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i don't know about any of you, but today i was going through some photo's i took of the shows i went to and I really wish I could go and see them again! i was definetly blown away by their performance but listening to them again I just want to see Radiohead live again!!! (unfortunately that might not be for a while)


also if you want to see the pics I took at the shows I went to here:

All Points West: http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y259/whobythenumbers/Radiohead%20Live%20All%20Points%20West%20August%208%202008/

Camden (8/12/08): http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y259/whobythenumbers/Radiohead%20Live%20Camden%20NJ%20August%2012%202008/


the password to see them is: radiohead


and also the video's i took: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=thegloaming09

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oh another thing about the gig. I was in the front row and when they walked on stage it felt very very surreal. I bet my mouth was wide open at that point. The gigantic Ed was there only a few feet away hahah and Thom.. I gazed at him in awe for a loonggg time hahahaha




this is shot by one Canadian guy who I talked with in the row to the first Dublin gig. he also was in the next day's show and the Montreal show. This is from Montreal. The security guy asks him what song is it.





that's where I was. I was in front of Ed though. This is shot by the Canadian guy again. But that's when I almost fainted haha. Thom points at the two Rainbows int he sky before they start.

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oh another thing about the gig. I was in the front row and when they walked on stage it felt very very surreal. I bet my mouth was wide open at that point. The gigantic Ed was there only a few feet away hahah and Thom.. I gazed at him in awe for a loonggg time hahahaha


wow... so lucky to get that close. i was able to get somewhat close for all points west, but not that close. the camden show i had somewhat good seats but to the side. after seeing them i understand why people go so frantic over the pit tickets

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wow... so lucky to get that close. i was able to get somewhat close for all points west, but not that close. the camden show i had somewhat good seats but to the side. after seeing them i understand why people go so frantic over the pit tickets


yeah. I stood in the queue for 5,5 hours before they opened the gates. and people went so crazy. everybody were running so I thought I had to, too. the security guys were yelling "DO NOT BLOODY RUN!" haha. My friend wanted something to eat but I was in the front row and I was "are you mad" and she went to buy a bagel alone hahaha Shes was no fan. But she is now hahah

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It's easy peasy. You go to the multimedia section. That's the last section before the general DA. Click on Non-Coldplay Multimedia and then Other bands' links thread 2. And there is it. If you get lost (but it's impossible to get lost), search the link in my posts ... we're not allowed to post links here....




GUUUUUYS .... Second night in LA! They got fucking True Love Waits!!!!!


Two videos:




my favourite song!

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Ella - thanks for the vids! :nice:


And lucky you for getting to the 1st row in front of Ed! :nice:


I only managed to get in fifth row ... or something like that. Was close enough to have an eye contact with Ed hehe :laugh4:


Btw ... any chance of uploading old Last Flowers for me? And the Trade Justice version pretty please?

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Ella - thanks for the vids! :nice:


And lucky you for getting to the 1st row in front of Ed! :nice:


I only managed to get in fifth row ... or something like that. Was close enough to have an eye contact with Ed hehe :laugh4:


Btw ... any chance of uploading old Last Flowers for me? And the Trade Justice version pretty please?

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