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whats you fav coldplay song and why?


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The hardest question for a coldplayer to answer! When I say one song I feel bad for not saying the others I love!


But when someone asks, I say clocks because when I first heard it, I got goosebumps and thought it was the most beautiful song ever! I felt that if there was a perfect song out there, it was this one. And I love chris' singing in it, its just perfect. And it is a big part of why I got into coldplay, I owe it to that song to name it my favorite.


Oh but I gotta say that Politik is just...I don't know, amazing comes up short.


(Ah its so hard not to mention in my place, the scientist, don't panic, and others that if I were to continue, I would end up naming most coldplay songs :P)

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It's hard to choose a favorit. I mean..Shiver, means a lot for me, i know, i said that before,,In this tread yeah.. But Viva la vida, means a lot for me too.. It was that song who made me love Coldplay. Every time i hear this song, i get so happy..

It reminds me of a lot of things. Things i love. And the first Coldplay song, i ever heard was Speed of Sound or Talk.. They mean something to me too. :nice:

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mmmmm..... i can say Lost, Yellow, Lovers in Japan, Life in Technicolor ii, clocks, Speed of sound.... but all coldplay songs makes me feel good :D but if i have to choose one.... that is Lovers in japan.... yes! that song makes me feel happy. i dont listen to the lyric xD but the rythm is undescripitble :D..... (sorry (again) for my english if you dont understand hahahaha i´m a beginner xD)

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There's sooo maaaannnnyyyy . . . agh!


Let's see . . . Clocks will always have a special place in my heart as the first Coldplay song I ever heard, but I absolutely adore Violet Hill, Fix You, Cemeteries Of London, Christmas Lights, and A Rush Of Blood To The Head. Ooh, and Don't Panic. But as to why I love them . . . I don't know and I probably never will. :D

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