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Ok, who can interpret this?

ChieftanMews Chieftan Mews

@StanleyDonwood I see you have finally cut "Lost Angeles". Are you going to toss that into the Ziggurat too? I feel guilt when I go jogging.


Sorry, I'm not really familiar with certain things due to not being part of RH until January... is ChieftanMews really somebody else, i.e. Thom?

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The Ziggurat is a website they made during HTTT or Amnesiac era (can't remember) but it never really sprang into life. There was some publicity for it but nothing ever happened. Something like that.



The tickets cost approximately €60 each.


yeah The Ziggurat used to be for HTTT. And the site was active up until recently.



I thought that tickets cost like $60-80 around here from what I remember

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What is 'Lost Angeles'? :thinking:


EDIT: BTW, today is 6 months from TKOL announcement. :)


Lost Angeles is a piece of artwork that Stanley is working on that's supposed to be like the Eraser artwork but with LA in it's place. Apparently some people believe that it might be an indication towards an Atoms for Peace album release or artwork



oh wow... hard to believe it's been that long

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I just kind of said "eh" and watched it as I got ready for school that morning. I remember feeling especially dirty after having watched it.


They need an EP with Staircase, Daily Mail, and I Froze Up. Maybe Skirting On The Surface. I feel like The Present Tense will be on Thom's next solo album.

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