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Album song poll round # 6


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hmm... kinda hard. trouble was the first coldplay song that i ever heard... and i hated it the first time i listened to it. lol but then, i listened to it a few more times and it grew on me, and then i started to luv coldplay.

Daylight is one hell of a track... i remember i used to skip it when i bought arobtth though. lol but then i downloaded a live performance of daylight and it was way better then the album version, so i started to like daylight too. (Daylight's bass is just awesome, btw)

So yea, i vote for daylight.

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uhum! man, it kicks so much ass. I remember that i had some problems to play it when i was trying to learn all the coldplay basses though. Like, shiver and daylight, they were two complicated basses for me.

And dude, on the dvd, daylight is soo perfect. have you seen it?

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haha yea, i used that angle thing too so i could watch guy playing.


And dude, shiver really is freaking hard to play. it took me weeks to figure out how to play it. But after hours of practice (read: guitar pro) i finally got it.

I could tab shiver's bass for you if you want, man.

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okie dokie then. I'll tab it for you on the weekend, cos i know i'll be totally bored on sunday. Ha, at least now i have something interesting to do. (hmm... okay, tabbing bass is not really interesting... ah well.)

I'll post the shiver bass tab on the instrumental room as soon as i finish it.

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