of these memories if they are upsetting me so much? I tried to think of something else, but again those eyes could not escape my head. …So beautiful…So gentle…So amazing…



After I couldn’t see Chris anymore, and I was pretty sure that he was not going to follow me, I slowed down to a steady walk. When I got to my apartment I threw myself at my bed and started to cry. I couldn’t allow myself to fall for someone again and let myself be vulnerable. I could be broken so easily. Love was so stupid.


I picked up my pillow and threw it at the wall. A picture of Christine and I fell to the ground and the glass shattered. Great. Walking over to go see the damage I had just created, I picked up my pillow and decided I would clean up the mess later. I didn’t feel like dealing with more shit at the moment. I walked over to my bed, pushed my face into my pillow, and fell into a deep sleep.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of movement next to me. I jumped and the next thing I knew, there was a man next to me. It was dark, but his features look oddly familiar; however, I couldn’t be to sure. There’s always trouble waiting for me wherever I go.




I shook my head and got out of my trace. Who knew how long it had been since Jonny had said something. I was heard a beeping, looked up to see what it was, but instead saw a worried look flash across Jonny’s face as he looked at his phone. Just as I was about to ask, his expression went blank, like nothing had happened. I asked anyway. “What’s wrong J, who was it?”


“Oh, it was just Will checking in. But I am tired, its late; bedtime for me. See you tomorrow; we can finish then. We’ll figure it out don’t worry.” He quickly walked out of my room.


This is Jonny we are talking about, my best friend in the world. I know when he is lying to me, I can just tell.


I stood up, and started a worried pace across my room. I wiped my hand across my forehead and felt sweat. I knew this had to do with Rachael, but what was it.


What if someone found her and she was alone? What if she in trouble? What if she is hurt?


The endless list of terrible ‘what if’ situations went on and on in my head. I continued to pace across my room with no idea what to do.




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Part 14





Chapter 1





"Do you want some more ice chips?" Guy asked.

Fab shook his head.

Guy picked up another cool towel and laid it across his forehead.

"Thanks," Fab said.

"How much longer did the doctor say this will last?" Guy asked.

"Probably just until tomorrow," Fab told him.

"Still nauseous?" Guy asked.

"No, I think I'll just try and sleep." Fab said.

"Okay," Guy told him, kissing him on the cheek.

He turned out the light as he left the hospital room.


Guy met Chris and Will outside in the hall.

"How are the kids?" he asked.

"Good," Will said, "How is he?"

"Sick as hell. Come on let's go out here," Guy said.

They followed him onto the little porch.

Guy shook a cigarette from the pack and lit it.

"I thought this platelet thing was supposed to help," Chris said.

"It will. It just takes a little while. The side effects are brutal. But after that he should be back to normal."

"That sounds good," Will said.

"Yeah," Guy said, gazing into the distance.

"I wonder what normal will feel like after all these months of him being so weak."

Chris and Will looked at each other.

"You know, you should get some rest," Chris suggested, "You look like hell."

"I'm fine," Guy said.

"Did you eat anything today?" Will asked.

"I don't know," Guy said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You need to eat. You are nothing but skin and bones."

"I'm not the one who is sick," Guy said.

"Well, you are going to be if you don't start taking care of yourself," Chris told him.

Guy smiled slightly.

"You are always such a nag," he said.

"You've been wearing yourself out waiting on him all this time."

Guy frowned at them.

"So what? I would do it again," he said.

"I know that. I'm not saying you shouldn't. You just need to look out for yourself too,"Chris said.

"Yeah. You are right. But right now I am going to see the kids." Guy said.








Chapter 2




"Are you being good for Jonny?" Guy asked.

"Yeah," Catherine said, "I did my homework and everything."

"I'm proud of you," he told her.

"Will you play dolls with me?" she asked.

"Sure," Guy said.

He sat down in the floor with her and crossed his legs.

"We are having a tea party," she told him.

"That sounds good," Guy said, "I am starved."

Catherine handed him a doll.

"You can have her. She's my favorite."

"Thank you," Guy said.

Then she went about setting up her little blue ceramic tea set on the floor."

"Oh no," she said, as Matthew came wandering into the room.

"He always makes a mess when I try to have a tea party," she said, in an exasperated voice.

Guy reached over and grabbed Matthew and sat him on his lap.

"We'll share a cup," he told her.

"I need a boy doll," She told him, "I don't have one."

"I'll make sure and get you one," Guy said.

Catherine looked at him very seriously.

"I need one of each," she said, "A boy and a girl. A mommy and a daddy."

"Okay," Guy said.

She stopped playing and looked at him.

"My friends have a mommy and a daddy, except for Rebecca, she just has a mommy."

"Do you have a question about that?" Guy asked.

"Why don't I have a mommy?" she asked.

"Because you have two dads," he told her.

"So, I don't need a mommy?" she asked.

"Do you think you need one?" Guy asked.

Catherine sat down on the floor.

"No, not as long as you have tea parties with me."

