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The Womanly Thread


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I'm soo Unwomanly :shame:




I stand next to you. :cheesy:


I don't know if I'm unwomanly ... I'm pretty girly sometimes though.

I'll hug you two anyway. :hug: :uhoh2:


It sounds a little disgusting. Or maybe it's just the word 'pincer'. :lol:


But gosh, using the epilator must be terribly painful. :sick:


Hahaha ... yeah, well using the pincer is not different from epilating, I'd say.

It hurts at first, but you get used to it ... but like I said ... never ever the armpits, never never never ... :blank:

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I don't know if I'm unwomanly ... I'm pretty girly sometimes though.

I'll hug you two anyway. :hug: :uhoh2:




Hahaha ... yeah, well using the pincer is not different from epilating, I'd say.

It hurts at first, but you get used to it ... but like I said ... never ever the armpits, never never never ... :blank:





But epilating is like, so many strands of armpit hair at one go, the pincer is just one by one. :wreck:

Plus, the skin at the armpit is pretty sensitive and omg epilating must have really hurt.

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But epilating is like, so many strands of armpit hair at one go, the pincer is just one by one. :wreck:

Plus, the skin at the armpit is pretty sensitive and omg epilating must have really hurt.




Yeah ... okay, using the pincer for the armpits is still less painful. :wreck:

Hahaha, it started to bleed and I cried like a little baby when I tried to epilate there. xD

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I like guys. And that tall guy in my school is so nerdy cute. :blush:




Yeah ... okay, using the pincer for the armpits is still less painful. :wreck:

Hahaha, it started to bleed and I cried like a little baby when I tried to epilate there. xD




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Guest LiquidSky
I wasn't talking about blood or boobies, but it looks like you've moved on so it doesn't matter.


hahahaha! Now I want to know!:thinking:

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What shall we gossip about? :surprised:

You tell me, gossip queen :lips:


I always wonder when you stop being a girl and start being a woman :/..

To me it's a matter of independance :thinking:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epilator :uhoh:

Okay ... I do shave my armpits ... I tried to epilate them once and that was the worst pain I ever felt, I started to cry. :blank:

I epilate my armpits :smug:

Omg it's soooo painful :bigcry:


*Waits for thread to move onto the obvious next step*

I see what you did there xD I think I know what you wanted us to talk about :tongue:

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hahahaha! Now I want to know!:thinking:

Tough luck, you girls will have to work it out yourself :p


I see what you did there xD I think I know what you wanted us to talk about :tongue:


I don't think I want you guys to talk about it haha. If I did I'd probably just say it. I just think perhaps I'd find it hard to forget what people said if they started discussing it, and I'd be very aware of it whenever you guys posted.


But if you did guess it right then congratulations :p

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Yeahhh, it's a pretty odd topic. :thinking:


We hairy people. :awesome:

It's okay if guys are hairy, but if girls are hairy...

Chest hair, and of course the pleasure trail :sneaky: - yes, back/shoulder hair - hell no.

I don't shave.


Yes, I'm creepy.

Haven't shaved in ages.

Yes I'm lazy.

But it's still fucking cold down here though - so I'm not walking around showing my hairy legs.



Epilating is quite used these days.



I don't shave my armpits, I actually use a pincer to pluck the armpit hair out. Gosh, I'm disgusting.

Oh fucking ouch Ly! :bigcry:

*Waits for thread to move onto the obvious next step*

Hairy toes? :inquisitive:

I think there was already a thread about that.

Blood ... as in the womanly unshedding of the stuff each month :\

The one week of each month that I really dislike being a woman.

I wasn't talking about blood or boobies, but it looks like you've moved on so it doesn't matter.

Greg wants to know if we like brazilians or not - and no not the people from Brazil.

Tough luck, you girls will have to work it out yourself :p



I don't think I want you guys to talk about it haha. If I did I'd probably just say it. I just think perhaps I'd find it hard to forget what people said if they started discussing it, and I'd be very aware of it whenever you guys posted.


But if you did guess it right then congratulations :p

So, you'd then picture whether the poster does or not?

Haha then it's definitely that..

Did you think we were gonna keep talking about shaving and move to an other area? :tongue:

Yes, yes he did. :whip:

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