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The Snow Patrol Thread


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This is going to sound incredibly noobish, but is there any news at all on the new album? I know they're trying a more 'electronic' feel with it, but that's pretty much all I know...

No, none except that Gary is suffering from writer's block... :confused: He said he would update us about the recording on his newly created tumblr account, but apart from a blurry pic of Garrett Lee, nothing: http://icanhover.tumblr.com/

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+10000 My english is not as advanced to understand if there is any 'word game' behind it... :thinking: We should add that to the 100 things we already want to ask him... :lol:

As for the titles..grey->black... awesome G :dozey: :laugh3:

well, i'm trying not to read too much into it. especially when i know that the hover effect is quite common on websites. but it was a thought.


but if it's not about that hover effect, it might be a metaphor related to his name since he is "The Lightbody", as you usually put it so well ;), that technically means he can hover in the air. :D


....or it may not really mean anything at all. :P


i kinda hate that he is in states right now, cause he mostly posts when im asleep.

time differences arent so big when he's in UK.... :|


Yeah but on the other hand, you have a new post when you wake up :awesome:

what Aurelie said!!! hehe

it's like being woken up with a bacon sandwich & a nice cup of tea... :D

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but if it's not about that hover effect, it might be a metaphor related to his name since he is "The Lightbody", as you usually put it so well ;), that technically means he can hover in the air. :D

:lol: nice one! But I've always thought of his name as :


light= esclave-ou-dieu-lumiere-CdL310.gif





it's like being woken up with a bacon sandwich & a nice cup of tea... :D

Well, just when I say that and..NO blog this morning :bigcry: I'm very disapointed gL! :whip: (it's not even a week he started this thing and we're already greedy....)



Pablo says: tsss...Gary....the fans want a tumblr post now...wake up!!!



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Yooooo..I'm tumblring again....!




Waking up and TWO posts from the Lightbody.... :awesome: Nice U2 ones but not really informativ...the second one makes me :thinking:


watching Gonzo (the life and work of Hunter S Thompson) last night and took a picture of the tv. hunter is the patron saint of the record we’re making right now. not sure he’d be over joyed to hear that but (unfortunately) he’s not around to offer an objection. he once said this about the music business:


“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”



The quote about the music business don't surprised me as Gary often talks about it being a jungle full of sharks-> frustrated here about you record company mr G???

but the 'Hunter being the album's patron saint' makes me wonder more... what is he trying to say with this?? I googled Hunter and he was a journalist known for making subjectiv reportages while heavy on booze and drugs.... So does that mean that gL is back on it too?? :confused: I hope it's just the subjectiv side of it....

Arf, I'm reading too much into this....!



we are so spoiled now :lol:

I woke up in the morning and...and...no new post? GARY HOW COULD YOU?? :blank:

Thought the EXACT same thing! :laugh3:

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:laugh3: or he's got a crappy iphone.... :P


i still dont' think he's got an iPhone himself...unless he caved in or someone got him one to replace that cracked Nokia since X'mas 2009. in which case, *ahem* who was it who said he didn't want a phone that's as powerful as a computer once upon a time? :P


never thought about that post of his as an indication that he's back on the drink/drugs while recording actually. thought it was more a dig at the industry + his approach to journalism (cos i do believe that once upon a time Gary probably wanted to be a journalist, if not be in a band...hence his choice of uni degree + all the writing he still does now blogging on SP.com & writing for Q mag).



oh...& i keep laughing imagining a glowing/shining Gary (your earlier post about what you associate his name with). :lol:

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EDIT: OMG that documentary is amazing :bomb: :')




Thx for posting your edit muzika!! I was checking the thread before going to bed and your edit made me go like : :inquisitive: -> :idea2: -> :stunned: -> :bomb: First a tumblr account with (almost) daily updates and now THIS :bomb: gL, you're OUR joy!!! :heart:


This documentary is AWESOME!!! SOER is my favorite Reindeer album and it's nice to be able to put face on names! So cool to see them all so young (hahaha Richard playing triangle or Iain with his steal (?) lap guitar <3) and 'naive'....so full of pure enthousiasm....It's really touching! what a contraste with gL previous comments on the dark side of the industry...

And there's some cracking moments... Gary singing 'suck my balls and tell me that you looove meee....' :laugh3:


I'll end with this:


G lyrics from probably my favorite song on the album..where I fall...



and this baby face :blush: ....so young and already a genius! Seriously how he managed to pull it all together (half drunk all the time :P )






bonus: to illustrate his 'malnutrition' comment...






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Great documentary, heavy Scottish ascent, cant fully understand though. :P:P

+1000 :lol: but I managed to understand quite alright...(used to it since spending hours of listening to the following scots with strong accents: Paolo Nutini, Biffy, Franz Ferdinand....)


