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Is there a God?


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I think you know my religious views so I'm just gonna be straight out with it. I believe that there are certain things that are not meant to be explained. While science may back itself up, for me that doesn't cut it. I think science is all well and good, but to me, it's a human creation. Everything is based in theories which humans themselves have created. To get this across think of it like time.


We measure time with 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in and hour, 24 hours in a day, and so on. All that works on paper, but who's to say that is the way it works? Somewhere out in space time may be measured completely differently by some alien species. By all human knowledge life is carbon based, but for all we know somewhere out there there are creatures made of some element we've never even heard of.


What I'm getting at is that we're very very small. We don't have all the answers. To many that's sort of a scary thought I think. For me, I think there is so much out there we don't know. Different planes of existence we can't even dream of. To me that points towards God. In a world full of questions it feels right. While it's impossible to prove God's there I don't feel like I need to. To me that's a big part of faith. When you don't have to see or have logic to believe something. For me, that is when something feels "right".


I'm sure a lot of people feel differently, but this is me, putting my understanding of it all into a paragraph of mumbled text. If you don't like it, don't bother to try to change it cause you will not succeed. I will not hesitate to delete this post if I feel an argument is arising. I don't want to have a big seminar with anyone. You asked why I believed so there it is. I hope it gives a unique point of view:)

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I don't believe in God. I was brought up Christian, but I just never felt a connection or like there was something there. Though I'm not a major fan of the church at the moment, I do quite like the fact that I was brought up in a christian school.... I say that like there was a choice, lol. Most elementary and high schools are christian, haha.



That's just me.

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I'm looking for purely logical arguments, nothing clouded with a vehicle of worship, because there is no hierarchy of religion, so those by default are invalid.


Not to trod upon religion. It's just that those are a set of beliefs, not logic.


I should have specified.

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I'm looking for purely logical arguments, nothing clouded with a vehicle of worship, because there is no hierarchy of religion, so those by default are invalid.


Not to trod upon religion. It's just that those are a set of beliefs, not logic.


I should have specified.


I think it's hard to put logic on religion because unlike most things it doesn't really worry about that. That always complicates these kind of debates I think:shrug:


Edit: yeah what Abracadabra said.

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There is hardly any logic when it comes to thinking about the existence of God. And the word 'believe' implies you think something is true/untrue without the need for logical explanation.


Yeah, I was thinking that earlier and shouldn't have used that word. Oh well.

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I also don't think logic and religion go together. Religion is about feeling and logic is about thinking.

That's why I do believe in God but I don't call myself a christian (anymore): I don't feel it. Never have.


I said yes because I believe that some things have gotten a little extra help. Someone once told a fish to live on land and grow some feet.

And well, no one has ever proved he doesn't exist.


I don't like churches or their rules and I don't pray.


I think heaven is when dead people can find peace in their death: when they have done well enough on earth and therefore don't feel the need to live anymore to sort their shit out.


But yeah, this isn't exactly logic either...

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I don't think that religion and logic are incompatible. It just doesn't come easily for the majority of religious people to use logic. They never have to, and admittedly, in the Christian faith, that is a device of the church. It has been for a long time.


It's not like there haven't been people who used logic to argue for the existence of God before.

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There was this group of scientists I've read about that did an experiment on themselves a few years ago, inducing clinical death for a moment and having a shot of adrenaline injected to their heart afterwards and then they could tell what they've been through while in that state. That's the closest answer you can get to this question, I guess.

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So, what do you think?


My opinion is that God exists. But the way we define God is a critical flaw in the framework of our broken institution of religion. The fable that God is a personified, bearded super-denizen perched upon a cloud of grace and benevolence is absurdly egocentric and grossly irresponsible.


God is not a human, God does not have conscience. God is the origin of the universe, and I think science and every cookie-cutter religion can agree on that.


We're here for some reason, and that reason is a very complex reaction: One that God initiated, but didn't necessarily oversee. "God" being a particle, or a source of mass and energy. Ironically, it's religion that's getting in the way of God.


That's my view, anyway. It's not worth anything more than anyone else's.

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Sometimes I thought about this so often that I gave myself a migraine.


I just don't care at all anymore. If someone's on their soap box arguing that their religion is the only true one, I'll listen, but it won't affect my standing. I don't know, I'll die without ever knowing. And that's fine with me as long as I stick around with the people I love and do something for the people that are less fortunate than me.


EDIT: I also don't believe anyone should feel guilty for being unsure if they're doing the right thing in life. I refuse to believe in any god who knows you were a good and loving person and will persecute you anyway for just not identifying with his religion.

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I agree with dee

my meaning of life is simply to find happiness, why over complicate everything?

I don't really believe there's an afterlife when I'm dead my conscience is gone and I'm just going to be eaten by worms so I don't see the point in having faith in a God.

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