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The 12th Mixtape Exchange


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I finally got around to the mix here we go...


Track 1: Begins with reverb heavy guitars and a light and airy feel to the song as the drums kick in. The vocals finally come in and fit in perfectly. The bass is really good with this song. The vocals sound familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it. Great way to start off the mix!

This is by this band called Real Estate which I'm loving at the moment, glad you liked it.


Track 2: It sounds like T.Rex. I don't really listen to T.Rex much but I could tell because of the vocals. I really like the overall rhythm of this song with not only the bongos and guitar, but the vocal rhythm working along the guitars and bongos.

Yep It's T.Rex alright, I knew you'd listened to him from your last fm but i thought i'd add some of their earlier stuff which was more folky.


Track 3: Opens with a beautiful piano and simple chords. The song is very somber sounding, but the chords are really nice. The piano chords soon fade out at one point and there's subtle strings that seem to build the tension up in making you feel something is going to happen. Next enters in cello which makes this song sound like something out of a movie or tv soundtrack like Lost.

It is from a soundtrack, it's from this film called 'Moon'. The film is good not amazing I just really love the soundtrack.

Track 4: Song transitions perfectly from the piano of the previous song. The guitar picking sounds really good, but I'm not a fan of the vocals. However as the song progresses futher I become more and more used to them. I really like this song.

This is by this band called Frightened Rabbit which I discovered from a previous mixtape exchange, I really like this band and this song stands out for me. I get why you don't like the vocals, the scottish accent is quite hard to understand at times !

Track 5: Another song with acoustic guitar. The vocals sound a bit familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I do really like the melody of the song especially when the drums come in, really catchy melody.

This is by Michael Kiwanuka who is a soulful kinda singer and I just adore his voice and the simplicity of his songs.


Track 6: David Bowie! I know this song! Not sure if I was ever a fan of this song but I like a lot of Bowie's work, and this is nice to listen to after a while.

Yep it is David Bowie, I was undecided as to whether to put this song on, but I thought Station to Station was too long of a song and I wanted to add something from that album which is one of my favourites, ah well.

Track 7: I like this song really catchy! One of my favorites on the mix. I reminds me of Caveman.

This is Real Estate again and yeah it's pretty catchy I've had it stuck in my head for a while and I thought I could use some cheerful songs on here.


Track 8: The vocals sound very familiar in this song as well. I don't know if I know who the artist is but I feel I've heard of them before. Not sure if I'm a huge fan of the song, but it's not terrible.

Frightened Rabbit again .....


Track 9: Sounds like T Rex again, and from the same album as track 2 from the mix with the rhythmic guitar, bongos and vocals. Not a huge fan of this song to be honest.

T.Rex again. I suppose T.Rex isn't for everyone but oh well.


Track 10: Definitely sounds like it's from the 80's haha! Once again I feel I know this band but I can't put my finger on it. Is it maybe The Cure?

Yep it is The Cure! It is in fact from 1979 so not too far out. I just think this song is pretty catchy and it's one of my favourites by them despite a lot of fans really despising their debut album.


Track 11: Another Bowie song! it feels it's from one of his recent albums perhaps Heathen or something. I remember there was a song or two I heard from one of those albums that was similar sounding to this. I do enjoy this song though!

It's not from Heathen but you are right it's a more recent album, it's from Outside which is pretty good. Glad you liked it :)

Track 12: I like the arrangement of this song in how it's airy. It kind of feels like it might be M83 or something. I really like the song!

This is by a group called Walls who make kinda ambient electronic music, I've not listened to them that much but I just really liked this song.


Track 13: I like the drums and the guitars, not sure if I like the backing vocals though. The song then completely changes rhythm which is a bit inexpected. I do like the overall arrangement of the song and then how it goes back to the beginning of how the song started. I'm curious to know who this is.

This is Warpaint, I know I've probably added them to far too many mixtapes but when I saw you hadn't heard of them I couldn't resist because I just love this group.