I wonder if it was his bedroom..... Love the reindeer sticker on his guitar (and his reindeer t-shirt at some point, it's nice! )




It kinda look like Jonny & Chris old flat in Camden!



Picture from studio!! :rolleyes:

He's still taking pics of the outside... WE WANT TO SEE INSIDE THE BLOODY THING :bomb:


Can't wait for their new album!! :laugh3::laugh3:


Me too :awesome:



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+1000 :lol: but I managed to understand quite alright...(used to it since spending hours of listening to the following scots with strong accents: Paolo Nutini, Biffy, Franz Ferdinand....)


I wonder if it was his bedroom..... Love the reindeer sticker on his guitar (and his reindeer t-shirt at some point, it's nice! )




It kinda look like Jonny & Chris old flat in Camden!


He's still taking pics of the outside... WE WANT TO SEE INSIDE THE BLOODY THING :bomb:



I already re-watched a couple of times, still have partially remain ? :embarrassed:


Never notice that sticker if u never mention it. Nice eyes! Not sure too, but i have a feeling that it was his bedroom. :laugh3::laugh3:


Since Gary is so hardworking to update his tumblr so frequent, i guess picture of outside studio just nice. Can't be too greedy, my dear! :P:laugh3::laugh3:

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Never notice that sticker if u never mention it. Nice eyes! Not sure too, but i have a feeling that it was his bedroom. :laugh3::laugh3:

Eyeeeee of the tiiiiiiiiiigeeeer........... :D :sneaky:


Since Gary is so hardworking to update his tumblr so frequent, i guess picture of outside studio just nice. Can't be too greedy, my dear! :P:laugh3::laugh3:

And while gL is tumblring about the OUTSIDE (:dozey: ) of the studio....Nathan is..





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Thx for posting your edit muzika!! I was checking the thread before going to bed and your edit made me go like : :inquisitive: -> :idea2: -> :stunned: -> :bomb: First a tumblr account with (almost) daily updates and now THIS :bomb: gL, you're OUR joy!!! :heart:


im glad to have helped :nice:

and yes...he is our joy....




The last picture he posted with moon and sun seriously left me speechless. i just stared at it for a few minutes. I mean...that man is beautiful in so many ways...

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The last picture he posted with moon and sun seriously left me speechless. i just stared at it for a few minutes. I mean...that man is beautiful in so many ways...

+1000000000 he is. I really admired his talent and passion for everything, how he cares about things... It really shows in the documentary.



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He is the 'light body'...! Proof with this pic I took @the Olympia...








he shines!!! Gary's a vampire!!! :shocked: (right, that's my lame joke of the day quota used up... :P)


I already re-watched a couple of times, still have partially remain ? :embarrassed:


Never notice that sticker if u never mention it. Nice eyes! Not sure too, but i have a feeling that it was his bedroom. :laugh3::laugh3:


Since Gary is so hardworking to update his tumblr so frequent, i guess picture of outside studio just nice. Can't be too greedy, my dear! :P:laugh3::laugh3:


+1000 :lol: but I managed to understand quite alright...(used to it since spending hours of listening to the following scots with strong accents: Paolo Nutini, Biffy, Franz Ferdinand....)


I wonder if it was his bedroom..... Love the reindeer sticker on his guitar (and his reindeer t-shirt at some point, it's nice! )




It kinda look like Jonny & Chris old flat in Camden!


argh! you guys are killing me! i haven't found the time to watch it yet...all these pictures are like tasty teasers for me right now... :wacky:


& Aurelie, i agree with you. it looks a lot like a UK uni's student hall bedroom. haha :laugh2:


.....& he sleeps right next to a radiator??? pansy!!! :P


but anyway, looks like he's back to his 1-a-day bedtime (for me) / morning wake up (for most of you, i guess) Tumblr posts! :D


& his post/photo of the "toy shop"...all those POLAR BEARS!!!

also was quite sure that was a reindeer too wearing that woollen jumper, but it seems Gary thinks it's a sheep while a lot of ppl on FB think it's a moose :confused:




& his post!!! i REALLY REALLY REALLY want him to see this animated short film...about a creepy toy shop...now! if only there were a way... :inquisitive:




...so i actually went & posted on the FB post. haha (even though i know he very likely never looks at the band's FB page) :P


immediately thought of this short film when i read this post!

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can someone post that pic of the shop from tumblr cause i cant see it for some reason :confused:


he replied to someone on tumblr. YAY *is happy for that person*


is it? He replied in which post? because i can't find it :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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UNBELIEVABLE. The documentary has me crying tears of joy. My favorite album of ALL time. This is like a freaking time capsule and we are all getting a peek. I've always had a piece of my heart missing because I knew The Section never did a major tour and unfortunately 99% of fans who adore this amazing super group would never hear them live or hear enjoyable gig banters. BUT ALAS, this is GOLD. Holy holy sh*t. Thank you for posting this!!!!!!!!

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