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i wish i had a girlfriend


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i wish i was a little but taller

i wish i was a baller

i wish i had a girl that looked good

i would call her

i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

a 6-4 impala



the subject at hand: we all wish we had boy/girlfriends every once in a while. but doesn't it tell you something about these thougths that they come at the point when we are at our most emotionally vulnerable or feeling a little down? any other thought that happened in a state where you are not your normal self, whether you're feeling too up or too down, you'd almost disregard. at the very least you would set aside that thought and reevaluate at another time.


this is not to say that i am against relationships. but people who are single bemowning the fact that they don't have a boy/girlfriend is just a waste of time.


first, it trivializes the beauty of a realtionship of people who truly match each other. sitting around wanting a "relationship" rather than "the right person" is just silly. i'm willing to wait as long as it takes for a match (which will be a long time, hence the value of "hooking up").


second, and probably more importantly, waiting around for a boy/girlfriend runs the risk of wasting a good portion of your life that can be used to better yourself. if you spent as much time building yourself emotionally as you do tearing yourself apart about being single you'd probably be strong enough and confident enough to attact anybody you'd want.


and finally, it breeds unhappiness, and if history tells us anything about our species it is that we're at our best when we're happy and at our worst when we're sad.


power to yourself, brotha!

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Well, Laura, it's true. Between 16 and 25 Ih had three separate relationship each lasting >2 years. They werea ll very good realtionships, but I lost a lot of time that I should have used finding myself. It's not a maturity thing. It's a history thing.


Just take it easy.

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Well, Laura, it's true. Between 16 and 25 Ih had three separate relationship each lasting >2 years. They werea ll very good realtionships, but I lost a lot of time that I should have used finding myself. It's not a maturity thing. It's a history thing.


Just take it easy.


Wise words that i'll take into account. Thanks Richard. :)

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i wish i was a little but taller

i wish i was a baller

i wish i had a girl that looked good

i would call her

i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

a 6-4 impala

Thats awesome! Did you make it? :D


Glad you liked it. No, it's from a song.

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i wish i was a little but taller

i wish i was a baller

i wish i had a girl that looked good

i would call her

i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

a 6-4 impala



the subject at hand: we all wish we had boy/girlfriends every once in a while. but doesn't it tell you something about these thougths that they come at the point when we are at our most emotionally vulnerable or feeling a little down? any other thought that happened in a state where you are not your normal self, whether you're feeling too up or too down, you'd almost disregard. at the very least you would set aside that thought and reevaluate at another time.


this is not to say that i am against relationships. but people who are single bemowning the fact that they don't have a boy/girlfriend is just a waste of time.


first, it trivializes the beauty of a realtionship of people who truly match each other. sitting around wanting a "relationship" rather than "the right person" is just silly. i'm willing to wait as long as it takes for a match (which will be a long time, hence the value of "hooking up").


second, and probably more importantly, waiting around for a boy/girlfriend runs the risk of wasting a good portion of your life that can be used to better yourself. if you spent as much time building yourself emotionally as you do tearing yourself apart about being single you'd probably be strong enough and confident enough to attact anybody you'd want.


and finally, it breeds unhappiness, and if history tells us anything about our species it is that we're at our best when we're happy and at our worst when we're sad.


power to yourself, brotha!


are you like some sort of psychologist or something?

Dr. Phil ?


(actually, you're not mean enough to be Dr. Phil)

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i wish i was a little but taller

i wish i was a baller

i wish i had a girl that looked good

i would call her

i wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

a 6-4 impala



the subject at hand: we all wish we had boy/girlfriends every once in a while. but doesn't it tell you something about these thougths that they come at the point when we are at our most emotionally vulnerable or feeling a little down? any other thought that happened in a state where you are not your normal self, whether you're feeling too up or too down, you'd almost disregard. at the very least you would set aside that thought and reevaluate at another time.


this is not to say that i am against relationships. but people who are single bemowning the fact that they don't have a boy/girlfriend is just a waste of time.


first, it trivializes the beauty of a realtionship of people who truly match each other. sitting around wanting a "relationship" rather than "the right person" is just silly. i'm willing to wait as long as it takes for a match (which will be a long time, hence the value of "hooking up").


second, and probably more importantly, waiting around for a boy/girlfriend runs the risk of wasting a good portion of your life that can be used to better yourself. if you spent as much time building yourself emotionally as you do tearing yourself apart about being single you'd probably be strong enough and confident enough to attact anybody you'd want.


and finally, it breeds unhappiness, and if history tells us anything about our species it is that we're at our best when we're happy and at our worst when we're sad.


power to yourself, brotha!


are you like some sort of psychologist or something?

Dr. Phil ?


(actually, you're not mean enough to be Dr. Phil)


No, I'm not. I'm jsut a guy with too many opinions for his fingers to contain.

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