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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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^ I know what that's like !


Yeah, school just ruins all my Coldplay fun. I don't know what I'm gonna do once it starts...there will be no time for Guy in my day!! :cry: Ahhh what am I saying?! I'm going crazy..


edit: ok, i'm not doing a very good job of staying on task. not really making much progress on that essay-writing...

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welcome Lourey!

we've alredy been doomed or blessed with the eternity part! we can't leave here anymore!



shame about Chris'hair, but I'm thinking in just a few weeks even days he'll have a coupld of milimeters of hair and I thought That always looked good on him, maybe apple set it on fire or put gum in it so he had no choice hahaha


anyway back to the berryman!!! loving that bass thing at the beginning of GPASUYF at the bbc!

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Oh yeah hello Lory !

2 things I heard Guy say today: "yeah I am BIGGER than the rest of them":laugh3::wink3:

and he doesn't like his clothes to be dirty -interview w\ Lamacq (I think)


I would love to check out if he is bigger than the rest of them.

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