Track 14: Starts very mellow, I really like the tone and tempo of the song so far. It's very relaxing. Though it's very simple it's one of my favorites off the mix.

This is from some dude/band called Kwajbasket I only discovered them when I was looking through the new albums thread and Eddie posted a link by them and it was free to download, the album is great for relaxing to.

Track 15: Yet David Bowie again! This person must really like bowie! haha! The piano is very nice especially w/ bowie's vocals. I haven't heard this song by bowie but it's good!

Damn you got me! I just thought y'know he has so many different albums it can't hurt to put a few on... anyway glad you liked this song it is one of my favourites, it was a b-side i believe but this one is from this collection of songs that leaked a while ago called 'Toy'


Track 16: Last song of the mix, the vocals yet again sound familiar. I do like this song, it's kind of simple sounding, but that's a good thing.

This is by Fleetwood Mac, though I guess most people associate Fleetwood Mac with Stevie Nicks this is from their very early days when Peter Green was the lead singer and this song just gives me shivers down my spine :heart:

Overall I really enjoyed the mix! The first 1/2 of it I definitely enjoyed more, but it was good. My favorite tracks were: 1,3, 5, 7, 12, 14


Thanks for whomever made my mix!

Sorry if I was repetitive with the artists, I tend to get obsessed with one group then listen to the next rather than vary it a bit. Plus you seem to have a fairly similar taste to me so I couldn't add some songs I was planning on adding, but glad you liked it :cheesy:

and here's the tracklist:


1. Green Aisles - Real Estate - Days (2011)

2. By The Light Of A Magical Moon - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

3. Memories (Someone We'll Never Know) - Clint Mansell - Moon O.S.T (2009)

4. Poke - Frightened Rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight (2008)

5. Home Again - Michale Kiwnuka - Home Again (2012)

6. Golden Years - David Bowie - Station To Station (1976)

7. It's Real - Real Estate - Days (2011)

8. The Loneliness And The Scream - Frightened Rabbit - The Winter Of Mixed Drinks (2010)

9. Pavilions Of Sun - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

10. Fire In Cairo - The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys - (1979)

11. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town - David Bowie - Outside (1995)

12. Heat Haze - Walls - Coracle (2011)

13. Composure - Warpaint - The Fool (2010)

14. The Gentleman Part IV - Kwajbasket - The Gentleman (2012)

15. Shadow Man - David Bowie - Toy

16. Man Of The World - Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World (1969)


EDIT forgot the link :P http://www.mediafire.com/?8fhiybay6915hqg

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Sorry if I was repepetive with the artists, I tend to get obsessed with one group then listen to the next rather than vary it a bit. Plus you seem to have a fairly similar taste to me so I couldn't add some songs I was planning on adding, but glad you liked it :cheesy:

and here's the tracklist:


1. Green Aisles - Real Estate - Days (2011)

2. By The Light Of A Magical Moon - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

3. Memories (Someone We'll Never Know) - Clint Mansell - Moon O.S.T (2009)

4. Poke - Frightened Rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight (2008)

5. Home Again - Michale Kiwnuka - Home Again (2012)

6. Golden Years - David Bowie - Station To Station (1976)

7. It's Real - Real Estate - Days (2011)

8. The Loneliness And The Scream - Frightened Rabbit - The Winter Of Mixed Drinks (2010)

9. Pavilions Of Sun - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

10. Fire In Cairo - The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys - (1979)

11. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town - David Bowie - Outside (1995)

12. Heat Haze - Walls - Coracle (2011)

13. Composure - Warpaint - The Fool (2010)

14. The Gentleman Part IV - Kwajbasket - The Gentleman (2012)

15. Shadow Man - David Bowie - Toy

16. Man Of The World - Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World (1969)


Awesome! a lot of these artists I have heard of, but never listened to them so it was good to listen! You are right about Bowie, he has such a wide catalog of music, but I really enjoyed getting to hear more songs by him that I was so used to. Thanks again!

