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|~|The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 2: DISCUSSION|~|


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Put A Smile Upon Your Face

Part 4




Chris was at the store. He needed to do a bit of grocery shopping. Jonny was with him. Ever since that one night, Jonny felt the need to be around Chris as much as possible. Chris thought it was unnecessary, but there was no way to convince Jonny of it. He didn't mind so much, though, as Jonny was his best friend and it was nice to know that someone cared about him.


"You don't have to be here, you know," Chris told Jonny as they were walking down the cereal isle.


"I just want to make sure that nothing happens to you," Jonny replied.


"It was only the one time, Jonny. You don't have to worry."


"Just because it only happened once doesn't mean it wont happen again."


"Fine," Chris said, grabbing a box off the shelf and placing it into the basket he was holding.


"Oh no," Jonny said.


"What?" Chris asked, turning to him.


"Uh, I have to pee, like, super bad. If I run to the bathroom real quick, do you think you'll be OK?"


"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just go."


"You sure?"


"Yes, Jon. Now go before you wet yourself."


"I'll be right back," Jonny said as he quickly walked in the direction of the restrooms.


Chris continued with his shopping. He had gone through three isles, picking up boxes and cans here and there. As he went to walk down another isle, someone stopped him.


"Excuse me, sir!" a woman shouted from behind him. Chris turned around. She was about six inches shorter than he was, and she had long, wavy, brown hair.




"Are you Chris Martin?" she politely asked.




"Wow. I can't believe you're right in front of me... shopping," she said, looking at the basket. "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you."


"It's all right."


"This is gonna sound a bit weird," she said, taking a step closer, "but I actually received a bit of your mail the other day."




"Yeah. I guess we live in the same building. Who knew?"


"Oh, that's cool."


"I can give it back to you later, if you like."


"Sounds good."


"OK, well," she started, turning her head to look over to her left, "It was nice to meet you." She looked back at Chris, but he wasn't there.


He was back at the lake. It was even clearer now. Chris was still sitting on the grass. He looked down at the ground and found a rock laying beside him. A sudden surge of anger coursed through his body, and he picked up the rock and chucked it into the lake. The rock collided with the water's surface, causing a huge ripple.


"Hey, don't do that," a voice said. He turned to see the woman from the store. Well, not the exact same woman, but she looked similar. Same wavy hair, same height. "You'll scare the fish."


"Who are you?"


"Does it matter?"


"Where are we?"


"You're on the floor." Her tone changed from relaxed to frightened. "Why are you on the floor? Get up."




"Come on, you can get up now!" She walked over to Chris and held his face in her hand. As he looked into her eyes, the background of the lake scene faded into the ceiling tile and florescent lights of the grocery store. He blinked slowly, trying to regain his strength.


"Uh," he grunted.


"Oh, good. Um, are you OK?" she asked.


"Yeah. It, uh... it happens sometimes."


"Oh. Why?"


"I'm not too sure. Where's Jonny?"




"My friend. He was supposed to be back-"


"Chris!" Jonny shouted, running over to his friend. "I told you it could happen again."


"Yeah, I know. Help me get up." Jonny grabbed Chris' hand, placing his other arm under Chris' back. Slowly, they worked together to get Chris to sit up. The first trance he was in was nothing like the second. He seemed to be almost completely drained of energy this time. He could only imagine what the third would be like, assuming there would be a third time.


There was a third one.



Ohhh, I love this story and the dream is making me very curious :thinking: Please post soon :)

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SPRING CLEANING was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! Guy was just so cute:D And I have to admit I loved the Spice Girls back in the day (still like a little bit:embarassed:)).... Also, I am like that when it comes to those little animals, I swear to God, I can't have them near me.

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^Well I was 6 when they first became really famous worldwide and I didn't know any english so I didn't even know what the lyrics were about or anything. With that age I only cared that they had that "pretty" sound and had very cool styles :D

Now I like them because it reminds me of that time when everything was simple and magical!

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