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The Coldplaying Scrapbook II, info in the first post [THIRD ONE IS HAPPENING READ THAT THREAD]

The Doctor

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I think David means with the last book this scrapbook?

Apparently KingChris received it and he would send it within that week, so in no time it should be heeeeeere! :D


I'll let you guys know when I receive it!

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I think David means with the last book this scrapbook?

Apparently KingChris received it and he would send it within that week, so in no time it should be heeeeeere! :D


I'll let you guys know when I receive it!


yes he does :)


cool, if KingChris doesn't post pics of his page would you mind to do?

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Eh :uhoh: if you send me a privat message at coldplaying it also shows up in my regular e-mail account. So, you still need it?


or give me KingChris' living address so I can stalk him!

..... just kidding ... I guess :uhoh:

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Eh :uhoh: if you send me a privat message at coldplaying it also shows up in my regular e-mail account. So, you still need it?


or give me KingChris' living address so I can stalk him!

..... just kidding ... I guess :uhoh:


it's the same here :)

but it's for when you don't answer PM's :P


yeah actually I'm thinking about doing that you know

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Hm, he hasn't replied yet ... I think he doesn't see how eager we are. I will PM him again.


:whip: :devilish:


btw Celien, ik zag dat je hem ook direct kunt e-mailen. Als je naar zijn profiel gaat en linksboven op 'send message' klikt, dan heb je naast PM ook de optie om 'send a message via e-mail' te kiezen. Als je deze gebruikt dan wordt het bericht direct naar zijn mailbox gestuurd met jouw mail-adres (heb je ook gelijk zijn e-mailadres als het goed is).


Ik hoop echt dat hij wat van zich laat horen. Het duurt al zo lang en als hij zich niet kan haasten omdat hij examens heeft ofzo, dan zou het fijn zijn dit te horen van hem en ook denk ik dat hij dit dan al van te voren had kunnen aangeven. Zo zonder excuus voor vertraging of wetend hoelang het duurt, is het geen lolletje voor de rest van de lijst.


Waarom deed ik dit allemaal in het Nederlands? :wtf:

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Yep, time for another reminder from me.


I understand that people don't visit this board as much as we do or don't read their mail as much as we do, but when you have that book and you know people are waiting for it and people might try to reach you because it's taking already too long, then you should at least check your mail regular and be so kind to respond. The first message I left him already at 21-09-2011; that's more than a month ago!

I see no other option but to spam him :evil:

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