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Hey, Eddie. Guess who? :cheesy:


Before I do anything else, I have to apologize to you. I've listened through all the mixtapes I've made, and that tape I made you for MTE 9 was definitely the worst mixtape I've ever made. I don't even listen to some of the bands I put on it anymore. Heh. :| But yeah, I'm really sorry about that.


Anyway, I basically took two things from that: no rock, and no female vocalists. I recall you liking more electronic stuff, so I took that, ran with it, and came up with this. My comments will be in blue.




1. Interesting intro to the mix. I really like the vocals, kinda reminds me of Melody Day - Caribou...this is pretty cool, it didn't really jump out at me though (then it again it shouldn't have to)


This is from a band called Django Django. Their debut album came out earlier this year. This one is called "Hail Bop."


2. oooh, preetty instrumental :cheesy: really liked this. interested to see who it is.


It's from a supergroup of sorts who go by *shels. It's called "Waking." I thought this would be a nice contrast to the opener.


3. great drums! this has a really interesting sound. nice subtle vocals. I really really like this!


I was hoping you would. :nice: This is "Hippodrome" from a guy who goes by Vondelpark.


4. another pretty instrumental!! coool stuff


Believe it or not, this comes from Adam Young, the same person responsible for Owl City. Except it's not Owl City, of course. This is one of his other projects, Port Blue. (I actually like Port Blue more than Owl City.) This is called "The Cargo Bay."


5. this is cool. I really like the production. harmlesss...I don't really have much to say. I like it tho


This is "Cannons" from Youth Lagoon, whose debut came out last year.


6. another pretty instrumental? you're doing well mixtape maker. This is really nice.


Awww, thanks. :wacky: This one is from a post-rock group called Explosions in the Sky, and it's called "Who Do You Go Home To?"


7. didn't really like this one. pretty poppy + indie-y...i dunno. a little too cheesy.


Yeah, it's pretty heavy on the pop. I like it, though. It's "You Don't Want to Dance with Me" from Monarchy, who also released their debut last year.


8. ANOTHER PRETTY INSTUMENTAL! this one feels different to the others though. sounds like some hip female vocalist should start singing. that never happens though, which is good...really great guitar in the middle


I tried really hard not to put too much samesy stuff on there. Anyway, this is "Ascension" from a band called Tycho.


9. HEYYY!!!


HAH. I thought you might enjoy the Daft Punk. :tongue:


10. is it pretty instrumental time again? you got me all excited with that daft punk! this is niceeee. cool basss. ohh and the guitar at the end! v good


I'm surprised you don't recognize Jon Hopkins, given the amount of plays he has on your Last.fm. Heh. Anyway, this is "Halcyon," one of my favorites from him.


11. this reminds me of 90s U2...which is a good thing in some ways...I like it.


Oh, it's definitely not '90s. This is from Maps, whose debut came out in 2007. This song, "Back + Forth," comes from that album.


12. the vocals in the background remind me of Pogo. This is really really nice. wish a beat would come in though :(


Huh. I've never thought of Pogo while listening to this. This is Cut Coy with their song, "Eternity One Night Only."


13. hmm, not sure about this one. I don't like the vocals, or that arpeggiated synth really. it starts to get interesting around the 1:50 mark...nice little outro too. A cool way to end the tape!


This was actually one of the first ones I thought up for the tape because it reminded me of you, for some reason. Anyway, this is "Weapons" by Son Lux, a guy that Fran (Alien Radio) introduced me to when he made my tape for me last time.


thank you mixtape maker!!! I applaud you for using things I'd never heard before. well, except for Daft Punk but if the whole tape had been Daft Punk I would have been happy so...There are a few songs on here that I'd really like to check out.



