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Is there a God?


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No, it is a way to control insecure people. And then, that insecure people spread it to the rest of the people... If there were any God we would still believe in Zeus, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles... Nowadays religion is a trademark... Pope ''wants'' us to help poor people while in his hand there is a swagger stick made by gold and lives in a ''''''house'''''' with gold walls.


Believe in UFOs is weird, but believe in a zombie who help people is so sane...

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Personally I don't believe in a "God" of any kind. It's not the way I was brought up, my parents never pressured me with religion or discouraged me. In school I did RE until year 10 (age 15) and by age 12 I had decided there was no God.


I'll explain why and I'll try to word this so I don't annoy anyone.


I just see people saying "Oh God did it" as a bit of an easy way out of explaining something they don't know. As humans we are always looking to explain the un explainable, this is an easy way out.


The religious people who I knew and who went to my schools always shoved their religious beliefs down everybodies throat and tried to convert them, and when they did not agree they began to name call and in several cases(once towards me) wished diseases (in my case cancer upon myself and my family), not a very Christian thing to do. And that was the main thing that put me off, believe what the hell you want but don't force it infront of me. I don't go around telling people God doesn't exist blah blah blah. I'm not saying all religious people are like that by the way!


There is no proof of him/her/it existing, whereas there is proof for The Big Bang and Evolution and to me science is top - dog.


But anyway, my point is, does it matter?? As long as people keep their opinions to themselves unless asked about them (much like this thread) and religion doesn't cause arguments, who really cares?? I have Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Hindu and Catholic friends and we all believe in one thing, people shouldn't get so wound up by religion and "God" and believe in whatever you want as long as you're happy with it and it works for YOU.

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"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."

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