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You know, I never thought of that... that Rachel had to give up her career opportunity. But I never understood why she even had to go to Paris in the first place. I mean, I'm sure there's tons of jobs (in the field she was in) in New YorL City. I felt like they just put that Paris thing in there to make the show more suspensful..


but that's just me.


id have ton agree with ya

i mean, she live in freaking NYC!

its, maybe the second most important fashionc city in the world

she had a great job at ralph laurens!

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id have ton agree with ya

i mean, she live in freaking NYC!

its, maybe the second most important fashionc city in the world

she had a great job at ralph laurens!


Yeah, but it was LOUIS VUITTON!!!! I would leave NYC to work for Louis Vuitton. :rolleyes: :)

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Ross Schmoss... :rolleyes:


Just kidding..i was rooting for them too. They have Emma and they're so cute together...


I didn't like how they didn't play up eventual move to L.A. I guess they'll incorporate that into his beginning episodes of his series.


Something that really bothered me about the finale is that I didn't feel they made a big enough deal of Monica and Chandler finally becoming parents. Throughout the entire season, we've seen them struggle with trying to start a family, and i thought that when it finally happened, they didn't celebrate it as much as they should have, rather they skipped over it so qiuckly to concentrate on the Ross and Rachel storyline.


Understandably, the story line has always been prominently focused on Ross and Rachel, but as a series closer, i would've liked to have seen an equal close to ALL the characters. But it was still good though and it did make me shed a tear. :D

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