Really, I'm just glad you liked this one more than the other one I made you. Thank you for a lovely review. :hug:


OK, so a recap for everyone who wants to actually maybe listen to this:


1. "Hail Bop"-Django Django (Django Django, 2012)

2. "Waking"-*shels (Plains of the Purple Buffalo, 2011)

3. "Hippodrome"-Vondelpark (Sauna EP, 2010)

4. "The Cargo Bay"-Port Blue (The Airship, 2007)

5. "Cannons"-Youth Lagoon (The Year of Hibernation, 2011)

6. "What Do You Go Home To?"-Explosions in the Sky (All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, 2007)

7. "You Don't Want to Dance with Me"-Monarchy (Around the Sun, 2011)

8. "Ascension"-Tycho (Dive, 2011)

9. "Crescendolls"-Daft Punk (Discovery, 2001)

10. "Halcyon"-Jon Hopkins (Opalescent, 2001)

11. "Back + Forth"-Maps (We Can Create, 2007)

12. "Eternity One Night Only"-Cut Copy (In Ghost Colours, 2008)

13. "Weapons"-Son Lux (At War with Walls and Mazes, 2008)


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?r8i1gga9doiepsa

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Sorry if I was repepetive with the artists, I tend to get obsessed with one group then listen to the next rather than vary it a bit. Plus you seem to have a fairly similar taste to me so I couldn't add some songs I was planning on adding, but glad you liked it :cheesy:

and here's the tracklist:


1. Green Aisles - Real Estate - Days (2011)

2. By The Light Of A Magical Moon - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

3. Memories (Someone We'll Never Know) - Clint Mansell - Moon O.S.T (2009)

4. Poke - Frightened Rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight (2008)

5. Home Again - Michale Kiwnuka - Home Again (2012)

6. Golden Years - David Bowie - Station To Station (1976)

7. It's Real - Real Estate - Days (2011)

8. The Loneliness And The Scream - Frightened Rabbit - The Winter Of Mixed Drinks (2010)

9. Pavilions Of Sun - T.Rex - A Beard Of Stars (1970)

10. Fire In Cairo - The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys - (1979)

11. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town - David Bowie - Outside (1995)

12. Heat Haze - Walls - Coracle (2011)

13. Composure - Warpaint - The Fool (2010)

14. The Gentleman Part IV - Kwajbasket - The Gentleman (2012)

15. Shadow Man - David Bowie - Toy

16. Man Of The World - Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World (1969)


SHADOW MAN!!! :wacky:

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1. "Hail Bop"-Django Django (Django Django, 2012)

2. "Waking"-*shels (Plains of the Purple Buffalo, 2011)

3. "Hippodrome"-Vondelpark (Sauna EP, 2010)

4. "The Cargo Bay"-Port Blue (The Airship, 2007)

5. "Cannons"-Youth Lagoon (The Year of Hibernation, 2011)

6. "What Do You Go Home To?"-Explosions in the Sky (All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, 2007)

7. "You Don't Want to Dance with Me"-Monarchy (Around the Sun, 2011)

8. "Ascension"-Tycho (Dive, 2011)

9. "Crescendolls"-Daft Punk (Discovery, 2001)

10. "Halcyon"-Jon Hopkins (Opalescent, 2001)

11. "Back + Forth"-Maps (We Can Create, 2007)

12. "Eternity One Night Only"-Cut Copy (In Ghost Colours, 2008)

13. "Weapons"-Son Lux (At War with Walls and Mazes, 2008)


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?r8i1gga9doiepsa

ooh, early Jon Hopkins, Tycho and EITS. This looks yummy.

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Hey, Eddie. Guess who? :cheesy:


Before I do anything else, I have to apologize to you. I've listened through all the mixtapes I've made, and that tape I made you for MTE 9 was definitely the worst mixtape I've ever made. I don't even listen to some of the bands I put on it anymore. Heh. :| But yeah, I'm really sorry about that.


Anyway, I basically took two things from that: no rock, and no female vocalists. I recall you liking more electronic stuff, so I took that, ran with it, and came up with this. My comments will be in blue.




