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Personal Coldplay Song Interpretation

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This site does a fantastic job in reporting on and discussing Coldplay news. I feel more division in this community forming since Mylo Xyloto. (New Coldplay vs "Oldplay"). I think, as a fan site/forum, we ought to talk about why we are fans, not what's wrong with someone else being one. Arguments like "you can't be a fan if you don't like their new/old material/a particular album" come to mind. So as a follow up to my "Why Coldplay?" question, I wish to discuss any and all of the Coldplay material. I ask, what is your personal interpretation of any one (or multiple) of their songs. Not what you think Chris Martin meant when he wrote it, but rather what you feel they mean to you. Why is that song/are those songs so meaningful to you? How do those lyrics/musical composition apply to your life? Get as personal as you would like, from the gist to the details and let's bask in the beauty of all of Coldplay's songs.

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I was supposed to change my school and i really didn't want to, i hated them. Then, i heard AROBTTH and... I just can't explain that feeling i felt, it was really awesome giving me courage and comfort... Sorry my english may be lil bad or something....

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Coldplay songs and albums m to me are linked to memories of my lifetime. My parents always played each album the second it came out non stop. That being said, Viva la Vida brings back strong memories of my trip to the Canadian Atlantic provinces, Mylo Xyloto reminds me of cold winter mornings driving to school with my dad, clocks reminds me of when I had karaoke sessions on weekend nights with my sister, Yellow reminds me of the nights my dad used to take out his guitar and play all he knew.

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Personally, Fly On (or O I guess) is one of the most personal songs to me. It is the only song to this day I've cried to just because. I remember sitting in my bed in a dark room and tears just coming down my cheeks for no particular reason, and I'm not one to cry. That being said that little cry did relieve a lot of stress at the time.

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Great thread idea! I had a bad car accident in 2004 and had to have back surgery in 2005. While I was in horrible pain before surgery, Coldplay did a Live Leak show in Times Square for X & Y. I can't tell you how many times I played the album while in bed to distract from my pain. Viva came out just before my second back surgery and helped me through that one. By the time MX came out I vowed I would see them live. I did and had to have jaw injections after due to pain triggered by the vibrations and singing and smiling (had jaw surgery after accident too and chronic jaw pain.). That accident may have taken away my livelihood, but listening to Coldplay and watching their humanity has given me back something happy in life and gotten me through the dark. " in the night...she dreams of Para, Para, Paradise"!

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This is a great thread!


While there are lots of songs by Coldplay that have special meaning to me one that I'm listening to a lot of right now is O (Fly On) It seems that on the surface it really feels like a song of letting go. I remember watching the Zane Lowe interview and hearing Chris say it was difficult for him to hear it. For me personally I think it's a song of letting go and just dealing with disappointment. If I can take an educated guess as to what it might mean to Chris I think it may be something to do with death ( Maybe one day I'll fly next to you) I know you said don't take a guess as to what it means for Chris but i could not help it as to me it seems that way because I think it may be one of the saddest songs they have ever written. It's a very emotional song which for me makes it beautiful and one of my favourite by Coldplay.

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