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Least favourite song from each album?


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1. Parachutes (2000) (Parachutes) [i think it's really pointless, if it went into an actual full length song then I wouldn't mind so much.]

2. Amsterdam (2002) (A Rush of Blood to the Head) [i'd rather Coldplay had just finished it with the song "A Rush of Blood to the Head" I find this song to start off too slow, and end off too predictable, it's not necessarily a bad song but it's one of those 'meh' ones.

3. Talk (2005) (X&Y) [i don't really like the way Chris sings this one, and the solo gets on my nerves after a while, it feels a little repetitive. But on certain occasions I can enjoy this song, depending on the mood; but most of the time it makes me feel "full up"]

4. Reign of Love (2008) (Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends) [Definitely one of the boring tracks of the album, I would not miss it if it was to be taken from the album, I always thought it ruined the "Lovers in Japan" track, but at least they re-released it as a separate track on it's own on the Prospekt's March EP, so they can be forgiven for that. Reign of Love doesn't really do anything for me, I consider it as a nothing song.]

5. Postcards from Far Away (2008) (Prospekt's March) [Annoyingly pointless once again, you know, a bit like the track "Parachutes". Don't get me wrong, I love the way the piano is being played, but it's too short, I want there to be more content in it.)

6. Don't Let It Break Your Heart (2011) (Mylo Xyloto) [Yet again, a nothing special song to me, I don't like the drum pattern, and the way good ol' Chris sings it. Just doesn't do anything for me.]

7. Another's Arms (2014) (Ghost Stories) [starts off promising, and I like the solo, but other than that, the lyrics, and the way he sings annoys me, it gets a bit repetitive with the "Another's arms-another's arms" and he sounds so depressing in this one, like not the usual soothing voice. But he most likely did that on purpose to add the effect, still don't like it all that much though.]

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Man, this was a lot harder than I thought, especially for the first 3 albums. Like most everyone else, I don't hate these songs, I just don't listen to them often, but my least favorite of all of these is Another's Arms.


1. Parachutes (Parachutes)

2. A Whisper (A Rush of Blood to the Head)

3. X&Y (X&Y)

4. Lost! (Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends)

5. Princess of China (Mylo Xyloto)

6. Another's Arms (Ghost Stories)


And for all of you freaking out about other people's opinions....r-e-l-a-x.

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Here's my list:


:parachutes: Parachutes- Parachutes

:arobtth: A Rush of Blood to the Head- God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

:x&y: X&Y- Til' Kingdom Come

:viva: Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends- Reign of Love

:mx: Mylo Xyloto- Princess of China

:gs: Ghost Stories- Ink


I also noticed that Another's Arms is on so many people's lists, I think it's one of the best songs on Ghost Stories.

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Yea I'm not sure what it is about Another's Arms that makes it my least favorite. I think it's just the fact that it's one that I regularly skip over, but I can't quite put a finger on it. If we include the "deluxe" version, I think I'd make All Your Friends my least favorite. It seems like Princess of China is pretty close to unanimous for MX though!

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Mine :


:parachutes: Parachutes- High Speed

:arobtth: A Rush of Blood to the Head- Green Eyes

:x&y: X&Y- Til Kingdom Come

:viva: Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends- Life In Technicolor

:mx: Mylo Xyloto- Princess of China

:gs: Ghost Stories- O

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Yea I'm not sure what it is about Another's Arms that makes it my least favorite. I think it's just the fact that it's one that I regularly skip over, but I can't quite put a finger on it. If we include the "deluxe" version, I think I'd make All Your Friends my least favorite. It seems like Princess of China is pretty close to unanimous for MX though!


Yeah, I'm a little bit surprised that people aren't attacking me when I listed Ink. People attacked grids when he listed Politik.

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  • 7 years later...

My least favorite:

Parachutes: Shiver

A Rush of Blood to the Head: A Whisper

X&Y: all the first half except the title track and the two first track of the second part

Viva La Vida or Death and All his Friends: Chinese Sleep Chant

Mylo Xyloto: All the songs except the three singles (Paradise, Every Teadrop is a Waterfall, Princess of China)

Ghost Stories: Magic

A Head Full of Dreams: Hymn of the Weekend

Everyday Life: Orphans

Music of the Spheres: People to the Pride

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