OK, so a recap for everyone who wants to actually maybe listen to this:


1. "Hail Bop"-Django Django (Django Django, 2012)

2. "Waking"-*shels (Plains of the Purple Buffalo, 2011)

3. "Hippodrome"-Vondelpark (Sauna EP, 2010)

4. "The Cargo Bay"-Port Blue (The Airship, 2007)

5. "Cannons"-Youth Lagoon (The Year of Hibernation, 2011)

6. "What Do You Go Home To?"-Explosions in the Sky (All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, 2007)

7. "You Don't Want to Dance with Me"-Monarchy (Around the Sun, 2011)

8. "Ascension"-Tycho (Dive, 2011)

9. "Crescendolls"-Daft Punk (Discovery, 2001)

10. "Halcyon"-Jon Hopkins (Opalescent, 2001)

11. "Back + Forth"-Maps (We Can Create, 2007)

12. "Eternity One Night Only"-Cut Copy (In Ghost Colours, 2008)

13. "Weapons"-Son Lux (At War with Walls and Mazes, 2008)


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?r8i1gga9doiepsa


:wacky: i had a suspicion it would be you. This was cool. Will definitely be checking out Vondelpark, *shels (what kinda name is that) and I guess it's time I check out more Jon Hopkins. All I've really heard from him is that coldplay thing and his Four Tet remix which I absolutely love (probably where my last fm plays of him come from)


thank youuuu!!! will probably listen to this some more

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As far as I know, Vondelpark only has that one EP out. I may look it up online to make sure. Also, I know that remix you're talking about. It's really good, and I should probably listen to more Four Tet remixes.

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First mixtape review of mine on here ... here we go



Split the Sky

I like the name of the mixtape. It’s already a nice start! :thumbsup:


1. A relax start of the mixtape. Nice soft guitar that plays what sounds a bit like a waltz. Yet, when listening to the lyrics carefully this song is not so relax anymore, but gets a bit a dark depressing tone. Is this setting the tone of the mixtape or will I hear some more cheerful and/or heavier stuff on the way?


2. Nice, here’s the more heavy stuff. It sounds like an old song (old as in decades ago). Nice old-fashion typical guitar chord for a start. Short, simple way of a song. Nothing special, I don’t know if I like it... I have heard this song on the radio, but I don’t know what it is. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge with the guitar solo, chorus. The standard song structure. And yet at the end I find the song end too fast. I guess I liked it after all!


3. Rock & Roll. This guy seems to enjoy his singing. Uplifting lyrics. This is the more cheerful stuff :) Accompanying choir of some smooth singing ladies. I see some black ladies singing with him. Is this an old song as well? I don’t think I really like it though, sorry.


4. Creepy Crazy Witch is saying something creepy and then laughing evil… strange start of the song. I like that :P It made me smile. In the little silence I was wondering how it would continue.… then folk, harmonic singing. Is that a tambourine? Oh, and an accordion comes in later too, yeah, it gives it a folksy touch. The song is shorter than the time on my player says it to be. Actually I think this ending is fitting and it shouldn’t be longer. It’s good like this. I like it.


5. Ah, what a nice song! And what a nice voice that man has. I guess the band doesn’t show up so high on my last.fm because I have physical CD’s of this band and they are not showing up on last.fm. I love this band. They have such atmosphere in their songs. Although you hear a bunch of guitars, I’d say they are an electronic band after all. This is a great song.


This is Depeche Mode - Policy of Truth.


6. Steady beat underneath the dark piano. Woman starts singing. 1:48h … oh wow, what a nice build-up right there. Nice piano track. Then I imagine I hear her walk out into the urban area? I especially like the chorus and the instrumental part after it.


7. Is it me or is the quality of this song’s sound output pretty bad? A classic song though. Can’t not know this one, when you listen to nowadays bands like White Lies and The Editors. I can’t believe that this song is so old! And when listening to this The Editors suddenly sound like such a rip-off. The dark moody singing. The dark moody bass. This is the real stuff. This is good stuff!


This is Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart


8. I was wondering if I’d would hear a New order, The Smiths, or The Cure song after #7 and #5 and then the next song came in. I know the band, but I must say that I don’t know the name of the song without looking for it. This guy’s voice and the music. He was just like #7 his time ahead. Influencer of so many indie bands. I am surprised that both #7 and #8 were making this kind of music already in the 70’s /80’s. Great lyrics. “He will never, never do it again... not until the next time” I like how he can sing through the music, how it’s weaving through each other and thereby making the song more interesting as it would be otherwise. I love the band, I love this song. You just made me look up their music again.


