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Coldplay room decor ideas to make?


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I don't understand the point of magazines nowadays

It's just a bunch of garbage you can read online


Now that's just not true young lady.


Well I mean, you can probably find a lot of free Rolling Stone for example from people uploading scans of it, but I doubt you'd find even a quarter of it online, and you'd practically have to scan desperately through particular band fanclubs/fansites online to find articles you may not really care about to look for but if it was in your hand you'd read them.


It's just better to get the magazine you cheapskate. :veryangry:

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To the original poster:

In general, the Lounge section / General Discussion forum is not meant for Coldplay-related threads. Coldplay threads should be located in the Coldplay forum(s).


To other posters:

In general, if you see someone create a Coldplay-related thread in the Lounge, please either a) kindly suggest to the original poster to contact a mod so that the thread can be moved, or b) click the Report Post report.gif button and state that the thread should be moved.

Try not to belittle someone for not being familiar with the subtleties of Coldplaying etiquette.


Please and thank you.


Thread will be moved (and certain posts removed) once enough time has passed for people to read and digested these suggestions.

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