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so it's pretty quiet here now....


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I can't sleep at all lately. I'm having the weirdest dreams as well... Last night's was that my 400 pound Gym teacher was trying to shave my legs during class.


The night before that was that the government was putting all the highschools in the country together and then redistributing all the kids so that we'd all meet new people. It made everyone really pissed off and it ended up with the people in charge named it the Patrick Morrison Act (my name). So then everyone was pissed with me since they thought it was my plan..


Then I have a dream that seems to happen every night where I'll think I'll wake up and my clock will say 2pm which would meen I slept in way too late... Then I'll actually wake up in real life and hurry to get dressed and shower and everything thinking that I overslept, then I'll look at my clock and it'll be anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning... It's terrible. Haven't slept well for the last week ;\.

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Then I have a dream that seems to happen every night where I'll think I'll wake up and my clock will say 2pm which would meen I slept in way too late... Then I'll actually wake up in real life and hurry to get dressed and shower and everything thinking that I overslept, then I'll look at my clock and it'll be anywhere from 6 to 8 in the morning... It's terrible. Haven't slept well for the last week ;\.



i have dreams like that a lot :stunned:

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400 pound gym teacher? Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? :lol:

My friend had this gym teacher who had a bum leg.


A bum leg? Do I even wanna know what that is? :lol:


bum leg..it was still attaced to him but useless to do anything except balance him. he drug it around basically. When he was younger it got smashed in a car accident :/

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