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The mighty lions vs India Thread !!! Cricket


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Well done tp pakistan and india for giving us another great game.


I have a soft spot for Pakistan, for when it comes to cricket. As I was once one of there crowd in a World Cup Semi Final.

When it was played in Manchester, it is good to see the biggest sporting

grudge Match bring these two countries together. this morning I see a poster held by a Pakitstani fan "Lets be friends not enimies"


The crowd if you have ever been to a match or watched it on the TV, you will be able to see they love there game so much. I am so much looking forward to the other 27days of this seris. Lets hope the good spirt along with the excellent cricket continues for many years to come.


Pakistan Forever !!! Ziznabad pakistan

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is it interesting? :idea2:

Very Inresting however it would take a entartity to explain.



when your in a crowd of people who love so much what their hero's are doing its so good. I am sure we can all indentify with that.


Also this cricket seris being played and the positive spirt its being recived is a positive thing for the wider world. Both Pakistan and India have issue's that need to resloved between each other. This match truly sinigfys the good deeds of a few good men. I am sure this is better than these two countries pratically at nuclear war with each other.

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Go Australia!


Speaking of cricket, has anyone ever had to score? It's the most boringest job in the world! I scored for the girls cricket today...for the whole day! Without any breaks.

Never again....


:lol: :D :P


Did you have loads of Dot balls to mark.


I have done some scoring yep its pretty boring, but when I did it I was at me cousins club and his mates kept me entartianed.

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