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What Are Your Thoughts On Coldplay's Music Videos?


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Guest diogo_sg
I hardly ever watch music videos these days, but when I did I watched every Coldplay video that had been released at that point (which was everything before GS). Still haven't bothered to watch all of the GS ones. But they had some really good and enjoyable videos during their career.



The Scientist


Violet Hill (Dancing politicians)





True Love


Princess of China (seriously, did they even know the difference between Indian and Chinese Mythology? Jesus Christ)

Charlie Brown (though there are cool visuals)

The Hardest Part (it's a nice idea for a music video, but it doesn't exactly suit the song)


Btw here's an alternative Paradise video directed by Shynola. I think that Hype Williams was initially going to direct the Paradise video but for whatever reason the band wasn't satisfied with it.



You've got to admit the released Paradise video, with the elephants and such, is pretty damn remarkable and iconic. I'm glad they released it instead of the one with the girl.

Btw where can I find the alternative ASFOS video?

http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpXe_Yw24_o

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ASFOS 1 is pretty awful hahahahaha I mean, I see why people like it, but the visuals are only ho hum and when Chris starts levitating?! It is horrendously cheesy and poorly executed. But part two isn't much better... If the music video had a silly acoustic version that actually matched the instruments they are carrying down the street that would have been really cool. Not saying that it is bad, but not great either. Doesn't help that the song sucks too.


Coldplay's videos have been on the decline ever since the amazing VLV era: Strawberry Swing is one of the best videos EVER made. Loved Paradise and the stop motion of ETIAW, but Charlie Brown and PoC were unbearable. Same with True Love. Huge let down with no emotion, gravity, humour, or originality.


Here's to hoping for a great next era :D

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Yikes, another video from CP


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AOALvideo?src=hash">#AOALvideo</a> November 27

<a href="https://t.co/VynjcZ2XeG">https://t.co/VynjcZ2XeG</a></p>— Coldplay (@coldplay) <a href="https://twitter.com/coldplay/status/664851751627943937">November 12, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Another one for the stinker bin imo.

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