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Major shake up in Iowa tonight?

Matter-Eater Lad

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30.015 people voted for Romney and he got 24,5% of the votes, so approximately 122.500 people voted yesterday. But Iowa has a population of more than 3 million (according to Wikipedia). Only 4% of them voted yesterday, why is that? Is the rest of the people democratic? Or couldn't they care less about this caucus?

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30.015 people voted for Romney and he got 24,5% of the votes, so approximately 122.500 people voted yesterday. But Iowa has a population of more than 3 million (according to Wikipedia). Only 4% of them voted yesterday, why is that? Is the rest of the people democratic? Or couldn't they care less about this caucus?

Frankly this whole caucus thing is a bit odd to me. It isn't even a "primary" election so to speak, and people can only submit their votes in the evening (starting at 7:00pm) instead of throughout the day (starting at 8:00am), which is a bit weird.


Yes, only registered Republican voters can vote in the caucus (i.e., no Democrats or non-affiliated voters). Plus considering how much swing there has been between who is in the lead over the past few months, I think a lot of people just don't care and assume the Republicans won't have a chance in November considering how much bickering there has been within the Republican party.


I'm glad that Ron Paul was in the top 3. As a Libertarian running on the Republican ticket, it is nice to see he is getting so much support. I hope it continues, we need to get back to what our government was originally intended to be.


And even in general elections the voter turnout is typically between 35%-55%, which I'm assuming is relatively low compared to other countries. It is higher during years when the Presidency is included in the general election, as you can see here. I think it is a combination of complacency, and the thought that "my one vote won't affect the outcome."

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30.015 people voted for Romney and he got 24,5% of the votes, so approximately 122.500 people voted yesterday. But Iowa has a population of more than 3 million (according to Wikipedia). Only 4% of them voted yesterday, why is that? Is the rest of the people democratic? Or couldn't they care less about this caucus?


Also the majority of Americans never vote.

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Interesting to note that there is another Republican who bases his campaign on donations of $100 or less, and on grass-roots support: Buddy Roemer. He was shut out of the debates, first because the debate organizers insisted that he garner 1%, then 2% of the voters, which he did, and then because his campaign didn't reach the $500,000 mark, which disqualified him from the debates by their rules.

Buddy was governor of Louisiana, then representative, so he has experience, he supports the Occupy Wall Street movement, believes in Fair Trade, and the right of state employees to collectively bargain, but doesn't believe state employees should have the right to strike. I see him as a progressive candidate, what we need more of in this country, and the fact that he was shut out of the debates is indicative of the grip wealthy donors have on the process; clearly this must change.


Buddy Roemer for President | America Needs Buddy for President 2012

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