"Pour me a cup," Guy said.

Catherine pretended to pour the liquid into the little cup.

"It might be hot," she told him.

"I'll be careful," he said, pretending to drink.

"Have a cookie," she said, holding up an empty plate.

Guy looked at the plate.

"Why kind are they?" he asked.

"Chocolate chip," she said.

"My favorite," he said, smiling at her, as he pretended to eat a cookie.

"It's fun to have you at a tea party," she told him.

"You make a good cookie," he told her.




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Chapter 3




"Your red cell count is good. It has been good for more than four weeks," the doctor said.

"I feel fantastic," Fab said.

"That's good. We should know in another few weeks if your body is going to start manufacturing red blood cells."

"If not, what then?"

"Then we talk about a bone marrow transplant. But all the signs look good. In my experience you should be completely normal soon."

Guy smiled.

"Completely normal......" Fab shook his head, "I'm not sure I can remember what that feels like."

"Just remember, don't do too much too fast," the doctor said, "Other than that, you can resume normal activites."

"Thank you," Fab told him.

"See you in two weeks," the doctor said, patting him on the back as he left the room.

Fab looked at Guy.

"Can you imagine," he said, "No more lying around all the time. I can do stuff for myself."

"We'll see," Guy said.


"What are you doing" Guy asked.

"I'm taking out the trash," Fab said, picking up the plastic bag.

"I'll do it," Guy said, trying to take the bag out of his hand.

"You are already busy with the dishes," Fab told him.

"I'm not really busy. I'm just putting them in the dishwasher."

"I can do it," Fab repeated.

"You might still be weak," Guy reasoned.

"I'm not," Fab said, doing a little shuffle dance, "See---all better."

"Don't make fun of me," Guy said.

Fab looked at him for a moment.

"Fine," he said, letting go of the bag,"Take out the damn trash."

Then he walked away.

"Maybe I should have let him do it," Guy thought to himself.


That night as they were both about to fall asleep Fab raised himself on one arm and looked at Guy.

"Can I take Catherine to school in the morning?" he asked.

He saw the look on Guy's face.

"Never mind," he said, lying back down.

"Don't be mad," Guy told him.

"I'm not mad," Fab said, turning away from Guy.

"I love you," Guy said.

Fab was silent.

He just lay on his side and stared at the wall.







Chapter 4




Guy drove up in front of the house.

He saw Jonny's car out front.

"Shit," he said, "Something's happened."

He jumped out of the car and ran up the sidewalk into the house.

Jonny was sitting in the living room floor, playing with Matthew.

"Where's Fab?" he asked, out of breath.

"I'm right here," Fab said, walking into the room with Catherine.

"Are you okay?" Guy asked.

"Yeah," Fab said, "Why?"

"I saw Jonny's car....I thought...maybe something happened."

"He's taking us to get ice cream," Catherine said.

"And maybe to the arcade," Jonny added.

"What?" Guy asked, "Since when?"

"It's supposed to be a surprise for you, "Fab said, "so we can spend some time alone."

"You didn't ask me," Guy said.

"No," Fab said slowly, "That's the point of it being a surprise...you don't know about it."

"Come on, let's go," Jonny said, standing up and taking Catherine's hand.

"We will be back in a few hours," he told them.


Guy sat down and flipped the television on.

Fab took the remote and flipped it off.

"Why did you do that?" Guy asked.

"Because I would rather do this," Fab said, leaning over to kiss Guy.

Guy leaned back away from him.

"What's wrong?" Fab asked.

"What are you doing?" Guy asked.

"Trying to kiss you," Fab said.

"That's not a good idea," Guy said, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Why not?" Fab asked, "I like to kiss you and I haven't been able to do it properly in a long time."

"You need your rest," Guy said.

"No, what I need is to be close to you," Fab said, walking over to Guy.

"That's not going to happen," Guy said.

"Why?" Fab asked, narrowing his eyes at Guy.

"Because you aren't strong enough."

"You don't know that. I am fine," Fab said, reaching out to touch Guy.

"Stop it," Guy said, pushing him away, "Just stop touching me, please."

Guy saw the hurt expression on Fab's face and turned away.

"Okay," Fab said, "Okay, if that's how you want it."







Chapter 5



"I'll be back as soon as I drop the kids off," Guy told Fab, "then I'll make your breakfast."

"Hey, maybe we could go out for breakfast," Fab said.

Guy looked at him.

"I don't know," he said, "You should probably not tax your system like that."

"It's going out to eat," Fab said, "I'm not pushing the car to the restaurant."

"We'll talk about it when I get back," Guy said.

Fab kissed Catherine and Matthew on the cheek as they went out the door with Guy.


"I don't like this," Guy said, looking around the restaurant, "All this food is full of salt and grease."

"Yeah," Fab said, rubbing his hands together, "I can't wait to eat."

"You probably should have ordered some fruit and yogurt," Guy said.

"I wanted bacon and eggs," Fab said.

