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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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He looks adorable in that pic with his uncle.. jean jackets :) What a turn on


& that second black and white pic is awesome too


Omg.. i've only been checking out this thread for one day.. and freakin ADDICTED.

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^^ I know, I got these from some of the first pages... they weren't as pervy back then :laugh3:


^He'smiling a lot cause some girl behind them is really screaming her longs out! I think she may be dying hahaha


edit shit post at coldplay.com has a down side.... we can't use their piccies anymore!

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Does anyone have this with all the guys in it?





I will be returning the favour in october in the buckland religion thread...




Woo hooo! Thanks!









(and BTW, I just spent half hr looking around for pics of Guy, when I should've been out the door a loooong time ago!!!! Ahghhhhh:angry::square:




How about this one with all 4 of them? Or just Jonny?













Any more pics from this performance (Jonny pics) please?








Thanks! :D

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^He'smiling a lot cause some girl behind them is really screaming her longs out! I think she may be dying hahaha


this made me laugh so hard.I can picture it in the papers the next day: "Girl dies from hyperventilation. Guy Berryman charged with second degree murder"

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THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! :wink3::laugh3: :P

Oh, sorry, couldn't help myself from commenting, especially in Guy's thread!:D


HAHAHAHA ! :lol: so not what I was thinking about, you PERV ! :laugh3:


Hold onto your hats ladies!


edit: spoiler added to prevent heart attacks




i'm not joking:stunned:







OMG !!!




:dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

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Does anyone have this with all the guys in it?



How about this one with all 4 of them? Or just Jonny?



Any more pics from this performance (Jonny pics) please?


Thanks! :D


for the Jonny freak ! :P












and for the last request of Jonny pics, I posted a few links of that performance in the Multimedia forum, in the Request thread ;) (here and here)

here's some screencaps preview :


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haha good idea Chavi! :lol:




Guy (to Chris) on the peep show they attended the previous night: And her ass was THIS BIG!!!!

Chris: Incredible. Wait, say "ahhhss" again...

Guy: Ass......?

Chris: No no, it's "ahhhss."

Guy: Ehmm no I believe you're thinking of arse... as in a-r-s-e.

Chris: Why do I feel like we've had this conversation before? Talk about dejavu... *thinks of Jonny*

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^ :laugh3: Chris cracks me up when he says ARSE !


but in my mind the conversation was :

Chris : Oh come on tell me !

Guy : Hmm Okay.. mine is actually THAT big !

Chris : you kidding me, right ? :stunned:

Guy : uuh.. NO. You seen my feet dude ?!

Chris : *gutted* yeah, I have.. lucky handsome bastard ! :disappointed:



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