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Look what i found...

Sweet One

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;) Laura, hopefully you are planning to go to college? right? don't take too long of a break from school. You are young and that is the definitely the time to go to college. There will be plenty of time to work Believe me. I am there. Work is so mundane. Make certain you get as much education as you can. Like my dad says "they can't take that away from you. You will always have that." The more education you have the more money you make!!! very true. Unless you know someone or are very very lucky!


If you don't know what to do when you grow up see a counselor they can help you figure out your likes and dislikes. There are tests to see what area you should work in. Search careers on the internet. There are some cool jobs out there. I work at a college and know how important it is. Hope i don't sound like your mom. I don't mean to. it's your life. and college is fun go away to school see different cities meet new people. There is a whole lot of world out there to see and explore. Good luck sweets.

that's so sweet of you to write that to her! *gets all bubbeling inside*

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;) Laura, hopefully you are planning to go to college? right? don't take too long of a break from school. You are young and that is the definitely the time to go to college. There will be plenty of time to work Believe me. I am there. Work is so mundane. Make certain you get as much education as you can. Like my dad says "they can't take that away from you. You will always have that." The more education you have the more money you make!!! very true. Unless you know someone or are very very lucky!


If you don't know what to do when you grow up see a counselor they can help you figure out your likes and dislikes. There are tests to see what area you should work in. Search careers on the internet. There are some cool jobs out there. I work at a college and know how important it is. Hope i don't sound like your mom. I don't mean to. it's your life. and college is fun go away to school see different cities meet new people. There is a whole lot of world out there to see and explore. Good luck sweets.


Hey Holly!!! Thanks so much for looking out for me, but i am DEFINITELY GOING to university. I've already applied and am quite stressed about getting in at the moment. The reason why I'm off school is b/c here in Ontario, we need six OAC credits to be eligible for university. I already got all my credits and so, didn't have to return. I'm finished high school. Now, I've just been doing my university applications and what not, pretty much waiting. I'm gonna get a job b/c I have nothing else productive to do :D so, i'm going back to school it's just that my transition period between high school and university is longer b/c I finished earlier than others. I can't wait to go to university..i'm sure it'll be an experience i never forget....Thanks again Holly...You're so kind....love ya! :D

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Ack.... I'm going to spew out my life sory now. I quit college not long ago. You could see it as a big mistake, and it probably was, but I felt completely un-motivated and it wasn't where I wanted to be.


Where I'm at right now is not where I want to be either. It's bittersweet. I reckon I'm destined to be one of those people who goes in and out of jobs and has no real direction. I think I'm a bit of a dreamer. I'll dream it all away.


I just want to be happy, really... put me on a beach with a CD player and my favourite CDs and I'll wish my life away until my dying day..... :D

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Ack.... I'm going to spew out my life sory now. I quit college not long ago. You could see it as a big mistake, and it probably was, but I felt completely un-motivated and it wasn't where I wanted to be.


Where I'm at right now is not where I want to be either. It's bittersweet. I reckon I'm destined to be one of those people who goes in and out of jobs and has no real direction. I think I'm a bit of a dreamer. I'll dream it all away.


I just want to be happy, really... put me on a beach with a CD player and my favourite CDs and I'll wish my life away until my dying day..... :D


It sounds pretty cool i guess...but my mom will kill me if i drop out of school...and i kinda want to live... :D :lol:

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LOL! Yeah, that sounds like heaven. I haven't actually done it yet.... aaah well. Not many good beaches round here. :D


Biology, Chemistry and Maths. I wanted to drop them but they wouldn't let me, and as I wasn't prepared to sell myself out I quit. It wasn't that romantic actually.... well.... whoops.


What do you want to do at Uni?

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LOL! Yeah, that sounds like heaven. I haven't actually done it yet.... aaah well. Not many good beaches round here. :D


Biology, Chemistry and Maths. I wanted to drop them but they wouldn't let me, and as I wasn't prepared to sell myself out I quit. It wasn't that romantic actually.... well.... whoops.


What do you want to do at Uni?


There are some pretty sucky beaches here...if you want a real beach go to California! That's where they all are!! Damn them!! :D


Biology? Chemisty? Math? Those are like my worst subjects!!! Eeeww....you must be kind of a brainer than, eh??


I wanna study English or Journalism in University..it's where my heart is.. :-D

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I hated English, but now I'm thinking that I really liked it, but was ashamed to admit it. :-o


Yeah, I'm great at Maths. I'm sick of being modest, I might as well admit it, I'm a bloody brainbox when I apply myself!! :D


Hi Shoelad welcome. my name is Holly. why don't you go back to school and study something you want to do!!! be a writer. i think you would be a great writer! very thoughtful and articulate. study english or journalism. life is rough out there isn't it? Hang in there you found this site and this band so you are a smart lad!! ;) and sensitive too. how nice.

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I hated English, but now I'm thinking that I really liked it, but was ashamed to admit it. :-o


Yeah, I'm great at Maths. I'm sick of being modest, I might as well admit it, I'm a bloody brainbox when I apply myself!! :D


Hi Shoelad welcome. my name is Holly. why don't you go back to school and study something you want to do!!! be a writer. i think you would be a great writer! very thoughtful and articulate. study english or journalism. life is rough out there isn't it? Hang in there you found this site and this band so you are a smart lad!! ;) and sensitive too. how nice.


You're so great Holly.... :-D Study english and journalism like me, Tom.... :D

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Thanks Laura you're pretty great yourself. :D


i need to get back to work sorry these threads just pull me in i would so rather be chatting then working. oh well gotta pay those damn bills they come every month!!! :x


Thanks holly....i know what you mean, these threads are calling me!! :D

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i know what you all mean, i go on a math line aswell, and it's just diffucult and useless! oh well, everybody makes mistakes.... But with the math line here i can actually apply to many more further education than with the language line... argh! it's hard to explain! but anyway, i want to go to calafornia with all the beaches too!

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