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The Coldplaying Scrapbook II, info in the first post [THIRD ONE IS HAPPENING READ THAT THREAD]

The Doctor

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Guys this is amazing ! Too bad I didn't hear of this before, I would've been part of it.


Can't wait to see the final product. What are you going to do with it?


Omg I just read almost the whole thread. It's like a story. I hope that this guy will answer soon.

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Again lost! I can't believe it. This is the danger with having so many people involved; there's always one that’s bound to screw it up for the rest of us. And this time so soon already. He was the third person in line. I really hope I am wrong and that we will hear something from him. It doesn't even have to be an excuse, a little explanation of what happened would be enough already. Or the scrapbook popping up after all.


Celien and Billy, he was aware of the guidelines/rules you made up, right? Like when having the book, you should finish the two pages in a week and then send it to the next person?

I just realised that this is not in the first page of this thread. Maybe he thinks he can take whatever time for this? (he shouldn't because I already mailed him that he's supposed to have it only for one week) KingChris said he received the scapbook, right? I don't understand what happened after that.


If there's going to be a new scrapbook, shall we sharpen up the rules/guidelines? I think Celien's idea of giving your everyday-mailaddress was already a good idea. Also, the person should be still active on the board when the book will be send to him/her (in this case KingChris has been active on the board last month so I don't know why now he is suddenly absent). And what about not sending the scrapbook to someone until we hear from the receiver that he/she has time for the project. If the receiver has no time or doesn't reply, then the book should be send to the next person in line (if that person does say he/she has time). Also make clear that people should not take more than one or two weeks to fill the two pages, to have this project going on. We should also tell the people that they should inform us each time they receive the book, they finished their part and when they send it to the next person.


Another option to avoid losing scrapbooks is to make the whole thing digital. We could make scrapbook pages ourselves at home and scan them in without sending the actual pages to the next person. Maybe it's even an idea to send the pages immediately to the person in charge of the project, then when someone fails to do so, the project can still continue. I admit that this way a lot of charm is lost. It’s so nice to see the actual book yourself and go through the pages. The person in charge also ends up with separate pages instead of a solid book, which is not so nice (although they can still be bundled in a map or get bind in a copyshop so it becomes a real book). To have the thing going on like a real scrapbook we could still make an entry one after another and not all at the same time.


What do you guys think of these ideas?

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We all had to know the guidelines....Kim is it? Unfortunately since we dont live near these Coldplayer's we cant see what's going on.
You might be wrong about that .... :sneaky:

I live in the Netherlands like KingChris and it's a small country. I can't live that far away from him, hahaha.


And yes, it's Kim. :nice:

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is it too late for joining?


I'd like to add you but since we lost contact I won't now immedeatly :)


Guys this is amazing ! Too bad I didn't hear of this before, I would've been part of it.


Can't wait to see the final product. What are you going to do with it?


Omg I just read almost the whole thread. It's like a story. I hope that this guy will answer soon.


ditto as above :nice:


hahaha, we're gonna give it to Ian *shhhh* :uhoh: Editor42 wil have the final say if you guys can join or not, I'm just the 2nd in command :P I'm gonna nuke the guy's house if he no send it :lol:


:nod: but only get the book:P

yeah Who said you are the second command?


Again lost! I can't believe it. This is the danger with having so many people involved; there's always one that’s bound to screw it up for the rest of us. And this time so soon already. He was the third person in line. I really hope I am wrong and that we will hear something from him. It doesn't even have to be an excuse, a little explanation of what happened would be enough already. Or the scrapbook popping up after all.


Celien and Billy, he was aware of the guidelines/rules you made up, right? Like when having the book, you should finish the two pages in a week and then send it to the next person?

I just realised that this is not in the first page of this thread. Maybe he thinks he can take whatever time for this? (he shouldn't because I already mailed him that he's supposed to have it only for one week) KingChris said he received the scapbook, right? I don't understand what happened after that.


If there's going to be a new scrapbook, shall we sharpen up the rules/guidelines? I think Celien's idea of giving your everyday-mailaddress was already a good idea. Also, the person should be still active on the board when the book will be send to him/her (in this case KingChris has been active on the board last month so I don't know why now he is suddenly absent). And what about not sending the scrapbook to someone until we hear from the receiver that he/she has time for the project. If the receiver has no time or doesn't reply, then the book should be send to the next person in line (if that person does say he/she has time). Also make clear that people should not take more than one or two weeks to fill the two pages, to have this project going on. We should also tell the people that they should inform us each time they receive the book, they finished their part and when they send it to the next person.


Another option to avoid losing scrapbooks is to make the whole thing digital. We could make scrapbook pages ourselves at home and scan them in without sending the actual pages to the next person. Maybe it's even an idea to send the pages immediately to the person in charge of the project, then when someone fails to do so, the project can still continue. I admit that this way a lot of charm is lost. It’s so nice to see the actual book yourself and go through the pages. The person in charge also ends up with separate pages instead of a solid book, which is not so nice (although they can still be bundled in a map or get bind in a copyshop so it becomes a real book). To have the thing going on like a real scrapbook we could still make an entry one after another and not all at the same time.


What do you guys think of these ideas?