9. Slow start of the song. Female vocalist comes in. Dark lyrics. I have got the feeling this song is more about the lyrics than the music. I like the music nonetheless. It’s a bit jazzy. I am not fond of jazz, but in this song I like the touch of jazz. It’s eerie as well. A bit too slow for my taste, but I don’t know how this song would otherwise work. Hm, I have given it a fair amount of listens but I am still indecisive of what to think of the song.


10. I’ve got this CD. Played it many, many times. (I have put a song from this album in my mixtape as well :uhoh: ) In the end they build-up to the more typical sound of the band, but because of the slow and dark way the song sounds before the ragging guitars, this song seems to me a nice example of a nowadays band that is influenced by above bands.


This is Arcade Fire – Une Année Sans Lumiere.



I like the difference between male and female on the mixtape and the dark/depressing tone the whole seems to have. There’s not really a happy exploding song on it (except maybe #3 and somehow that also happens to be the one song I liked the least of the mixtape), but I guess such a song would not fit in this collection of songs. There’s mostly old fashion rock/pop on here, I’d say, though #5 is a bit electronic. The weather up here was these last days pretty bad. Dark clouds split the sky with their thunder and rain. Fits the mixtape. I don’t know if the weather made me find this mixtape so fitting or that it is because of the weather that I feel this tape has an overall dark tone. As a Scandinavian music lover I guess I have the tendency to like moody songs and the songs on this mixtape fit in that preference. I wonder if you have peeked on the last.fm link I put in this thread.

The quality of the sound of the songs wasn’t too good in some cases. The nice thing about it is that the songs sounded old to me, maybe older than they were, hahaha! (if that makes sense)


My favorite might have been #7 or #8. It envoked my love for The Smiths again :} Thank you for that.


Is this mixtape made by a guy my age, perhaps even from some northern region? Anyway, thanks for making the tape! I am curious who the other songs are made by.

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Hey everybody, so here's my first review, sorry if it's not really well writen :P


1- That’s really loud, don’t like it. It’s pretty intense, it does have a lot of soul in it. The girl screaming “crocodiles” scares me and the arrangement it’s not that bad, but the screaming is terrible, sorry.


2 – Electronic sound, not bad, she has good voice. It grows a bit in the end, I like that. The little mess of noises is really nice but it doesn’t do anything for me, sorry.


3 - Male vocals this time. There’s a guitar or synth sound on the chorus and on the intro that is gorgeous. I like the drumming on it, I actually I like everything about this one. Then there are some whistling by the middle of the song which fits really nice too. It’s a very good song, something I could listen on a regular basis. Just great!


4 – Nice and delicate, it made me think of autumn (well maybe because it is autumn right now). The guitar is gentle so are the female vocals, it’s kind of sad, but good sad :P.


5 – Oh, synths and electronics again, I like that. Then there’s rap, I like it! It has a Kanye West feeling to the production. I loved this one, as much as track 3. The synth is really nice! My favourite bit is the part with “if I could figure out…”.


6 – This is not bad. The drums and the bass are quite good. I don’t really like the chorus, maybe if it wasn’t there I could have enjoyed it more, still better than track number 1.


7 – Oh, eletro beat again. The vocals are not bad, then there’s some rap, is it Drake? There’s a point when that sound of backwards drum plates gets annoying though.


8 – I like this, the vocals are really nice, I don’t what to say actually :P


9 – It starts OK but by the middle of the song I was already loving it, really nice song, don’t know what I most like, everything sounds good together. The end is beautiful, definitely a highlight.


10 – Pianos, guitars, drums and strings, all good, after the more produced sound of the 2 previous tracks this one is nice on this is spot.