"It's not good for you," Guy told him.

"What's not good for me is watching you smoke those damn cigarettes all the time," Fab said.

"You are kind of touchy this morning," Guy told him.

"Well, I can't breathe with you always hovering around,"Fab said.

"I'm just trying to help," Guy told him.

Fab shook his head.

"It's not that I'm not grateful for all you have done...I am...I couldn't have made it through this without you. But you

have to let me do some things."

"It's just habit," Guy said.

"You have to let me help you. I'm okay....really..the doctor said so."

"What if it comes back?" Guy asked.

Fab looked out the window.

"It might," he said, honestly, "But your fussing over every little thing I do won't stop it from coming back."

"Don't say that," Guy said, reaching out across the table to hold Fab's hand.

"You know that's true," Fab told him, "It's going to be that way the rest of our lives."

Guy was silent for a long time.

Then he said, "I don't know if I can take it...if it comes back," he said.

"I'm sorry to put you through this," Fab said.

Guy didn't say anything.

"Do you want out of this relationship?" Fab asked.

"That's a silly question," Guy said, "We have Catherine and Matthew...and the house...we had our own little ceremony...."

"Do you want out? That's the question I asked you," Fab said, looking at him with thoughtful, sad eyes.

"I'm not sure," Guy said, quietly.

Fab sat back in the booth and put his hands over his face.

"I'll leave," he said, "This time I will decide for you."



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Chapter 6





"Where are the kids?" Chris asked.

"They are spending the weekend with Fab," Guy answered.

"Jonny and I thought you could some some people around," Chris said, "And maybe a beer or two."

He handed Guy a twelve-pack of the alcoholic liquid.

"Thanks," Guy said.

He tore open the package and yanked a bottle out.

He ripped off the screw cap and drank half the bottle straight away.

"Where's Will?" he asked.

"On a date," Jonny said.

"Yeah?" Guy looked surprised, "I didn't know he was seeing anybody."

"He met her a few weeks ago," Jonny explained.

"Weeks ago?" Guy looked confused.

"I guess I haven't exactly been hanging around alot, have I?"

Jonny patted him on the back and opened a beer for himself.

Then he handed one to Chris, who took it.

"I might as well," Chris said.

Guy finished his bottle and tossed it toward the recycling bin.

It didn't quite make it and went rolling across the floor.

Jonny went to pick it up.

"Just leave it," Guy said, "It isn't like it matters today anyway."

Jonny and Chris looked at each other.

"Okay," Jonny said, "I'll leave it."

Chris leaned on the counter and asked, "How are the kids?"

Guy finished another bottle.

This time he threw it toward the sink.

It landed in the sink and broke into a lot of small pieces.

"They are confused but generally fine," he said.

"How are you?" Chris asked.

"How do I look?" Guy said.

"Like you haven't eaten in six weeks or slept. Like you haven't taken a shower.

This place is a mess."

Guy started laughing hysterically.

"It is, isn't it? And the thing is....I don't give a shit," he said, quietly, getting right in Chris' face.

"Won't Catherine and Matthew be coming home tomorrow?" Jonny asked.

"Who?" Guy asked, chugging down another bottle.

"Your kids, Catherine....gorgeous little girl...big mouth..Matthew...adorable little boy..just starting to talk?Remember?" Jonny grabbed his arm.

"Oh yeah," Guy said, "I don't know...I suppose so."

"You better get this place in shape for them," Jonny said, angrily, "They have been through enough."

"Yeah," Guy said, "They've been through enough. Fab's been through enough. What about me?"

By the end of the sentence he was yelling.

Chris walked over and grabbed Guy by the shoulders.

"Yes," he said, "You have too...and now it's time to let go of it."

Guy pushed him back.

Jonny grabbed him from behind and held down his arms.

They both hugged Guy tightly.

He slowly started to cry until he was sobbing loudly.

"I can't let go of it," he said, "I'm just so scared."








Chapter 7




"He's been asleep for hours," Jonny said.

"He needed it," Chris said.

They were both working furiously to get the house clean before Fab brought Catherine and Matthew home.

"Who knows how long it has been since he actually slept more than two hours at a stretch," Chris said.

Jonny looked at the clock.

"You better go wake him. They'll be here soon and he should clean up."


Guy was sleeping peacefully with his arms wrapped around Fab's pillow.

Chris shook him.

"Wake up," Chris said.

Guy stirred and smiled.

"You're home," he said, reaching out to touch Chris.

"Guy....It's Chris.."

Guy sat up and looked around.

"Shit," he said, "I was having a dream."

"You need to get cleaned up. The kids will be here soon."

Guy nodded.

"Thanks," he said.


"That's much better," Jonny said, when Guy came into the room, his hair still wet from the shower.

Guy looked around.

"What happened? Who cleaned? You guys?"

Jonny nodded.

Guy sat down on the sofa.

"Thanks alot," he said, "I really didn't want them to see the place. I was about to call and ask if they could stay another night at...at..the other place."