:nod: horrible that it's lost :(


he know about the rules: got my PM's and responded them, he also DID say when he had the book and that he was going to post it at the END OF THAT WEEK (what didn't happen as far as I know)

dammit really? I thought I posted them also there :blank:


I don't know if there will be a new one :\

I won't do it, well it's fun making it and stuff but I did spend some money on the book ya'know

but you're right about the rules and mail adresses :)


hmm a digital one looks cool but you're right it does miss it's charm and cuteness

on the other hand with your second option do you mean sending it back to the leader always?

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With the second option I mean that people who make two A4 pages in a scrapbook way can send those two pages to the one in charge of the project. The pages are always send directly to the leader and won't be sent to other people. Others cabn only see the digital version of the pages when it gets scanned. The leader can add all the pages together so it becomes a book afterall. With leader I mean the head of the project.


The rules like the one-week-rule are also posted in this thread, but not on the first page and usually when people find out about the project they don't read the whole thread, probably only the first post and the latest few.


Hey Billy, I can also start a new scrapbook. I've got enough money to buy a new one and send it and I was the next one in line anyway. But yeah, I would like to start a new (smaller) line then with hopefully more reliable people and tougher rules/guidelines.

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I'd like to add you but since we lost contact I won't now immedeatly :) [/color]




ditto as above :nice:



Ok, thank you very much :) I hope it's not lost ... Wow :(

But do you have him on Facebook or something like that where you can join him easily ?

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I saw that he is on the Dutch hyves (which is like the Dutch facebook) but I don't have an account on that, so I can't access it. And I wouldn't be surprised if he also won't respond to anything on there.

I just don't understand his silence. He can let us know at least whether the scrapbook is still there, right?


Maybe I should send him another message :thinking:

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Who said you are the second command?





Hey Billy, I can also start a new scrapbook. I've got enough money to buy a new one and send it and I was the next one in line anyway. But yeah, I would like to start a new (smaller) line then with hopefully more reliable people and tougher rules/guidelines.


Haha ok, lets see what happens!

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If there's going to be a new scrapbook, shall we sharpen up the rules/guidelines? I think Celien's idea of giving your everyday-mailaddress was already a good idea. Also, the person should be still active on the board when the book will be send to him/her (in this case KingChris has been active on the board last month so I don't know why now he is suddenly absent). And what about not sending the scrapbook to someone until we hear from the receiver that he/she has time for the project. If the receiver has no time or doesn't reply, then the book should be send to the next person in line (if that person does say he/she has time). Also make clear that people should not take more than one or two weeks to fill the two pages, to have this project going on. We should also tell the people that they should inform us each time they receive the book, they finished their part and when they send it to the next person.


Another option to avoid losing scrapbooks is to make the whole thing digital. We could make scrapbook pages ourselves at home and scan them in without sending the actual pages to the next person. Maybe it's even an idea to send the pages immediately to the person in charge of the project, then when someone fails to do so, the project can still continue. I admit that this way a lot of charm is lost. It’s so nice to see the actual book yourself and go through the pages. The person in charge also ends up with separate pages instead of a solid book, which is not so nice (although they can still be bundled in a map or get bind in a copyshop so it becomes a real book). To have the thing going on like a real scrapbook we could still make an entry one after another and not all at the same time.


What do you guys think of these ideas?


i agreed the first paragraph but i'm not agreed the second paragraph. we're in digital place so we wanted to do it in physical place... but because of some irresponsible members, we have never get a success!!

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I saw that he is on the Dutch hyves (which is like the Dutch facebook) but I don't have an account on that, so I can't access it. And I wouldn't be surprised if he also won't respond to anything on there.

I just don't understand his silence. He can let us know at least whether the scrapbook is still there, right?


Maybe I should send him another message :thinking:


Do you guys have his email adress, or just here ?

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With the second option I mean that people who make two A4 pages in a scrapbook way can send those two pages to the one in charge of the project. The pages are always send directly to the leader and won't be sent to other people. Others cabn only see the digital version of the pages when it gets scanned. The leader can add all the pages together so it becomes a book afterall. With leader I mean the head of the project.


The rules like the one-week-rule are also posted in this thread, but not on the first page and usually when people find out about the project they don't read the whole thread, probably only the first post and the latest few.


Hey Billy, I can also start a new scrapbook. I've got enough money to buy a new one and send it and I was the next one in line anyway. But yeah, I would like to start a new (smaller) line then with hopefully more reliable people and tougher rules/guidelines.


I see :)

it's cool but like Ceren and a lot said: this here all digital and the book is physical what makes it so cool


yeah if you want we can just go on with the people of this list since all the others do visit often :)


Ok, thank you very much :) I hope it's not lost ... Wow :(

But do you have him on Facebook or something like that where you can join him easily ?


you're welcome




hey you don't have to feel bad about it :hug:


Do you guys have his email adress, or just here ?


we sended PM's and founded a button for sending a mail, but I have it post adress so if you guys want I can write a letter :)

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He's not responding to notifiers from Coldplaying or direct mails, so I guess that sending him a letter won't help either.



:sneaky: I bought today a new scrapbook :sneaky:

I just hope there's no need for it and the old one will show up after all.

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