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Tips on Flying for the First time?


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I didn't fly until I was 18(I'm 28 now) and I'm shocked that I did seeing that I'm scared of heights and flying in general. If you get motion sickness at all, I recommend you take Dramamine before takeoff, it calms your stomach down. I also think you should bring an mp3 player so you can listen to Coldplay and try to relax. ...And seriously, if you are super nervous, do what I did the last time I flew 2 years ago. Have a pre-flight cocktail. It certainly helped chill me out a bit. :D ..Good luck to ya.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
To be honest I really don't care about if my ears pop. I've heard about that but I'm used to that when getting to higher altitudes when driving.



My concern is being stuck in the plane, being in the sky, and not escaping if something goes wrong. I know it sounds crazy, but I associate dying with trying to fly.


Basically I want to overcome this fear. Not just for coachella, but I'd love to travel to like Europe and around the world.


I had flown a few times in a two year period between when I was 7 and 8 years old. Amazingly it was 10 more years before I flew again was actually anxious about the whole experience.


One very handy tip I've learnt of is to TRUST the individuals who are looking after you on your flight. In the airline industry they DO NOT take chances. It's been said many times before but it really is the safest form of travel by a long shot. If your plane is anything less than a hundred % ready they will cancel the flight. I've had to deal with cancelled flights due to weather and such and it's pissed me off but at the end of the day that is reassuring because it says to me safety is paramount and they would never take chances, no matter how small they are.


Oh and good luck in your future travels and I hope you get to the festivals you want to go to.

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