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I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt my mum and I put granny in a cardboard box (with her agreement), it was a smallish box so she had to curl up tight (which she could do cos she was VERY thin), and then we put some bags of her fave sweets on top, and then her hen (yes, a brown hen, comb and all :lol: ), pushed it all down flat and put the lid on and a weight on top to hold it all in. Then we left her to die. :o Good idea, we thought. Granny seemed to be happy with this too. :confused: She also had a huge German Shepherd dog which was dangerous. So we plotted to get rid of him somehow. But all the time I was feeling SO bad about being cruel to poor granny, so I persuaded my mum (who wasn't keen at all and wanted us to leave her there) to let granny out and maybe put her in a home if we couldn't have her. The dog could go to the dog's home. So I went downstairs to let her out but she'd GOT out somehow and was walking about with a very flushed face saying it was so hot in there she needed a breath of fresh air! So I told her she'd been reprieved and she just said 'Oh that's nice dear' and I woke up! :lol: The men in white coats will be here soon ....... :confused:

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I had a really weird dream the other night :stunned:


my friend was doing his work experience as a priest :stunned: :lol: and me and a couple of my friends were in the church but we sat on the organ and made that horrible sound and that continued the whole way through my dream :rolleyes: but he dropped the candles and the church went up in flames but we all saw this as normal....then when I was walking out of the church while it was burning, I ran into an old friend of mine who I wasn't really on good terms with and we had a big blow out and ALL my friends except one left me to go with her then I was walking past a big house and a giant arm pulled me in and it was the big brother house :stunned: and Colin Farrell was in it...then I woke up :dozey: :confused: :stunned:

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I had a dream that this guy built a fake world... I guess kinda like the matrix... but simple. Anyway, we all went to live in it and the guy's monster robot thing attacked us... we had to fly out of the world, find this magic thing (don't know what it was) and killed it with that.

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I often have weird dreams, but they aren't about people who've already died. But then I guess I don't that many people who have died.





My weird dreams aren't usually baout people, either, but more often about distorted or alternate realities. For example, I had a glass of wine before sleep two nights ago and dreamt that the sky was yellow and as a result the way we interact with everything and everybody changed. It was a dreary, burnt yellow, and with this yellow sky came a general hazy feel to everything. People didn't interact with each other much because they just wanted to get indoors as soon as possible.


Did I mention I dropped a tab in my win before I drank it?


I guess that's an important detail.

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I always have weird/disturbing dreams. Like several nights ago I dreamed about this freaky serial killer filled house where they butchered people and ate them after baking them into dishes. Another time I dreamed about being trapped in this game where they tortured people.


As for better dreams, I dreamed my dad called me down to the tv to watch a Sentenced music video (for Grave Sweet Grave-- I even remember the song even if they never did a video for it). We then started talking about the band and the guitarist's snobbiness.


Weird, since in real life my dad dislikes my musical taste and we seldom have in depth conversations... and never on stuff like celebs.

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Wow, glad I started some interest here :D It just goes to show that we all probably have really weird stuff going on in our subconscious that we wouldn't usually acknowledge as being our own thoughts.


Anybody read Dennis Wheatley and his black magic stuff like The Devil Rides Out? He explains dreams as it is our spirits which rise out of ourselves while we sleep and go on adventures, always attached to our bodies by a golden thread. If something breaks that thread, we die in our sleep :o It explains how we meet people we know in our dreams, but often behave differently with them, and them with us - because the 'spirit' being is not aware that it has a life on earth, in a body. Gripping stuff! He wrote historical novels too, but I didn't read them.

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I had a strange dream last night... It was like watching a video, because I was neither watching myself or was myself :confused: I was looking through the doorway of my kitchen at the dining room and T.V room, and the people on this music channel were announcing The Scientist video. First they were praising Coldplay and the video, then finally announced that it was coming on. And then I heard the first two notes of Trouble and woke up. :confused:

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I dreamed last night. More than one thing, but it ended up with me being in this big house in the middle of this big field. Then a tornado pops up. Everything is ok. Then another pops up. Then everything is ok. Then another pops up and comes straight towards us. I figured it was miles wide. Everything turns dark, then I wake up.


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i'm jealous of all your dreams, and i don't need to be under the influence of substances or even SUGAR to have the dreams that don't makes sence. I keep having this reoccuring dream where i wake up in my bed and it disapeares and i'm left standing in this long white night gown and i'm walking towards my bedroom door to get out but it's sinking into my floor like sand, and so is my window.. then my floors turn into this really thick dark grass and my walls crumble away into this thic dark dense forest, and a i'm facing a single flower, but the flower is growing so huge.. and eventually it gets so big i get pinned between it's stem and a tree, and it kills me. BUT the thing that frieghtens me the most is when i die i'm so content :/


and if i'm not dreaming of that i'm dreaming of gas trucks blowing up, or me throwing chairs out of hotel windows.... a long time dream of mine now :smug:

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Guest LiquidSky
Oh, and my granny AND my mum died years and years ago. Granny never had a hen or a dog ......


I need a brain transplant. :huh:



When my grandpa died; everybody was crying (I didn't see him take his last breath) but I saw him at the funeral...& I didn't cry or anything like that and for some reason, while I was watching him face to face at the funeral....I kept thinking that it wasn't my grandpa... :o main point is that I didn't give him any tears or crying & when I went back to my room I could feel someone was there (I couldn't see them, but I felt there was someone there)....for some reason I thought they were mad...'cause I could feel their eyes on me....I had to sleep w/the lights on for months....until one day someone touched me & I freaked out & I tried to get out of that room & for whatever reason I couldn't open it :stunned: & I started crying like never before and finally the door opened and I ran out to my brother's room and slept there for like an hour...then I got calmed and went back to my room & when I slept, I dreamt that my grandpa was giving me a hug....



some ppl say that when you dream of ppl you knew & are death, they are usually trying to tell you something & want to communicate w/you.....


my mom was like "Did he say anything to you" & I'm like "Mom, I know I look calm & everything, but I was aware that there was someone in there.....I didn't wanted to make a big deal out of it since you guys didn't noticed anything but deep inside that kind of stuff does freaks me out...." & then my brother goes "I've been trying to comunicate w/him, why wasn't it me?" and I'm like :stunned: :stunned: :stunned:

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