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Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport

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Boeing 777 plane crash-lands at San Francisco airport


A Boeing 777 aircraft has crash-landed at San Francisco international airport.


There is no word so far on casualties. Pictures posted on Twitter showed passengers jumping down the inflatable emergency slides and leaving the area, as plumes of smoke rise from the plane. The aircraft operated by the South Korean airline Asiana had taken off from Seoul.


Firefighters and rescue teams are at the scene. The cause of the emergency is not known. There were reportedly 12 crew and 290 passengers on board - the Boeing 777 can carry as many as 300 passengers.


While the sequence of events remains unclear, it appeared the plane landed and then crashed on San Francisco International Airport's Runway 28, said Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown. Footage of the scene showed debris strewn on the runway and smoke pouring from the jet.


Passenger David Eun tweeted a picture of people jumping out of the plane and wrote: "I just crash landed at SFO. Tail ripped off. Most everyone seems fine. I'm ok. Surreal..."


Mr Eun, who describes himself as a "digital media guy" and "frequent flier", added: "Fire and rescue people all over the place. They're evacuating the injured. Haven't felt this way since 9/11."


A witness to the crash, Ki Siadatan, said the plane "looked out of control" as it came in to land. "We heard a 'boom' and saw the plane disappear into a cloud of dust and smoke," he told the BBC. "There was then a second explosion."


He saw events unfold from the balcony of his home in the Millberry area of San Francisco, which overlooks the airport. Asiana is South Korea's second-largest airline.



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2 People confirmed dead. I read that the tires bursted and plane just collapsed.


Considering this was the 2nd 777 in history to have been damaged, human error is definitely a factor. I can guess 3 scenarios:


1. Rate of Descent was steep (exceeding 400-1000fpm)

2. Tires were improperly inflated and or faulty landing gear

3. The plane was a tad heavy

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2 chinese dead - their dead bodies were found on the runway - they had probably been sitting in the rear part of the airplane.


3 - 5 other passengers are in a critical state.


News from TV2 News (Sunday at news, live at 10:30 central European time)

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San Francisco crash Boeing 'tried to abort landing'




San Francisco crash Boeing 'tried to abort landing'


The Boeing 777 that crash-landed at San Francisco airport was "significantly below" its target speed near the runway and the pilot tried to abort the landing, US investigators say.


The pilot was flying into San Francisco for the first time at the controls of a 777, Asiana Airlines says. The flight from Seoul with 307 people fell short of the runway on Saturday, killing two and injuring dozens. The aircraft apparently hit a sea wall, ripping off its tail. Passengers and crew escaped down emergency slides as it burst into flames.


Asiana confirmed that two female Chinese teenagers died in the crash. They had been seated at the back of the aircraft. They are believed to be the first-ever fatalities in a Boeing 777 crash.


San Francisco's coroner is currently trying to establish whether one of the two fatalities occurred after a passenger was run over by an emergency vehicle rushing to the scene of the crash. At a news conference on Sunday, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) chief Deborah Hersman said aircraft speed was below the planned 137 knots (158mph; 254km/h) as it approached the runway.


Citing information both from the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, she said there was a call to increase the speed about two seconds before the impact. The pilot then requested to abort the landing and "go around", Ms Hersman added.


"We have to take another look at the raw data and corroborate it with radar and air traffic information to make sure we have a very precise speed. But again, we are not talking about a few knots here or there. We're talking about a significant amount of speed below 137," she said.


Asked about possible reasons for this, Ms Hersman stressed that "everything is on the table" and "it is too early to rule anything out".


It has now emerged that although the pilot who was at the controls had nearly 10,000 flying hours - only 43 hours of those were on a Boeing 777. Asiana Airlines said that Lee Kang-kook was assisted by another pilot who had more experience flying that type of aircraft.


Although he had flown into San Francisco 29 times at the controls of other types of aircraft, this was the first time he was doing so at the controls of a Boeing 777. In a separate development, US officials confirmed that a navigation system helping pilots make safe descents was turned off for maintenance at San Francisco airport.


The Glide Path is used for landings in bad weather conditions; however, it was clear and sunny when the Asiana Airlines aircraft crashed on Saturday. The twin-engine Boeing 777 has a good safety record for long-haul and is used by many major carriers.


The only previous notable crash occurred when a British Airways plane landed short of the runway at London's Heathrow Airport in 2008.



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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm5JGX2or-s]San Francisco TV Station Exposing Names Of Asiana Pilots | Asiana Pilots names from KTVU News - YouTube[/ame]


Ho Lee Fuk! KVTU fooled with fake, racist names of Asiana Airlines Flight 214 pilots


In what might be the most embarrassing breach of journalistic standards in recent memory, Bay Area based KVTU fell victim to a prankster and reported fake, racist names for the pilots aboard Asiana Airlines Flight 214, which crashed in San Francisco on Saturday, killing three people and injuring 180 more.


Making matters even worse, the anchor read the names — which were obviously fake — without flinching. KVTU then took those matters that had already been made even worse and made them even even worse by reporting that the NTSB confirmed the names — a claim the NTSB has since denied.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFDwgJa7JOI]Channel 2 News apology for incorrect names of the - YouTube[/ame]



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