"Why don't you ask him to come home?" Chris asked, "This is really crazy."

Guy crossed his arms.

"I don't think he wants to," he said, "I was driving him crazy. It's all my fault."

"So what?" Jonny said, "That's all over now."

"No, it isn't," Guy said, with a strident tone in his voice, "What if the leukemia comes back? I don't think I can deal with it."

"Either way, you've lost him," Chris said.

"I know," Guy said, quietly, "And I hate myself for it. But I won't watch him die....I won't."

Guy's voice was trailing off.

"Do you want to see him live with someone else?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," Guy said, "I'm just confused."






Chapter 8



"Daddy guess what?" Catherine squealed when she came running into the house.

"What?" Guy asked, picking her up.

"I'm going to be in a play at school," she said, smiling brightly.

"Yeah? What kind of play?"

"Something about a chicken," she said.

"Chicken Little," Fab said, walking into the house, carrying Matthew.

He was all dressed in black.

Jeans, t-shirt and dark sunglasses.

Guy could hardly stop himself from going to touch him.

Oh," Guy said, "Chicken Little, huh? And who are you in this production?"

"The chicken," she said, as if Guy should have known the answer to that question already.

Fab walked over and handed Matthew to Guy.

Guy got a slight whiff of his after shave and a slight touch of his arm.

It was more than he could handle.

"Let's go to your room for awhile,huh?" he told the kids.

He walked out of the room without saying anything to Fab.

Fab just stood in the middle of the room.

"Sit down," Chris told him.

Fab looked at him with a sad expression.

"He won't even look at me or speak to me," he said.

"I know," Chris said.

"It's not like I had any control over this situation," he said, "I didn't get sick on purpose."

"He just needs a little time," Jonny said.

"I just never thought....I just never thought anything could separate us and he's the one doing it," Fab said.

"He loves you," Chris told him.

"Yes," Fab said, "And right now that seems to be the biggest problem."

Guy came walking back into the room.

The two of them looked at each other briefly.

"I guess I'll go," Fab said.

"You look good," Guy said.

"You too." Fab said, walking to the door.

Then he stopped.

"The play is this Friday at the school at seven. I'll be taking video. If you want to bring that camera of yours," Fab told him.

"I will. Thanks," Guy said.




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Last two.

Read at your leisure.




Chapter 9




The little auditorium was full of potentially proud parents.

Chris, Jonny and Will came to see Catherine's big debut.

Will brought his new girlfriend.

Will held Matthew while Guy silently walked around the stage taking photographs.

Fab was hanging out near the stage with the other moms and dads who were taking videos.

Catherine, of course, was quite the little actress on stage.

She seemed to know that she was the star and she ate it up.

"Maybe we should think of working her into our concert show," Chris whispered to Jonny.

Jonny nodded his complete agreement.

"She might upstage even you," Jonny told him.

Guy was standing by the stage watching the little play when he began to listen to the words.

He was just like Chicken Little.

Always thinking the sky would be falling.

Always fearing the future so much that he forgot to enjoy the present.

Trying so hard to protect himself from what may come that he almost destroyed what he did have.

"God, I am a chicken," he thought.

He looked across the way at Fab.

Fab was looking at him and he gave him a little smile.

Guy smiled back.


The play was over and Catherine was going to take off her costume.

Guy went outside for a breath of fresh air.

He sat down on the steps and put his head down.

"Hey," Fab said, "Are you okay?"

He sat down beside Guy.

Guy looked at him.

"Catherine was great, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, a future film star for sure," Fab said.

"Come home," Guy said.

Fab looked at him for a long minute.

"I don't know," he said, "I want to, but I'm just not sure."

"I promise to let you take out the trash," Guy said.

Fab laughed.

"And drive Catherine to school," he added.

"I can do that now," Fab said, "At my own place."

"Then what do you want from me?" Guy asked.

"I want you to be brave. I want you to love me without fear of the future. Can you do that?"

"Yes," Guy said, "I believe that I can."

"We'll see," Fab said, "Right now we better go get our little diva."








Chapter 10



"Thanks for helping me clean up," Guy told Fab.

"That was some little party for Catherine's debut, huh? Ten kids and their parents plus the guys. No wonder she passed out early."

"She'll be talking about it for weeks," Guy said, laughing.

"Yeah," Fab said, tying up the last garbage bag.

"I'll take this out on my way home," he said.

"You don't have to," Guy said.

Fab looked at him.

"I didn't mean that," Guy said quickly, "I meant you don't have to go home, unless you want to. You could stay here."

"Yeah?" Fab asked.

"The kids would love it if you were here when they woke up, "Guy said.

Fab crossed his arms and looked at Guy.

"What about you?" he asked.

Guy walked over to him slowly.

"Yes," he said, "I would like it very much."

"Okay, then. I'll stay."

"I can make up the other room for you, if you want," Guy said.

Fab grabbed his arm.

"No,' he said, "If I'm staying, I'm sleeping with you."