11 - :awesome: Ok, this one is awesome, the guitar riff is really nice and the bit with the vocals on the left and the rest on the right was a nice unexpected moment. Reminds me a bit of White Stripes, one of the best so far.


12 – This is Bon Iver right? Not something I usually listen, but after listening to this song I will certainly look up more for them. I really like the layers of vocals and the strings, I loved this one.


13 – When I first heard the mixtape I thought you would finish the tape with the previous one but this is a nice long instrumental, it seems like a movie soundtrack for an old Disney movie or something, there are some acoustic guitars along and the contrabass is amazing, I like it.



So, overall I really enjoyed the Mix Tape, specially the last bit. I must confess I was afraid of continuing after the first track :laugh3:, but you introduced me to some great stuff. My favourites are 3, 5, 9, 11 and 12. Thanks a lot :D

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Yay! I made ur mixtape :D Also, sorry about making you wait so long haha!


Hey everybody, so here's my first review, sorry if it's not really well writen :P


1- That’s really loud, don’t like it. It’s pretty intense, it does have a lot of soul in it. The girl screaming “crocodiles” scares me and the arrangement it’s not that bad, but the screaming is terrible, sorry.


Hahaha, I now regret putting this song on here instead of something else by her b/c I don't want you to form an opinion based solely on this song. It's very punk rock compared to everything else she's done. She, being, my beautiful queen St. Vincent (lady in my sig). But yeah, it's ok! It can be hard to swallow :P

2 – Electronic sound, not bad, she has good voice. It grows a bit in the end, I like that. The little mess of noises is really nice but it doesn’t do anything for me, sorry.


This is Grimes. I've been jamming to her since Spring Break her album is really fun and dancey!


3 - Male vocals this time. There’s a guitar or synth sound on the chorus and on the intro that is gorgeous. I like the drumming on it, I actually I like everything about this one. Then there are some whistling by the middle of the song which fits really nice too. It’s a very good song, something I could listen on a regular basis. Just great!


Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed this! It's Andrew Bird :) I myself have been getting more into him. His latest album BREAK IT YOURSELF is really good and this song is from it. So if you enjoyed this then I highly recommend you check out the rest of the album!


4 – Nice and delicate, it made me think of autumn (well maybe because it is autumn right now). The guitar is gentle so are the female vocals, it’s kind of sad, but good sad :P.


This is Best Coast! Haha it's funny that you connect it to autumn, Best Coast music is usually very connected by other people to the beach and to summer. This is my favorite song off their new album, The Only Place.


5 – Oh, synths and electronics again, I like that. Then there’s rap, I like it! It has a Kanye West feeling to the production. I loved this one, as much as track 3. The synth is really nice! My favourite bit is the part with “if I could figure out…”.


:wacky: This song is by a collab group s / s / s which is made up of Sufjan Stevens (the delicous middle-man in my sig), Son Lux, and Serengeti. They released an EP and this is definitely my favorite song off it. That part, "If I could figure out what it was all about / I'd work it out" is Sufjan singing. And UNF. Yeah hahah (I love Sufjan a lot.) :bomb:


6 – This is not bad. The drums and the bass are quite good. I don’t really like the chorus, maybe if it wasn’t there I could have enjoyed it more, still better than track number 1.


And this is Cults! Their album is a lotta fun :)


7 – Oh, eletro beat again. The vocals are not bad, then there’s some rap, is it Drake? There’s a point when that sound of backwards drum plates gets annoying though.


Yes! This is Drake featuring The Weeknd. Take Care is such a great hip hop album and this is my favorite track off of it :P. Drake is gr8.


8 – I like this, the vocals are really nice, I don’t what to say actually :P


Animal Collective! They released 2 new songs last week and this was my favorite! I love it.


9 – It starts OK but by the middle of the song I was already loving it, really nice song, don’t know what I most like, everything sounds good together. The end is beautiful, definitely a highlight.


