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Anybody want to be my Radiohead tutor? I pretty much only know 2 songs by this band. (Creep and 15 step). They don't play Radiohead here at all and I'm interested in hearing some of their music. Seems every artist I like loves them.


Any suggestions on songs I should start with?

Maybe I can try. :wacky:


Well, I'm a relatively new fan myself; I just started listening to them in late January, a couple of weeks before they announced LP8.


I would recommend you start with LP7, In Rainbows. It has 15 Step which you're familiar with, and the song that originally got me started on them, House of Cards. A few months ago some people here made their top 15 lists, so I can forward you the link to my top 15 playlist on YouTube if you'd like. I actually made a thread here shortly before I started listening to them to get advice from other people here, so that might be helpful also.

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FYI, tonight Palladia is going to air five 1-hour shows highlighting Glastonbury 2011 performances starting at 9pm EST. Normally there are only three shows for each year. I really hope part of Radiohead's performance is in there somewhere. Because if BBC (they compile those shows) can't manage to fit Radiohead somewhere in there, then... screw BBC.

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Well Radiohead is a band you can't like if you listen to their songs or albums just 1 time. Also it is a band that focuses on whole albums, not just singles. Try like this:


1. Forget about Creep.

2. Listen to the whole In Rainbows. It's like a mix of new and old Radiohead and probably the sweetest RH album.

3. Listen to In Rainbows again.

4. If you like it, go with Ok Computer and Kid A.

5. Now you probably understand their sound. If you like it just go on...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPrGTVj9EDw]Radiohead - In Rainbows [Full Album] - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtL0KnlK4ts&feature=related]Radiohead - OK Computer [Full Album] - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T1M1tmUbq4&feature=related]Radiohead - Kid A [Full Album] - YouTube[/ame]


Hope that's it. ;)

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^ Here's my thoughts on that post.


1. I don't agree with the whole "you can't like it on just 1 listen" thing, as I actually did like them on my first listen.

2. I will agree with the singles bit because I think some of their singles are grossly overrated. ("My Iron Lung" and "Karma Police" come to mind.)

3. I definitely don't recommend going on to "Kid A" that soon, just because it's one of those albums that, in spite of what I said at Point 1, you have to listen to multiple times to even get a grasp on it. It was one of my last Radiohead albums, and I still don't think I understand why they did what they did. It also happens to be my least favorite Radiohead album (other than "Pablo Honey," which is a given for most Radiohead fans, anyway).

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I definitely don't recommend going on to "Kid A" that soon, just because it's one of those albums that, in spite of what I said at Point 1, you have to listen to multiple times to even get a grasp on it. It was one of my last Radiohead albums, and I still don't think I understand why they did what they did. It also happens to be my least favorite Radiohead album (other than "Pablo Honey," which is a given for most Radiohead fans, anyway).




"I still don't think I understand why they did what they did. " i don't really understand that

because right now in 2011 from the perspective of a 14 year old boy Kid A is a pretty normal album...i assume it didn't seem like that in 2000 or whatever but...what is it that they did? I mean, they moved on a bit from the britpop-ish sound but Kid A and OK Computer don't sound THAT different to my ears.




im confused

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"I still don't think I understand why they did what they did. " i don't really understand that

because right now in 2011 from the perspective of a 14 year old boy Kid A is a pretty normal album...i assume it didn't seem like that in 2000 or whatever but...what is it that they did? I mean, they moved on a bit from the britpop-ish sound but Kid A and OK Computer don't sound THAT different to my ears.




im confused


I didn't say it wasn't normal.


ARGH. This made better sense when I was typing it out. I'd try to explain again, but it probably would make even less sense the second time, so I'm not going to even bother.


I started with Amnesiac and fucking loved it. Knives Out, Pulk/Pull, Like Spinning Plates, Pyramid Song... so excellent. :)


:heart: :wacky:

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I didn't say it wasn't normal.


ARGH. This made better sense when I was typing it out. I'd try to explain again, but it probably would make even less sense the second time, so I'm not going to even bother.

I understand what you're getting at. I pretty much share your "ranking" of Kid A... http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4909978#post4909978

I do like some of the songs, but... yeah.



I started with Amnesiac and fucking loved it. Knives Out, Pulk/Pull, Like Spinning Plates, Pyramid Song... so excellent. :)


And of course I Might Be Wrong.

You And Whose Army?

And although it's a b-side, The Amazing Sounds of Orgy. Loooooooove that song, something about the creepiness of it. Oh, and Kinetic, and Fast Track, and Worry Wort, and the live version of Fog.

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Anybody want to be my Radiohead tutor? I pretty much only know 2 songs by this band. (Creep and 15 step). They don't play Radiohead here at all and I'm interested in hearing some of their music. Seems every artist I like loves them.


Any suggestions on songs I should start with?



I get into bands by listening to their best songs. When I wanted to get into them, I googled things like "top ten radiohead songs"..So if your anything like me, go for the singles first, my personal favourites are Fake Plastic Trees and Karma Police..But if you like listening to artists through their albums first, definitely OK Computer first..There's not much not to like on that album.

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Just about. PH - HTTT have the special collector's editions that include b-sides and live performances, IR has the second disc included in the special pre-order thing and the japanese edition, The King Of Limbs has Staircase, Daily Mail, I Froze Up, etc. but those haven't been released yet. :shrug:


Well actually, Kid A's b-sides are Amnesiac. They recycled almost all the unused material (holds not to Nude, Up On The Ladder, I Will, Wolf At The Door, etc.) Myxomatosis contains elements of Cuttooth.


Amnesiac has the best b-sides though, so does The Bends. :) And although HTTT's are completely hit or miss, Where Bluebirds Fly is incredible.

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^^ I'm like you! I listened to most of their b-sides on youtube, but I don't have any of them on my itunes.. And I know Amnesiac has a bonus disc, cause I bought the 2CD version, and also In Rainbows has a disc 2..And probably more, but I'm no radiohead expert.

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I feel kinda bad because i consider myself a BIG Radiohead fan but i dont really know any of their b-sides....Do all their albums have bsides?


Yeah. Check these out...


Talk Show Host

How I Made My Millions

True Love Waits

The Amazing Sounds of Orgy



Worry Wort

Paperbag Writer

Gagging Order

I Am A Wicked Child



Plenty of others but those come to mind.

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