"Okay," Guy said, "I would like that very much."

Fab looked at him with a combination of love and lust.

"I'll prove to you that I am strong," he said, quietly, "If you will just let me."

"I promise you that I will," Guy said, running his hand along Fab's arm.

"I've missed you so damn much," Fab said, putting his arms around Guy's waist and pulling him close to him.

Guy closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



"You are damn skinny," Fab said as he kissed down Guy’s chest.

Guy laughed.

"I haven't thought about food much lately," he said.

"Just smoking and drinking,huh?" Fab asked.

"And missing you." Guy said.

“That’s over,” Fab said, “I don’t care what happens, I’ll never be apart from you again.”

Guy felt the strength in Fabs’ arms and back as he moved over him.

He felt the strength in his legs as he begged for more and Fab obliged.

Guy screamed.

He screamed away the fear and the hurt.

He screamed away the pain and the anguish.

He looked into Fabs’ eyes and held on to his body tightly saying over and over, “You will not die. You will not die.”

All the bad stuff was gone.

Then there was only room in Guy’s heart for love.

Just love.



"Wake up....."Guy was shaking Catherine, "Get up sleepy girl," he said.

She turned over and wrinkled her nose at him.

"I'm still sleeping," she said.

"I got a surprise for you," he teased.

"What?" she asked, sitting up.

"In the kitchen," he told her.

She jumped out of bed and ran down the hall.

"Daddy!' She squealed, running to Fab.

"What are you doing here now? I don't have school today." she said.

"I'm going to live here again," he told her, "Would that be okay with you?"

"Yes," she said, hugging him, "I've missed you so much."

Then she sat back in his lap with a worried look on her face.

"You won't leave again, will you?" she asked.

"Never," Guy said, answering for Fab.

"That's right," Fab said, "Never."


The end



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I Looked Up at the Sky

Part 5



"Will!!" Guy whined as he walked into the Bakery. He slammed the door behind him and walked over to the armchair where Will was sitting.


"What? How'd the date go?" he asked.


"I slept with her."


"Is that bad? Was it bad?"


"No, the sex was fine... but she doesn't want to see me again," Guy frowned.




"I'm 'not really her type'."


"But she slept with you anyway? Whore."


"Yeah, 'cause apparently that's the only type of girl I can get. And I can't even get those!!" Guy collapsed onto the couch and buried his head in his hands. Through the door appeared Chris and Jonny, hand in hand, talking about something only they would understand.


"With a melon?!"


"You're so weird, you know that?"


"Yeah. Oh no, Jonny," Chris said, looking at Guy and Will. "We didn't tell them..."


"Um, I think they can figure it out. Plus, they probably expected it."


"Yeah, we did. And it's about time. Right, Guy?" Guy looked up at Chris and Jonny. He was happy for them, sure, but seeing them together only intensified his loneliness.


"Ehhhhhhh," he whined, laying down and burying his face in the couch.


"What's his problem?" Chris asked.


"Yeah, shouldn't you be, like, happy for us?"


"I am happy for you guys, but I'm never gonna find anyone! Even if I live to be a hundred fifty years old, I'll still be single and so aloooonnne!!!" Guy said. Unfortunately, all of it was muffled by the couch.


"...What?" Jonny asked.


"He's angsty," Will replied.


"I see. Listen, Guy," Chris said, moving Guy's legs so he could sit. "Don't be angsty, things'll work out." Guy bolted up so suddenly that it scared Chris. He face, which was inches from Chris', was teeming with anger.


"That's easy for you to say!" he spat. "You've got Jonny."


"Exactly. Things work out in the end. It's only been a couple of days, you know. I didn't always have him."


"Yes, you did. You two have always been a couple, even if you didn't realise it."


"Why are you so difficult? I'm trying to help here, and you're just... you know, not helping. You're being a pain in the ass!"


"That's probably why no one likes me," Guy muttered. Chris grabbed his shoulders and began to shake him.


"Guy. Rupert. Berryman. You are an attractive, intelligent, awesome person. You have millions of women swooning over you daily. You'll be fine."


"Chris, you better be careful or you'll give him whiplash," Will laughed.


"You'll be fine unless I give you whiplash," Chris corrected himself. "Even then you'll probably still get a girl. Or a guy, you never know," he added, winking at Jonny. Jonny rolled his eyes and chuckled.


"He's right though, Guy," Jonny said. "You just have to be patient, you know?"


"I don't believe you, but I'll shut up now before I get too annoying."


"Oh, you've gone far past that point already, my dear friend," Chris reassuringly said, patting Guy on the back.




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I'm going on a Cruise tomorrow so there will be no For You on the next day :(


For You (Part 8)






*Guy's PoV*


I stopped walking along the sidewalk when I saw Nicole sitting outside of her apartment with her coat and scarf on. She was waiting for me, "Hey!" She called to me as she waved and stood up, "Thanks for coming to walk with me over to Chris's house."