:wacky: This is Beach House. They have the loveliest music. If you loved this song then you will FOR SURE love everything else by them. Check out their 2010 release TEEN DREAM. This song specifically is from their album that was released today actually haha, BLOOM. :)


10 – Pianos, guitars, drums and strings, all good, after the more produced sound of the 2 previous tracks this one is nice on this is spot.


This is The National, my favorite band, and this is one of my personal favorites! Glad you enjoyed it :3


11 - :awesome: Ok, this one is awesome, the guitar riff is really nice and the bit with the vocals on the left and the rest on the right was a nice unexpected moment. Reminds me a bit of White Stripes, one of the best so far.


IT MAKES SENSE, haha that it reminds you of The White Stripes. This is Jack White and this song is from he's solo album BLUNDERBUSS. This is one of my faves from it but if you loved this then you'll love the album too. He might not be playing with Meg anymore but TWS sound is still very resonate in his solo music.


12 – This is Bon Iver right? Not something I usually listen, but after listening to this song I will certainly look up more for them. I really like the layers of vocals and the strings, I loved this one.


I really wanted to incorporate a Bon Iver song into this mix and wasn't exactly sure which one to put in. I really love this song tho and since you liked it then I did good!



13 – When I first heard the mixtape I thought you would finish the tape with the previous one but this is a nice long instrumental, it seems like a movie soundtrack for an old Disney movie or something, there are some acoustic guitars along and the contrabass is amazing, I like it.


hahaha yes! you're very spot on with that description. This song was put together by Annie Clark (aka St. Vincent) but is performed by yMusic.

The whole thing you said about how it sounds like music for a soundtrack, very Disney, well that's what she was actually going for in her album ACTOR (LISTEN TO IT!!!!). She said while putting the album together she was watching Disney movies and trying to come up with a soundtrack to them!!!

This song, Proven Badlands, is, like, the very beautiful orchestral twin brother of the last song on the album, The Sequel.



So, overall I really enjoyed the Mix Tape, specially the last bit. I must confess I was afraid of continuing after the first track :laugh3:, but you introduced me to some great stuff. My favourites are 3, 5, 9, 11 and 12. Thanks a lot :D



Anyway, I'm glad you mostly enjoyed it!!



Here's the Track list: ( song / band / album)


01. KROKODIL - St. Vincent | KROKODIL - Single


02. Circumambient - Grimes | Visions


03. Eyeoneye - Andrew Bird | Break It Yourself


04. How They Want Me to Be - Best Coast | The Only Place


05. Beyond Any Doubt - s / s / s | Beak & Claw


06. Abducted - Cults | Cults


07. Crew Love (feat. The Weeknd) - Drake | Take Care


08. Gotham - Animal Collective |


09. Myth - Beach House | Bloom


10. Karen - The National | Alligator


11. Freedom at 21 - Jack White | Blunderbuss


12. Wash. - Bon Iver | Bon Iver, Bon Iver


13. Proven Badlands - yMusic | Beautiful Mechanical




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^ No problem with the waiting, you did a great job. I just cant believe the same person can come up with a such a "shocking" song as Krokodil and such a lovely one as the mix closer :laugh3: .


Thanks again, I will check them all out! :D

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We are awesome :cool:


PS: if anyone is interested, here's the mixtape I made:




1- U2 - Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk/Korova 1 (B-side to The Fly)

2 - Kanye West ft. Kid Cudi - Welcome To Heartbreak (808s & Heartbreak)

3 - Skank - Garrafas (Carrossel)

4 - The Beatles - She's Leaving Home (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)

5 - Franz Ferdinand - Twilight Omens (Tonight: Franz Ferdinand)

6 - Pink Floyd - Time (The Dark Side Of The Moon)

7 - Blur - Beetlebum (Blur)

8 - Green Day - Song of the Century (21st Century Breakdown)

9 - Foster The People - Warrant (Torches)

10 - Pública - Long Plays (Polaris)

11 - The Verve - The Rolling People (Urban Hymns)

12 - Pitty - Água Contida (Chiaroscuro)

13 - Tópaz - Se For Pra Tudo Dar Errado (Onze Nós)

14 - Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (Nimrod)



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