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Coldplay inspired bedroom ideas?


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are you/is she looking for stuff to put or paint on walls/hang up on ceiling or something else?


bedroom ideas


Oh god I read that in a really NSFW manner HAHAH :uhoh:


this isn't the c/j thread, thalia :rolleyes:



although this reminds me of the time Chris got asked about Jonny as a bandmate and thought the interviewer said bedmate :P


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are you/is she looking for stuff to put or paint on walls/hang up on ceiling or something else?




this isn't the c/j thread, thalia :rolleyes:



although this reminds me of the time Chris got asked about Jonny as a bandmate and thought the interviewer said bedmate :P


Yes, any type of Coldplay themes would be great!



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I would add a little area with any special coldplay items, like your CD Collection, Vinyls, Xylobands, concert tickets, confetti, and etc. and decorate it with some LED lights around it. Maybe above that little shrine area, add some really nice band pics or posters and such!


On my ceiling, I have some album art I made. For each album cover, I just drew it myself or did my own version of it. It hangs nicely over my bed!

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I would add a little area with any special coldplay items, like your CD Collection, Vinyls, Xylobands, concert tickets, confetti, and etc. and decorate it with some LED lights around it. Maybe above that little shrine area, add some really nice band pics or posters and such!


On my ceiling, I have some album art I made. For each album cover, I just drew it myself or did my own version of it. It hangs nicely over my bed!

As solar fairy lights are now so readily available, and cheap, you can leave the solar panel on your bedroom window and arrange the lights around your 'shrine'. Then every night they are twinkling as you enter your room and you can re-live the concerts ( especially Ghost Stories) and just switch them off when you want to sleep. Remember to switch them on each morning for recharging. Saves buying batteries or using electricity.

Also my FOL t-shirt arrived in the post this morning......... I don't think I'll ever take it off.

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