I smiled. "It's no problem. Gwyneth makes the best chicken ever, I wouldn't want you to miss out on it." She laughed showing her pure white smile.


"Oh yes," she said, "I've heard of Gwyneth's fantastic Chicken. Chris always raves on about it"


"Yeah, it's good."


Then there was a short silence between us followed by the cars racing by.


"Wow, it's freezing out here." She said as she looked up at the sky which was a mix of orange and pink and filled with nothing but beauty, just as she was.


I wrapped my arm around her waist as we continued to stroll along the sidewalk, "Are you still cold?" I asked her raising a brow.


"Did you want to walk me to Chris's house just so you could flirt with me?" she pulled away from my arms and laughed as she kissed me on the cheek; her lips were warm and tender.


We looked over and saw a black VAN pull by us and slow down to our pace. We stood farther away from eachother; hoping whoever it was looking at us didn't see us together. Me and Nicole looked at eachother and then back at the VAN.


The window slowly rolled down revealing Jonny's face laughing at the two of us, "Need a ride, ladies?" he asked, still laughing.


Me and Nicole both turned bright red, "Yes, ma'm." I replied as Jonny signaled us into the back seat; I saw Will look over at us, frowning from the front seat.


Nicole put a hand on Will's shoulder and he looked back at her and they both kissed eachother passionately on the lips. I couldn't help but feel jealous of Will for a moment and I could tell by Jonny's expression he was just as jealous as I was.




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Finally, someone besides me posts a chapter! JK, I love you guys. :heart: Here's Chapter 8!



Tell Me Your Secrets

Chapter 8

Houses slid by at a steady pace as I sat in the band's car. I looked down at my feet, wringing my hands. A hand gently touched my arm, and slid down it. Warmth filled my body. I turned to see Chris, his blue eyes smiling at me.

"Don't panic," he reminds me. "It's a job."

I nod, still nervous. But I was never nervous about the job. I was nervous about revealing their personal lives to the world. I had to take pictures and spin stories about their every move. I hadn't even started, but guilt was already beginning to torture me. Chris's touch was so comforting. I hadn't seen touched affectionately since I had last visited... the ones I love. But they were gone. No, no they weren't! I had to stop thinking about that! I grit my teeth, leaning back. My skin was buzzing with an electric tenseness. The car suddenly stopped in front of a tall building.

"We're here!" Will announced. Chris clapped his hands.

"Hooray! Now we can see the secretary with big boobs!" he gushed. Will turned around, slapping Chris. Chris rubbed his jaw, glaring at Will.

"Sorry! God," he muttered.

Jonny cleared his throat.

"Thank you Jonny for reminding me. Kira, get your bags and things, we'll be waiting."

I get out of the car after Guy, walking to the trunk. I grab my first two bags, noticing my third one is missing. Before I can say anything about my bag, Guy comes up to me, holding my third one.

"I figured you could use some help," Guy explained.

"Oh... thanks," I manage to murmur.


The front of the hotel screams, "I'm richer than your sorry ass ever will be.". Seriously. The building itself is tall and imposing, and there wee plush, luxurious couches on the bloody balconies! It's got a velvet rug at the front, and two exotic topiary plants at the entrance. A old, uniformed man stands by the door, opening it as we get it. Inside the building is just as posh,With pure white marble flooring and big-ass columns standing all over the place. Okay, I liked the marble, but the columns were going a tad too far. A bunch of fancy couches and tables were in the middle, and well-dressed yuppies were yakking away on them. I giggled to myself at their reactions to me, a normal girl in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Nice place," I whisper to Guy.

Guy grinned at me. "Yeah, it's pretty nice." Pretty nice? Congratulations Guy Berryman, you have won the award for biggest understatement on planet Earth!

We walk up to the front desk, where an attractive young secretary sits, grinning her perfect smile.

No wonder Chris likes her, I think to myself. Look at the bitch! She's got everything! Well, I guess I can't expect much from a guy who's married to one of the biggest actresses in the country.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she purrs in a sexy, sugar-sweet tone.

Chris giggled like a high school girl. Will rolled his eyes at him. Notice the recurring theme.

"Do you happen to know where Phil Harvey is? He's in the same room as us," Will asked.

"Oh, I believe he's still there."

"Wonderful, thank you."

"You're welcome! Have a nice day!" she purred. Damn her and her feminine charm.


We walk to the elevator and get in. An awkward silence exclusively made for elevators filled the tiny moving room.

"You know," Chris began. "I hate that awkward silence you get when you go inside an elevator."

Fuck! Could the man read my mind?


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If Only



What could be more ordinary than sitting outside of a nice pizzeria in New York City? Just sitting, sunglasses on for protection from the blazing sun, eating the pizza which you've just recently purchased, savoring the wonderful flavor combination of sauce, cheese, bread, and fish. That's right, I eat anchovies on my pizza. It's not as bad as everyone thinks it is. That's beside the point, anyway. This would all be normal to the regular human being, even the anchovies bit.


