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What's the worst thing you've ever seen on the internet?


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  • 3 months later...




I was just randomly clicking my way through /b/ because why not lol



and then some funny person decided to post some content from the'dark web'. If y'all don't know what the dark web is, it's basically a part of the internet you can only gain access to if you have a special browser. And this special kind of web basically contains everything that is bad in this world, because everything's anonymous and you can't get into trouble if you sell your drugs/weapons/slaves on there.


ANYWAYS, when I scrolled to said post I saw a bunch of old people getting kinky with a corpse, and someone strangling a baby.







*stares at wall for the next 3 hours*

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  • 4 months later...

Ahhhh the videos I've seen today, all these unfortunate humans...


Reddits WatchPeopleDie subreddit is an addicting place, once that morbid curiosity kicks in.



It makes me appreciate life even more.


My advice to you,


if you ever get children, watch them CLOSELY, you never know where they might wander off to.

If you drive behind a truck, leave extra space, you never know what they're carrying.

Be extremely cautious in traffic, it's a fucking death trap.

Stay out of angry mobs, you might get caught in a mad hassle and get... handled very badly.


Oh yeah, and humans, avoid those. They like to kill you in the most unpredictable, unimaginable and abhorrent ways. Better stay inside and never leave the house.


Wait, no, actually...

you might set yourself on fire accidentally and slowly burn to death, or break your neck while showering and slipping ... or electrocute yourself with a damaged cable, and THEN burn to death.

The possibilities are frustratingly endless




Life is beautiful, enjoy it while you can :wacky:

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This subreddit makes me abhor it from its name alone :stunned:

I hate listening to accounts of fatal accidents, especially when they are weird. You can die in so many, many, ways, more than one can possibly think of and it can happen any moment. It's scary. By the way, my advice: Don't use escalators ! The most horrible things can happen there, and more often than one would think they do !

But I try to reassure myself by telling myself that we live in a beautiful world, yeah we do, yeah we do....only, I never really believe in that, tbh. :(

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Talking about /b/, I keep stumbling across these gore/"rekt"/ISIS threads full of people getting executed or morbidly wounded and other stuff like that lately. A few days ago, I decided to have a look at the videos in one of these threads just out of curiosity and there was some footage of a person litterally split in half by an explosion and checking if the legs were still there... only to find his splattered guts. Never again.

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