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Embarrasing moments in your life


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C'mon, explain some here and get over them...


A stupid one from me:

It was last year, I had to take the train and I was in a hurry. When I was walking to the train station some people was looking at my face in a strange way. When I was in the platform, still the same... I started to think I was paranoic.

Then I meet one of my classmates and she told me: 'What the hell are you wearing in the hair?'. I looked at me in a little mirror and I had a few clips but in a bizarre way, all the hair was messed up. And the clips were old ones, horrible and rusty. I used just to clean my face and I forgot to take them out...

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*thinks hard*


Euhh... in my first weeks at High School I had the seat next to the door, so I was responsible for it being closed. One day, before our maths lesson, the guys from the other class were still locked out of their room (their teacher wasn't there yet and he had the key), so they kept messing around outside and they kept opening the door to our room. Yes, class 7 d and 7 e were foes. :stunned: Anyway, I kept closing the door after they opened it.

After a while, they were getting quite penetrant, and I didn't want to get up again and again just to keep that damn door shut, so I stood by the door and kept it shut with all my power. :P They kept trying to open it frequently, so I kept my position. After a minute or two, it got quiet...

Then, suddenly there was someone at the door again, and he kept trying to open the door. So I kept it shut and made sure he couldn't get in. However, that person was really persistent. After a while, I let go of the door to see who it might be...


It was our maths teacher!!! :stunned:


Forunately, he was a friendly guy. He just laughed and patted me on the head and then started the lesson. That was so painful, I was still new at that school. :stunned: :embarrased:

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i'm not sure if this counts....i was in grade 1 or 2 and we were eating lunch and my chair fell backwards and hit my head and everyone started laughing :embarrased: . i was so sad about it, it was embarrasing. but anytime someone falls out of their chair at school people laugh.

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A few years ago I was in a music bar with some friends, I was dancing and I fell on the floor. Don't ask how and why... A guy was in front of me, sitting close to the bar, and looked at me like --> :o . He was a famous singer of a famous band... :/ :/

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Once at a club, this girl was wearing a skirt and she was totally drunk and she fell over and couldnt get up for like 3 minutes and everyone was just staring up her skirt.


And she didnt care.


That girl, turned out to be..........


OOOooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh ME!



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Once at a club, this girl was wearing a skirt and she was totally drunk and she fell over and couldnt get up for like 3 minutes and everyone was just staring up her skirt.


And she didnt care.


That girl, turned out to be..........


OOOooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh ME!





hehehe...mmmmm...I fell over too...but I didn´t was drunk!!!!!!......that´s what botter me most...well there´s nothing I can do now...but I didn´t see the fuckin step!!!....damned it!!!

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Oh I cant take any credit, for I am 100% inspired by the lady skirt, and the mystery that it witholds, the power within the tangled plaid outlines, running up and down, side to side, folding over eachother in sweaty rhythmic patterns, hypnotising us all, making me HOT-



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Embarrasiing moments in my life;


Where do I start.... There are so many.


One highlight would be ranscaking me house once looking for me cash/dbit card. Calling up the bank to report it missing, then being asked weither it was in me pocket which it was.

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