So why was this different? It's not like I was sitting with the Queen of England, just Chris Martin. I'm not even sure the Queen would be sitting outside like that in New York. And does she even wear sunglasses? Well, I do. I was wearing them to avoid going blind. Yet, I was blinded. Not by the sun, of course, because $250 pairs of sunglasses actually work quite well. But no amount of shade could prevent my eyes from melting when I looked at him.


Oh, that's why. I'm sure she's a lovely woman, but not even the Queen of England could set my heart on fire like that man. His curls of an unspecified color (because, really, who the hell knows what color it actually is?) and an unimportant length lay quite relaxed on the smooth skin that stretched over his face. Despite the slight gap between his front teeth, his goofy smile was always heartwarming and brilliantly adorable. And his eyes. I don't think words can really describe those eyes accurately enough to be worthy of mention. I could say that they're bright, blue, gorgeous, lovely, amazing, stunning, entrancing, but none of those scratch the surface of doing the real things justice.


And let's forget about whatever God there may be, as we might never know if there really is one. Instead, let's thank his parents. For we can definitely say that without them, we would not have such a fantastic human being with whom I was eating pizza. So fantastic.


Therefore, when he spoke to me with such passion, I couldn't help being hypnotized by his every word. When he told me about this person he'd recently discovered he had feelings for, I couldn't help wondering if he'd asked me to have lunch with him for a reason greater than 'you're one of my best mates'. When he leaned forward and looked me directly in the eyes, I couldn't help smiling. Therefore, when he finally reached the point of his speech where he would reveal the person he had feelings for, and said this:


"You've got a bit of anchovy stuck in your teeth, mate."


I just had to do this. :dozey:


Thanks a lot, love.



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Well, here's the next chapter. I'm going to have some trouble writing this, so wish me luck. :borg:



Tell Me Your Secrets

Chapter 9

Ding. The elevator stopped, opening its doors. We all step outside, glad that the silence is gone.

"Alright, Kira, before you do anything, you need to meet Phil. He'll interview you for your job," Will explained. My stomach plunged 42 mils as he said the last sentence. We walked only a short distance to the left until Will stopped in front of a door, opening it with a key. Inside, the room was quite plush and luxurious, with plenty of places to sit, and a mini-fridge, its see-through door revealing many highbrow beverages and snacks, like caramelized walnuts and carbonated lychee juice.

"Phil!" Will called. A man walked to the doorway, with dark red hair and a welcoming grin.

"Hey mate, is this the person you were talking about?" he asked, eyeing me.

Will nods. "Yeah, the one who could help Tiff and maybe work on visual effects."

Phil grinned. "Great!" He turned to me. "Kira, is it?"

"Yeah, Kira Corsey," I say, nodding at his every word.

"I'll need you to complete this form," he says, handing me a thick packet of papers. "And after that, we'll interview you."

"Sounds good to me," I nod again, eyeing the huge packet with disdain.

"We're sorry if we can't get things arranged right away, it's been quite hectic lately. Now I'll stop bugging you so you can work on the form," Phil told me, walking away. The boys had also disappeared. I was alone. Looking down at the paper, my stomach turns. This was it.

Name? Easy. Kira L. Corsey

Age? Puh-lease. That all you got? 29.

Birthdate? August 20, 1978.

Hometown? Berkeley, California. USA.

Skills? Digital art, drawings, designing, making, and repairing clothing.

Previous Job? A cheating, lying paparazzi. Oh, wait. I still had that job.



Sorry it's so short. Oh, and all of Kira's person information is made-up.

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Starting Over


Chapter 1





"You can't be serious," Chris said.

"I am afraid I am," the man said.

"But....how??? And why??"

"This happens all the time," the man told him.

"What do we do now?" Chris asked him.

"Well, for now all your assets are frozen."

"Which means what?" Chris asked.

"Which means that you have no income. No assets. No money."

"But that is just assets in the bands name, right?" Chris asked.

"No," the man said, "All of your individual accounts will be frozen too."

Chris put his hands over his face.

He had no idea how he was going to break the news to the other members of the band.

"There has to be an investigation," the man was saying.

"But you think that one of us took the money?" Chris asked.

"We know who took it," the man said, "But we still have to investigate."

"Who was it?" Chris asked, narrowing his eyes and clenching his hands.

He couldn't imagine that one of the other three could be so selfish.

"It was Mr. Harvey," the man told him.

Chris' mouth dropped open.

"Phil? No way.....not in a million years," he said.

"We have the evidence," the man told him.

"You are full of shit," Chris said, standing up, "Phil is...our...biggest supporter. Our best friend.

He paid for our first recording out of his own money."

"Perhaps, he thought he was entitled to take the money then," the man said.

"I'm calling him right now," Chris said, taking out his phone.

"That won't do any good," the man told him, "He left the country last night."

Chris was holding the phone to his ear.

He lowered the phone slowly.

"His phone has been disconnected," he said, quietly.

"I told you he left the country. A one-way ticket to Bermuda."

Chris sat down slowly.

"What now?" he asked.

"You have no money," the man said, "You couldn't even buy a cup of coffee."



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Starting Over


Chapter 2





Over the next few days the world changed drastically for the former biggest band in the world.

They had to put their plane up for sale.

Chris contacted a few bands that he knew might be in the market for such an expensive piece of machinery. Finally, U2 did the boys and favor and purchased the plane. Chris knew they didn’t need it and he was right. Shortly after they bought the plane, Bono donated it for charitable use. That was fine with the boys too. It was sad to see the plane go but at least they were at the end of the tour.

Next, the boys had to give up the Bakery.

That was a lot harder. On the last day there, they all stood looking around.

“I remember the day Will painted all this stuff,” Chris said, quietly.

“You thought he had gone loony,” Jonny said.

Chris laughed.

“Yeah,” he said, “But I wasn’t about to tell him he couldn’t or shouldn’t do it.”

“There’s the dent in the wall where I hit my head that time I came here drunk,” Guy said, pointing at the wall.

“You came here drunk a lot,” Chris said.

“Well, you wouldn’t have known that if you had been at home like a normal person instead of here working at 3 am,” Guy told him.

They were all suddenly quiet.

“I just realized that we no longer have a place to go any time we want,” Will said.

“No,” Chris said, “Now we will have to meet at each other’s apartment or something.”

Jonny looked around at the empty building.

“What do you suppose will become of this place now?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Guy said, “Do you know who bought it?”

Chris shrugged.

“Some developer,” he answered, “I think he is going to knock it down and put up some condominiums.”

“Knock it down?” Will said, with large eyes, “We can’t let him do that.”

“We can’t very well stop him,” Chris said, “The place doesn’t belong to us anymore.”



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Starting Over


Chapter 3




“What did you get?” Chris asked, looking through the bags from the market.

“Lots of soup,” Jonny said.

“Why?” Chris asked, taking out the cans.

“Because Ebenezer Scrooge here,” Jonny pointed at Will, “Wouldn’t let me get anything else.”

“That’s right,” Will said, “We all have to watch every penny. I borrowed some money from my folks, but it won’t go far.”

“I’m starving,” Guy said, “Did they get anything good this time? Ever since I gave up smoking I am constantly hungry.”

“Yeah, but you do save a lot of money now that you don’t smoke,” Will told him.

“I don’t want soup,” Chris said, looking dejected.

“That’s too bad,” Will said, walking away.

Guy stood at the counter, reading the labels on the soup cans.

“Do you know what’s in this stuff?” he asked, “I can’t believe anyone eats this.”

“Eat it or starve,” Will said, from the other room.

Guy shook his head.

“Just like my dad,” he said, reaching into the cabinet for a bowl.

Jonny looked around the kitchen in a scurrilous manner.

Then he tapped Chris on the shoulder.

“I got something just for you,” he said, reaching into his pocket.

Chris smiled.

“Yeah? What?”

Jonny handed him a package of moon pies.

Chris’ face lit up.

“Why Jonny…..you bad boy,” he said, “Thank you so much.”

“Don’t let Will see that,” he said, “Or I’m toast.”

Chris took the package of contraband and slipped it into the waistband of his jeans.

“Don’t worry,” he said, smiling, “I’ll never tell.”



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Starting Over


Chapter 4




The boys had all been living together for two months in a three bedroom flat and nerves were getting raw.

They never realized just how much time there was to fill when they were not on the road or recording.

"There's just hours and hours of nothing," Guy said, pacing around ,"I sure could use a cigarette."

"Do something useful," Will said.

"Such as?" Guy asked.

"I don't know," Will said, "I can't think of everything."

Guy shook his head in disgust and reached for his jacket.

"I think I'll take a walk," he said.

Just then Chris came hurrying through the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked Guy.

"Out...." Guy answered.

"No, you aren't," Chris said, "Sit down. I have news."

"Yeah?" Jonny asked.

He had been lying on the sofa.

"I found us a gig," Chris said, smiling.

"Where?" Will asked, suspiciously, "You know that no one will let us play with all the negative publicity we have been getting."

"It's a small place," Chris said, "But it is a gig and it is money."

"How much?" Jonny asked.

"Two fifty," Chris answered.

Guy whistled.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand? That's great," he said.

Chris looked ashamed.

"No," he said, shaking his head, "Two hundred and fifty dollars."

"For all four of us? The whole band?" Will asked.

Chris nodded.

Jonny sat back on the sofa and crossed his arms.

"That's unacceptable," Will said, "Don't they know who we are?"

"Who we were....." Jonny said quietly.

"What?" Will asked, sharply.

Jonny looked at him.

"Who we were..." he repeated, "We were somebody. Now we are just four guys with some instruments. No entourage. No costumes.

No fireworks. No extravagant sets."

They all looked at each other.

"We should do it," Guy said.

"I agree," Jonny said.

Chris looked to Will.

"Okay," Will said, "It will feel good to play again."



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